Jailhouse Regi-Rock

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, our campers partook in a classic field day activity. An egg and spoon race! Riolu had a plan to start strong and give his team, the Suicunes, an early lead. While it was successful, the Raikous caught up and the two teams were in a tight race for first! This left the Enteis looking like all hope was lost. However, luckily for them, BFF's Squirtle and Bulbasaur were celebrating Froakie's elimination by talking to each other nonstop and KERPLAT! The two broke their team's eggs trying to save the other, leading to both of them taking the great porcelain ride home. But last time was much more than challenges. Cyndaquil began doubting Mudkip's abilities, an alliance between Vulpix and Sprigatito was formed, and most importantly of all, Fennekin found out it was her boyfriend Litten who racked up the massive charges on her credit card. Stern words were exchanged and Fennekin seemingly put an end to their relationship! Ooh, such drama! I LOVE IT! And there's plenty more of that, today on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

(Theme song; in the spa hotel)

Togedemaru: Ahhh, it can't get much better than this. Relaxing without a care in the world. Peace and quiet. (A record scratches and he removes the cucumbers off his eyelids) Andddd then I remember this is a ruse because I'm still here on Total Drama pain in my behind.

Shinx: (runs up) MORNINGGG!! (Jumps on top of the lounge chair)

Togedemaru: GAH- What the heck, get off me! (Shoves Shinx off)

Shinx: Hey! Rude! (Happy) So I was wondering if you want to play a game with me?

Togedemaru: Why would I waste my butler reward by doing that?

Shinx: (scoffs) Sheesh. I'll leave you alone Mr. Grumpy-pants... (heads off)

Togedemaru: Hmm, I wonder how Cyndaquil is using his time?

(Outback of the spa hotel, Cyndaquil and Furfrou spin a giant jump rope as Mudkip jumps)

Mudkip: Three! Four! Five- (his leg gets snagged and he falls on his face) Oof... Dangit. Well that's it for me. Your turn Cyndaquil!

Cyndaquil: (softly) Five? That's it? Again?

(In confessional)
Mudkip: This is honestly kinda odd behavior from Cyndaquil. He said he thought jumping rope together would be fun, but he seems more interested in watching me jump rope than actually doing so himself! (Makes a puzzled face) Weird...

Furfrou: Shall we continue master Cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil: (sighs) No that's fine, I think we are good for today. We had a good warmup, right Mudkip?

Mudkip: Oh yeah totally. Now if we're all done here I'm gonna get back to sorting my TM collection. (Heads off)

Cyndaquil: (to Furfrou) I know Mudkip has strengths that lie elsewhere, but I'm just scared he's gonna get voted off if he doesn't perform better. What I'm doing here isn't wrong... is it? (Furfrou just looks unsure and shrugs).

(Elsewhere in the spa hotel)

Vulpix: WHAT!? You and Fennekin had a fight?

Litten: Yeah, ugh I'm still so frustrated about it all. I knew she could be unreasonable and overreactive, but she dumped me into the ocean and as her boyfriend. THATS RIGHT! DUMPING  TIMES TWO!!

Vulpix: That's terrible. What was this even over!?

Litten: Nothing in the grand scheme of things in her life. I bought something she wasn't thrilled about I guess.

Vulpix: Really? I mean if it's something you wanted and you had the money then what does she care?

Litten: Exactly! There was a plethora of cash, so what does it matter if I spend some of it? (Vulpix looks a little confused as Litten walks off)

(Outside the cabins)

Fidough: Alcremie! Good morning! It's been a while since we last talked huh?

Alcremie: Yeah, being on different teams does that to ya I guess.

Fidough: So... how have things been going for you?

Alcremie: (hesitates) Um, nothing much... (Pauses) What about you? How's dealing with Igglybuff?

Fidough: Ugh. Just the worst! Duh! (Riolu walks by)

Riolu: Talking about Igglybuff I hear? Yeah, good luck with her on your team. While it's true she doesn't have her pretend nice act to use anymore, I'd still try and get rid of her ASAP.

Fidough: Why's that?

Riolu: Well A, I hate her, but B, she's a little evil mastermind. The more time she's here, the more time she has to plot something dangerous.

Fidough: Yeah that's a solid point. Guess I have even more reason to vote her off now. (laughs a little)

Riolu: Ugh, speak of the devil. (Igglybuff walks up)

Igglybuff: Ha. Let me guess, you three plotting my downfall? Well I don't care, my team has plenty of other issues going on, so good luck putting the target on my back.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: You think I'd be in a bad position here, but things are honestly great. Buizel and Buneary hate Treecko and Bellossom and vice versa. Fennekin seems to be having some sort of problem now. And Sobble and Cubchoo are on MY side! So tell me, who does Fidough have against me? Oh that's right, no one!

(In the cabins)

Fennekin: (with a mix of crying and screaming) UGHHH! I CANT BELIEVE HIM! I just... what did I do to deserve this? My family HATES me because of him, and HE'S ALWAYS HATED THEM TOO!!!

Chikorita: Woah, agh! (Ducks as an alarm clock is thrown) Fennekin! Fennekin calm down, it'll be okay!

Fennekin: AGH! All this time... was he using me for my family's money? I mean I know he is far from finically stable himself...

Sandshrew: (disgusted) Ugh! Unbelievable! What a jerk. I can't believe he would do that to you. Pretending to be in love with someone just to get their money? (Fennekin freezes)

Chikorita: (concerned) SANDSHREW!

Sandshrew: What? I mean... that could be what's happened here right? (Fennekin erupts in tears again) Oops...

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: (embarrassed) Yeah... probably should've kept that to myself...

(Elsewhere around camp; Oshawott sits as Buizel approaches)

Buizel: Morning cous! Why the long face?

Oshawott: Oh, hi Buizel...

(In confessional)
Oshawott: With both Froakie and Squirtle gone already, both my two closest friends on this team are gone! It's terrible! (Holds his head in his hands) Now I have no one to talk to and I'll fall back into the habit of just keeping to myself.

Buizel: Hey, just a friendly reminder that you've come along way. You can totally handle whatever comes at you. (Smirks) And you honestly have me to thank for it, so... you're welcome. (Gives a cheeky smile)

Oshawott: (smiles) Buizel! Oh come on! (Buizel gives him a nuggy) Agh! Quit it!

Buizel: Fine, fine. Catch you later cous.

(In the spa hotel; a little later that morning)

Scorbunny: (walks around) Hellooo!? Anybody here? (To himself) Huh, where is everyone?

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: So I totally overslept today, and poof! When I wake up, I seem to be the only one in this mini mansion? What the heck happened?

Scorbunny: HELLOOO!?!? (Suddenly a pie hits him in the face) Gah- (pauses) Oh hi Grookey.

Grookey: GOTCHA! (Laughs) Sorry I wanted to get someone else but nobody else has come by. Weird huh?

Scorbunny: Tell me about it. Somethings up.


Grookey: Alright let's go! (Runs but then stops) Wait am I forgetting something? (Something blows up in the kitchen) Nah! (Leaves)

(At the dock only a few Pokémon gather: Scorbunny, Grookey, Alcremie, Meowstic, Buneary and Bellossom)

Buneary: (intensely) Alright Raichu, if you don't tell us what's going on there's gonna be trouble! (Pauses) Sorry, I'm working on my Flaaffy.

Meowstic: Not gonna lie, that was pretty good.

Buneary: But seriously where is everyone? Why is my only teammate HER? (Points to Bellossom)

Bellossom: Seriously? I can hear you...

Raichu: What do you mean? Everything's perfectly fine and normal.

Alcremie: (narrows her eyes) How stupid do you think we are? (Meowstic chuckles a little)

Grookey: Wait are we the final six? ALREADY? NICE!

Raichu: (laughs) No Grookey, sorry it's not that easy!

Alcremie: So I was talking with people, left to use the restroom and when I came back Fidough and Riolu were gone!

Bellossom: Yeah! Same thing happened to me with Treecko this morning!

Raichu: (laughing a little) Alright I'll quit messing with ya. Everyone onto this boat and I'll explain the challenge.

(On the boat)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: (freaked out) Ugh I hate whatever game Raichu is playing here! I feel totally spooked and totally alone! Trying so hard NOT to freak out...

Meowstic: (notices Alcremie shaking) Hey, you okay? I mean- duh obviously you're not okay you look shooken- wait is that a word? Maybe we can find a dictionary- (Alcremie makes a questioning face as Meowstic facepalms and she chuckles). Sorry...

Alcremie: Don't be. Somehow it actually worked and made me feel better heh.

Meowstic: (nervous) Oh, um, glad I could help then?

Raichu: ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! Here's the deal! For today's challenge, the rest of your teammates have been incarcerated!


Scorbunny: That'd be incinerate Grookey...

Buneary: (responding to Raichu) What!? Why?

Raichu: Seriously, have you never seen this show before or something? Moving on, the goal of this challenge is to escape from the prison, which we will be arriving to momentarily! Fun fact, this prison is one of the tightest in existence and is meticulously guarded by the Regi Trio! (Everyone gasps) Yeah that's right, escape is pretty damn difficult. (They arrive at the dock and Pichu and Pichuette greet them in police outfits)

Pichu: STOP RIGHT THERE! You are under arrest!

Pichuette: PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM! (They giggle)

Pichu: This is so fun!

Pichuette: I know, I know hehe!

Meowstic: Heh, twin wardens? Totally feels like I should be in Persona 5's velvet room!

Alcremie: I know right? Probably would be better than this anyways.

(In confessional)
Meowstic: (happily) HUH!? Did... did Alcremie get that reference? Nobody ever gets my video game references! (Pauses and frowns) Probably just a fluke though... or maybe she was just trying to agree without even knowing what I said? Yeah, honestly that's probably it.

Raichu: Twins go play dress up elsewhere. ANYWHO, each team has members locked up in three different areas of this giant prison. The goal of today's challenge is to bust out as many teammates as you can in two hours!

Bellossom: How exactly are we supposed to do that? (A map is thrown at her) Ow. Hey!

Raichu: There ya go, a complicated map of the prison's layout! You will first take this hidden tunnel and entrance we've arranged for you to enter. Once inside, it's up to you to help rescue your teammates however you can! I'd avoid getting captured at ALL COSTS, because without any outside assistance, the rest of the gang will be mega screwed!

Alcremie: So hang on, does this whole challenge just rely on us then?

Raichu: Not necessarily... you see while prison cells are usually impossible to escape from, we've given our captives a little assistance. Some tweaks were made and if they are clever enough, they can escape from their cell on their own. However, finding their way out will still be quite difficult without a map.

Bellossom: So if they break out, how will we know where to find them? This just sounds futile!

Meowstic: Yeah this sounds like a master level prison break.

Raichu: Well maybe just find them quickly before they bust out and get lost!? DUH! Or you could try locating them in the security room by the entrance. You've got options. Oh, and also, you guys count as breakouts slash points if you make it back out here in time. Now then, is everyone ready for some prison break fun?

Everyone: NO!!!

Raichu: Great! (Blows an airhorn) GOOOO!

(Inside the prison; in a cell)

Chespin: (wakes up) Huh? Where... where are we?

Roserade: Oh goodness, you're awake, good!

Snivy: We're in jail you imbecile.

Chespin: WHAT!? (Shakes on the cell bars) IM INNOCENT I TELL YOU! I'd NEVER be an accomplice to Snivy! (Turns to Snivy) I always knew you'd end up in jail! What did you do? How'd you drag me down too!?

Snivy: Wow... harsh. I literally didn't do anything, and don't you think I'd rather be in here WITHOUT you? What do I gain from being around you?

Chespin: True... (angry) BUT STILL!!!

Roserade: (steps in between them) Oh guys, please don't fight already!

Snivy: Sorry Roserade, but Chespin started it. (Chespin rolls his eyes)

(In confessional)
Roserade: Snivy and Chespin are constantly at each other's throats. Like two plants competing for the same soil to grow their roots into! It's just as hard to watch... (think for a moment) I know! I'll find a way to help them become friends! After all, my bestie Cherrim says that you can ALWAYS find the positive in anything or any Pokemon for that matter!

Roserade: (pulls Snivy aside) Hey, can I talk to you about Chespin?

Snivy: Oh sure. About how to eliminate him?

Roserade: No, not that! How about being nice to him and trying to be his friend. (Snivy starts to laugh) Hey! I'm serious here!

Snivy: (stops laughing) You can't be... unless... (thinks) Hmm, you know what, I think you may have a point there.

(In confessional)
Snivy: Forming an alliance with Chespin is the last thing I'd ever try, but that might make it all the more genius! Nobody would suspect it after all! Chespin and I have such a rocky history, it might be hard to convince him, but with Roserade helping there's a shot since Chespin doesn't know her true colors like I do. (Evilly laughs) Oh yeah, we could make this work. You know, until I eventually double cross Chespin in the end of course.

(In another cell)

Litten: ...And then she has the nerve to get mad at me! AT ME!!!

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Oh wow, what a travesty.

Litten: (angry) You know what dude, why don't you lay off! I'm not in the mood to put up with your prickliness. (Fire crackles from Litten's fangs)

Shinx: Woah! (Jumps in between them) Guys, calm down! Look I dunno what is really happening here... but how about we just all be friends!

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Even though it can be annoying, sometimes I do envy Shinx's ability to always see things positively. Too bad I'm the opposite.

Shinx: I'm gonna try to find a way out over here, you guys look over there. (Runs off)

Togedemaru: (to Litten) How about instead of doing that, we talk about relationships.

Litten: Bro I'm flattered, but I'm not interested.

Togedemaru: (narrows his eyes) Dude, I didn't mean it like that, don't flatter yourself. Anywho, let's start over. I'm kinda having issues with my relationship with Pachirisu, and I'll listen to you if you listen to me.

Litten: Listen, or make rude sarcastic remarks? (Pauses) Eh why not, we both seem to need to vent. (The two begin talking)

(In another cell)

Igglybuff: WAKE UP! (She slaps Cubchoo) WAKE-UP-WAKE-UP-WAKE-UP!

Cubchoo: OWWW!!! (Rubs his face) What the heck Igglybuff! That's surely gonna bruise.

Sobble: (happy) CUBCHOO GUESS WHAT!!

Cubchoo: Um... what?

Sobble: We're stuck inside a prison cell today! YAYYY!!!

(In confessional)
Sobble: Jail may seem scary, but you are basically locked in a room and nobody can talk to you or bother you. THATS LITERALLY MY DREAM!! (Pauses) But um... I guess the harsh environment ruins the paradise huh.

Igglybuff: Sobble I know you want to enjoy some alone time, but this is a challenge! We've got to find a way to bust out.

Cubchoo: (nods) Right let's work together to come up with a plan.

Igglybuff: (agitated) That's literally what I just said you bozo!

(Outside the prison)

Raichu: (announcing) Looks like our contestants are struggling to find ways out of their cells, as expected!

(The camera other groups in cells looking around for means of escape, including: Spheal and Oshawott; Vulpix, Quaxly and Sprigatito; and Fennekin, Sandshrew and Chikorita)

Raichu: While they continue to find a way out, the non-locked up campers seem to have finally made their way IN!

(Inside a secret security room)

Scorbunny: (moves aside a rug and climbs out of the hole) Finally! We made it! (Everyone gets out) Where the heck are we?

Grookey: Looks like a security room to me! Hmm, I wonder if there's a PA system...

Scorbunny: Don't even think about it!

Bellossom: (looking at the screens) There's Treecko! Oh and Buizel too.

Buneary: Figures Raichu stuck them together too! He really hates us huh?

Bellossom: I'll try not to take that the wrong way...

Buneary: No, PLEASE take it the wrong way. I'm sorry but just quit trying to be nice to me Bellossom! I can't take your pick-me attitude!

Bellossom: (eye twitches) Pick-me? PICK-ME!?

Grookey: I marked down where our teammates are, wanna dip? (He and Scorbunny run off as Meowstic and Alcremie just go back into the tunnel)

Bellossom: (yelling) You know what, maybe I'm being a bit of a pick-me wanting to be liked but that's not the main issue. You literally are slandering my character, saying I'm such a horrible person when I KNOW I'm not! I'm not gonna let you keep doing that!

Buneary: UGH! You know what you did! You had your boyfriend target Flaaffy and get her eliminated after pretending to be sorry!

Bellossom: Are you kidding me? It was a sudden death elimination! Someone HAD to be eliminated! That's not my fault. Was Treecko supposed to just let himself lose?

Buneary: Well NO but- (suddenly the door busts open and there's a Registeel. He grabs the two and carries them off to a cell as they scream)

Meowstic: (comes out of the tunnel) All clear I think. Wow, that was crazy. I've never seen Buneary or Bellossom that angry before.

Alcremie: Agh we better hurry before Registeel comes back. Let's check where our teammates. are.

Meowstic: Hmm let's see... oh there's Shinx! Hi Shinx! (Sheepishly laughs) I know he can't hear me hehe... sorry.

Alcremie: Ugh, they look so spread out. We'll never make it to them all in time! Wish there was a way to help them all at once.

Meowstic: (spots something) Bingo! I've got an idea, follow me! (They run off)

(Inside a cell; Cyndaquil sits with his eyes closed)

Mudkip: Is he... alright?

Charmander: I dunno. He seems to be dealing with this rather well though-

Cyndaquil: (takes a deep breath, gets up and shakes the bars) AGHHHH!!! GET ME OUTTA HEREEEE!!!! (Starts fidgeting around)

Charmander: And there's the claustrophobia right on queue. Ugh.

Mudkip: Cyndaquil! Buddy calm down it'll be okay-

Cyndaquil: NO IT WONT! WE ARE GONNA DIE IN HERE!! I feel like a crammed sardine in a can!

(In confessional)
Mudkip: (sighs) I do hope Cyndaquil gets through this, but for now looks like it's up to Charmander and I to get us out of this situation.

Mudkip: Okay Charmander I've got an idea, how about we-

Charmander: You just do your own thing and I'll do mine. We'll see who finds a way out. (Starts moving around as Mudkip slightly frowns).

(In confessional)
Charmander: Mudkip will just slow me down no doubt. He's definitely the type to question anything before doing it, but this is a time for actions first and thoughts later.

(In another cell; Treecko and Buizel search on opposite sides of the cell as Fidough is in the middle)

Treecko: And your arrogance is truly appalling Buizel. Do you really not see that?

Buizel: Oh yeah? Well I can back up my talk unlike you. (Treecko rolls his eyes) You are the toxic one! Always being snide and rude to your team!

Treecko: Ugh, yeah well whatever. Next time we lose you are SO getting voted off.

Buizel: We'll just see about that. It's totally gonna be YOU!


(In confessional)
Fidough: Ugh, being locked in a cage is bad enough but with these two? I'd consider that cruel and unusual! (Thinks for a moment) And with them voting each other, that's so many votes not at Igglybuff... hmm, I'll just have to try to bring them to my side.

Fidough: Hey Treecko, over here! I think I found something.

Treecko: (comes over) What is it? Oh is this bar loose?

Fidough: Um, no. (Pauses) Okay I didn't find anything, I just wanted to talk to you. It's about Buizel and Buneary. I saw them talking to Igglybuff earlier and she's seemed to form an alliance with them to vote Bellossom off next time we lose.

Treecko: WHAT!? Are you kidding me!?

Fidough: Ssshhh! We don't want him to know we know, but trust me I'm on YOUR side here. Igglybuff can be a real evil genius, we need to get her out before she pulls something against you or Bellossom.

Treecko: As much as I'd rather Buizel or Buneary go, Igglybuff IS a majorly unpredictable villain. Thanks for the warning Fidough. (The two go back to searching).

(In another cell)

Pachirisu: Careful. You sure you got this?

Sawk: Of course. (Grunts as he manages to bend the cell bars) There!

Riolu: Woah, incredible strength Sawk! Nice job!

Sawk: Heh, it's nothing for someone like me. It was like bending straws.

Riolu: (narrows his eyes) Yeah, yeah, don't get cocky...

Pachirisu: Great! Now let's get outta here! (The three run off)


Raichu: (to the camera) Looks like one group has finally busted out of their cell! And it looks like some others aren't too far behind. The question still remains, can they make a clean escape?

(Inside another cell)

Cubchoo: (digging) Phew. Okay, over here you two. I think I was able to dig a little over here and get us under and out of the cell.

Sobble: What? How did you dig through the concrete floor?

Cubchoo: Well this section over here wasn't concrete is was replaced with clay.

Igglybuff: Excellent! Anyways move, I'm getting out first. (Shoves her way past Cubchoo and crawls out with the others following her)

Sobble: Aww but I want to just stay in the cell. Do we have to leave?

Igglybuff: Do you want to win? (The three run and find a hiding spot) We should be able to take cover here for now.

Sobble: Eep. Now this is getting scary, I don't wanna be given the death penalty. (Igglybuff stops her from crying)

Igglybuff: SSSHHH! We gotta be quiet. But Sobble this is just a challenge. It's all okay. Just calm down.

Sobble: Thanks Igglybuff. (Pauses) Hey Cubchoo, you okay? You've been a little quiet... (turns to see Cubchoo holding his nose) Uh oh.

Cubchoo: I'm s-saaa-sorry...

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Yup. Never got to take my allergy medication today since we were so rudely kidnapped this morning.

Igglybuff: Don't you dare-

Cubchoo: AAACHOOOOOO!!! (Two Bisharp guards come over and seize them as Cubchoo sniffles) Dangit.

(In another cell)

Chespin: YES! Finally I found something! (Removes a vent cover) Not sure where it leads but it's worth a shot.

Roserade: Yay! Good job Chespin. (There's a pause and she nudges Snivy)

Snivy: G-good j-job Chespin.

Chespin: Pardon? Care to say that again? I need a new ringtone (smirks).

Snivy: (angry) ALL I SAID WAS- (calms down as the three make their way into the vents and start crawling) Look I have a proposition to make.

Roserade: Please hear him out Chespin!

Snivy: Thanks. Anyways Chespin, I know we've had our issues in the past, and we both can't stand each other. Mainly because you are a-

Roserade: SNIVY!

Snivy: Right my bad. (To Chespin) We both don't have any allies on this team really, so what would you say about forming an alliance with me?

Chespin: (erupts in laughter) AHAHAHA!!! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. It actually sounded kinda- wait are you actually serious? (Agitated) Snivy you are the biggest jerk on the show! Never in a million years would I ally with you! You are next out on this team and you know it.

Snivy: Hey, hear me out here! What happens once I'm eliminated? What allies do you have? Spheal? He's a super fan and will befriend everyone, so he's not loyal.

Chespin: (frowns) Well... hmm... I honestly don't know what to say to this.

Roserade: Chespin I know you don't trust Snivy, but I think you can trust me. Snivy really wants to make amends and make this work, please give him the chance.

(In confessional)
Chespin: Ugh I hate when Snivy makes a point! I guess I should have been playing my social game better here. I just assumed I'm well-liked enough that I'd be fine, but with other alliances forming already maybe... AGH! What am I saying? ITS SNIVY!! But then again, he's a known villain. Not exactly a threat so hmm...

Roserade: Just take some time and think it over. Let's get back to crawling through these vents.

(In another prison cell)

Buneary: Ugh, I can't believe we are stuck in here now! Nice going...

(In confessional)
Buneary: (sighs) Okay, yeah I know I'm being a real jerk here and I'm at fault too... just... ugh I don't know how to feel anymore. I'm just so tired and frustrated and I've just had it as of late I guess? And now I do feel a little guilty for breaking Bellossom.

Bellossom: (aggrevated) Look I don't care anymore okay? If we lose, vote me off! Great! Now can we try to just put aside our issues to find our way out?

Buneary: (takes a deep breath) Sounds fine by me.

Bellossom: Okay, start looking for trap doors and stuff.

(Back outside the prison)

Pichuette: How much time is left Uncle Raichu?

Pichu: Yeah I'm getting bored I wanna go back to the island.

Raichu: Let's see... wow an hour and ten minutes remain! Nearly halfway there. These guys are cutting it close. Even though some have found their way out of the cell, escaping the prison walls is another tough task! (The screen shows the following groups out of their cells and trying to sneak around: Fennekin, Chikorita and Sandshrew; as well as Quaxly, Sprigatito and Vulpix)

(In a hallway)

Sprigatito: Hey, do you think the coast is clear?

Quaxly: Let's see hmm... looks good to me- (hears something) ACK NO. Someone is coming.

Vulpix: EEK! No I'm not going back in a gross cell!

Sprigatito: (points to a door) Quick! In there! (She and Quaxly run into the room)

Vulpix: Guys wait- (tries to open the door to follow them but can't; Grookey and Scorbunny turn the corner) Oh hey!

Scorbunny: Vulpix? What are you doing here?

Grookey: Trying to escape duh.

Scorbunny: (narrows eyes) I know that. (To Vulpix) If you take two lefts, and then right, you'll find a security room that has a tunnel out of here.

Vulpix: Really? Thanks! Oh before I go, Quaxly and Sprigatito went into that room but the door is locked. It says Danger so...

Grookey: What? Oh no! Don't worry I'll get them out.

Scorbunny: And I'll keep going with the map and this key we got to unlock a cell. Vulpix you can help if you want or you can- (looks around to see she left) Oh and she's already gone. Nice...

(Elsewhere in a cell)

Cyndaquil: Please Arceus I'm not ready to die yet! Let me out, I'll do anything!

Charmander: Don't worry bud, I'm about to free us right... about... NOW- (tries to slam into the wall but just hurts himself) Oww...

Cyndaquil: AGH NO!

Charmander: Shit. (Pauses) Hey, where's Mudkip? (Sees Mudkip pop up out of a hole in the corner) Huh?

Mudkip: Don't worry, I'm working on a way out! In prison movies you always gotta dig your way out right?

Charmander: And how exactly are you digging a tunnel?

Mudkip: Well I took apart the toilet in the corner to make a shovel and-

Charmander: Oh right you're a weirdo poop collector, of course you'd touch the toilet. (Mudkip looks angry) Um, no offense just joking around heh.

Mudkip: Hmpf. (Catching his breath) Well I'll get back to digging but it's tough work.

Charmander: Want me to take a turn digging? It'll go faster.

Mudkip: Awesome, thanks!

(In confessional)
Charmander: It was smart of Mudkip to build a shovel but if it wasn't for me we'd have zero shot of escape. Did you see how slow he was digging? Once again a stronger teammate has to take over.

Raichu: (announcing) With only an hour left, will those boys even have enough time to dig their way out? Guess we'll have to see! Meanwhile, look it looks like the Suicunes might be up to no good.

(Outside a room)

Meowstic: Yes, finally we found it. The control room.

Alcremie: Wait that's where you wanted to go? Weird, I don't see it on the map here.

Meowstic: Probably because Raichu didn't want to give the easiest solution right at our fingertips.

Alcremie: It's taken us a while here, I'd hardly call it easy...

Meowstic: (peers inside the room) Uh oh. Okay I expected someone to be there, but I didn't expect it to be REGICE. At least he's asleep...

Alcremie: Meowstic I'm still so confused, what are we doing here?

Meowstic: We are gonna unlock the cell doors through the computer override system. (Hears some guards coming) We gotta move. Quick, through these vents! (The two climb in and quickly shut the vent right as the guards come by) Phew. Now let's go up.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Do I trust Meowstic's plan? Let's face it, he's probably played a prison escape video game before and might try an idea from that... (eyes widen) Yeah this is either gonna go well, or go very very bad...

(Elsewhere in a cell)

Buizel: What? Are you kidding me!?

Fidough: I wish I was, but I'm not. Who knows what underhanded things Igglybuff could do to make her plan to help vote off Buneary work.

Buizel: Yeah she's a lot more dangerous than Treecko or Bellossom would ever be, that's true. Thanks for telling me this by the way.

Fidough: (nervously laughs) No problem.

(In confessional)
Fidough: Okay, do I feel guilty about lying? Maybe a little... but come on, it's for the teams good. I'm doing everyone a favor here!

Treecko: Hey, Fidough and flotation device, found a way out. Interested? (Buizel looks triggered but then follows him out)

(Elsewhere by a cell; Sobble's group gets locked up)

Bisharp: There, locked up nice and tight again. Don't even think about trying something on the new guard. I'm on my break now. (Leaves and a Klefki guard shows as Igglybuff hides behind Sobble until Bisharp leaves)


Cubchoo: Sorry about the- ACHOOO, ACHOOOOO! Ugh...

Sobble: Bless you, bless you...

Igglybuff: (angry) Ugh! Way to ruin everything Cubchoo! Seriously how can you be so useless!

Cubchoo: Seriously? How rude! I didn't mean to get us captured. Plus I didn't get a-ACHOO, a chance to take my medicine so-

Igglybuff: Normal Pokemon don't need medicine to simply exist! UGH! Nobody deserves a teammate who's constantly sick.

Cubchoo: Hey well you are the one who's sick. Sick in the head!

Igglybuff: GRRR! Oh that is IT! You are this team's weak link and you are so going- (stops)


Cubchoo: Sobble!? Agh, please stop! SOBBLE!


Igglybuff: OKAY FINE! (Sobble stops crying) Cubchoo look I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean any of that. Can we start over?

Cubchoo: Um, yeah sure. For Sobble. (They shake hands)

Igglybuff: Perfect. Now then, Sobble just gave me a great idea.

(The screen cuts to Igglybuff crying in the cell and Klefki comes over)

Igglybuff: (acting fake innocent) Please! Please help me! I'm just a little baby Pokemon, these two roped me in here as a hostage... (starts to cry) I just wanna go home to my mommy...

Klefki: AGH! Wait why is a child locked up? That can't be right, hold on. (Unlocks the cell) There you go, step on out little girl.

Igglybufff: (smirks) Thank you very much. Dumbass. (Uses sing and puts the Klefki to sleep) Ha! Way too easy!

Sobble: Good job! Cubchoo, hold your nose okay? Let's go!

(In the prison courtyard)

Pachirisu: (running) Hurry! Climb the walls! I think the Bisharp are right on our tail!

Riolu: Hang on. (Uses his aura) I sense something- EVERYONE MOVE! (The three move as a Rock Slide hits the area. A Regirock stands up to gaze at them) Regirock!

Sawk: Is everyone alright? (The Regirock starts making angry noises) Okay I don't think he is gonna let us escape.

Riolu: Well we don't need to beat him, just escape. So let's get to it! (Starts climbing the wall and jumping along with the others while dodging rocks) Is that the best you got?

Sawk: Look out! (Deflects a rock that almost hits Riolu)

Pachirisu: Heh, maybe don't celebrate until we actually make it next time.

Riolu: (sighs) Noted...

Pachirisu: (Reaches the top with Riolu and they pull Sawk up) Yes! Now we um... jump down?

(In the control room; Regice sleeps as Meowstic is lowered down tied to a rope in front of him)

Meowstic: (softly) Okay, keep it up Alcremie! Just a little lower!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: I definitely don't have the upper body strength to warrant being trusted with this job... but fingers crossed and hopefully this doesn't go wrong.

Alcremie: (lowers Meowstic) Th-there.

Meowstic: Thanks! Now it's time to work some magic! (Starts fiddling with the computer) And... DONE! (Unlocks his team's cells) Yes! (The Regice starts to stir) Uh oh. Alcremie bring me up!

Alcremie: On it. (Meowstic starts to be lifted up but then suddenly starts to fall)

Meowstic: ACK- (covers his mouth, he stops falling just above the ground, and luckily the Regice doesn't notice) Phew.

Alcremie: (softly) Agh, I'm so sorry. (Successfully brings him up) Phew, you're safe. Now that was scary.

Meowstic: (smiles) Hey well we did it! Great job! Did I look like a super slick spy movie protagonist? (The vent cover falls and Regice wakes up) SHIT! CRAWL! (They crawl off)

(Inside a cell)

Spheal: (talking to Oshawott) So what else do you like and dislike? Is Buizel really nicer to you now? Oh wait! Is it true your other cousin got accepted into Blueberry Academy?

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Yeah Spheal is nice... but I'm gonna have an aneurysm with the amount of questions he's asking me. It's like being locked up with the Riddler. (sheepishly laughs)

Spheal: Hey wait a second, is the... is the cell door OPEN!?

Oshawott: Wait seriously? That's great! But how?

Spheal: I dunno but we should get going- (suddenly Snivy's group busts through the walls and lands on top of them) OWWW- what the heck?

Snivy: Are you kidding me? We broke into another cell!

Chespin: Oh shoot, we're sorry...

Oshawott: (helps everyone up) It's okay, and don't worry our door is open. We can escape now!

Roserade: Excellent! Everyone follow me, okay?

(In confessional)
Roserade: While we were up in the vents I was able to overhear some guards talking. I know exactly how to escape now!

(Elsewhere by a cell)

Litten: Wow, girls am I right?

Togedemaru: Tell me about it. Anyways, it was nice to talk and get someone in my corner.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Yeah Litten is total a prick for spending Fennekin's money like that. I'm not about to say that to his face though.

(In confessional)
Litten: Talk about being insecure! Togedemaru is just jealous over Pachirisu talking to another guy? Seriously? Sounds like a bunch of nothing. I'M the one with an actual relationship issue here like please...

Scorbunny: (outside the cell) FINALLY! I had to take down a Bisharp guard but I made it.

Shinx: (runs up to the cell door) SCORBUNNY! Finally! Can you help us get out?

Scorbunny: Sure can! (Twirls his key and then unlocks the door) Huh, did you guys... did you even try to escape?

Shinx: Well I did!

Scorbunny: (to the others) Really you two? Whatever. We've got a half hour to get outta here, let's make it happen!

(Inside the "Danger" room; which has random rusted trash all around)

Sprigatito: Did you twist the knob?

Quaxly: (agitated) UH DUH! I twisted, I pushed, I pulled, I did every action imaginable!

Sprigatito: Here let me try. (Tries to open it and noise is made) There! Now how was that so hard for you to do?

Quaxly: WHAT!? There's no way- (suddenly the walls start pressing in) Sp-Sprigatito... I don't think that was the door unlocking.

Sprigatito: Huh? (Sees the walls) AGHH! WE'RE GONNA DIE!

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Star Wars is a work of fiction, you know that! SO WHY THE HELL IS THIS HAPPENING TO US!?!?

Grookey: (from outside the door; unable to be heard inside) Don't worry guys! I'm gonna go find a way to shut it off I promise! 

(At the prisons entrance)

Raichu: (to Koffing) Thirty minutes remain... uh oh, think we made this challenge too hard for them?

Koffing: Nah, if they went to the jail I was in before they'd be in for an EVEN HARDER day.

Raichu: Oh? Write that place down maybe we can use it later- OH HEY! Finally campers have arrived! (Pachirisu, Sawk and Riolu run up)

Pachirisu: Yes! First ones here, alright!

Raichu: Sorry no prize for first. Oh and it looks like things will be tied up between the Suicunes and Raikous! (Sandshrew, Chikorita and Fennekin arrive)

Sandshrew: Sweet we made it!

Fennekin: Yeah! Now Raichu can I ask a question?

Raichu: Surely.

Fennekin: You're gonna keep Litten locked up in there for being a HORRIBLE NO GOOD- (Chikorita covers her mouth)

Chikorita: Actually never mind Raichu. Let's just go sit down... (They leave as Vulpix walks up)

Sandshrew: Hey Vulpix!

Vulpix: Hey Sandshrew! (Looks around) Wow am I seriously the only one from my team here? Talk about slacking...

Raichu: And that puts the Enteis at a measly one member escaped! They're gonna need to hurry up if they wanna win as our time ticks down!

(In a cell)

Buneary: This is ridiculous! We are so screwed!

Bellossom: Yeah, even if we do escape we have to deal with HIM! (points to Registeel intently watching from outside the cell) Yeah that's a fair matchup alright...

Buneary: (sighs) Whelp we better hope our team wins.

Bellossom: Yeah or else you might be eliminated.

Buneary: Yeah- wait SERIOUSLY? You're not even gonna pretend that you wouldn't be voting me off? Is it because I made you snap?

Bellossom: What? I didn't mean that I just thought that's why you were upset-

Buneary: (turns her head) Let's just forget it. Ugh.

(In confessional)
Bellossom: Seriously? I'm the one who got mad, but yet somehow Buneary STILL turns it around on me again? (Sighs) This one day has been enough drama to last a lifetime for me. (Pauses) I'll be honest I know most would be super mad at her but I get where she's coming from and truthfully I just feel bad.

(In the prison halls)

Cubchoo: (holds his nose) Uh oh, I feel another sneeze...

Sobble: Concentrate Cubchoo, j-just stay relaxed. (Sees Meowstic and Alcremie sneak into a room) Huh? Was that?

Igglybuff: Hurry. After them!

(In the security room)

Meowstic: (looking through the cameras) Let's see... huh I don't see any of our team members in any of these feeds.

Alcremie: Think they all escaped?

Meowstic: I mean I sure hope so.

Alcremie: I guess we should make our escape then too- (turns and sees Igglybuff) OH SHO-(Igglybuff uses Sing and puts Meowstic and Alcremie to sleep)

Igglybuff: Nighty night you two! That's two opponents taken out and a free way out for us! Now that's genius!

Sobble: I feel bad about leaving them... but this is a challenge so... (They head through the tunnel)

(Elsewhere in the halls)

Snivy: Are you sure you know where you're going?

Roserade: I think so. Oh there! (Points) The prison cafeteria.

Spheal: Roserade I don't think we have time to stop for a snack.

Chespin: I mean maybe there's SOME time-

Snivy: Chespin please tell me you aren't thinking about eating gross prison food.

Oshawott: To be fair, it can't be worse than what we eat on the island, right?

Roserade: Ahem. (Everyone looks to her) Just follow me. Lunch ends soon and we can escape through the garbage chutes!

Chespin: Seriously? That's the plan?

Spheal: Nice Roserade! I think it could work. Come on let's move. (They sneak into the cafeteria area) Now what?

Roserade: Everyone jump into a trash can! Go! (They all do so)

(Underground; Charmander digs as Mudkip drags Cyndaquil behind them)

Cyndaquil: (hyperventilating) THIS. IS. EVEN. WORSEEEE!

Mudkip: Hang in there Cyndaquil...

Cyndaquil: Mudkip you need to win this challenge for us! PLEASE! PROVE YOURSELF! YOU NEED TO SHOW YOUR WORTH!

Mudkip: (confused) Show my worth? What do you- do you think I come across as worthless?

Cyndaquil: (freaking out) AGHHH WEEEE-

Charmander: (digging upwards) Come on Mudkip. He's out of it and speaking gibberish. Just ignore him.

Mudkip: Yeah that's true...

Charmander: I mean, even if he did have a problem could you blame him?

Mudkip: Hey! He's my best friend, he'd tell me if there was something! And he'd never view me as worthless!

Charmander: (mutters) Whatever you wanna tell yourself... (digs to the surface) Finally! (The group climbs out and runs to Raichu) OH YEAH BABY!


Raichu: Congrats guys! Enteis have the lead with four escaped members! Too bad the lead only is for a few seconds... (Igglybuff, Sobble and Cubchoo arrive)


Fennekin: Bless you. Guess those sneezes must've been trouble?

Chikorita: Well they still made it! Nice job!

Raichu: Impressive work indeed! The Raikous now hold the lead with six members escaped!

Pichuette: Enteis are at four and Suicunes are still at three.

Pichu: And there's only TEN MINUTES LEFT! Ooh I wonder if anyone else will make it?

(In the room with walls closing in)

Spriagtito: Try to use a bar or something to stop it from crushing us!

Quaxly: It's no use! It won't stop it! I... I think we're done for... (the walls starts to push them close)

Sprigatito: (tears up) I can't believe after everything this is how it ends for us.

Quaxly: Same here. And if we are gonna die I just need to say one more thing to you.

Sprigatito: Quaxly-

Quaxly: I'm so sorry for everything that happened last season. I was just... okay I just AM still a bit immature. But at least now I look back on myself and cringe. (Takes a deep breath) You are great Pokemon and I know for a fact that everyone would agree upon that, I just hope you know that. (The two get squished closer) ACK-

Sprigatito: Quaxly... that means so much to hear. I know you mean well and you are so caring and... well... (leans in and kisses Quaxly who's eyes get wide open. Suddenly the walls stop closing and retract)

Quaxly: (in shock) Humunahumunahumana... What... Did you just-

(In confessional)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: (embarrassed) WHAT THE HECK DID I DO THAT FOR!? It was just the spur of the moment... and I thought we were gonna die... and if that was our last moments I just thought maybe it'd be the right thing to do and... (pauses) AGH what is wrong with me.

Sprigatito: That was... heh sorry... let's just pretend that didn't happen okay? (Quaxly nods)

(In the control room)

Grookey: (having seen everything on the screen; sad) Well... it still did... (bangs his head on the control panel) UGHHH. How could things get worse? (Turns to see the Regice woke up) Oh poop... (gets frozen with an Ice Beam)

(In the prison courtyard)

Scorbunny: There's not much time left. Let's get up and over the wall.

Bisharp: HEY! More prisoners trying to escape.

Litten: (uses Fire Fang) BACK OFF BUB! You don't wanna mess with us. (Scorbunny attacks as well)

Shinx: Um... how exactly are we supposed to climb?

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Just walk but go upwards instead of forwards. (Smirks but then frowns)

Litten: Yes! Stupid guards have been taken care of!

Togedemaru: I'd hold that thought... (points to the Regirock readying attacks)


Scorbunny: I'll distract him, you guys get climbing! (They nod) HEY REGIROCK! Over here! (Starts jumping and dodging attacks but Regirock shifts to attacking the others and they run around in a panic. He eventually ends up cornering Shinx) Agh! Come on Regirock, pick on somebody else!

Shinx: Aghhh! Please no! I only have one life here! I don't wanna lose it! (Regirock readies a Rock Slide and Shinx stands in fear)

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: (sighs) Whelp, sometimes you gotta just risk your own safety to save someone else. That's what a good teammate does!

Scorbunny: SHINX LOOK OUT! (Runs from the side and pushes Shinx out of the way as Regirock unleashes the attack and a single small rock falls on Scorbunny) Ow. Huh? Wait, that was it? HA! AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A LEGENDARY!?(Laughs when a bunch of big rocks fall on top of him, crushing him)

Shinx: Scorbunny! NOOOOO!!!!

(Inside the prison Bisharp guards dump trash down the chute)

Bisharp: Man what was for lunch? Those were pretty damn heavy... (Roserade and her group slide down the chute and land in a dumpster outside)

Oshawott: Eww, I'm gonna need a long shower after this one...

Snivy: Worry about that later. RUN!!!

(By Raichu)

Raichu: Sixty seconds left! Looks like the Raikous are gonna take the win- OH WAIT! WHATS THAT?

Sawk: (happily gasps) Two, four, five! There's five of them!


Sandshrew: Ugh, oh come on. Please don't make it.



Raichu: THREE...TWO... (the five make it) ONE! GAME OVER! SUICUNES WIN WITH EIGHT MEMBERS ESCAPED!!! (Their team cheers)

Roserade: Yes! We did it!

Snivy: Perfectly done Roserade.

Raichu: (glances towards the Pichu twins who are sleeping) Wow, looks like it's past their bedtime.

Koffing: I can't blame them. This was a long-ass day...

Raichu: Alright then let's make things snappy. Everyone on my boat and I'll gather those failed escapers. Escapees? Huh... well tomato tamato I guess...

(Back at camp later that day)

Raichu: (laughing) Wow! Awesome! Just awesome! This might've been my favorite challenge EVER! Seriously, we got so much good footage, this episode is gonna be a special one.

Treecko: (annoyed) You're welcome. Now can we get things moving?

Raichu: Aww someone's salty he failed huh? Alright, Surreal Suicunes! Congrats on your big win! The only two people that didn't escape were the two that started on the outside, how funny is that?

Alcremie: Only because Igglybuff put us to sleep!

Snivy: (sarcastically) Yeah thanks for all the help you two.

Raichu: I mean, it was them who unlocked all your cells so... might want to make that a genuine thank you.

Meowstic: Yeah!

Chespin: Woah so that's how it happened? You totally saved the day then! I think you two should be the MVPs! (The team nods)

Meowstic: Really? Oh sweet, thanks guys!

Raichu: Enraged Enteis, Reckless Raikous... you know the deal. Time to get voting! (They walk off to the elimination grounds and Shinx approaches Scorbunny who is all bandaged up)

Shinx: Scorbunny! Thank you... thank you for saving me. I'm so sorry this happened-

Scorbunny: Hey no worries! I get injured all the time. (Laughs) I'm a quick healer to so I'll be fine, broken bones be damned. Just... maybe could use a little help walking over heh.

(On the stumps at elimination)

Igglybuff: (to Sobble and Cubchoo) Alright time to vote off Fidough everyone.

Cubchoo: Fidough? What did she do?

Igglybuff: Um be a thorn in my side! Duh! Plus she didn't escape and I already brought that to some team members attention and she's our best bet.

Sobble: (nods) Okay, I guess someone has to go. You're with us, and we're a team, right Cubchoo?

Cubchoo: (hesitatingly nods) S-sure sure.

(Everyone goes to make their votes)

Raichu: Ahh elimination time. My favorite moment of the show! Well that's not true, every moment is my favorite. (Clears throat) Enraged Enteis you did worse so we'll start with you. Let's see who's in trouble today. First up we have Scorbunny and Grookey. You two did a pretty awful job at busting everyone out.

Grookey: (sighs) Whatever.

Sprigatito: Grookey? You okay? (He turns to ignore)

Raichu: Also on the chopping block is Mudkip!

Mudkip: WHAT!? B-but I didn't even goof up! And I made it, so why-

Raichu: I've got no clue, but you did get votes. It's kinda funny actually. (Laughs a little and throws the rest of the team pokepuffs) And the starter headed home is...

(The camera zooms in dramatically on the three of them)

Raichu: ...Scorbunny. Sorry but you've been shut out.

Scorbunny: Aww come on. Bummer...

Shinx: WHAT? WHY? Scorbunny did so much to help our team, are you guys crazy!? He tried so hard while THESE TWO (points at Togedemaru and Litten) didn't do anything!

(In confessional)
Charmander: Scorbunny would've made an awesome alliance member. Too bad he broke his bones so badly. I'm sorry but he'd be utterly useless to the team going forward. He was the obvious choice. Naturally I got the team to vote him... (laughs a little) and then I may or may not have voted Mudkip to mess with him.

Cyndaquil: Sorry Scorbunny, I hope you heal up soon. You were an awesome teammate!

Togedemaru: Yeah. And you really shouldn't continue with those injuries man.

Scorbunny: (rolls eyes) I'm a quick healer, but whatever I guess.

Raichu: Aww! I love kicking the injured players when they are down! But we have a second elimination to get through now. (Turns to the Raikous) Reckless Raikous... let me just say... YIKES! A whole lotta issues went on around here. Bellossom and Buneary you two did absolutely NOTHING to help your team. (The two frown).

Buneary: I'm so sorry everyone...

Bellossom: Same here...

Raichu: Well you should be sorry. But shockingly, you both didn't receive any votes.

Buneary: Wait seriously? How?

Raichu: It's kinda hard to explain... so while I've never done this before I figured nows the time to do it. (Familiar music plays) ITS TIME TO STIR UP SOME DRAMA AND REVEAL YOUR VOTES! (Lowers a monitor as the team gasps) This should be good! (Presses play)

(In voting confessional on monitor)
Igglybuff: Goodbye Fidough! Time for a shit like you to go in the toilet where you belong!

(In voting confessional on monitor)
Buizel: Whelp it's gonna be a close one, so I've gotta hope Fidough's plan to take out Igglybuff works. (Votes Igglybuff) That's what you get for trying to vote off my girlfriend!

(In voting confessional on monitor)
Sandshrew: I dunno... I guess Cubchoo? I know his allergies are a problem. Sorry...

(In voting confessional on monitor)
Fidough: Igglybuff is so toast! Actually wait, that's an insult to toast. (Votes Igglybuff) SHE IS BURNT TOAST!

(In voting confessional on monitor)
Cubchoo: (nervously) I... I vote for Igglybuff. I just... she's such a total bully! To me AND everyone! I don't know how Sobble doesn't see it. It's concerning. (Has a sigh of relief) I'm so glad nobody sees these.

Raichu: (clicks to stop the video) Huh. Sorry Cubchoo, but the whole world might've seen this one. (Cubchoo looks nervous)

Treecko: Wait what the hell? Fidough I thought you said Igglybuff was voting Bellossom off.

Buizel: (angry) You told me she was teaming up with Bellossom to boot Buneary!

Fidough: Um... (nervously) L-look okay I'm sorry to have lied but Igglybuff is literally toxic. We needed her gone.

Igglybuff: ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I can't believe you tried to pull something like that. You're the worst. And you too Cubchoo! You backstabber!

Sobble: (crying) CUBCHOO WHYYYYYY!?!?

Cubchoo: I'm sorry- I- um- I'll never do it again I promise...

Raichu: Well Cubchoo you never can do it again now, because with six votes against her, Igglybuff has been eliminated! YAY!

Igglybuff: WHAT!?

Fidough: YES!

Riolu: (from the stands) YES! We win and the devil gets eliminated!? BEST DAY EVER!


Raichu: (rolls eyes) Yeah, yeah. Sure you are.

Sobble: B-bye Igglybuff. I know you probably won't believe me but I'll actually miss you. You helped stand up for me when I couldn't.

Igglybuff: Well now you gotta do it yourself. After all you can't count on Cubchoo to have your back. (Cubchoo looks over and frowns).

(The screen flips to Igglybuff and Scorbunny in the toilet)

Scorbunny: Oh come on! My bandages are all soggy now!

Igglybuff: Hey Raichu, if this moron drowns and I don't save him am I liable?

Raichu: (presses the button to flush and the two scream) SORRY I CANT HEAR YOU OVER YOUR SCREAMS!!! (To the camera) Man, I honestly didn't see those eliminations coming. What a way to end a day that was BEYOND PACKED with drama. So many pieces on the board now. Finally it's time to lock this episode up. Hope to see you next time for more of Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!!!

*AGHHHHHH OH MY ARCEUS- that was the longest chapter I've ever made by a landslide. There was... yeah there was just so much I wanted to do in this one. Hope you all enjoyed it!

Just wanted to give an FYI- next episode will be our first "Aftermath & Extra Hours" episode as I'm gonna call them. (Or at least just the first one). This is because while part of the episode will be an Aftermath segment with the eliminated campers, there will still be stuff with the current campers on the island as they experience a "day off" from competing. Just wanted to point this out bc plots can move forward with them, so these episodes are NOT FILLER like TD aftermaths tend to be.


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