Journey To Atlantis

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, our campers had a ball! A pokeball to be specific! Teams were tasked with catching each other and the team with the most catches at the end of the challenge would win invincibility! Spheal turned out to be a protege worthy of Kurt with his pokeball making skills, which really helped his team. That coupled with Roserade's feather ball recipe and Snivy's sly moves brought their team, the Suicunes, the big win yet again! Oh and speaking of Snivy, it seems like Chespin agreed to that alliance with him! That's certainly gonna blow up in somebody's face. (laughs a little) Glad it's not mine. Now then, some more highlights included Meowstic totally crushing on Alcremie, Oshawott besting his cousin Buizel, and of course, Togedemaru unleashing his boiled over jealousy towards Pachirisu and all others! Yikes! In the end, the Enteis voted off Shinx who caused some trouble during the challenge, and the Raikous voted off Fidough for being untrustworthy. Guess that pooch was past her expiration date! How will Alcremie and Meowstic fare now that their besties are gone? Find out right now on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

(Theme song; In the spa hotel)

Snivy: (getting a massage) Ahhh, now this feels good. A little lower Furfrou.

Roserade: Someone's enjoying their reward I see. (Laughs a little)

Snivy: Oh, hello Roserade. I appreciate you letting me have the butler reward. (Looks around to make sure no one else is there) Hey, since we're alone here, I've got to ask, how do you keep up your charade so well?

Roserade: My charade?

Snivy: Yeah like I find it so difficult to not insult some of these morons when they make mistakes. Meanwhile I don't think I've heard you diss another person here, which is crazy! How do you do it?

Roserade: (confused) Um, what? I'm sorry I'm not sure I understand your question. But I guess I just try to see the positive in anything when I can. Being mean only brings everyone down.

Snivy: So your answer is you just convince yourself everything happens for a reason and there's good in it? Huh, interesting...

(In confessional)
Roserade: Sometimes Snivy seems to be little critical of others and use rude language, which is unfortunate. But I'm glad to hear he's asking me for advice on how to better himself! I think deep down he's pretty nice.

(Elsewhere in the spa hotel; slumped in chairs)

Meowstic: (sadly) Hey Alcremie...

Alcremie: (sadly) Hey... (There is silence for a while)

Meowstic: Yesterday really sucked didn't it? I miss Shinx so much already.

Alcremie: (sighs) Me too. I mean- I miss Fidough so much and hate thinking about going on without her again.

Meowstic: Hey well you did it before, you can do it again right?

Alcremie: (takes a deep breath) Yeah, and you too! I guess we just gotta pick ourselves up and keep going forward for ourselves, and for our friends.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: I'm lucky to have Meowstic on the team. He always looks out for others, which sadly not a lot of people do these days anymore.

(Outside the Entei's cabins)

Sprigatito: Wow! That accessory is so cute!

Vulpix: Isn't it just? And you can buy it from my site for half off if you use my discount code!

Sprigatito: Oh really? Um, thanks.

Litten: (walks up) Ahem. Vulpix, can we chat again?

Vulpix: Ugh, I'm in middle of a business deal- I MEAN, a conversation with my friend.

Sprigatito: (sarcastically) Nice.

Vulpix: I'll just be a second sorry. (Walks off to the side with Litten) Okay, what did you want?

Litten: (confidently) Well since Fennekin and I are through, I figured you might be interested in something.

Vulpix: In what?

Litten: In ME! (Points to himself) Look I know you had the hots for me back when we first met so why not- (Vulpix slaps him in the face)

Vulpix: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? (Storms off as Litten rubs his face)

(In confessional)
Litten: After trying to apologize to Fennekin didn't work, I decided to give Charmander's advice a go. He said if I start dating someone else, either Fennekin would come crawling back to me or I could move on and be happy. (Pauses) Ow... yeah it's not working so far...

(In the Entei's cabin)

Charmander: (to Litten) Eesh, yeah I saw what happened.

Litten: What the heck man, this is all just such a pain in the butt. I feel bad for trying to do that.

Charmander: What? Dude don't feel bad. You think Vulpix is kinda cute, she thinks your hot, nothing wrong there. She just needs a little nudge is all.

Litten: A little nudge?

Charamnder: Yeah. And don't worry, I've got a plan for it. You just stand guard at the door and make sure nobody else comes in. (Starts rummaging through some bags)

Litten: (sighs) Alright dude. You know I'm not one to judge for theft. Just make it quick.

(In the Raikou's cabins)

Chikorita: Good morning girls!

Fennekin: (yawns) Morning.

Bellossom: (looks around) We keep losing girls, don't we? Next time we lose, how about we make sure it's a guy. (Sheepishly laughs)

Buneary: Yeah- wait. Unless you're implying Buizel...

Bellossom: What? No, I wasn't implying anything honest. And look, I'm glad you're still here Buneary.

(In confessional)
Buneary: I was in the bottom last night, so that means some people must've voted for me. It's hard to imagine Bellossom and Treecko weren't part of that... (sighs) Ugh why does she have to be so nice? I want to believe she is but I just can't!

Sobble: I hope we can just win again. I want to have my own room where no one can bother me! (Pauses) N-no offense to you guys. (The girls all laugh a little) NOO PLEASE DONT LAUGH AT ME IM SORRY!! (Runs off)

Fennekin: Oh Sobble... she's got enough paranoia for a lifetime doesn't she?

(In the spa hotel)

Chespin: Yo Spheal! There you are. Hey awesome job yesterday. (High fives him)

Spheal: Hey thanks Chespin! It was a blast.

Chespin: Yeah. (Pauses) So hey, there's something I wanted to talk to you about.

Spheal: Okay, but is it about you forming an alliance with Snivy because I kind of already know that-

Chespin: WHAT!? H-how did you- When did you- HUH?

Spheal: Okay well I wasn't sure... but you just confirmed it now. Just I saw you two talking yesterday which was unusual for you two do. (Laughs a little but then turns shocked) WAIT WHAT? ITS TRUE? CHESPIN-

Chespin: (covers Spheal's mouth) SSSHHH! Dude let's not announce it to the whole world!

Spheal: Sorry just, wow. This is huge! I mean it's definitely a super smart play that nobody else will see coming. But it's with Snivy, your mortal enemy! That's so risky!

Chespin: You think I don't know that? Look, Spheal I didn't come to just tell you about it I came to ask if you would join it. Take your time to think-


(In confessional)
Spheal: If there's an alliance going on of course I'd rather be in it than out of it. (Excitedly) Plus an alliance between Chespin and Snivy? That's a recipe for the most iconic alliance in TDP history! AND IM A PART OF IT!! WOO!

(Elsewhere around camp)

Psyduck: Hey! Togedeblahblue! (Laughs) Just kidding, I know your name is really Togedemaru.

Togedemaru: Oh hey Psyduck...

Psyduck: Why so sad? Is it because you acted like a total jerk to Pachirisu, Shinx, Meowstic, and everyone else?

Togedemaru: Wow. Way to put it bluntly... but yes...

Psyduck: Hey well everyone makes mistakes. Just look at me. I make soooo many mistakes! Hard to believe, I know. But that's okay. What matters is that people who care about you will forgive you as long as you get your heart back in the right place!

Togedemaru: Wow, Psyduck that was actually really beautiful advice... I didn't know you had it in ya. I know I don't get to say this much these days, but thanks dude. I really appreciate you.
(Gives him a slight hug)

Psyduck: You're weclom!

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: I know I overreacted and I got Shinx eliminated because of it, and there's nothing I can do to fix that. (Sighs) Pachirisu tried to talk things through but I wouldn't listen. I gotta hope she's still willing to talk before she fully moves on to someone more athletic like Sawk.

(Back in Enteis cabin)

Litten: Dude! Mudkip and Grookey are coming!

Charmander: (grabs something) Yes! Got it! Um... quick! Out the back window! (The two jump out the window as Mudkip walks in with Grookey behind him)

Grookey: That's weird, I could've sworn I heard someone in here. (Looks at the place) What a mess. Looks like a prank gone wrong.

Mudkip: AGH! MY BAG! (Points at his bag that looks normal)

Grookey: Huh? I think that's the only thing that hasn't been touched.

Mudkip: No it has! I always leave my zipper facing upwards, you see! It's down! Someone's stealing my stuff!

Grookey: Well it wasn't me! I promise!

Mudkip: I know, you walked in with me so I don't think it could've been you. (Unzips his bag) Okay now let's find out what was taken- (An airhorn sounds) AGH-


Quaxly: (barges in) Come on guys. Hustle, hustle!

Mudkip: Dang it, guess this will have to wait for later.

Quaxly: Grookey that means you too. (Grookey pushes by Quaxly, ignoring him) HEY! What did I do to you? You know, in like the past twenty four hours. Yeah that's right! NOTHING!

(Walking to the docks)

Charmander: I'm not gonna go over the plan again, just do it. (Shoves Litten at Vulpix)

Litten: Oh, hey again.

Vulpix: Litten for the last time, get lost... (Litten takes a deep breath and uses Attract on her and she falls in love with him)

(In confessional)
Charmander: That's right! (Holds up a disc and spins it) The good old TM for Attract. Thanks Mudkip! Attract needs to have some sort of underlying connection to truly work in this way, which those two fires type have. Now Litten will piss Fennekin off even further, AND with Vulpix head over heels for him, I'll gain another ally! BOOM! Perfect plan!

Vulpix: (infatuated) I mean I get lost in your eyes... wow they sparkle so handsomely in the sunlight.

Litten: R-really? Wow, it worked- I mean, thanks I know. Your eyes are sweet as well. Now... come on. Let's head to the dock, after you.

Vulpix: What a gentleman!

Litten: Yup, that's me. (Frowns) Such a gentleman...

(In confessional)
Litten: Ugh this feels so incredibly wrong... (slaps himself) Come on Litten! What are you doing? Get your deserved revenge on your stupid ex who dumped you! Yeah that's right! Nobody messes with this punk and gets away with it!

(The teams gather at the docks where Raichu and Koffing are waiting for them)

Togedemaru: Oh goodie, what is it this time?

Koffing: Shut up maggot! Nobody asked for your thoughts!

Togedemaru: Jeez take a chill pill...

Pachirisu: (snidely) If you had any of those, you might want to take them yourself Togedemaru.

Togedemaru: Woah! Hey look, Pachirisu-

Koffing: I SAID SHUT UP MAGGOT!!! (There is silence) Good.

Raichu: Okay um,.. wait there's five of you there and five there so that makes...

Sobble: You having trouble with counting again Raichu- EEP SORRY! (Turns invisible)

Raichu: Are we missing a few people? I feel like we are missing a few.

Cyndaquil: Wait I think it's us who's missing some members.

Charamnder: Oh yeah. Just go ahead and explain the challenge, we can catch them up to speed.

Raichu: Hey! I don't tell you how to your job, so don't you tell me how to do mine! (Charmander rolls his eyes) Anywho, everyone get excited because today is gonna be a fun one! You've all heard of the lost city of Atlantis, correct?

Mudkip: Right! The ancient Pokémon civilization that sunk to the bottom of the sea and fell to ruin!

Raichu: Correctumundo!

Cubchoo: I'm sorry, but isn't Atlantis just a fairytale? Like a make believe place?

Sprigatito: Cubchoo we got sucked into a video game last season. Atlantis being real shouldn't be a surprise.

Cubchoo: Erm... yeah I wasn't in that episode...

Quaxly: Well she's right, it still happened so...

Raichu: HEY! EYES ON ME! I never said Atlantis was real... (smiles) But we are pretty sure it is! You see, historians founds ancient ruins believed to be Atlantis not to far from this here island!

Treecko: Well isn't that convenient. (Raises an eyebrow)

Koffing: Nah trust Raichu on this one. I didn't believe it either until he sent me down there to scope things out with my own eyes.

Raichu: Exactly! And thanks for that Koffing!

Koffing: I could've done it without those two tho... (motions to Psyduck and Fuecoco in scuba gear, messing around)


Psyduck: No Fuecoco stop! You're gonna- (Fuecoco bumps into Psyduck and they both fall in the water)

Raichu: (to Koffing) What!? It's free entertainment! You're welcome!

Koffing: Whatever...

Raichu: (to the campers) Back to the challenge. You all will be taking a scuba dive down into these ancient ruins of the long lost city of Atlantis, with the goal of bringing me back one of its three special golden treasures! Enraged Enteis, you must bring me the golden chalice. Surreal Suicunes must find the golden urn, and the Reckless Raikous, it's up to you to locate the golden crown! Understood?

Cyndaquil: Hold on second, what are these golden treasures? I've never heard of them before. How do we know they exist?

Mudkip: Yeah! Is it possible we are being sent down trying to discover something that doesn't exist? That's ridiculous!

Raichu: Calm down, I assure you they do exist! (Softly) In theory. (Normally) Well in the end, somebody better bring me back something, that's all I'm saying (laughs)

Oshawott: This sounds awfully dangerous and unpredictable...

Meowstic: (pats him on the back) Don't worry Oshawott, it can't be that bad... can it?

Riolu: Going blind down there sounds dangerous, even for Raichu's standards. Surely we will have guidance of some sort?

Raichu: Yes, right you are! We need this challenge to be doable after all. (Motions to a building beside him) Behold! Our special research shed!

Fennekin: Yikes, what a total dump!

Raichu: Yes, yes, it's a fixer upper. But trust me, looks can be deceiving! Inside there are plenty of tools and texts that can assist you guys in your rescue mission. What's going to happen is each team will pick three members to have on mission control duties! They will be in the shed and provide guidance to the rest of you on the underwater hunt through radio communications.

Cyndaquil: Heh, don't worry Litten you can be on mission control. You won't have to get wet. (Looks around) Huh? Wait where's Litten.

Litten: (runs up with Vulpix) Sorry. Running late.

Vulpix: Yeah we were busy with something.

Raichu: I really don't care. So anyways, now teams- wait what are you two doing? (Litten and Vulpix start kissing and a lot of people gasp)

(In confessional)

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Woah, Litten you sly dog- er, I mean, cat. Didn't see that one coming.

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I don't believe it! Poor Fennekin...

Vulpix: Oh sorry, see I knew it'd bother him.

Raichu: Bother me? NO WAY! Keep it going this is going to be HUGE for ratings! Hey camera crew, get a shot of Fennekin, she's over there. (The camera pans to a mortified Fennekin who is speechless) Fennekin... hey you alright? Wanna give our audience a reaction or something? (There is silence)

Sandshrew: Oh I'll give you a reaction. VULPIX WHAT THE HELL!?!? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?

Raichu: Much better, thanks Sandshrew!

Sandshrew: Fennekin's your friend, how dare you-

Vulpix: Hey! Sandshrew it's my life, you can't tell me what to do.

Litten: Yeah, and Fennekin dumped ME! What am I supposed to do? Just never date again? She can't be mad here.

Sandshrew: But Vulpix you said you thought he was in the wrong! What the heck happened?

Vulpix: I guess I just realized I always liked Litten and if Fennekin was stupid enough to let him go, I might as well-

Fennekin: (screaming) THAT'S ENOUGH! (Points to Litten and Vulpix) BOTH YOU! YOU ARE DEAD TO ME NOW! HEAR THAT? DEAD. TO. ME!

(In confessional)
Fennekin: I can't believe it... I never thought Litten would stoop so low. And Vulpix? What a rotten, no good, HORRIBLE FRIEND! I so knew she always had a crush on Litten. UGH! This is what I think of you now Vulpix (holds up one of Vulpix's scarves and shreds it with her claws). Well those two jerkfaces deserve each other I guess. (Pauses and her angry expression turns to sadness and she cries)

Raichu: Ayy, there's the reaction I wanted! Now then, teams go ahead and pick the three who are staying in the shed, and the rest of you can get your gear on and get to diving and exploring! And yes, you water types will also take diving gear, we need this to be fair.

(By the Enraged Enteis)

Mudkip: Hmm, you know I can probably stay as part of mission control as I'd be good with looking through books and stuff.

Quaxly: Yeah but you're a water type. You and me would be the best at this type of challenge!

Charmander: Good point. Cyndaquil, you stay here with Litten and Vulpix. The rest of us will dive. Sound good?

Mudkip: Wait what?

Cyndaquil: That's fine. Don't worry Mudkip, just radio me if you need help with anything.

(In confessional)
Charmander: With Litten and Vulpix being in make out central, I need to make sure I have someone I can trust providing guidance for us. I know Cyndaquil can do it. He's got this.

(By the Surreal Suicunes)

Spheal: So what's everybody thinking?

Pachirisu: I'm thinking Meowstic and Alcremie stay up here.

Sawk: Right, they are better suited for intellectual challenges than psychical ones. Plus they did good before in the prison breakout one.

Alcremie: Um, thanks? I think... but we need one more. (The group goes silent) Nice.

Riolu: I'll stay up here then. (The team nods)

(By the Reckless Raikous)

Sobble: Fennekin... I'm sorry. Are you gonna be okay?

Fennekin: Yeah, I'll be fine. (Angry) IM SO DIVING THOUGH GET ME AWAY FROM HERE!!! (Normally) I mean, if that's okay with everyone?

Chikorita: Y-yeah, of course Fennekin.

Fennekin: Good.

Buizel: I'm definitely diving, I'm a water type duh. So I think Treecko and Bellossom should stay up here.

Treecko: Hey!

Bellossom: (sighs) Yeah that's fine.

Cubchoo: I guess I'll stay too...

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Sobble is still upset with me, and I probably would just make her uncomfortable. Besides, an ice type like me going underwater is probably a recipe for disaster. Don't wanna accidentally freeze someone. 

(Quaxly, Snivy, and Buizel all grab a map from Raichu and their teams put on the diving gear and head underwater)

Raichu: Oh, and just so you at home know, each team has a different entrance we've assigned for them. Don't want to have them copying each others movements, that'd be boring!

(Inside the shed)

Treecko: Holy crap, this place is huge on the inside! It looked like such a shitty shed, so how's this possible?

Riolu: I guess looks can be deceiving. (To his team) Alright there's our work station over there.

Cyndaquil: (to his team) Alright you guys, ready to- (sees Litten and Vulpix kissing again) Litten! Vulpix! Seriously?

Litten: What?

Cyndaquil: Litten what has gotten into you? I know you're nicer than this!

Litten: Oh please, no I'm not. And besides, Fennekin dumped ME!

Vulpix: That's right! So you have no reason to think what we're doing is wrong!

Cyndaquil: (sighs) I suppose you do make a point... just as long as you're happy this way...

Litten: Of freaking course I'm happy! Now Cyndaquil, why don't you handle things for now.

Charmander: (through the radio) Hello? Base do you copy?

Cyndaquil: (picks up the radio) Hey Charmander! Yup I hear you!

(In the ocean by some ruins)

Charmander: (into the radio) Alright, we found our entrance and are headed into the ruins. I'll keep you posted.

Quaxly: Alright team, follow me! I've got the map!

Togedemaru: Yeah, yeah. Make sure you don't lose it pal. (The team swims into the ruins)

(Elsewhere in front of the ruins)

Spheal: Wow! I can't believe this place is real! And real close to TDP island apparently!

Roserade: It's very strange isn't it?

Snivy: Okay, so now what? How do we get in?

Pachirisu: You have eyes don't you? Look!

Snivy: Yikes. When did you become Togedemaru?

Pachirisu: HEY! Don't throw his name around here! You don't want to get an electric type riled up when we're all underwater!

Sawk: Easy there, settle down. Deep breaths everyone.

Oshawott: Well not too deep. We don't want to deplete our oxygen levels.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Snivy is a piece a shit. I'm sure everyone knows that by now, but I just wanted to say it.

Roserade: Ooh over here! This way everyone. (The group swims off)

(The screen shows the Reckless Raikous swimming into their entrance)

Raichu: (to the camera) Looks like all three teams have found there way into the ruins! Now the question remains, what dangers will they have in store for them? (Holds up a pen and paper) I'm prepared to take notes! That's because even I have no idea what challenges will be faced today. I'm sure these ancients knew their stuff though.

Psyduck: Wow Raichu, you really are a boomer. Pen and paper?

Fuecoco: Fuecoco take notes on iPad.

Raichu: Oh zip it you two. Don't you have things that I'm not paying you for to be doing?

Psyduck: Oh he's right! Let's go!

(Inside the ruins; by the Reckless Raikous)

Buneary: It's so dark in here. Good thing these suits have lights.

Chikorita: Ack- (bumps into Buneary) Sorry. Wait, why did we stop?

Buizel: (motions ahead) Because the path stopped. Dead end.

Treecko: (through the radio) Hey, can you guys hear me? I'm pretty sure you need to go back out where you game from and-

Buizel: We're already inside! We aren't gonna start back from square one!

Treecko: (through the radio) Buizel don't be so stubborn I swear to- (Buizel turns him off)

Buneary: (puts her hands on her hips) Seriously?

(In confessional)
Buizel: Do I have a problem with taking someone else's lead? No, not usually. But I DO have a problem when that someone is Treecko! Call me stubborn, stupid, unreasonable, whatever. I'm not gonna be forced to rely on him. I'll do it my way!

Sobble: We should just turn back.

Fennekin: Yeah we don't have another option.

Buizel: No wait! There's gotta be a way forward. Let's look for a hidden path or something, c'mon team!

Chikorita: I mean, if you think you see something we can check real quick.

(In the mission control shed)

Treecko: WHAT THE HECK!? That asshole just muted me!

Bellossom: (sighs) Ugh, he's gonna cost us the challenge if he can't listen.

Cubchoo: Doesn't he have a map himself? What is he even doing? I'm with you guys, this is pretty frustrating. (Sadly sighs)

Bellossom: Tell me about it. (Pauses) You alright Cubchoo?

Cubchoo: Well I-

Treecko: Okay we don't have time for- (Bellossom elbows him) OW.

Bellossom: Sorry Cubchoo, give us a moment. (Pulls Treecko aside) Treecko! I thought you were gonna be nicer!

Treecko: Seriously? Now is not the time for fraternization.

Bellossom: It isn't? Think again!

(In confessional)
Bellossom: Cubchoo seems sweet as can be, and let's face it, Treecko and I really don't have any close friends except for each other in this game. If we wanna survive, we NEED alliances. Cubchoo being here alone with us makes him the perfect option. (Smiles) And again, he seems like a nice guy!

Bellossom: I mean... the team isn't listening to us anyways, so why not?

Treecko: (nods) Fair point. (They go back over to Cubchoo) Sorry, I just needed to vent something to my girlfriend. You can continue.

Cubchoo: Oh, no problem. I guess it's just- (starts to talk about his situation)

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: It was really nice of them to want to listen to my problems. I've been feeling so isolated on this team as of late, so it's a wonderful feeling to have friends again heh.

Riolu: (to Alcremie) So Meowstic has this part covered, huh?

Alcremie: Yeah. He's just reading a more detailed map that shows depths and stuff.

Meowstic: (into the mic) Alright so you guys are gonna wanna swim up. Understood? Great!

(Riolu watches Alcremie watch Meowtsic for a while and smirks)

Alcremie: What? What's that look for?

Riolu: Oh nothing. (Laughs) Just... you like him don't you?

Alcremie: AGH- (Pushes Riolu) Stop it! No, it's not like that!

Riolu: You can try to deny it all you want but I can sense your true feelings you know.

Alcremie: (narrows her eyes) I really hate your aura abilities, you know that?

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Okay, so maybe I have a teensy crush on Meowtsic. So what? He's just so awkwardly endearing heh. But there's no way he feels the same way so I'll just keep things to myself until these feelings pass. That's how they work... right?

(In the underwater ruins)

Charmander: Alright just keep following me everyone! You know, this challenge has been super simple.

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Great! Now something is bound to go wrong.

Quaxly: For real. The second you think things are safe is when they go wrong.

Charmander: (stops) Oh crud.

Quaxly: SEE! What did I tell ya!

Togedemaru: Ahem, WE.

Charmander: Looks like there are two paths. And I can't tell which one is the right one thanks to this shitty map.

Mudkip: Hmm, maybe I could see the map. (Goes to take it but Charmander holds it away)

Sprigatito: (using her mic) Hey Cyndaquil, we are in a corridor with what looks like a shell motif. There's two paths.

Grookey: (using the mic) Any advice on which way to go?

Cyndaquil: (through the mic) Oh sure, let me take a look. I think one of these books might have something.

Sprigatito: Wait how long do you think your gonna- dangit I think he left to get the book.

Togedemaru: So... now what? We wait?

Charmander: We don't have time to wait! Three of us take the left path, the other other three go right.

Grookey: Left is lucky! So I call it! (Swims off)

Sprigatito: Grookey wait up! Come on Quaxly.

Quaxly: You don't mind if the three of us keep working together right?

Grookey: (fakes smiles) Oh hehe... not at all.

Mudkip: Okay, to the right we go then. (The rest swim off)

(Elsewhere in the underwater ruins)

Pachirisu: So we can make our way up through here... (The group swims through)

Sawk: Hmm, okay wait, it seems we are at a dead end here.

Pachirisu: That shouldn't be. (Into her mic) Meowstic, which way did you say to go?

Meowstic: (through the mic) You gotta just keep going up, and I think you'll see a weaponry room of sorts.

Spheal: Roger that! (Swims up and hits his head on the ceiling) Oww. Okay, never mind.

Oshawott: Uh oh, are we lost?

Sawk: We shouldn't be. (Looks at his map) I can't tell where we are on this one.

Pachirisu: (into her mic) Meowstic we literally can't go up anymore. Are you sure that's where we need to go?

(Back in the shed)

Meowstic: (into his mic) I'm positive! (Riolu taps him on the shoulder) AGH-

Riolu: Sorry. Mind if I look at the map?

Meowstic: Oh, um sure. (Riolu takes in and looks it over)

Riolu: (into his mic) Yeah, he's been holding it upside down. You guys need to head down. (Meowstic makes a shocked and embarrassed expression)

Snivy: (through the mic) Oh you've got to be kidding me! Seriously!?

(In confessional)
Meowstic: UGH I'M SUCH A MORON!!! How do I make such a stupid mistake? And duh, of course the treasure is below and not up ya dummy. (Facepalms). I guess Shinx leaving and now these new feelings with Alcremie are really making me off focused.

Raichu: (announcing to the camera) Looks like the Surreal Suicunes are finally headed in the right direction! And so are the Reckless Raikous as they retrace their steps and head in a new entrance. But this one might have a few more surprises than the last. (Laughs)

(Elsewhere underwater)

Sandshrew: Woah, where are we now? A grand piano?

Buneary: It looks like some kind of concert hall.

Fennekin: Okay now nobody touch anything-

Buizel: Hmm, I wonder if this still works. (Hits a key on a piano and it makes a high pitched ring) OW-

Sobble: I think that thing needs tuning.

Buneary: Buizel! Be careful! We're lucky that didn't set off any booby traps!

Buizel: Booby trapping an instrument? Buneary please, that makes no sense.

Chikorita: Yeah but does a noise alerting ravenous Carvanhas make sense? (Points to a group of savage Carvanhas that have swam into the room)

(In confessional)
Buizel: Son of a bi-

Carvanha: Get the heck outta here! Carvanhas, bite their oxygen tanks. That'll make sure they go away.

Sandshrew: AGHHHH!!! SWIM FOR IT!!! (Everyone swims off in a chase scene)

Bellossom: (through the mic) Hey guys, any updates? I'm sure we can help.

Sobble: (into the mic) I'm pretty sure you can't- AGH!

Cubchoo: (through the mic) Sobble? Are you okay?

Fennekin: (into the mic) WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING HERE!!! (Turns the mic off) Okay that is IT!

Buneary: Fennekin, what are you doing?

Fennekin: I'm taking out those STUPID CARVANHA!! AGHH! (Charges forward attacking with Fury Swipes)

Sandshrew: Agh! Fennekin!

Buneary: No, she's got the right idea! Come on everyone, we gotta fight back! (The team starts to attack the Carvanhas)

(In confessional)
Fennekin: You know what, that actually felt GREAT! It sure is nice to finally let out all this anger I've been trying to bottle up. I just envisioned each Carvanha as Litten or Vulpix.

Fennekin: AND STAY BACK! (The Carvanhas swim away) Phew.

Buizel: Alright, wicked job! Fennekin you are a beast!

Chikorita: And I thought getting impulsively angry was my thing heh...

Buizel: Okay now follow me-

Buneary: (sternly) Buizel... I know you aren't gonna like this but we NEED to work as a team.

Buizel: Oh come on. Please tell me your not suggesting we-

Buneary: Listen to Treecko? Yeah I'm suggesting that.

Buizel: But we have our own map right here! What do we need him for?

Buneary: Hmm, let's find out. (Into her mic) Sorry guys, we ran into some feisty Carvanhas. We fought them off but are okay now.

Cubchoo: (through the mic) That's a relief. Glad you are safe.

Bellossom: (through the mic) I think I heard you say you were in a concert hall venue?

Chikorita: (into her mic) Yup, that's correct!

Bellossom: (through the mic) Well according to this text, there is hidden tunnel underneath the piano. It will take you to the treasure vault faster.

Buneary: (into the mic) Got it, thanks! (Stares at Buizel)

Buizel: Ugh fine, yes you were right. Well at least he didn't spea-

Treecko: (through the mic) I can hear you. Now go move the piano.

Sandshrew: I'll help you with it Buizel! (They go to move the piano)

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: Never thought I'd be able to lift up a piano. Though I think it being underwater might have had something to do with it...

(Elsewhere in the underwater ruins)

Grookey: Oof, still nothing this way.

Sprigatito: (swimming along) Whew. Today's just been so exhausting hasn't it?

Quaxly: With what exactly?

Sprigatito: With Litten and Vulpix! Can you believe them!? Vulpix was mad at Litten, how could she switch so quickly and hurt her friend Fennekin like that?

Quaxly: If you think Vulpix is crazy, Litten is even crazier! Moving on from your ex and rubbing it in her face like that? (Makes a gag noise) Gross.

Grookey: (stops moving) Heh.... HAHAHA (starts laughing wildly)

Sprigatito: Everything alright Grookey?

Quaxly: Yeah, what's so funny? Just share it.

(In confessional)
Grookey: Whelp. They asked for it.

Grookey: (fake happy) Gladly! Just you guys think that being with two people in a short amount of time is bad right?

Sprigatito: Um... I mean yeah?

Grookey: Well I think it's nice that Litten didn't try to hide his feelings for Vulpix. I respect he was able to be forward with it.

Quaxly: Really? Wow you always have bad takes Grookey, but that's-

Sprigatito: Hang on, what do you mean by that?

Grookey: Nothing.

Quaxly: Okay whatever. Let's stop wasting time before we die down here.

Grookey: Right! We wouldn't want another near death experience to cause you two to kiss again! (Quaxly and Sprigatito gasp)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: AGH! HE KNEW? B-BUT HOW!? (Sighs) Oh I'm such a horrible person... I never should have made things worse by keeping secrets.

Sprigatito: Grookey I can explain! I thought I was gonna die and-

Quaxly: She only kissed me because she thought that's what I wanted! Don't be mad at her, be mad at me.

Grookey: No, no. I'm not mad...  (angry) I'M LIVID! AT BOTH OF YOU! HOW COULD YOU!? WE WERE PUTTING A PAUSE ON THINGS!


Grookey: YOU CANT TELL ME WHERE TO DIRECT MY FEELINGS! (They start loudly fighting)

Sprigatito: Agh! Guys stop!

(In the shed control room)

Vulpix: Aww Litten, did you draw this for me?

Litten: Sure did!

Cyndaquil: (runs over out of breath) There. You. Are. Phew... Look I need you to take this communication line. And help them how ever you can. (Walks away)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Litten and Vulpix have been no help at all and I'm so stressed out here! I've had to manage EVERYTHING myself. It's so much back and forth! Trying to talk to the team and research through stuff. But I can't help two groups at once, so I'll let those two handle Grookey's group. They'll have to help, right?

Litten: Hey I think the mics got turned on. (Hears a bunch of yelling and the mics screech) OW!

Vulpix: Ugh my eardrums! What the heck?

Litten: Don't worry Vulpix, I know how to fix this. (Shuts the communications off) There. Much better, right?

(In the underwater ruins; the group solves a puzzle)

Mudkip: Okay there's a triangle insignia on this wall. What about yours?

Charmander: It's like a rectangle, but like smushed and tilted.

Togedemaru: So like a parallelogram?

Charmander: A what? Sure, if that's what you wanna call it.

Togedemaru: Mhm, and there is a circle over here.

Cyndaquil: (through the microphone) Okay guys, the sequence should be circle, triangle, para... um... whatever that last one was. Smushed rectangle heh.

Mudkip: Alright got it! Togedemaru, after you. (The three press their buttons and a gate opens) Woo hoo! We did it! Nice work! (They swim through into room) Now where are we?

Togedemaru: Three doors... Hey check out the signs!

Charmander: Each door has one of the special treasures behind it! Wicked! Thanks for labeling them whoever made this place. (Tries to open the door) It won't budge!

Togedemaru: Hmm, maybe this? (Holds down a lever and the door rolls up and opens) I got it. Let's move! (Lets go of the lever and the door shuts) What the-

Mudkip: Oh wow. Looks like the door will only be open if the lever is held. Aka, someone needs to wait outside and hold the lever while the others go in.

Togedemaru: Why the heck would they design it like that?

Mudkip: I guess to prevent anyone from acting alone and stealing the treasure.

Charmander: Well that's stupid.

Togedemaru: (shrugs) Well I'll man the lever. You two go instead and find that treasure or whatever. (They all nod).


Raichu: (to the camera) And the Enraged Enteis are the first to enter the treasure room! But will finding their artifact be as simple as they think? I sure hope not! Plus, it looks like they won't have the lead for long!

(Back in the room with 3 doors; the Surreal Suicunes swim in)

Riolu: (through the mic) You should be in a room with three doors now. Take the one in the middle for the urn.

Pachirisu: Thanks Riolu! (Looks up and sees Togedemaru looking her way) Oh great, look who's here.

Roserade: Aww, Pachirisu he looks like he wants to talk to you.

Oshawott: Yeah, just try to sort things out.

Pachirisu: And stop helping with the challenge? No way!

Spheal: Hey, it looks like someone has to stay and hold this lever down anyways...

Chespin: ...So it might as well be you.

Sawk: (nods) You know their right.

Pachirisu: Fine. (Sighs) Here Sawk, you take the map.

Sawk: Thanks. Alright everyone, let's press onward. (Swims off as the Reckless Raikous arrive)

Chikorita: Oh no! Are we in last?

Fennekin: Let's just hurry! Come on!

Treecko: (through the mic) Someone is gonna need to wait and hold that lever.

Sobble: (holds down the lever) I'll do it!

(In confessional)
Sobble: Phew. Finally some alone time!

(Elsewhere in the underwater ruins)


Grookey: UM WHAT!?!? YOU SOOO DID!

Quaxly: Oh yeah... WELL-

Sprigatito: ENOUGH! (To Grookey) I am so so sorry. If there was a way I could go back and undo it all I would.

Quaxly: Ouch, I'm still here you know.

Sprigatito: Sorry Quaxly, but you know what I mean by that. (Quaxly sighs and nods)

Grookey: Well it's not that it happened as much as it is that you were never gonna tell me.

Sprigatito: I mean I'm sure if you watched the episode after the season you'd- (Grookey narrows his eyes) Right, not important. Can we try and move forward from this though? I think we're totally lost down here.

Grookey: Alright fine, but there shouldn't be anything to worry about- (suddenly his suit starts beeping) WHA? Low oxygen levels? OH CRAP! AGHHH! (The three begin panicking)

Quaxly: NOW WHAT!?

Grookey: Oh please, you're a water type what do you care.


Sprigatito: (into her mic) Hello? Cyndaquil we need a way out of here. (Pauses) Cyndaquil? Vulpix? Anybody there... AGH!

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: We are running low on oxygen, are totally lost, AND nobody at base is responding to our calls for help... (facepalms) And here I was thinking the day couldn't get any worse...

(In the shed; Litten and Vulpix ignore the blinking light)

Litten: Hey Vulpix let me show you this tree I graffitied the other day.

Vulpix: Oh sure! (They leave)

Cubchoo: Did they just... leave!?

Treecko: Wow. Looks like somebody is getting carried away with the jealousy game.

Cubchoo: The what game? Oh, wait, never mind I get what you meant now.

Bellossom: That's totally crazy.

Fennekin: (through the mic) HELLO!? Hi can you hear me? We made it past some crazy stuff and are in the crown room. Only problem is... there's quite a few of them and we have no idea which is the real one...

Bellossom: (through the mic) Wait what? Uh oh. Don't worry, we're gonna help find the real one. (To Treecko and Cubchoo) Did any of you see an illustration of the crown ever? (They both shake their heads no) I was afraid of that.

Cubchoo: Sorry...

Treecko: Quickly! Let's try one of those book shelves over there!

(Underwater; inside the urn room)

Sawk: Alright everyone, keep your eyes peeled.

Snivy: Hey what's that over there? (Motions to something at the end of the path)

Oshawott: Maybe it's some kind of doorknob?

Spheal: Maybe. I'll go check. (Swims forward when suddenly a sharp object is shot out at Spheal) WHA- (dodges) What the heck was that?

Oshawott: Agh! Spheal!

Sawk: It's a booby trap. I bet if we disarm it we can get to the urn. But we can't risk getting our suit busted Hmm... Looks like a water type needs to do it. Spheal?

Spheal: No way! I'm not getting shot at again! Besides I have no idea what to do.

Sawk: So then that leaves... (looks to Oshawott)

Oshawott: (takes off his Scalchop) Alright. I can give it a go.

Chespin: You got this!

(In confessional)
Oshawott: It's really crazy how far I've come since season one. Back then I probably would have been too scared to try since all eyes are on me, but now, I don't mind that much!

Oshawott: O-okay... when's it gonna... (the canon fires) AGH- (swings his scalchop to deflect the shot) Yes! I did it! (The shot ricochets and starts bouncing around) AGH! NO! WATCH OUT! The group swims around trying to avoid it, when suddenly glass shattering is heard and everyone is silent)

Alcremie: (through the mic) Hey, is everyone doing okay?

Snivy: Yeah, I am. But Chespin might not be. (Chespin is shown with his suit cracked and holding his breath)

(In confessional)
Chespin: ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Nope. That just happened. I'm down there, heart beating faster than a dragon dancing Garchomp, thinking yup, I'm totally gonna drown to death.

Roserade: Oh no! Chespin!

Oshawott: I'm so so sorry!

(In confessional)
Oshawott: (staring to tear up) I can't believe I did that... I... I... (stops himself) No time to be sad. You MUST get Chespin out of there.

Oshawott: (grabs Chespin and swims off) Sorry guys, but I gotta get Chespin to the surface. Riolu, please give full attention to guiding me out. We gotta hurry.

Riolu: (through the mic) Of course. Once you get out of those quarters you need to make a left.

(Oshawott swims along with Chespin until they reach the area with the three doors and make a left)

Pachirisu: Hurry Oshawott! (Turns to Togedemaru) So... did you want to talk or-

Togedemaru: IM SORRY! (There is silence) Look, I'm sorry to have been a butthole.

Pachirisu: I thought you were mad at me not spending time with you, but it was jealously over Sawk? Why!? Do you really think I'm not loyal to you?

Togedemaru: No it's not like that at all. (Sighs) It's just... well you know.

Pachirisu: (confused) I don't think I do...

Togedemaru: Ugh, fine. It's just Sawk is so athletic and strong and I'm just... well to be generous I'm a spiky ball of negative energy.

Pachirisu: (laughs a little) Yeah, so?

Togedemaru: So? So you're a super amazing, athletic gymnast. Surely you want someone who is equally matched and can keep up with you. (Pauses) It's hard to admit this, but I guess I've just got my own insecurities and I feel like I'm not good enough for you...

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: (facepalms) Here I go again, putting my heart on my sleeve in front of the whole televised world... yeah I need to stop coming on these reality shows...

Pachirisu: Togedemaru... I... I'm so sorry if I ever put that pressure on you-

Togedemaru: You didn't. It's totally a me problem.

Pachirisu: Well please, Togedemaru don't EVER feel like you aren't good enough. I like, I mean, I LOVE you just the way you are. I get competitive and push you because that's what I do, but truthfully I love having someone who makes me realize there is more to life than winning.

Togedemaru: Really? You mean that?

Pachirisu: Of course you dummy. I don't want to date someone like myself. I want to date someone who cares about me and balances me out. You are, and always will, be the perfect guy for me. (The two stare at each other before hugging)

Togedemaru: Thank you. What did I do to deserve you?

Pachirisu: I could say the same thing.

Sobble: (starts bursting out in tears as the two look embarrassed) AWWW!!!

Togedemaru: Yup... totally forgot she was here...

(In confessional)

(Back in the shed)

Vulpix: (walks in) Okay, maybe we should get back to this challenge here-

Litten: Pfft, nah Cyndaquil has it all covered. Right Cyndaquil? (Looks to see him scurrying around like a madman) Dude?

Cyndaquil: AGH- (drops a bunch of books) Oh shoot, huh? Oh! Hey how's the other group?

Vulpix: The other group?

Cyndaquil: Yeah, the communications I told you to take care of... remember?

Litten: Oh yeah that... (walks over to the device) Yeah they didn't ever say anything. Huh? Why's the light blinking?

Cyndaquil: WHAT? OH NO! (Unmutes the thing to hear screaming)

Grookey: (through the mic) WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF AIR! HELP US!

Sprigatito: (through the mic) IM TELLING YOU THEYRE GONE! WE'RE SCREWED!

Cyndaquil: (into the mic) I'm here, I'm here! Guys calm down, I'm gonna guide you out of there. Sorry for the delay.

Quaxly: (through the mic) OH PRAISE ARCEUS!

(In confessional)
Litten: Whoops... I might've messed up real badly here... my bad?

(In the underwater ruins)

Mudkip: Hey Charmander, I've got an idea on getting past this security system.

Charmander: Oh yeah? What is it? (The screen wipes to the two swimming against the wall to avoid the sensors) I feel so stupid...

Mudkip: Well we even look it too! (Laughs a little) Sorry, sorry. Hey look! I think that's the chalice!

Charmander: (Grabs it) YES! Come on, let's go win this thing!

(Back in the shed)

Bellossom: Anything on crowns in that one?

Treecko: Ugh, nope! Just some dumb poem about the treasures. No pictures.

Cubchoo: We don't necessarily need pictures to figure things out.

Bellossom: That's true. Let me take a look. (Looks at the book) Wait it mentions sapphire jewels! That's a big clue. Good thinking Cubchoo.

Cubchoo: Oh really? Thanks.

Treecko: I mean I found the book so you're welcome. (Smirks and laughs)

(Inside the underwater ruins)

Sandshrew: These crowns are all so cute! But all so rusty bleh...

Buizel: This is taking too long. I say we just take them all and swim back out!

Treecko: (through the mic) Right, because touching things worked so well earlier.

Buizel: (into the mic) Hey shut it Treecko! I wasn't talking to you.

Fennekin: (into the mic) So did you guys find anything?

Bellossom: (through the mic) Yup! It mentioned sapphire jewels! I'm hoping a crown matches that description.

Sandshrew: We'll look.

Buneary: Sapphire, sapphire... Sapphire! (Points at a crown) There!

Chikorita: (picks it up) Got it! Let's go!

Buneary: Follow me, and I'll follow our directions. We can do this!

(On the dock)

Koffing: Wow, been a long day again huh Raichu?

Raichu: Tell me about it. At least this sunset is beautiful... (to the camera) OH HELLO! Whelp, we've got several campers on their way up, but only one team can win! Who will make it to the surface first? Ooh! I think I hear someone now!
(Out in the ocean, Oshawott surfaces with Chespin who is slightly purple and breathing for air)


Oshawott: (embarrassed) Aheh, thank goodness we made it. Chespin I'm so so sorry...

Chespin: (finishes a deep breath) Don't worry Oshawott, it was an accident. What's important is that you saved me. Thanks bud.

Oshawott: Oh you're welcome. I mean, I was the one who got you in this situation after all.

Raichu: (to the camera) Whelp, no Atlantis treasure there. Maybe the next group will have some? (Grookey, Sprigatito and Quaxly surface) Or maybe not...

Grookey: Phew, glad that's over with.

Sprigatito: I know right. I'm so happy we're all okay. Group hug- (Grookey just swims away)

Quaxly: Don't worry, I got you! (Hugs Sprigatito)

(In confessional)
Grookey: It felt good to finally let them know that I knew. Better than me not knowing that they know I know. Did I say that right? (Sighs) But yeah... not ready to forgive or forget just yet...

Raichu: Another bust! Come on! WHERE'S MY TREASURE!?!? I WANT MY TREASURE- (gets tapped on the shoulder) Agh! You scared me. Yes?

Chikroita: (hands Raichu the crown) Here you go, the crown of Atlantis.

Raichu: YAY TREASURE!!! THE RECKLESS RAIKOUS WIN!! (Their team cheers)

Buneary: Woo hoo! We did it!


Vulpix: (from across the dock) Pfft, oh whatever. You probably got lucky.

Sobble: Hey, no she didn't! Fennekin did amazing for us today!

Cubchoo: And so did Bellossom. She kept us all together! (Others nod)

Bellossom: Thanks Cubchoo.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: You know, I'm proud of myself. I helped take initiative myself to help my team. I really needed this victory. Ahhh.

(Out in the water, Mudkip and Charmander surface)

Charmander: HERE! We got it! The chalice- OH DAMMIT!

Mudkip: Ugh! We're too late...

Raichu: Afraid so... (to the camera) Alright and we'll see you at home in a bit for our elimination ceremony! Place your bets on who's staying and who's going!

(Later; walking to the elimination ceremony)

Meowstic: I totally goofed up big time today, ugh...

Pachirisu: It's okay Meowstic, it wasn't that big of a mistake.

Meowstic: I hope you're right... (pauses) Hey, glad you and Togedemaru sorted things out. (They walk ahead more)

Snivy: (to Roserade) Hmm, who do we vote tonight?

Roserade: I'm not sure. I always hate this part...

Snivy: Mhm... (walks up to Chespin) We're voting together right?

Chespin: (sighs) Yeah, yeah...

(At the elimination ceremony)

Sprigatito: (to Vulpix) What the heck happened today?

Vulpix: I'm sorry Sprigatito. Litten and I got distracted and didn't hear your calls.

Grookey: Oh sureeee. Seriously? You and Litten almost made us die!

Vulpix: Hey, I said sorry!

Litten: Just lay off of us you two!

Quaxly: Ugh! I can't believe you think we're at fault here. The audacity!

Grookey: Yeah! Stupid Quaxly is stupid right!

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: I'm honestly very disappointed in Vulpix today. Though I know I'm not in the position to shame others for their choices... (sighs)

Raichu: Hey Enteis, I know you guys are dysfunctional but can you sit quietly for a few seconds? Jeez, your team is hopeless...

Mudkip: No we aren't! We nearly won today!

Raichu: I suppose that is true... So I'll be starting with the Surreal Suicunes! After back to back wins, you've finally lost yet again. Tell me, did you miss this place?

Riolu: Nope. Not in the slightest.

Raichu: Fair enough. Let's go over who is in jeopardy of elimination. First up, we have Meowstic! You can play all the complicated video games in the world but you don't know how to properly hold map? Yikes! (Meowstic frowns) Also on the chopping block is Oshawott! (Oshawott looks embarrassed) You broke Chespin's scuba suit and almost got him killed. That's an even bigger yikes!

Oshawott: (sighs) I know, I'm sorry...

Raichu: And lastly is Pachirisu.

Pachirisu: WHAT? Me!? What did I do?

Raichu: You've been awfully distracted as of late. Has your head gone out of the game? (Throws pokepuffs to everyone except the bottom three). The first one headed home tonight is...

(The camera dramaticly zooms in on the three of them)

Raichu: ...Oshawott... (Oshawott sighs)

Pachirisu: Phew...

Buizel: WHAT!? NO!

(In confessional)
Snivy: Voting for Oshawott was a sensible move. He's physically one of the weakest members of the team, AND he's the one most likely to resent me, Chespin excluded of course. Nothing personal, but goodbye!

Chespin: Sorry dude.

Oshawott: It's okay. Sorry I let you down Suicunes.

Alcremie: Aww it's okay Oshawott don't feel bad. We'll miss you.

Oshawott: Hehe, thanks guys. And good luck with the rest of the show.

Raichu: Hold your horses Oshawott, we've still got someone else to send home. Enraged Enteis we now turn to you. First up are Litten and Vulpix!

Litten: What!? Why!?


Raichu: Yeah. That! Plus you did awful in the challenge and almost killed some of your team members. (Pauses) Also at risk of elimination is, once again, Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: What the- What did I even do this time?

Raichu: I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet it has something to do with that attitude of yours. The rest of you are safe. (Throws them all pokepuffs) Our other contestant who will be flushed tonight is...

(The camera dramatically zooms in on the bottom three)

Raichu: ...Three strikes and you are out! Sorry Togedemaru, but you're done!

Togedemaru: (sighs) Oh well, that sucks but... whatever.

Fennekin: WHAT!? BOOOOOO!!!

Sandshrew: YEAH BOOOOO!!!

Litten: Oh boo yourselves!

(In confessional)
Vulpix: I'm lucky to live to see another day. I can't believe I let my feelings for Litten just completely take over today! I honestly don't know what came over me... (sighs) I threw away my friendship with Fennekin... but Litten is really sweet and you shouldn't deny the heart what it wants right?

(In confessional)
Charmander: (laughing a little) Ahaha YES! I'm so set right now! For those of you at home, let me explain something to you. My fire starter alliance plus Mudkip's vote from Cyndaquil and Vulpix's vote from Litten equals FIVE FLIPPING VOTES! That's right, over half the team! BOOYAH! I can send home anybody I want! Sorry Togedemaru, but this is payback for you voting me out in season two!

Pachirisu: (sad) Togedemaru... no... this sucks! And just when we made up...

Togedemaru: Hey, well at least it happened after and not before. Glad to leave knowing my girlfriend is in a good state of mind.

Raichu: Wait a second, what's this glass half full thinking? Is this really the real Togedemaru? (Psyduck runs up crying)

Psyduck: NOOOO! NOT MY BESTEST BUDDY! (Hugs him)

Togedemaru: There, there Psyduck. It'll be okay. I think Raichu made some nachos-

Psyduck: Wait really? WHERE!? (Runs off as Togedemaru laughs)

Pachirisu: I really am gonna miss you. (Gives Togedemaru a kiss)

(The screen wipes to Oshawott and Togedemaru in the toilet)

Raichu: Alright you two, any last words?

Togedemaru: You got this Pachirisu! And Sawk... good luck to you too dude.

Buneary: Bye Oshawott!

Oshawott: Bye Buneary. I'll say hi to Flaaffy for you. And Buizel, you got this cous! (Buizel looks sad but then smiles and waves)

Raichu: Alright, smell ya later losers! (Presses the button and flushes away Togedemaru and Oshawott as they scream) GOOD RIDDANCE!


Raichu: (to the camera) That does it for another long episode of Total Drama Pokemon! We thank you for sticking with us! Oshawott's wholesomeness and Togedemaru's prickliness will both be missed, but for different reasons I'm sure. Now then, how will things go next time? Will Grookey, Sprigatito and Quaxly be able to settle their feud and bounce back, or are their fates already sealed now that Charmander has the majority on his side? Will Litten and Vulpix continue their scandalous relationship or will the guilt sink in? And lastly, will Pachirisu work extra hard to avenge Togedemaru? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon!

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