The Baby-Sitters Flub

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, our campers went down into the big blue world in search of the lost city of Atlantis! Luckily for them, that part was easy because it was found already, but navigating the sunken city was the real challenge. While a few campers stayed on dry land to help assist, the rest dove straight into the ruins and had to solve puzzles, avoid booby traps, and trust each other to try and bring back an ancient treasure! It was a crazy day! But actually, before the challenge even began things were already off their rocker as Charmander convinced Litten to make Vulpix fall in love with him by using Attract on her to make Fennekin jealous. But obviously, Charmander was really just looking out for himself so he could have the voting numbers. During the challenge, Buizel and Treecko bickered, Fennekin kicked some Carvanha butt, Oshawott heroically saved Chespin after a mishap, and Grookey told Quaxly and Sprigatito that he knew about their kiss during the prison break! And that outrage lead to a near death experience, my favorite kind of experience, for that trio! The last major event that happened was the reconciliation between Pachirisu and Togedemaru. Aww, how sweet. Too bad for them both their teams lost the challenge and Togedemaru was sent home, alongside one of Rhydonculous Race's winners, Oshawott. With twenty six competitors left we are powering through this season! Which unlikely duo will be sent home today? Find out right now on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

(Theme song; in the spa hotel)

Buizel: (stretching) Wow that was a good sleep. Too bad it's over...

Buneary: Hey, guess we'll just have to win today too. (Laughs a little as they walk over to Fennekin who is getting a massage) Hey Fennekin!

Fennekin: Oh hey! Thanks Furfrou you can stop now. (Furfrou stops and leaves as Buneary elbows Buizel)

Buizel: Oh yeah. Um, I just wanted to say sorry for being a bit careless yesterday. And thank you for stepping up and kicking some butt.

Fennekin: (caught off guard) Huh? Oh, um, no problem.

Buneary: I hope you're feeling better today. And I know you probably don't want to talk about it... but just know if you ever need someone to talk to, we're all ears.

Buizel: Totally! Just look at these things! (Pulls Buneary's one ear out and laughs)

Fennekin: Thanks you two, that means a lot.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: I've spent so much time the past few days processing the incident, the breakup and now Litten getting together with Vulpix just to piss me off- (takes a deep breath). I've gotten mad, sad, everything in between and you know what? Bring. It. On! This has brought forth a new stronger version of Fennekin that the world is gonna watch win this entire thing, just you wait!

(In the spa hotel dining room)

Sobble: Yumm! (Continues eating but then turns invisible when someone walks in)

Cubchoo: Hello? (Notices the plate on the table) Oh Sobble, you there?

(In confessional)
Sobble: Agh! I'm still not ready to talk to Cubchoo... I only trust three people. Me, myself and I! (Sighs) It's for my own good, and probably his too right? He surely hates me after ignoring him... Guess I'll just wait for him to leave, he won't know I'm here if I can stay silent!

Cubchoo: I'm really sorry about voting off Igglybuff and I just want us to be friends again. (There is no response). Sobble? Hello? Sobble I know you're here... or at least just were.

(In confessional)
Sobble: WHAT!? How did he know it was me and not just a plate left on the table from earlier!

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Sobble always eats her pancakes by eating the ends first. She sorta rips the ends off into a long noodle shape hehe (laughs a little). Ahem, so yeah. Those pancakes had the edges eaten. That's how I know it was her.

Cubchoo: (sighs) It's fine, I'll just go. (Takes his food into another room where Bellossom and Treecko are) Sobble still won't talk to me...

Bellossom: I'm sorry Cubchoo.

Treecko: Well go ahead and eat with us then. Wait... we don't have any food...

(In the Entei's cabins)

Litten: Whew, yesterday's challenge sure was something wasn't it? Right Cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil: (a bit frustrated) You don't know the half of it considering you seemed to be more focused on something else...

Litten: What? Bro look, I said my bad.

Cyndaquil: That doesn't always cut it Litten... Can we talk about what's going on? Maybe I can help?

Charmander: Pfft, he's fine Cyndaquil, let him be!

Cyndaquil: He's fine? Litten you've thrown away your relationship with Fennekin and I know how much you two cared about each other! And now you're with Vulpix? Doesn't this seem a bit... soon?

Litten: Trust me, I know what I'm doing. (Winks at Charmander)

Cyndaquil: Well, can you at least focus on the challenges? You're lucky to still be here honestly, and it took a lot of convincing to get Mudkip not to vote you. Let's not do that again. (Frowns)

Charmander: Alright, alright. Cyndaquil we understand.

(Outside in between the cabins and the spa hotel)

Riolu: Hey Sawk, you good?

Sawk: I'm fine. Just sitting out for some fresh air. (Riolu goes towards the mess hall as Sandshrew exits the spa hotel) Oh, good morning.

Sandshrew: Oh hey Sawk.

Sawk: Never thought I'd see you leave the spa hotel of your own volition.

Sandshrew: Huh? Wait what's that supposed to mean- OH. Wait no I get it heh.

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: I didn't get it.

Sawk: The spa hotel is very nice. But I'll be honest some of the furniture in there could be arranged better. The feng-shui of the rooms are all wrong.

Sandshrew: (jaw drops) You're kidding!? That's what I've been saying! (Laughs a little)

Sawk: Oh really?

Sandshrew: Yes really! I'm telling you if they moved the planter to other side and the coffee table up a smidge, it'd be better. (Pauses) I never would've guessed you liked interior decorating.

Sawk: Heh, well I am one who cares about finding balance. Whether it's inside myself or inside my home (laughs a little)

(In confessional)
Sawk: Sandshrew is actually a really nice fellow. I didn't expect someone so close and similar to Vulpix on the surface to be so different on the inside.

(Inside the Suicunes cabin)

Spheal: Hey Chespin, you okay after yesterday?

Chespin: Huh? (Frowns) Oh yeah... I guess...

(In confessional)
Chespin: Do I feel bad about voting off Oshawott? Of course! But he did almost get me killed... but then he did save me... (sighs) but then I had to keep my alliance going so I did what I had to do. Sorry Oshawott...

(In confessional)
Spheal: Oshawott was such a nice guy. I'm really gonna miss him. It sucks watching people getting eliminated. Everyone here is so cool and I wish I had enough time to be friends with all of them!

Spheal: Hey don't feel bad, it's just a game. A game that has three million dollars at stake!

Chespin: True that. Man, if I had a three million dollars... wow that would be amazing.

Spheal: Same here! If I had that much money I could jumpstart my family's building company!

Chespin: That's right, your family makes inventions and houses and stuff right?

Spheal: (nods) Yeah. We don't have the resources to expand and compete with big time architects like Bidoof's Building Company, but one day we hope to get there.

Chespin: I hope you get there too! (Fist bumps Spheal as the challenge alarm sounds)

Raichu: (through the speakers) RISE AND SHINE CAMPERS! No more nap time today. Head on outside and let's discuss today's torture!

(Walking over to Raichu)

Sprigatito: (looks extremely tired) Ugh, I couldn't sleep at all last night. Does it show?

Quaxly: Umm... (takes a long pause; lying) Not at all! You look great!

Sprigatito: Really?

Quaxly: (sighs and lowers his head) Okay no, you look super tired.

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: I was up all night thinking about my situation with Quaxly and Grookey. Ugh, if I get anymore stressed my fur turn will turn white!

Quaxly: Well just get yourself together. We've lost so many challenges, we have GOT to win this one. (Sprigatito nods)

Grookey: (walks up) Or we could lose and one of us finally goes home and this madness ends.

Sprigatito: (mad) Grookey! Don't say that!

Quaxly: Wow I can't believe you've become me from last season!

Grookey: (rolls his eyes) Oh how the turn tables...

(Everyone gathers by Raichu)

Raichu: Morning campers! Glad to see you up and at 'em this morning.

Treecko: Not like we had a choice.

Chikorita: Exactly.

Raichu: Now then, our special guest is about to arrive. Don't bother guessing, you don't know her. Well actually, the Pichu's do. (Pichu and Pichuette run up)

Pichuette: Oooh! Is it a fun surprise guest?


Raichu: No, no. Not him. That creeper went to jail after luring in some kids. (Glares at Pichu) We are beyond lucky it wasn't you.

Pichu: Hey!

Pichuette: So who is it? (A boat arrives)

Raichu: Please welcome, the first Pokémon who ever got these twins to behave! Miss Blissey! (A Blissey walks over)

Blissey: Oh please, you can just call me Blissey!

Pichuette: (happy) MISS BLISSEY! (Runs up and hugs her)

Pichu: (not thrilled) Miss Blissey! (Blissey hugs him and he's uncomfortable) AGH-

Raichu: Miss Blissey was the Pichu Twin's first ever babysitter!

Blissey: Oh that's not true. Raichu we know you were asked to take care of your niece and nephew first but you clearly couldn't handle the task. (Laughs)

Raichu: Touché.

Pichuette: Miss Blissey is the nicest and most sweetest babysitter in the whole world! I missed you!

Pichu: Ugh, she also makes you go to bed super early... bleh.

Chikorita: So wait, what exactly is going on here then?

Alcremie: Ugh oh. Is the challenge so dangerous the Pichu Twins needs to be taken elsewhere to be babysat?

Raichu: Nope, but good thought. Miss Blissey is actually here because she has graciously offered to help us with todays challenge. A challenge I apparently struggled so much with... BABYSITTING!!! (Pauses) Miss Blissey has been overbooked and overworked and you guys are gonna help her babysit. Sounds fun right?

(In confessional)
Riolu: (scratches his head) Damn. I'm really not the best with children...

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Is Raichu out of his mind? No way I'm babysitting some stranger!

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I really hope Raichu gets sued for this one. Big time. Putting us through challenges is one thing, but using LITERAL BABIES on this island for a challenge is beyond wrong!

Raichu: Here's how the challenge will work. Each team will select three of these Pokeballs, which each contain one of the nine babies Miss Blissey is babysitting. You will then report to your team's area on different sides of the island.

Mudkip: So like the spots we started the pokeball challenge in?

Raichu: Exactly that! Each area is designated into three sections as well, which each have a playpen, so each team will have three playpens spread out. There you will release your baby that needs to be sat.

Chikorita: Well how do we win the challenge?

Raichu: The challenge is about doing the best job at babysitting. We have cameras set up and Blissey and I will be evaluating you. We will also be heavily influenced in our decision by our handy dandy cry meter!

Bellossom: I'm sorry, a what!?

Raichu: Cry meter. Basically the more crying occurs, the higher the meter goes. The higher your meter, the worse you are doing.

Snivy: So don't make the baby cry? Simple.

Treecko: Even for you Snivy? I'm sure a toddler would cry just at the glimpse of your evil face.

Snivy: Oh zip it!

Roserade: Yeah, don't pick on Snivy!

Raichu: Okay, back to me now! There's one more important part of the challenge! Entertaining the kiddos!

Blissey: Right, we have supplied snacks and toys to help you out!

Raichu: Right, but just giving them to you would be WAYYY too easy! So instead we set up a mini obstacle course in the center of the forrest! If you want an item you have to win won by completing the course, and then running back. (Pachirisu  raises her hand) And only one item per obstacle course clear. If you want another you gotta do it again! (Pachirisu lowers her hand)

Pachirisu: Thought so.

Raichu: Now then, who's excited? I know I am! Everybody form three groups, grab a pokeball and head to your playpens!

Blissey: (smiles as everyone leaves) Okay Pichu Twins, who wants a special snack?

Pichu's: WE DO!!!

Blissey: Time for my homemade organic fruit and veggie pops!

Pichuette: YAYYY!!

Pichu: EWWW!!

(Walking to their staring area)

Chikorita: Alright team, we've got nine of us so we need to make three groups of three.

Treecko: Bellossom and I will go together.

Bellossom: (nods) Yup! Cubchoo, wanna come with us?

Cubchoo: Okay, yeah.

Buizel: Sandshrew, how about you come with Buneary and I?

Sandshrew: Alrighty, sure thing.

Buneary: Okay great!

Chikorita: Awesome. Good luck everyone!

(By another team walking to their start)

Roserade: Okay, but then who's our third member gonna be Snivy?

Snivy: Hmm... Chespin, you can be with us.

Chespin: Okay fine-

Snivy: Ssshh. Just wait for everyone else to pick groups. If you vocally say you'll work with me it'll be suspicious. It has to just happen.

Sawk: (to the team) Me, Riolu, and Pachirisu are a team.

Meowstic: So are Alcremie and I. We just need one more...

Spheal: Ooh me! I'll work with you guys! (Rolls over) Alright, let's do this.

Alcremie: (high fives Spheal) Perfect!

Meowstic: Yeah, awesome!

Snivy: And there we have it. (To Chespin) We are forced to work together. (Loudly to the team) Ugh, so I'm stuck with stupid Chespin!? What a pain! (Chespin rolls his eyes).

(By the Enraged Enteis)

Charmander: I'll go with Litten and Vulpix. Later. (Walks off)

Sprigatito: Okay so, Grookey and Quaxly do we wanna try and work together then or-

Grookey: That's probably a recipe for disaster. You two just go together. I'll go with Mudkip and Cyndaquil.

Mudkip: Sure Grookey! C'mon let's go!

Quaxly: So it'll just be the two of us? AWESOME! I mean- uh, that's cool.

(Everyone takes their starting position for the challenge to begin and an airhorn sounds)


(The screen shows 9 boxes, in which each of the following campers will pop up on screen to release their Pokémon from the pokeball, with the camper saying the name of the baby Pokémon released)

Mudkip: Elekid!

Vulpix: Azuril!

Sprigatito: ...Igglybuff? Well this feels awkward...

Fennekin: Bonsly!

Bellossom: Budew!

Buneary: Chingling!

Spheal: Cleffa!

Riolu: Munchlax!

Chespin: ...No, no, no... NO, NO, NO...

(The screen then returns to normal, showing Chespin looking horrified)

Chespin: NO, NO NOOOO! (Wincing) YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! (The camera shows the Pokémon he has) TOGEPI!?!?

Roserade: Aww, what a little cutie!

(In confessional)
Chespin: Togepi? TOGEPI! Couldn't have been any other Pokémon? UGH! I hate everything right now...

(In confessional)
Snivy: In case you don't remember, Chespin is deathly afraid of Togepi's. His worst fear actually. (Laughs a little) What a loser.

Roserade: Hi little Togepi! How are you today? (The Togepi just looks around making baby noises) Aww you are so cute!

Chespin: (breathing loudly) Oh gods. Get that BEAST away from me. I'll go help someone else.

Snivy: Seriously Chespin? Man up and help us take care her. It's not that big a deal.

Chespin: I don't see you having to face your fear! Just leave me be and let me go elsewhere. (The Togepi starts crying)

Roserade: Uh oh, no don't cry. (To the others) A little help? Please?

(At another playpen)

Quaxly: Hmm... so you're saying you're an innocent baby huh? (The baby Igglybuff giggles and speaks gibberish a bit)

Sprigatito: I mean, it's not like she's the only Igglybuff in existence so-

Quaxly: (screaming) DROP THE ACT! WE KNOW ITS YOU IGGLYBUFF! (Igglybuff starts crying loudly) OH CUT THE-

Sprigatito: QUAXLY! What is wrong with you?

Quaxly: She's trying to make a fool of us. AGAIN. Are we gonna let her?

Sprigatito: Ssshh. Igglybuff, please don't cry...

Quaxly: YEAH STOP THE ACT AND SABOTAGING OUR TEAM! (Sprigatito smacks him).

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Aww, look at Sprigatito and I fighting like a fan favorite couple... (scratches his head) Huh... it feels weird. Not exactly how I thought it'd be... (Pauses) But yeah, in other news, I MAY have been wrong about this Igglybuff here... whoopsies...

Sprigatito: Quaxly! Run to the obstacle course and find something an Igglybuff would like. GO! (Quaxly sprints off)

Raichu: (over the speakers) Just to be clear, that is indeed a different Igglybuff.

Sprigatito: Duh. (Pauses). Hey Igglybuff, do you like music? Maybe we could sing- (the Igglybuff continues crying and pushes Sprigatito away) Agh no!

(At another playpen)

Pachirisu: Well he's a Munchlax, so I guess it's obvious what he wants.

Riolu: Yeah, food.

Pachirisu: I'll see if I can get snacks at the center. Be back in a flash! (Runs off)

Sawk: So... do you have any experience with kids?

Riolu: Nope. My family never really tolerated nonesense so if he starts throwing a toddler fit I'll have no clue what to do.

Sawk: Hmm... guess we just hope for the best then? (The Munchlax's stomach rumbles and he rubs his stomach) Uh oh, guess he's getting hungry.

Riolu: Don't worry little guy, we'll get you a snack. Just be patient. How about we meditate to pass the time? (Makes a meditation position) Now, relax yourself and- (Munchlax bites Riolu's tail) AGHH OWW!!! Get off me!

Sawk: (sheepishly laughs) Well you ARE distracting him. Good job Riolu.

(At another playpen; Bonsly cries)

Chikorita: No! Please stop! How do we get him to stop crying?

Fennekin: I dunno, but I don't think Sobble is helping... (motions to Sobble who is also crying)


(In confessional)
Sobble: This is such an unfair challenge! There's nothing wrong with crying Raichu. I'm sure you could use a good cry yourself actually- ERM. I mean... um, nothing.

Raichu: (through the speakers) Yikes! Looks like the Reckless Raikous are off to a rough start! Here's an FYI, we are measuring ALL crying that occurs on our cry meter.

Chikorita: Wait Sobble's crying is counting as points against us? That's not fair!

Raichu: (through the speakers) Hey, my advice? You better get her to stop crying too before your team is completely sunk. Good luck!

Fennekin: Sobble, SOBBLE! Stop crying, you are gonna make us lose.

Sobble: Huh? ACK NO IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO- (tries to disappear but Fennekin grabs her) Hey!

Fennekin: Don't freak out. It's all gonna be okay just calm down.

Sobble: Okay... sorry just I feel better when I cry so I just thought that-

Chikorita: Hey it's okay. Bonsly seems to have stopped crying now too so that's good. (Bonsly looks sad but is no longer trying) Maybe we could play a game. How about peekaboo?

Fennekin: Chikorita what do you think we are? Babies?

Chikorita: (narrows her eyes) I mean Bonsly is...

Fennekin: (facepalms) Oh, right. Whoops.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Just in case Litten ever says anything, no I did NOT play peekaboo till the age of seven. It was only till like five or six...

(At the mini obstacle course in the center; Psyduck waits up front as Buizel, Treecko, Pachirisu, Cyndaquil, Quaxly, and Spheal arrive)

Psyduck: Welcome to the obstacle course everyone! We reused the one from last season, so you have to make it across rolling logs, swinging wrecking balls, and a rock wall to finish!

Quaxly: Aww man, all this again? Such unpleasant memories...

Psyduck: Once you finish you can head to Fuecoco's shop! (Motions to Fuecoco)

Fuecoco: (waves) Hi! Fuecoco run shop!

Spheal: Oh, nice!

Fuecoco: Me have toys, and snacks, and rattles, and ooh! This thingy! (Fuecoco puts a pacifier in his mouth)

Quaxly: Um, Fuecoco, that's a pacifier. You're really putting that in your own mouth?

Fuecoco: (takes it out) Oh sorry, Fuecoco share. (Puts it in Quaxly's mouth and he spits it out)

(In confessional)
Quaxly: (sticking his tongue out) BLEH BLEH GET IT OFF ME! THAT WAS DISGUSTING! YUCK!

Psyduck: So what are you waiting for? Get to it!

Cyndaquil: (hops across the logs easily) This isn't bad.

Pachirisu: Ha! Yeah!

Buizel: Hey Treecko, bet you can't beat me.

Treecko: (passes Buizel) Oh really? How much? (Buizel makes a big jump to catch up but ends up knocking him and Treecko off the logs) Dammit! What the hell? We're on the same team dumbass!

Buizel: Oh right... sorry...

(At Budew's playpen)

Bellossom: So, do you wanna do anything? (Budew just sits there quietly) Huh... um, okay.

Cubchoo: She seems shy.

Bellossom: Seems so. Well, at least she's happy, right?

(In confessional)
Bellossom: Budew is probably one of the cutest babies I've ever seen hehe. So precious. Honestly I don't know what drama Raichu thought the challenge would give but he was wayyy wrong.

Cubchoo: Well if you think you need any help let me know. I'm gonna wait over here. (Walks over and sits)

Bellossom: Huh? Oh, okay. Is everything alright?

Cubchoo: Yeah I'd just rather, you know, avoid the pollen ridden flower buds...

Bellossom: Oh, makes sense.

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: I know I have my allergy meds, but still. Better be safe.

(At Togepi's playpen; Togepi cries)

Snivy: Ugh come on you little brat, stop crying!

Roserade: Snivy! Be nice!

Snivy: (rolls eyes) Sorry, sorry. Why don't you take her again?

Roserade: (frowns) She doesn't seem to like me much either... (looks over at Chespin) Chespin can you maybe come over?

Chespin: Yeah, NO! I'm just gonna go to the obstacle course to try and find something to help. (Snivy grabs Togepi and cuts off Chespin who turns and cowers) AH DUDE STOP!!

Snivy: Just give it a try you goober. (Sits Togepi down next to him and she stops crying and happily giggles) Huh?

Chespin: AGHH. G-get her away! PLEASE!

Roserade: Oh yay, she's calmed down. (Picks Togepi up and she starts crying again) Oh dear... I guess she wasn't calmed down after all...

Snivy: Hang on a second. (Takes Togepi and holds her out by Chepsin and she stops crying. He then moves her away and she starts crying. He repeats this a few times, going back and forth) Huh...

Chespin: SNIVY!!!

Snivy: Oh calm down. I think she likes you Chespin. Not sure I see why.

Chespin: (narrows his eyes) Real nice. I don't care.

Roserade: How can you say that to such a cute little Togepi? She wants you Chespin!

Snivy: I know you are afraid but you gotta man up if we wanna win this challenge! Just sit with her. It's that simple! (Chespin still cowers in fear and looks unsure)

(In confessional)
Chespin: Agh, why is my luck this awful? WHY ME!? I know it's just a Togepi... and I have witnesses nearby in case I get hit by a Metronome Sheer Cold again... but STILL!

(At the host's area)

Pichu: Yucky. It's like licking a wall. Actually I take that back. Walls taste MUCH better.

Pichuette: Oh shut it Pichu. It's just because you know it has veggies in it...

Blissey: How are you two cuties doing?

Pichuette: Great, thanks!

Raichu: Hmm, looks like the Raikous still have the highest count on the cry meter thanks to Bonsly and Sobble.

Blissey: Ohh that's a shame...

Raichu: Let's see what else we have going on... (the monitors show what Raichu describes) Looks like Sandshrew and Buneary are struggling to keep Chingling still, and what's this? Meowstic is trying to play his switch with a baby Cleffa?

Blissey: That's not good either. Bright screens can be very harmful.

Raichu: Yes indeed. (Into the speakers) MEOWSTIC! Cut the electronic crap!

Blissey: Well it's nice to see some are doing good! Budew is being well behaved, as is Bonsly currently now that Chikorita and Fennekin have taken over. (Writes stuff down) Oh and I think Grookey is making little Elekid laugh!

Raichu: Yeah, but that's a bit boring to watch. Let's cut to something more interesting!

(At Azuril's playpen)

Charmander: (to Litten) All I'm saying is that you went a bit over the top yesterday.

Litten: But dude, isn't that what you wanted me to do? Plus, Vulpix actually is really fun.

Charmander: Yeah but just don't throw the game away. It would hurt my chances if you leave- I mean, hurt YOUR chances of Fennekin forgiving you... if you still want her back... or whatever it is you're feeling. You know what I mean.

Litten: (sighs) Yeah, agreed and noted.

Vulpix: (playing with Azuril) And... peekaboo! (Azuril giggles) Oh! There you are! (To the others) You guys wanna take a turn or what?

Charmander: Nah it looks like you've got it.

Vulpix: (narrows her eyes) That's not the correct answer. Get over here.

Charmander: Hard pass.

Litten: Come on Charmander, it's a little baby, you just goof around with her and she laughs and that's it. See. (Walks over) Hey there little Azuril- (Azuril spits a faint Water Gun attack at Litten) AGHHHH!!! NO!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS WATER!!! (Runs around)

Charmander: (sarcastically) Ohh, yeah I definitely see what simple it is now Litten.


Vulpix: Excuse you, Azuril is normal fairy. But whatever. (Goes back to taking care of Azuril)

(Back at the obstacle course; several campers finish)

Pachirisu: Alright easy peasy!

Fuecoco: Welcome to Fuecoco shop. Take your time to browse and pick one-

Pachirisu: (grabs a package of food and runs off) Thanks, but I'm good! Later!

Cyndaquil: Hmm... what would Elekid want... This is a tough one. (Treecko and Buizel rush by)

Treecko: Buizel! I was about to take that rattle!

Buizel: But you didn't! Sorry, better pick something else! (Runs off)

Treecko: What a- UGH. (Takes something else and leaves as Cyndaquil still stands there)

Fuecoco: Fuecoco recommend coloring book and crayons! (Hands them to Cyndaquil)

Cyndaquil: Oh, this'll work. Thanks Fuecoco!

(At Elekid's playpen)

Grookey: (sticking his tongue out) BLEH BLAH BLAAAHHH! Funny face!

Mudkip: Grookey I don't think he finds it funny anymore.

Grookey: Nonsense! I'm a riot! (Continues making faces when Elekid attacks him with electricity) Ow! Hey!

Mudkip: Well you're lucky that was not very effective. (Elekid starts crying)

Grookey: Ugh! Where's Cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil: (runs up) Here I am! I got coloring books!

Grookey: Are you sure he'll like them? It's kinda tricky staying inside the lines.

(In confessional)
Grookey: Yeah, coloring books are dumb. They restrict your imagination. A blank sheet of paper is WAYYY more fun! (Pauses) What? No, that's not it at all. I swear I don't struggle coloring inside the lines even now... (pauses) Okay maybe just a little...

Mudkip: Here you go Elekid! Let's color YOU! Doesn't that sound fun? (Elekid starts throwing a tantrum and throws the books and crayons) Woah!

Cyndaquil: Oh no, he doesn't like it.

Grookey: What did I tell you? I'll go find something better-

Cyndaquil: Grookey wait! (Pulls him aside) Are you alright? Um, I don't want to pry but I know you are going through some stuff currently with-

Grookey: Sprigatito and Quaxly? Ugh, yup sure am... (frowns) It sucks.

Cyndaquil: Well I honestly think they both regret what happened. Both of them can't stop saying how bad they feel. I'm not saying you have to forgive them now, but maybe eventually.

Grookey: (sighs) Yeah, I hear ya. When did you become so wise Cyndaquil? Hehe. Well I'll be off now. (Runs off)

Mudkip: EUREKA! I've got an idea Cyndaquil!

(At Munchlax's playpen)

Pachirisu: Here we go! A box of food!

Riolu: Thank goodness, now he can stop trying to eat me!

Pachirisu: Not sure how long this'll hold him so Riolu, why don't you go to the center and get more.

Riolu: (nods) Fine by me. (Runs off)

Sawk: Should I go as well?

Pachirisu: (feeding the Munchlax who is super happy) Actually I was thinking you could help feed this little guy and keep him happy. I saw some berries on my way here and figured I go snag them.

Sawk: Oh, alright. (Pachirisu runs off and Sawk starts to give Munchlax more food) There you go little guy... Wow. You sure can eat huh? (Looks at the food) Eesh, this stuff is FAR from healthy. And you're eating so much of it... (Munchlax reaches out for more of the snacks but Sawk pulls them away from him)

(In confessional)
Sawk: Munchlax can't be eating like this if he wants to grow up strong and healthy. It's about time someone teaches this guy about portion control. That's what I think.

(At Chingling's playpen)

Buneary: Ring-ring-ring! (Chingling makes ringing noises) Ring-ring-ring!

Sandshrew: Ring-ring- okay yeah I'm getting so tired of this.

Buneary: Well he likes us all being bells so, we gotta keep it up or else- (Chingling starts to cry) That... (Buizel comes back) Buizel! There you are!

Sandshrew: What took you so long?

Buizel: I got... distracted a bit. But I'm here now. And long! (Holds up a rattle)

Sandshrew: A rattle? Really?

Buneary: Wait that's perfect! (Grabs the rattle and starts shaking it and Chingling gets happy again) Yay! You like the rattle don't ya!

Buizel: I bet he'll like it better the louder it is. Here gimme that. (Takes the rattle and starts vigorously shaking it)

Buneary: Woah! Be careful! We don't want it to- (the rattle breaks and Chingling gets sad and cries again) Break...

(In confessional)
Buizel: What kind of stupid baby rattle can't withstand a little shaking? I thought babyproof meant it was impossible to break! (Shakes his head) These companies must really be cheapening out these days.

Buneary: Buizel! What did you do that for? Now Chingling's upset!

Sandshrew: Agh! I can't take this crying anymore, I'll go get another rattle. (Runs off as the other two argue. Chingling stops crying and just looks around).

(At Igglybuff's playpen; a beat up Quaxly finally arrives)

Sprigatito: Quaxly! There you are! Are you okay?

Quaxly: Ugh, no... I got smacked around by that dumb obstacle course.

Sprigatito: Ouch, I'm sorry. I appreciate you being a trooper though. (Gives him a hug)

Quaxly: Yeah no prob- (moves away) -lem...

Sprigatito: Oh sorry. (There is awkward silence) Well what did you get?

Quaxly: I got this! A puzzle- (looks at it) Oh my god, what is this? (Holds up a super advanced 1,000 piece puzzle) WHY DID THEY HAVE THIS!?

Sprigatito: Probably to trick people not paying attention... (sighs) It's fine, don't worry about it. I think Igglybuff might want something more tailored to her likes though.

Quaxly: You're right, you're right. I'll get it right this time. Promise! (Runs off)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: I've got absolutely nothing to aid me, but I'm trying to do my best with Igglybuff. (Pauses) Though I can't help but get distracted over my friendships falling apart. Not just Grookey, but Quaxly feel off too now. (Sighs)

(At Cleffa's playpen)

Spheal: Tada! A little kiddy cart all assembled! (Cleffa happily gets in the cart and pedals around gleefully) Yeah! Go Cleffa go!

Alcremie: (laughs) She's already a better driver than me I think.

Meowstic: Same here. Maybe she could be a Mario Kart champion someday.

Alcremie: Well as long as it's not today heh.

Meowstic: Oh, yeah... sorry about that. I don't know what I was thinking trying to use electronics...

Alcremie: Huh? Oh no, I didn't mean it like that. You see- Um- What I mean is-

Spheal: You know lots of parents give their kids electronics these days. For better or for worse. So it's not that out of left field you know?

Meowstic: Yeah that's true. But still, my bad. I'll go play with Cleffa. (Goes over and plays with Cleffa who drives around chasing him)

Alcremie: Hehe, they're so adorable.

Spheal: Haha, yeah! (Pauses) Wait a minute, did you say THEY'RE!?

Alcremie: Wha? N-no, no. HER! H-E-R, Her! (Spheal smirks and raises an eyebrow and Alcremie looks nervous)

Spheal: Oh, alright, I hear ya. My mistake.

Meowstic: (from in the distance) HELP- CLEFFA NO- (Meowstic is heard getting run over by the car as Cleffa giggles.

Alcremie: Aghh! (rushes over)

(In confessional)
Spheal: You know what? I SHIP IT!!

(At Bonsly's playpen)

Fennekin: See, Bonsly chalk is fun right? You get to draw, like this. Now you try!

Chikorita: Uh, Fennekin...

Fennekin: What?

Sobble: H-he doesn't have any hands...

Fennekin: Huh? (Bonsly frowns) OH GOSH DARN IT!

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Okay I should've gotten a different item, but what the heck? Koffing doesn't have hands either and he holds onto stuff. He even flies planes for crying out loud!

Sobble: That's, okay we've been playing a different game anyways. It's called the silly game!

Chikorita: And I've been... um... spectating.

Fennekin: Um, what?

Sobble: Come on Bonsly. Let's show her how we play! One, two, three... SILLY!!! (Bonsly starts rolling around goofily, as does Sobble).

Chikroita: (laughs) You can't help but smile at this hehe. She's really good at this. Whatever it is anyways.

Sobble: And now... HIDE FROM THE WORLD!!! (They both duck and cover their heads)

(At Munchlax's playpen)

Sawk: Munchlax no! No more snacks! You'll get fat and lethargic. (Munchlax cries as he tries to take the snacks) No! Wait for the healthy berries!

Riolu: (runs up) I got more chips and cookies. How're things? Agh! Sawk! What are you doing?

Sawk: Huh? I'm doing what's good for this little guy.

Riolu: You are upsetting him. (To Munchlax) Who wants a cookie? (Sawk runs over and crushes the cookies) AGH! What is wrong with you?

Sawk: Nothing! I'm trying to NOT make him obese is all.

Pachirisu: (runs up) Found some berries- Oh no! Why is Munchlax crying?

Riolu: Because Sawk won't give him food...


Pachirisu: Sawk, I appreciate the thought, but are you kidding me? He's a baby Snorlax! He's SUPPOSED to have a bottomless stomach.

Sawk: (pauses) I... I suppose you're right... My apologies...

Riolu: Here Munchlax. (Munchlax devours the treats) Oh boy, he's a fast eater...

Pachirisu: Okay here's the plan. One of us stays here with Munclax. The others head to the obstacle course to get more food. We keep going and trade off places relay style. Sound good?

Riolu: (nods) Excellent plan. You stay here for now. Come on Sawk. (The two run off).

(At the host's area)

Blissey: Aww! Sobble is a natural big sister! So cute!

Raichu: If I had to guess, I'd say Sobble's a toddler at heart. Even I have to admit it's kinda precious. (Looks to the monitor and his notes) Let's see, how are the crying meters looking...

Blissey: Well it looks like the most crying from late has come from Elekid, Igglybuff, Munchlax and oh Togepi it seems.

Raichu: Tsk, tsk. Such irresponsible kiddos. You think they'd be more mature. (Pauses) Now time to see losers flopping on the obstacle course!

(The screen shows Riolu, Sawk and Pachirisu at different times clearing the obstacle course with ease and grabbing snacks. We also see Quaxly get hit by wrecking balls and Sandshrew repeatedly falling on the logs)

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: Ugh, frick my life. I've never been the best balancer. I'm completely hosed here...

Sawk: (runs up) Sandshrew, you alright?

Sandshrew: Oh... well this is mighty embarrassing. No, no I'm not. I'm just terrible at this.

Sawk: Well Hmm... (picks Sandshrew up and places him on his back and starts jumping over the logs)

Sandshrew: Huh? Wow, thanks!

Sawk: No problem. You helped me out before, so it's only fair. (Reaches the rock wall and Pachirisu runs up behind them)

Pachirisu: What heck? Hey Sandshrew! No free rides!

Sandshrew: Agh! (Hops off Sawk's back)

Sawk: Huh? (Badly acting) Oh, what the heck were you doing there? Sneaking on my back? Um, thanks Pachirisu I didn't notice, I was focused on the challenge.

Pachirisu: (laughs) Wow, now that's just sad Sawk. Come on, bounce back. Let's do this! (Climbs up the wall as Sawk winks at Sandshrew before following her).

Grookey: (finishes the course and runs to the shop) Hmm now what can I get...

Quaxly: Oh hey Grookey. Do you have any idea what Igglybuff wants?

Grookey: You mean besides fame, glory, and revenge on all who wronged her?

Quaxly: Not THAT Igglybuff. A baby Igglybuff.

Fuecoco: Ooh! Ooh! Fuecoco know what she like! Fuecoco like it too! Music! (Singing) LALALALA!!!

Quaxly: Oh of course! Brilliant! Do you have anything?

Fuecoco: (nods) Right here! Baby instrument set! Very fun.

Quaxly: Thanks guess I'll... (pauses)

Fuecoco: Um Quaxly? Did you break?

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Ugh, I know what I have to do here, and I don't like it...

Quaxly: Grookey, you gotta come with me.

Grookey: What? Why? Can't you just leave me alone?

Quaxly: Look, I'm TERRIBLE at this. And Igglybuff likes music. (Pauses) YOU are great with music Grookey. I'm sure you're great with entertaining kids too since you're such a goofball too. Please just come with me.

Grookey: Um, wow that was an unexpected compliment... I guess Cyndaquil and Mudkip should be fine. I'll come. (The two run off together)

(At Chingling's playpen)

Buneary: You shook that rattle with the force of a grown Pokemon! What did you think would happen?

Buizel: Ugh! Why do you keep arguing with me and critiquing me?

Buneary: Because you keep letting your arrogance and carelessness get the best of you!

Buizel: (sighs) Okay, okay. You're right, I'm sorry. Can we just get back to the challenge here?

Buneary: (sighs) Gladly. You know, Chingling's been awfully quiet- (looks to see Chingling is gone) Chingling? CHINGLING!?

(In confessional)
Buneary: (holds her face in her hands) WE LOST CHINGLING OH MY GOD!!! We are officially the WORST babysitters ever! I'm so embarrassed...

(At Togepi's playpen)

Chespin: (wincing) I-I... I'm doing it? I'm actually doing it! You know, this isn't so bad! (The camera zooms out to show Togepi a good distance away from Chespin)

Snivy: This is just beyond sad...

Roserade: Well look at the bright side. Togepi is close enough to not be crying, and Chespin is hanging in there.

Chespin: Th-thank you Roserade! Glad someone can understand my trauma!

Snivy: (rolls his eyes) Whatever Chespin. You can keep going as is but we're not gonna win this way. (Togepi starts crying again) Son of a-

(In confessional)
Chespin: Agh, Crap! I know I have my alliance with Snivy, but after this pathetic performance today he'd one hundred percent double cross me and I'm a goner. (Takes a few deep breaths) Alright Chespin. It's time. Time to face that demon from you past!

Chespin: (snuggles up to Togepi) Aww don't cry. Big bro Chespin is here! Now turn that frown upside down okay? (Togepi instantly stops crying and laughs and smiles extremely happily)

Snivy: (jaw drops) Wow. I'm actually gobsmacked. He did it.

Chespin: (softly to himself) Oh my godddd I'm gonna die... (to Togepi) Aww you wanna keep hugging? Okay? (To himself) I think I'm gonna be sick. (To Togepi) You're such a cutie patootie! (To himself) Or maybe a demonic eggshell...

Roserade: Oh... oh he's struggling a bit. (Cheering) Stay positive Chespin! You're doing amazing! We're so proud of you!

Chespin: Thanks Roserade! (To Togepi) Alright, how about a piggyback ride? (Togepi makes happy noises).

(At Elekid's playpen)

Mudkip: Finally! All finished with my drawing!

Cyndaquil: Drawing? Wait what? Is that what've you've been doing this whole time? Mudkip-

Mudkip: No I wasn't goofing off. Look here. I cut out pieces of paper and drew a little Magby costume. (Cyndaquil just stands there puzzled)

(In confessional)
Mudkip: The Electabuzz line are known for having rivalry with the Magmar line. So I figured this little guy must be missing his Magby friend to tussle with. Obviously I couldn't just get an actual Magby so... next best thing!

Cyndaquil: Oh I get it! Very clever and cute.

Mudkip: I'm glad you think that way, because here's the awkward part. (Takes the costume cut outs and assembles them on Cyndaquil) You're gonna have to be the Magby. I don't wanna get roughed up, you understand right? (Cyndaquil makes a puzzle face but then sighs and nods) Great!

Cyndaquil: I feel ridiculous, but hey, it's worth it to make this little guy happy right? Send me in! (Cyndaquil jumps in the playpen and Elekid gets super happy and the two start playing).

(At Budew's playpen)

Treecko: Well... this challenge sure has been a dud.

Bellossom: Treecko! Don't say that!

Treecko: What? Budew here just likes to just sit around and do nothing. Not that I blame her.

Bellossom: Well I think today's been a great day. We got to just sit here and babysit and cute little grass type together.

Treecko: That's true heh. (Budew starts making noise) Here Budew, have another berry.

Bellossom: Cubchoo, do you wanna feed her this time?

Cubchoo: (sitting under a tree nearby) Huh? Oh... um... th-that's okay. I don't wanna mess it up. You guys have fun together, I'm not looking.

Bellossom: Huh? Oh no, Cubchoo we weren't-

Treecko: I mean I guess it is kinda like the two of us and Budew make a perfect grass type family heh. (Bellossom blushes and the two lean in about to kiss)


Treecko: WAH- (falls over) Well that's a mood killer for sure.

Buneary: Oh, hey you two. Have you um... seen a Chingling floating around by chance?

Treecko: No we haven't, why- OH MY GOD! Did you lose your baby!?

Bellossom: (gasps) What? Oh no!

Buizel: Hey, hey, don't yell at us for it! It's a mistake that could have happened to anyone!

Treecko: Well it only happened to you...

Buizel: Ugh, well we can't all get lucky and have a calm Pokémon to babysit!

Treecko: (rolls eyes) Oh sure, that's why we are doing better than you-

Buneary: Okay enough! We don't have time for this. We have to hurry and find Chingling. Let's go.

Bellossom: Wait! Buneary, we'll come help you look.

Treecko: (surprised) WHAT!? We will? (Bellossom pulls Treecko aside)

Bellossom: This is our chance for them to finally forgive us and not hate us. If we help them, they'll like us.

Treecko: I mean, maybe? But why does that matter? If they don't like you, that's their loss. Bellossom I wish you could not care about what others think about you so much.

(In confessional)
Bellossom: I understand what Treecko is saying, but this is my opportunity to make things better! It'd be stupid not to try!

Treecko: Alright fine.

Bellossom: Buneary, wait up. We'll come help look too. Cubchoo, you look after Budew.

Cubchoo: Huh? Oh, um wait- (the four head off) Shoot...

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Please, please, universe. Don't let me screw everything up like I feel like might happen...

Buneary: We gotta hurry. I bet Sandshrew is back and wondering where we all are.

(On the obstacle course; Sandshrew struggles across the wrecking balls)

Sandshrew: AGHH!!! I hate this stupid stupid challenge!!!

(At Igglybuff's playpen; Igglybuff is pouting)

Sprigatito: Igglybuff I'm sorry I don't have anything else to give you! Quaxly should be back any second with-

Quaxly: HERE I AM! (Runs up) I brought musical instruments! I bet you like that right Igglybuff? (Igglybuff cheers) Oh, and I also brought Grookey.

Grookey: Yeah hi.

Quaxly: And he didn't come with a receipt so he's gonna have to stay with us. (There is silence) Oh come on! I thought that was a good joke!

Sprigatito: Grookey, I'm glad you finally decided to forgive us.

Grookey: (makes a nervous face) Erm, I'm just doing this for Igglybuff and for the challenge you know.

Sprigatito: (frowns) Oh, um, alright I understand.

Quaxly: (waving his arms around) NO, NO, NO!  Okay you two have got to make up, because this is driving me CRAZY!!!

Grookey: Oh please. You wanted me as far away from Sprigatito as possible last season. Now when I am, you want me back? What the hey!

Quaxly: Well that's because... THATS BECAUSE I MISS HAVING YOU AROUND!! (There is silence) Yeah I said it, okay? It feels weird having you not pulling pranks on me and me not yanking your chains.

Grookey: Quaxly... wow again. I mean I have fun with you guys too but this type of love triangle dynamic just isn't sustainable. (Looks at Sprigatito)

Sprigatito: (hesitantly) Huh? I... um... I'm sorry I-

Quaxly: Well I don't think it'll be a problem any more. Because Sprigatito I think it's time I tell you that I... (takes a long pause) I WANT YOU TO BE WITH GROOKEY!!!

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: WAIT WHAT!?!?

(In confessional)
Grookey: WHAT!?!? IS HE FOR REAL!?!?

Quaxly: Sprigatito you were my first crush, and I think you are awesome. Super amazing! But I've come to realize that I'm not the perfect match for you, and I know you know that. (Turns to Grookey) Grookey look, she only kissed me because she thought it's what I wanted. Honestly I thought it's what I wanted too! But then after I got what I wanted... I kinda realized how messed up I've been making things.

Sprigatito: Quaxly! What are you saying?

Quaxly: I'm saying I know you like Grookey, and the only reason you didn't want to pursue things with him was because you were afraid of hurting me. That's how good a Pokémon you are.

Grookey: Is this... is this true?

Sprigatito: I mean... (sighs) It's more true than not I guess. But Quaxly please know I really do care about you a lot too and- (Igglybuff starts crying)

Quaxly: ACK- Okay nows not the time for this I guess! You two make some music with Igglybuff!

Grookey: Alright I call the drums! Here's a tambourine to shake Igglybuff. (Sprigatito grabs and instrument and they happily play as Quaxly watches and smiles).

(In confessional)
Quaxly: That might've been the hardest thing I've ever had to do... (frowns but then smiles) But I think for once in my life I finally said the right things. And let me tell you, it feels good.

(At the hosts area)

Raichu: Well now, looks like the playdates are coming to an end, aren't they?

Blissey: (nods) Yup. Time to go collect the little darlings and be on our way. (Turns to the Pichu Twins) Goodbye you two! Great seeing you again!

Pichuette: NOO!!! Miss Blissey don't go! We'll miss you!

Pichu: (mutters) Good riddance.

(The screen shows Raichu and Blissey visiting different groups)

Blissey: And how did little Bonsly behave?

Chikorita: He was just perfect!


Raichu: Woah, what happened here? A car crash?

Meowstic: (sheepishly laughs) Let's just say it's a good thing Cleffa has a lot of years to go before she gets her drivers license...


Blissey: Aww, is Munchlax sleeping already?

Pachirisu: Sure is. He ate. Then he ate some more. And then he passed right out.

Raichu: Impressive job getting him fed! Didn't think you could make a Munchlax full.

(Somewhere in the woods)

Buizel: ...And then poof. He's gone! 

Buneary: Buizel it's our fault. We shoulda kept an eye on him better. (Sighs) One of us is for sure going home now...

Treecko: (snidely) Well we can always learn from our mistakes.

Bellossom: (butting in) Hey you know what, I thought of something. Maybe we can all vote together?

Treecko: WHA-

Buneary: You... you would vote with us and not against us? After the horrible way we've treated you?

Bellossom: I mean, if it'll show you that I truly am sorry for anything involving Oricorio, then of course!  I really do want us to be friends...

(In confessional)
Buneary: Wow... I did not expect that. (Thinks for a moment) Bellossom could be throwing us a life line here but... does she really mean it?

Treecko: (to Bellossom) Are you serious? Nows the perfect chance to boot them!

Bellossom: (to Treecko) Treecko you have to learn to forgive.

Treecko: (to Bellossom) And you have to learn to not give a billion second chances!

Buizel: EVERYONE SSSHHH! I hear ringing! (Points in a tree) Oh! Over there!

Buneary: Oh it's Chingling! (The four of them work together to get Chingling down from the tree) Phew. We got him. Thank you guys so much.

Buizel: We really do owe you big time. How about if we end up at elimination... Sandshrew? Look he's nice but he was zero help to us today.

Treecko: Fair choice. (Bellossom stares at him) I guess... I guess it could work.


Blissey: And how is quiet little Budew- OH MY! (Sees Budew crying as Cubchoo is sneezing sporadically)

Cubchoo: AAACHOOOO!! ACHOOOO! (Wipes nose) S-sorry.

Raichu: Sneezing? Really? I thought you had them under control.

Cubchoo: I guess a BUD Pokemon brought out the worst of my allergies even with my medicine. (Sighs) Stupid stupid allergies-ACHOO!


Raichu: (laughing) Cyndaquil, dude! You look ridiculous!

Cyndaquil: (frowns) Hey!

Blissey: Aww I think it shows what a great job you did.


Blissey: Ooh I hear wonderful music! Did someone have fun?

Sprigatito: She sure did! I'll miss you little Igglybuff! Take care!


Raichu: Azuril didn't cause much trouble for ya did she?

Vulpix: No trouble at all!


Blissey: Last up is little Togepi. You know she's very reserved and- OH! What have we here? (Togepi is shining with joy as Chespin is reluctantly playing with her)

Raichu: Woah! Chespin, you finally get that point for facing you fears!

Snivy: And how many years later is it?

Blissey: Chespin I've never seen Togepi this happy before! She must really like you! Phenomenal job!

Chespin: Huh? Oh thanks, now then, you can take her back. (Blissey takes her) Thank goodness it's over. (Faints)

(In confessional)
Chespin: Well I did it! I actually faced my fear and not only faced a Togepi again, but I also babysat her too! I should be proud! (Pauses and then shutters) NEVER AGAIN THOUGH! That little monster got WAYYY too much enjoyment from my suffering!

(Night falls and Raichu gathers everyone back at camp)

Charmander: (yawns) So who won anyways? It's getting late.

Sawk: Having no update on our standings in the challenge certainly was a choice.

Spheal: Well it makes things more suspenseful.

Raichu: Hang on just one minute. Still evaluating a winning team...

Vulpix: Evaluating a winning team? Oh for crying out loud he's just gonna play favorites isn't he!

Meowstic: You think he really has a favorite team?

Alcremie: Well we have Snivy so that won't be us. (Meowstic chuckles).

Buizel: (to Buneary) I'm glad we got Chingling back in time. But it was weird that Sandshrew wasn't there.

Sandshrew: (overhearing) I'm so sorry guys, I really suck at obstacle courses.

Chikorita: (to Chespin) OMG you really babysat a Togepi? Chespin I'm so proud of you! (Gives him a kiss)

Chespin: Aww, thanks babe.

Raichu: (announcing) OKAY! Finally we have our results! The winning team is...

(The camera zooms in dramatically in all three teams)

Fuecoco: (pops up behind Raichu) THE SURREAL SUICUNES!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!

Riolu: We won? Alright! (The team cheers)

Raichu: You guys definitely did the best overall and had low levels of crying. Special shout outs to Chespin and Pachirisu. Both of you really did a great job at babysitting. Mind if I call you for the twins sometime?

Pachirisu: Oh please, I practically babysat them on the Rhydonculous Race! Pay me for that first, and then we'll talk.

Raichu: Eesh, never mind then. Now then, Enteis and Raikous youve both lost! Enteis I will say you overall did a decent job, but there was a lot of crying from one group. (Looks at Sprigaitito and Quaxly) As for the Raikous, you started off with lots of crying, but that wasn't the worst part because SOME OF YOU LOST YOUR BABY! Did you think we wouldn't notice that? (Buizel and Buneary exchange worried glances) But as always, the choice for who to eliminate is up to you. Time to get voting!

(Near the voting booth)

Fennekin: I guess you do make a good point. Treecko isn't really a nice player.

Buizel: Exactly. I think we best vote for him, right? (Buneary walks up) Oh there you are.

Buneary: (sighs) Whelp looks like one of us is probably going home tonight. I guess we vote for Sandshrew and hope Bellossom really meant what she said.

Buizel: I mean we could do that... ORRRR we could vote for Treecko!

Buneary: What? I know you don't like him but after they offered to save us? Why?

Buizel: Buneary you can't trust people like that. Remember the horrible stuff he said about Flaaffy? Besides I've tried to use our connections to convince our team to vote him off. I mean... the choice is yours though.

(In confessional)
Buneary: (pulls her ears down) Ughhhhh. What do I do? If I make the wrong decision it could cost Buizel or I a second chance at this game!

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu: Alrighty, Eenie meanie miney Enteis let's start with you!

Mudkip: What? But didn't the other team do worse?

Litten: Yeah! He's right!

Raichu: Does it really matter? You're both sending someone home in the end. Now then, your team is small enough to hand out pokepuffs the old fashioned way! The first pokepuff goes to... Cyndaquil! (Throws him it)

Cyndaquil: Alright! Yay!

Raichu: Also safe are Mudkip, Charmander, Litten and Vulpix! (Throws them pokepuffs) And... Sprigatito! (She catches hers and looks to Quaxly and Grookey)

Sprigatito: Oh no.

Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes to...

(Quaxly, Grookey, and Sprigatito hug each other)

Raichu: ...Grookey. (Throws him a pokepuff) Sorry Quaxly, but you've been voted out.

Quaxly: Aw, dammit!


Grookey: I'm sorry Quaxly. I promise I didn't vote you!

Quaxly: You know what, I truly believe that. Good luck. (To Sprigatito) Hey it sucks that I'm leaving after I said some things... but can we do one last start over and go back to how things used to be?

Sprigatito: (smiles) Of course not. Quaxly I like the current you. He's a really great friend. (They hug)

Raichu: BOOO!!! Quaxly get outta here. You were more fun when you got mad like a classic cartoon duck we all know and love. (Shoos them away) Now then, time for another one! Raikous! You get an abridged ceremony.

Sobble: Um... which means?

Raichu: Which means I call out those of you that stunk worse than a baby's diaper!

Sandshrew: Eesh, I'm glad we didn't have to deal with that today!

Raichu: Oh hey Sandshrew! Guess what? You're on the chopping block! Spending all that time flopping on the obstacle course like a Hollywood reject didn't impress your team. (Sandshrew frowns) Next up for elimination is Buizel! Buizel you may be the worst babysitter I've ever seen. Arguing with Buneary and losing your baby Chingling... yikes! (Buizel looks ashamed) And lastly... Treecko!

Treecko: What? Me?

Raichu: Yes you! Treecko you took it easy today as other team members struggled. You also can be hard to get along with. (Treecko folds his arms) Pokepuffs to the rest of you. Now then, the camper who's stayed up past their bedtime is...

(The camera zooms in on the bottom three)

Raichu: ...Treecko! (Treecko's jaw drops as Buizel catches his pokepuff in his mouth)

Buizel: Mmm, yes! Thank god!

Bellossom: What!? No! Why Treecko? What happened?

Treecko: Gee I wonder... BUIZEL AND BUNEARY!!!

Buneary: I... I'm sorry. I feel terrible but I panicked and didn't want to risk Buizel going home... and I didn't know if you meant what you said-

Treecko: Zip it Buneary! (To Bellossom who starts to cry) This is what happens when you try and be kind even to those that don't deserve it. I don't want you EVER trusting those two again.

Bellossom: I'm so sorry Treecko. You were right. I should've listened... If it wasn't for me wanting them to like us, you'd still be here. It's my fault, I should be the one going home.

Treecko: (holds Bellossom's hands) Hey, it's just a game. A game that I know you can win. Besides, you took yourself out to save me in season two. If it makes you feel better, think of us as even now then. (Pauses) Just stay strong and don't give up okay. (Gives her a hug and a kiss)

Bellossom: Treecko... I'll do my best. (Smirks) And I won't care what others think of me! (Treecko smiles).

(In confessional)
Bellossom: Tonight is the birth of a new Bellossom. I won't make the same mistake again and I won't let Treecko down!

(The screen flips to show Treecko and Quaxly in the toilet)

Quaxly: You know ducks belong in the bathtub, NOT the toilet!

Raichu: Well we don't have a giant bathtub dumbass.

Treecko: (sarcastically) Why not? Did you spend the budget on something equally as dumb?

Raichu: Hey! Well I've got the money. Unlike you two! Buh-bye! (Presses the button and they scream as they get flushed; to the camera) Two more have been taken down for a nap, and we are at twenty four remaining! What will Bellossom do without Treecko? Will Buneary's guilt sink in? Can Sprigaitito and Grookey finally reconnect after Quaxly's attempts to bring everyone back together? Only one way to find out! See you next time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!!!

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