Splatterday Night Live

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, our campers were up against one of the trickiest challenges of all time... Babysitting! And they didn't even get paid for it! Babies cried, babies danced, and thankfully none of them peed their pants! (Laughs a little). While most of the little ones seemed to have a fun time in the end, the same can't be said for our campers. Chespin had to face his fear of Togepi when she only wanted to be around him! To bring his team a win, Chespin stepped up in the end, but that didn't make it any less torturous for him! Speaking of awful times, Buneary and Buizel felt the lowest of lows when they lost their baby Chingling! Bellossom jumped at the opportunity to help them out, and how did they thank her? By voting off her boyfriend Treecko! WOWZA! Now that is COLD! In the end, the other camper to be sent home was our usually raged filled duck Quaxly. I say usually because... he didn't leave angry last time! In fact, to try and mend the bridge between Grookey and Sprigaitito, he revealed that he wants to step aside and let them be together. How kind. Now can that bridge be fully repaired or is it bound to collapse again? Only one way to find out! Check out this all new episode of Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

(Theme song; In the spa hotel)

Meowstic: So... you think I should just go for it?

Pachirisu: For the fifteenth time, YES! She's one of the nicest Pokemon here, what do you think the worst is that can happen?

Meowstic: Um the entire planet could blow up?

Pachirisu: (sarcastically) Yeah. That seems logical.

Meowstic: (stands up and sighs) You're right. I'm gonna try.

Pachirisu: You got this Meowstic! (Meowstic gets up and walks over to sit next to Alcremie)

Meowstic: Hey Alcremie, whatcha doing?

Alcremie: Oh hi Meowstic. Nothing much. Just glad we won yesterday.

Meowstic: Oh yeah me too!

Alcremie: Speaking of, you okay after getting run over?

Meowstic: (embarrassed) Oh my gosh, how about let's not talk about that. I mean it was a kiddy car so like, it was nothing really.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Crap! I didn't mean to make him feel embarrassed by bringing that up. I know if I were in his shoes I wouldn't be happy to know people remembered something embarrassing that happened. Oops...

Alcremie: Sorry, sorry. Um, is there something you wanted to talk about?

Meowstic: Um... yeah actually. (Tapping his fingers nervously) I, um, I actually have this question I was hoping you to answer.

(In confessional)
Meowstic: I've never asked a girl this before and I'm just so completely nervous. I feel like I'm about to play in a Smash Bros tournament in front of billions of people! That's how nervous I am!

Meowstic: Alcremie... would you... (bows his head down) Would you exchange Switch friends codes with me!? (Pachirisu is heard faintly laughing in the distance)

Alcremie: Huh? Oh, I mean... I would like to but I don't think I can-

Meowstic: (face turns red) Oh... alright. I understand. (Talking fast) I mean I really do get it, you only have so many spaces and you probably have a lot of friends since you're so nice and-

Alcremie: Meowstic-

Meowstic: -Honestly it's probably for the best. You don't wanna see how much time I've put into some of my games. It's really an embarrassingly unhealthy amount-

Alcremie: MEOWSTIC! (Grabs his hands) I didn't mean no I don't want to, I meant I can't because I don't have my switch on me. But yeah, we can definitely be switch friends after the competition (giggles a little).

Meowstic: (has a sigh of relief) Oh, whoops. Phew. Yeah, that'd be cool.

(In confessional)
Meowstic: SUCCESS! Embarrassing, but still a SUCCESS! (Thinks for a moment) Hmm, weird. I guess most people don't have their switch code memorized. But I do! It's- (gets cut off)

(Elsewhere in the spa hotel)

Spheal: Wow! What a great breakfast!

Chespin: Whew I'm stuffed. I don't think I can eat another bite.

Furfrou: Glad you enjoyed the meal, master Chespin. (Walks off)

Riolu: You know you probably shouldn't overeat like that...

Spheal: Hey, he faced his biggest fear yesterday. I think that's worth celebrating!

Riolu: Oh yeah for sure, but you don't wanna throw away today's challenge.

Chespin: Pfft, don't worry I'll be fine.

(In confessional)
Riolu: Sometimes I wonder how so many contestants here made it so far without being as focused as I am. (Shakes his head)

(In front of the Raikous cabin)

Bellossom: (sits looking sad) Hmm...

Sobble: (appears) H-hi!

Bellossom: AGH! You scared me!

Sobble: Oh sorry. (Panicked) I just wanted to say s-sorry that Treecko was voted off. I'm sure you're sad and it's okay to be sad so- yeah. (Gives her a hug and the disappears and leaves)

Bellossom: Huh? Wait- (confused) What just happened?

Cubchoo: (comes out of the cabin) Oh that's just Sobble's way of showing she cares and hopes you feel better. She's always a bit jumpy like that.

Bellossom: Ah, gotcha. You and her are very close right?

Cubchoo: Y-yeah. Well... (scratches head) I mean... we were. But then I dunno. (Changing the topic) Well things will get better soon enough I'm sure, so let's not make it about me. I also wanted to make sure you are okay.

Bellossom: Of course I'm gutted that Treecko was voted off. (Sadly) And I just feel awful. But... I've got to move on and be strong.

Cubchoo: Right! You can do it Bellossom! (Buneary looks at them from inside the cabin)

(In confessional)
Buneary: I feel HORRIBLE! Absolutely despicable. She tried time and time again to be nice even when I was rude... (sighs) I thought sticking it to her would be satisfying... but it's the exact opposite. I feel so evil...

(By the Enteis cabins)

Cyndaquil: Mudkip come back! We didn't finish our morning workout!

Mudkip: Yeah, sorry, um I don't think this workout thing is going to work out (sheepishly laughs and heads into the cabins)

(In confessional)
Mudkip: I'm exhausted. Phew. (Wipes his forehead) But Cyndaquil just wants to keep going? I mean this is the nicest way possible but... WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH HIM!? Since when was he obsessed with exercising?

Cyndaquil: (sighs) Dangit.

Charmander: (walks up) What's wrong dude?

Cyndaquil: Oh n-nothing. I was just exercising with Mudkip.

Charmander: Oh, and let me guess, he bailed?

Cyndaquil: Hey that's not fair! He's been actually trying to improve a lot and has helped our team so much lately-

Charmander: Did he bail?

Cyndaquil: (pauses and sighs) Yeah...

Charamnder: Cyndaquil man, you gotta stop trying so hard. Stop trying to carry the weight of two people! Mudkip can handle himself, and well, if he can't... that's his problem right?

(In the mess hall)

Sandshrew: Morning Chikorita!

Chikorita: Hey Sandshrew! (Sits down) How are thing going with... (softly) S-A-W-

Sandshrew: EEP! Say no more! And things have actually been great! Don't tell anyone, but he helped me out yesterday which was really kind.

Chikorita: For reals? Well he definitely wouldn't help the opposition unless he really cared about them.

Sandshrew: Yeah, true.

Chikorita: So wait, has Vulpix noticed anything you think?

Sandshrew: Nope. She's too busy dating Litten now. And even if she did, why should I care? We haven't spoken in days and I don't miss her! (Pauses) Okay maybe I do a little... a lot... but still.

(Elsewhere around the camp)

Grookey: Hey Sprigatito...

Sprigatito: Hi Grookey... (There is awkward silence)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Quaxly stepped in to sort things out for us yesterday, and I'm so incredibly thankful. It sucks that he's gone, but at least Grookey knows that I really do like him. But would he still want to be with me? Guess now it's all in his court.

(In confessional)
Grookey: Yup it's all in her court now! If she wants to move forward she'll say something. For now though, we can go back to being friends like we were at the start of the season.

Raichu: (over the speakers) GOOOOOD MORNING!!! Time for another great day! Let's gather outside by the dock. You've got five minutes!

(Outside the cabins)

Vulpix: Another day another pain in the rear challenge.

Litten: Oh come on, yesterday wasn't even that bad and you know it.

Vulpix: I mean I guess so. (Pauses) Is this... is this thing between you and I weird?

Litten: What!? Vulpix I can't believe you'd say that! I mean, I get it though. You and Fennekin were friends so this is awkward now...

Vulpix: No wait. I didn't mean it like that. I meant as long as you don't need more time to get over her. I'm very much enjoying our relationship. (Leans in to kiss him when Litten leans away).

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Sometimes I can't even remember why we started dating so abruptly in the first place... (sighs) but he's really really cute. And if Fennekin doesn't want him, what's the big deal? (Takes a long pause) But why do I still feel so wrong saying that...

Litten: Eh, no time for that we should get going- (Fennekin starts to walk by) I mean, aww come here Vulpix- (leans in and kisses her)

Fennekin: (growls to herself) Just ignore them. They aren't worth your breath...

Litten: (leans back and sighs) Dammit.

(In confessional)
Litten: How long is it gonna take for Fennekin to get jealous and want me back? Like come on! I'm starting to think this plan of Charmander's is a big fat failure.

(At the dock)

Spheal: Good morning Raichu! You look well!

Raichu: Thank you Spheal. You know, it's nice to get a compliment every now and then.

Snivy: (snidely) Well don't ever expect one from me.

Psyduck: (pops up) What's a compliment?

Fuecoco: It's when you say truthful nice thing about someone.

Psyduck: Oh okay! I'm gonna try. Lets see... Raichu I like your... (there is long silence and some laughter is heard). Um can I by a vowel?

Raichu: (narrows eyes) Nice. Thanks Psyduck.

Psyduck: You're welcome!

Raichu: Now then, it's challenge time! And today we've got one that's gonna involve teleporting us to another location so get ready for that. However, I'm gonna explain the situation first. Listen carefully, because it's gonna be a bit confusing.

Buizel: Oh brother, this can't be good...

Raichu: After yesterday's cutsie safer challenge, we needed one where you all could experience some pain. Or should I said, PAIN-T!

Grookey: Pain-T? Huh? Wait, do you mean T-Pain?

Vulpix: Eww Raichu, don't tell me you listen to that guy!


Litten: (happily gasps) No way! An art challenge? YES! Oh you are all going down!

Fennekin: (loudly) Maybe if the challenge involves buying paintings with some else's money!

Litten: (rolls eyes) Oh please, just get over it already Fennekin. I know you miss me.

Fennekin: I DO NOT MISS YOU!! My parents raised me to know better than to date street trash such as yourself. Well... I mean they raised me to never do it twice.

Litten: UGH! Yeah keep listening to your damn parents. Hope you're happy turning into a classist snob like them.

Raichu: Hey. You two done yet? We've got a show to put on here. Thanks.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: It felt good to tell off Litten again, and I'll say it again, I definitely do not miss him. Not even the tiniest bit. (Frowns and looks nervous) Um, I mean, yup not at all. But in other news, what was he blabbing about my parents for like that? I know they never got along but surely that was just because he was a problem right? (Looks unsure) It couldn't be the other way around... could it?

Raichu: So where was I?

Mudkip: You were talking about paint.

Raichu: Oh yeah! Today is paint filled challenges inspired by the hit video game SPLATOON!!!


Sawk: We've got the gamer on our team, this should be an easy win.

Roserade: Let's not get too over-arrogant okay...

Raichu: Okay so here's how it will work. Each team will have four members transported into an arena. There you will battle it out to try and win the match and a point for your team in one of three ways. First team to two points win simmunity. Following me so far?

Cubchoo: Um, no?

Raichu: Great! So the first way to earn a point is by being the last team standing. Each player will have a Splatoon weapon in hand, which come in a variety of different types, and you can also find things like sub weapons and specials out in the arena. If you ink an opponent significantly, they will be eliminated from the game. So get rid of all eight opponents and you win!

Alcremie: Wait a second, I don't think that's how Splatoon works really. You don't pick up specials like that.

Raichu: Yeah, that's why I said the challenge is INSPIRED by Splatoon. You aren't actually going into the video game and turning into squids here. Eesh. We don't need those haunting fusions scaring us for life. But I digress. Anyways, second way to win is to capture the electric fish!

Meowstic: Electric fish? Oh, do you mean zapfish? They aren't really in turf wars-

Raichu: Well they are now. Somewhere in the arena will be a zapfish. Simply claim it and your team wins the round! Here's the catch though. It takes A LOT of ink to break through its protective shield, so it may be a difficult task as others can shoot you while you are going for it.

Riolu: Fair enough. So what's the last way to win?

Raichu: The last way and least probable way is true to Splatoon fashion. Ink the most turf to win! However we are making it a bit different, so the ruling is if any team inks fifty percent of the turf in their color they win the match.

Sobble: That sounds like it'd be a lot of work.

Buneary: That's the idea I bet.

Raichu: Sure is! Now then let's get teleported on over to our weapons shop! Kadabra! (The group gets teleported)

(By a weapon shop)

Raichu: Welcome to the weapon shop. Pick out your gun here and NO, you cannot swap guns later.

Sandshrew: Ooh what are these other stores nearby? Clothing stores!?

Alcremie: Splatoon is known for having lots of customizable outfits, which is fun.

Sandshrew: OH MY GOSH REALLY!?!?

Vulpix: (squeals) A video game that cares about fashion! EEEEE! SANDSHREW LETS GO SHOPPING!

Sandshrew: EEEE! OKAY!

Raichu: (blocks) Nope. No outfits. We don't have that much time. Just pick a weapon.

Vulpix: Seriously? Bummer...

(Inside the weapon shop)

Koffing: Alright maggots, welcome to the weapon shop. I'm sure that dorky psychic type could explain these to you better, (Meowstic looks offended) but I'm gonna do it anyways. These are the basic types of weapons. We have the regular gun which is called a Splattershot, we have paint Rollers you can run over others with, and Chargers that are essentially sniper rifles.

Spheal: Woah! So cool!

Koffing: Then things get a little weird. We have a Bucket as a weapon for some reason, as well as a Bow? I think? And there are Gatling guns, Paintbrushes and... what the heck? Is this a mini washing machine?

Meowstic: Yeah, it's called the sloshing machine actually.

Koffing: NO ONE CARES! Now pick.

Charmander: (to his team) Alright Enteis, we've GOT to win this challenge. Picking the right weapons is key.

Mudkip: Don't have to tell me twice. We so need a win or else we might go down as the worst team in TDP history.

(In confessional)
Charmander: Yeah, our team has won ONE CHALLENGE! That's it! Oh and how did we do that? We won because even though we were in last, Squirtle and Bulbasaur on the other teams tanked and broke their eggs and lost. So yeah... things have GOT to change.

Mudkip: It would probably be good to have a mix of weapons available. Right?

Sprigatito: (nods) Yeah, agreed.

Cyndaquil: I'll go with the regular gun.

Mudkip: I'll take this paint bow!

Charmander: I'm taking the sick paint roller. Can't wait to just run over everyone.

Litten: You absolutely CANT beat a paintbrush. That's my weapon of choice in every day life too.

Grookey: Really? I thought it was a spray can? (Pauses) Plus I don't think it works the same way here-

Litten: I realize that, but trust me. I got this.

(By the Raikous)

Chikorita: Everyone have their weapons picked out? Good.

Sandshrew: Buneary will you be fine, or do you think your klutz is gonna act up again?

Buneary: (sighs) Oh, let's hope not. I mean this is a weapon and not an item, so I should be fine. I think.

Cubchoo: Guys I have an idea for how to start. I think we should all help protect Sobble. (Puts his hand on her shoulder). She's really good with a sniper rifle and-


Cubchoo: (startled) AGH! W-What? Oh I'm sorry-

Fennekin: (softly) Sobble don't get tricked by him again. It's best to stay away, right? (Sobble nods; normally) Sobble why don't you go in the second round with me, Sandshrew, and Chikorita. Sound good?

Sobble: Oh, alright.

(In confessional)
Sobble: Fennekin really is passionate about protecting me from Cubchoo. Which is weird because Cubchoo is such a sweetheart, he'd be the last guy you'd ever need protection from. EEP! D-did I just say that on tape. OH IM SO HUMILIATED!!! (Pauses) But yeah... Fennekin is smart and I should listen to her. Even if I do wanna talk to Cubchoo again I probably shouldn't... right?

(The teams finish picking their weapon and starting players and Raichu teleports them into an arena. The players are: Enteis- Charmander, Cyndaquil, Grookey and Sprigatito; Suicunes-Riolu, Pachirisu, Meowstic and Alcremie; Raikous- Bellossom, Cubchoo, Buneary and Buizel)

Buneary: (looks around) Woah! So many buildings and platforms everywhere.

Cubchoo: Yeah it's like a wacky city.

Buizel: Alright team, follow my lead and we'll win this!

Bellossom: (sarcastically) Yeah, because that always works so well for our team.

Buizel: (angry) Excuse me? Well you chose to join my group.

Bellossom: I didn't choose, I got stuck with you. Let's just split up.

Cubchoo: Wait up Bellossom. I'll come with you. (The four head off).

(By the Suicunes)

Meowstic: Nice work everybody! Keep inking the turf! We can move faster through the area we ink.

Riolu: Interesting, but cool.

Pachirisu: (rolls and shoots using her Dual Blasters) Woah, these things are so cool!

Alcremie: I hope we picked good enough weapons. Meowstic and I both have Splattershots and Riolu has a charger. Is that diversified enough?

Meowstic: Yeah we should be fine, don't worry.

Pachirisu: Alright, let's keep moving toward the center. (The team moves up a bit) Hey what's that manhole thingy over there?

Alcremie: Hmm, wait I feel like something happens if you shoot at it. (Alcremie stands by it and shoots it and a geyser of ink propels her upward onto a nearby platfom) WAHH! Oof.

Meowstic: Alcremie! Are you okay!?

Alcremie: (yelling down) I'm good! Took me by surprise is all!

Riolu: Excellent! (Gets sprayed up too) Having the high ground is always important in battle. Especially when I have a sniper.

Meowstic: Sure is! It looks like you can walk along above us. How about you do that, and can you shoot anyone that sneaks up on us?

Riolu: (laughs) Can I? Oh please, it's what I'm best at!

(In confessional)
Riolu: Do I sometimes seem cocky in my aura abilities? I mean, I guess so, but I think I'm allowed to be as long as I back it up. (Crosses arms and smiles) Which I most certainly will.

Meowstic: Okay here's the rest of my idea. The rest of us make a charge for the zapfish while Riolu guards us from the rooftops. Sound good? (The girls nod) Awesome! Let's do it!

(By the Enteis)

Cyndaquil: Okay there's a spot there- Oh wait, we missed here too-

Charmander: Cyndaquil! Dude! You don't need to ink every crook and cranny.

Cyndaquil: Huh? (Stops inking the gaps in the turf) Oh sorry, it just bothers me a bit and you know, every bit counts right?

Charmander: We should take out the other teams. That's how we are gonna win. Now then, where'd Grookey and Sprigatito go?

Sprigatito: Woah, this Gatling gun is heavy... (puts it down) Um I'm not sure where Grookey is... (suddenly large splat sounds are heard) Never mind.

Grookey: YIPEE! Woah these splat bombs sure are cool! (Throws some more) WOO HOO!

Charmander: What are you- where did you get those? AND DONT WASTE THEM!

Grookey: Oops... too late...

(In confessional)
Charmander: (facepalms) Yup, we're gonna lose again, aren't we?

Raichu: (announcing) All three teams seem to be inking their turf and headed toward the center where the zapfish is. MAYBE THEN SOMETHING INTERESTING WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN!!!

(Towards the center; by the Suicunes)

Meowstic: Look! Just up ahead!

Alcremie: It's the zapfish! Let's go for it! (The three of them shoot at the zapfish battier)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: It's awesome we made it here first, but shooting the barrier definitely is gonna alert other teams. No worries though! Riolu has our backs!

Charmander: (nearby) What the heck? Pfft, look at these losers going for the zapfish. I'll just flatten em from behind- (suddenly gets shot with blue ink) WHA- (vanishes)

Riolu: (from atop the platform) Saw you coming from a mile away. Hmm and looks like I see some more. (Notices Bellossom and Cubchoo and aims at them)

Cubchoo: Um, Bellossom what's that light pointed at you?

Bellossom: Huh? OH NO! (Gets shot by Riolu as does Cubchoo)

Raichu: (announcing) OOOH! Looks like Riolu's sniping skills have been fully unleashed and he's taken out three opponents! Impressive!

Riolu: (to his team) Keep at it guys!

Alcremie: We will! I think we're almost through the shield.

Riolu: (senses something) Huh? Guys! Look out! Buizel and Buneary are coming your way! I can't shoot them because they are under me!

Pachirisu: GUYS DODGE! (Rolls out of the way and the others move) Nice try!

Buizel: Oh come on! Whatever. Taste my katana paint (flicks paint her way but she dodges and shoots Buizel) AGH! (He tries to flee but Alcremie blocks him and shoots him and he vanishes)

Alcremie: Yes! We got him!

Meowstic: I've been wanting to do this for so long! (Readies his gun)

Buneary: What!? What did I ever do to you?

Meowstic: Oh I didn't mean you specifically, I meant play a match of Splatoon IRL. Sorry for the confusion. (Shoots at Buneary and she vanishes. The group then turns to finishing shooting the zapfish shield and it breaks) YES! (Runs up and claims the zapfish) WOO HOO! WE DID IT!

Alcremie: Great job team! Especially you Riolu.

Riolu: It was nothing. Don't mention it.

(In the confessional)
Meowstic: That. Was. AWESOMEEE!!! (Nervously correcting himself) I mean, that was eh. Don't worry Shinx, you aren't missing out on much. It's not THAT cool...

(Back at the hub area; everyone is teleported back)

Sandshrew: Eww that blue ink looks nastier than what an Inkay shoots at you!

Buneary: Ugh, I know we must look silly.

Charmander: (to his team) What the heck guys? What were you doing!?

Grookey: Sheesh sorry. We were trying to ink the base!


Litten: Ugh, we so cannot let that happen. Come on gang, let's get ourselves a win.

Charmander: I'll go again for us. Litten and I can take the lead. Mudkip and Vulpix, just hang back and try not to goof up.

Mudkip: (narrows eyes) Wow thanks...

Vulpix: Excuse me! You really think my boyfriend is gonna want to be without me?

Litten: Oh um, it's okay Vulpix. It's just for the challenge.

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Hmpf. Whatever. Clearly he doesn't want my beauty distracting him is all.

Alcremie: Guess we're all tapping out. Who's going?

Snivy: The better question is who isn't going for us five?

Roserade: I'll sit out. I'm not really a fan of shooting others...

(In confessional)
Snivy: Hmm, more like she wants to minimize her chances of being blamed for a loss. Smart.

(The next groups get teleported into the arena which is slightly different. The players are: Enteis- Charmander, Litten, Vulpix and Mudkip; Suicunes- Snivy, Chespin, Spheal and Sawk; Raikous- Fennekin, Sobble, Chikorita and Sandshrew)

Raichu: (announcing) LET ROUND TWO BEGIN!!!

Chikorita: (holding a roller weapon) This feels so weird. But I guess you can kinda just drag it to paint right?

Sandshrew: I really have no idea. That's why I just took the gun heh.

Fennekin: Alright team, here's what we should do. Spread out and find the zapfish. But don't get the fish.

Sobble: Don't get it? Why?

Chikorita: Yeah don't we need it to win?

Fennekin: Yes but anybody that tries to get it gets totally exposed. We can pick them off and not expose ourselves!

Sandshrew: Ooh! Yeah let's do that!

Sobble: Okay! I'll go by myself and-


Sobble: What? O-oh of course not. I wouldn't dare!

(In confessional)
Sobble: I got myself humiliatingly eliminated last season by going invisible during a challenge. Best not to do it again.

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Spheal: (spraying ink with his gun) Pwoosh! SPLAT! This is honestly pretty fun.

Snivy: Stay focused. We need to clinch this challenge win as soon as possible.

Chespin: Hey, over there. I think I see Mudkip. (Smirks) Leave it to me.

Spheal: Okay! You got it!

Chespin: (sneaks up behind Mudkip and approaches him with his roller when his stomach rumbles) Awww, what the heck? St-stomach... cramp... (falls to the ground)

Mudkip: AGH! (Uses his bow weapon to shoot ink at Chespin and he disappears)

Snivy: Wow, what a pathetic performance.

Mudkip: Yes! Got him! (shoots ink upwards)

Spheal: What is he doing?

Mudkip: Oh, just signaling my team. They'll be here soon enough.


Raichu: (announcing as the screen shows) As Mudkip waits for his backup to arrive, looks like Sawk gets the jump on a shaky Sobble and inks her out with his Splatoon katana! Chikorita and Sandshrew wait for others to approach the zapfish, and as for Fennekin... looks like she is about to run into somebody...

(In the arena)

Fennekin: (sneaking around) Let's see if I can find my way back to my team- Wait what's that? Red ink? (Sees Vulpix walk by casually shooting her gun) AHA! GOTCHA! (Jumps out to shoot at Vulpix but doesn't hit her enough)

Vulpix: AGH! MY FUR! I am SO not meant to be yellow! Who- (looks and sees Fennekin) Ugh, you!

Fennekin: This is a confrontation that is long overdue. (The two circle each other in a stand-off)

Vulpix: Seriously? Only because you made such a big deal over it.

Fennekin: IT IS A BIG DEAL!!! Vulpix you were one of my closest friends! I broke up with Litten and after pretending to be on my side you swooped in and stole him!

Vulpix: Stole him? You can't steal a boyfriend when the boy is free!

Fennekin: Oh you know what I mean!

Vulpix: Look Fennekin, I'm gonna be honest. I'm not sure how these feelings came to be... or how we even started dating if I'm being honest...

Fennekin: (intently grabs her gun) You better be going somewhere with this.

Vulpix: I am! Sheesh! Just you don't know what it's like to not have a boyfriend! It's infuriating that someone who prides herself on her looks can't even get a boyfriend of her own. Litten likes me and this is my only chance.

Fennekin: (sweetly) Huh? Vulpix, are you serious? (Angrier) W-well it doesn't matter! What you did was wrong!

Vulpix: I... I know... I'm sorry. But what I'm doing isn't wrong and maybe you can eventually get over it-

Fennekin: AGHH! TAKE THIS! (Throws a Splat Bomb at her and shoots her and Vulpix disappears)

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Yes! I got her! And what she said to me there was total nonsense. Did she actually think I'd forgive her that easy? If something is up she's gonna have to do a lot better than that to explain herself.

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Snivy: (readies his sniper) Shit! Where did he go?

Litten: Right behind ya loser!

Snivy: Fool! Give away your position like that? (Turns and no one is there but then turns again and Litten takes him out with his Inkbrush)

Litten: (laughs) Oh that was a satisfying one.

Spheal: Agh! Woah. Hmm maybe I should try and use one of these- (Charmander rolls over him with a roller and he disappears)

Charmander: Woah! Awesome! I just rolled over him and bam!

Mudkip: Thanks for coming to my aid you guys!

Charmander: Yeah, sure. At least you acknowledge you can't fend for yourself.

Mudkip: Huh? That's not what I said!

Litten: Come on guys, let's take the rest of these dorks out. And I've got a plan!

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Sawk: Hmm, you think I'd have come across more people by now. (Hears something and hides)

Fennekin: (walks by) Could've sworn I saw someone... (feels Sawk's gaze and sticks a Suction Bomb on a platform next to her. Sawk jumps outs and attacks her and gets her out)

Sawk: Aha! Oh yes! (Notices the bomb) Oh no- (the bomb explodes and Sawk is inked and eliminated)

Raichu: (announcing) WOW! After a double splat, the Suicunes have lost all their members! This match comes down to the Raikous and the Enteis!

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Chikorita: Ugh, where is everyone? Why has nobody gone for the zapfish?

Sandshrew: I don't know, but I'm not complaining.

Chikorita: Sandshrew we could've won! Why are we following this plan?

Sandshrew: Maybe the other teams had the same one?

Chikorita: (frowns) Doubt it...

Sandshrew: (looks around) Hey wait a second, what's that over there? (Points)

Chikorita: Is that a trail of red ink?

Sandshrew: Well we found somebody. Come on, let's get 'them! (The two sneakily follow the path) Hmm, this way... (they turn a corner) What the heck? It just stops?

Chikorita: Agh! It's an ambus- (Litten sneaks up)

Litten: SURPRISE MOTHER TRUCKERS! (splats them both with his Inkbrush and an airhorn sounds)


Charmander: Way to go Litten! Nicely done! (They fist bump)

Litten: Thanks man.

(In confessional)
Litten: It was simple really. I can move fast with this brush and go in a straight line. I do that to make it look like a path I inked. Then I simply lift up the brush, and walk away and go the other way of the path. (Confidently smiles) Boom! Game set and match! Now this was fun!

(In the hub area)

Spheal: Dangit, GGs Mudkip and the rest of the Enteis.

Vulpix: Ugh, that was beyond stupid.

Charmander: Vulpix we won... (Vulpix rolls her eyes)

Grookey: Yeah, great job guys!

Sawk: Sorry team.

Meowstic: That's alright. No worries. I guess I should go again?

Riolu: No we should save you for the last round.

Meowstic: But what if there isn't a last round? (Frowns) I really wanna do this again.

Riolu: If there is no next round then we win so... how is that a sad thing?

Roserade: Okay well now it's my turn. I hope this bucket works well.

(By the Reckless Raikous)

Sobble: Guys I'm so so sorry. PLEASE DONT HATE ME!!!

Sandshrew: It's not your fault, it's okay. (To Fennekin) What was that? Your plan was a total bust!

Fennekin: Oh, sorry-

Buizel: It wasn't the plan that tanked. It's the fact you bailed on the strategy.

Sandshrew: What? Um hello, nobody got the zapfish so...

Chikorita: Guys stop arguing! We have to win this next one or we're out! Now who's going?

Buizel: I'll go!

Buneary: Okay, same group as round one?

Bellossom: Um, nah let's switch it up. That's probably a smarter idea.

(The next groups get teleported into the arena which is slightly different. The players are: Enteis- Litten, Vulpix, Grookey and Sprigatito; Suicunes- Snivy, Roserade, Spheal and Pachirisu; Raikous- Buizel, Buneary, Fennekin, and Chikorita)

Chikorita: Okay, I'll go this way with my roller!

Fennekin: Alright. What about me?

Buneary: Okay, the rest of us let's spread out, ink the turf around us, while still heading for the zapfish. (The team heads off)

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Litten: Okay, let's just do what we did last time.

Vulpix: Great. But Litten let's make sure WE get Fennekin. I need revenge from last time.

Litten: Huh? Oh wait, she shot you? (Excitedly) Oh you gotta tell me, was she jealous!?

Vulpix: What? I don't know- I mean of course not! She dumped you remember!

Grookey: (to Sprigatito) Ugh, they aren't gonna let up with this are they? Let's just go the two of us. (Takes his bucket and starts sloshing ink around)

Sprigatito: Hey, wait up Grookey!

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Snivy: (shooting with a sniper) Okay we got that area. Let's move forward.

Spheal: Okay. Are you sure us staying together is the best idea though?

Pachirisu: I mean, it worked for us first round.

Snivy: Okay forward march everyone- Wait a second where's Roserade?

Roserade: (off to the side a bit: carefully laying down paint with her bucket) Hmm, Hmm, Hmm..

Spheal: Uhhh, whatcha doing?

Roserade: Well this is definitely a messy challenge, but I don't want to accidentally splatter ink and kill the plants nearby.

Pachirisu: Does it really matter?

Roserade: WHAT!? Of course it matters! I can't believe you would say that!

(In confessional)
Roserade: Plants are living beings just like me and you! (Frowns) I wish people would realize they are just as deserving of life as us Pokemon are...

Snivy: (pulls Roserade aside) Look, I know you've got your act because we are in front of others but come on. You don't need to be THAT in character here.

Roserade: In character? Huh?

Snivy: Oh never mind, come on let's just- (Suddenly a splat bomb drops near them) AGH! MOVE! (They dodge and avoid the explosion) Alright who did that? Show yourself!

Grookey: (from in the distance) Ha! Like we'd ever do that! (Pauses) Oh... whoops...

Sprigatito: Don't worry, I've got the range you need. Time for some Gatling gun action! (Starts spraying ink wildly) WAH-AGHH!!!

Spheal: EVERYBODY HIT THE DECK!!! (The Suicunes take cover)

Grookey: Agh! What's wrong?

Sprigatito: (shaking around) AGHH- I can't control this thing WOAHHH! (The shooting stops) Phew...

Vulpix: (runs up with Litten) Hey you two, need some back up? WOAH- (dodges ink shot her way)

Spheal: Looks like it's finally on now! LETS GET EM SUICUNES!!! (The two groups of four start engaging in an ink duel)

Raichu: (announcing) OOOH! Now this looks like some fun!

(The screen shows Snivy trying to snipe others but misses. Grookey lays bombs out and detonated them. Spheal rolls around while shooting in all directions. Vulpix and Sprigatito work to cover each others backs)

Vulpix: Agh, one more hit and I think I'm done for.

Sprigatito: Don't worry, I've got your back!

Roserade: Come on team, we almost got them!

Raichu: (announcing) AND THATS THE GAME!!!

Spheal: HUH? WHAT!?

Raichu: (announcing) Looks like some of you got carried away in the thrill of the battle! (Laughs)

Buizel: Alright, that was easier than expected.

Chikorita: Sorry other teams, but you forgot about inking the turf!

Fennekin: Yeah! (high fives Chikorita) Way to go us!

Raichu: (announcing) Over fifty percent of the turf is currently a Raikou yellow so that gives them the match win! Thanks for playing!

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: UGH, I can't believe we were so stupid to forget about that part of the challenge! Dammit! (Pauses) Whelp it's up to Meowstic now, and if anyone can do it, it's him!

(Back at the hub area)

Cubchoo: Oh wow, great job guys! We got a win!

Sobble: Y-yeah but we still need another one so...

Chikorita: Just do your best guys, you can do it!

Meowstic: (to his team) Okay, so it all comes down to this one. (Smiles)

Riolu: (narrows his eyes) Don't be so happy we lost the last one...

Alcremie: Hey, he's just excited to play again is all. He lives for this stuff, you know.

Sawk: Fair enough. Now then we need to think of all options. Group huddle.

(By the Enteis)

Charmander: Okay so I say it's time for the season one squad. You guys ready?

Litten: Hell yeah!

Cyndaquil: Yup! Mudkip?

Mudkip: Yeah, let's do it! Cyndaquil and I together make a great duo so we got this!

Sprigatito: (cheering them on) Good luck guys! You can do it!

(The next groups get teleported into the arena which is slightly different. The players are: Enteis- Litten, Charmander, Cyndaquil and Mudkip; Suicunes- Meowstic, Alcremie, Riolu and Sawk; Raikous- Bellossom, Sandshrew, Sobble, and Cubchoo)

Raichu: (announcing) It all comes down to this one folks! Get ready for a thrilling match!

Cyndaquil: (to Charamnder) Okay, don't worry I won't get distracted inking in the little gaps this time.

Charmander: Okay good. I was thinking you and Mudkip handle inking the base while Litten and I take the front. (Runs off before Cyndaquil can respond)

Cyndaquil: Huh? Oh, okay... (to Mudkip) Let's ink the base.

Mudkip: (nods) Nice! I'll gladly do this part, it seems safe. (Laughs a little).

Cyndaquil: Heh yeah, but when we are done we'll catch up.

Mudkip: Right! Sounds like a plan to me. (The two start inking their base)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Mudkip and I will ink this base in the blink of an eye and then BAM! We'll join up with Charmander, win the challenge for our team, and he'll finally see Mudkip is a valuable team member! (Pauses) I mean... hopefully right?

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Sawk: Hmm, Aha! (Spots Bellossom and slashes ink at her)

Bellossom: Woah! (Dodges but gets hit a little) Agh! Who did that? (Dodges more hits)

Sawk: (jumps down) Woah, I don't remember you being so agile.

Bellossom: Thanks! I mean, HEY! I've always been fast. (Pauses) Now let's see you dodge! (Shoots at Sawk but he dodges) Oh come on. (Sawk then flips behind her and slashes her with his splat katana and she disappears)

Sawk: Yes! Sorry Bellossom. Nothing personal. (Turns around to see someone standing there) Huh?

Sandshrew: (nervously) Oh h-hey Sawk what's going on heh.

(In confessional)
Sawk: I didn't realize he was there and he could obviously have shot me. Is he... stupid? Or stupidly in... hmm...

Sawk: Sandshrew are you not gonna shoot me?

Sandshrew: Oh n-no never! I'd feel bad to take you out of the challenge.

Sawk: That's how this game works though and I don't wanna win this way so... (narrows his eyes and raises his hands) Looks like you got me.

Sandshrew: Huh? Are you sure? (Sawk nods) O-okay if that's what you want... erm...

Sawk: Just hurry before anybody notices- (Sandshrew shoots him and Sawk disappears)

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: Ugh, I feel bad... I know he said to do it but it still feels wrong. (Frowns)

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Alcremie: Nobody to our left...

Riolu: Or our right...

Meowstic: Good let's keep going forward- Hey what's that? (Points to some boxes)

Riolu: Some random boxes? Yeah let's keep going toward the zapfish.

Meowstic: Wait a second, there could be a sub weapon inside them. Let's break them!

Riolu: Alright, if you think that's the best idea. (The group walks forward) We should be careful though, that area is out in the open-  (gets shot at but dodges) Shit!

Alcremie: Riolu! You okay?

Riolu: I'm fine. (Looks down) Yellow ink... so it's someone from the Raikous!

Alcremie: Meowstic, hurry up! You don't wanna get shot.

Meowstic: Come on, come on... there's gotta be something! (Breaks a box and a special items appears and Meowstic happily gasps and grins) Oh yeah!

(On top a nearby platform)

Sobble: Agh, I can't believe I missed that. I'm soooo stupid.

Cubchoo: (climbs up) Phew. Made. It.

Sobble: AGHH! Cubchoo!

Cubchoo: Sobble wait! Please don't keep running away from me! I know you like your alone time but but I see you talking to others so... are you still mad at me?

Sobble: (panicking) Um, I mean, no, I mean, yes, I mean maybe- EEP IVE SAID TO MUCH!

Cubchoo: Deep breaths. Like this. (Takes a deep breath and she does too) There. Better?

Sobble: I- Just sorry Cubchoo. I know you feel bad and I want to forgive you but Fennekin told me I probably shouldn't. Plus there's the obvious fact you HATE ME BECAUSE I SNUBBED YOU WAHHH-

Cubchoo: Sobble I don't hate you! I can't believe you'd ever think that- (notices a huge cannon sized blast of ink coming at her) AGH! LOOK OUT! (Pushes Sobble out of the way but gets hit himself and disappears)

Sobble: Cubchoo!? NOOOOO!!!

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: We didn't get to finish our conversation, but hopefully this showed her I still really care about her.

Sobble: What even was that- AGH! (Looks to see Meowstic inside a crab tank, shooting all over the place)


(In confessional)
Alcremie: (laughing) He looked so happy hehe. Like a kid in a candy store. Or like a gamer in GameStop the day a new game releases.

Riolu: Nice job! So can we take this mech to the zapfish

Meowstic: I mean we could but it's probably gonna run out of juice right about- (the machine stops) Now... Aww well that was fun while it lasted.

Raichu: (announcing) And with that, the remaining Suicunes are headed toward the zapfish! But they aren't the only ones! Looks like the Enteis are on the move as well, and the remaining two Raikous try to keep up from above, though slightly behind the others!

(Elsewhere in the arena)

Charmander: (flinging ink with his roller) Take that! And that!

Litten: Nice dude, I think we got Sandshrew to scurry away. I'm gonna take a zip around and see if I spot anyone. (Dashes off as Cyndaquil comes up to Charmander)

Cyndaquil: All done with the base! But I think the other teams had the same idea too so we won't win that way. Think we should charge the zapfish?

Charmander: Sounds like a plan. We'll go when Litten gives us the all clear.

Cyndaquil: Great! I'll go tell Mudkip. (Goes to leave when Charmander stops him)

Charmander: Woah, wait. How about we let him stay back... (pauses) Um... you know just in case things go wrong...

Cyndaquil: (a little ticked off) Really?

Charmander: What do you mean really?

Cyndaquil: (angry) Really what the hell Charmander!? We are supposed to be friends and you want us to have a working alliance but yet all you do is try to put down Mudkip without even giving him a chance!

Charmander: (shaking his hands no) Woah, woah, dude I never did that! Just, you know he has a... different kind of skillset from you and I. When it comes to getting physical he-

Cyndaquil: Hey Mudkip is more capable than you give him credit for! You even have me doubting his abilities sometimes now.

Charmander: Sheesh sorry. I really didn't do anything. How is it my fault you feel this way?

Cyndaquil: Because you are the one that tries to make me believe that- (Mudkip approaches and can hear the conversation but they don't see him) -Mudkip is utterly useless when it comes to anything physical! I have to carry him through every challenge and even though he's my best friend, he's objectively a sandbag to our team. (Mudkip tears up and runs off) Well Charmander, that couldn't be any farther from the truth!! Maybe if you believed in your friends more, you'd see that Mudkip has more worth than you give him credit for.

Charmander: (sighs) Okay I'm sorry, I really am. I'm just was looking out for you, you know? (Cyndaquil looks hesitant to accept the apology)
Go get Mudkip.

Cyndaquil: (nods) Mudkip! Mudkip!? That's weird... where'd he go?

(In confessional)
Mudkip: (tearing up) I... I never knew Cyndaquil felt that way about me. I just... I DONT WANT TO TALK LET ME OUT OF HERE (bursts out of the confessional crying)
(End confessional)

Litten: (running back) The coast looks clear guys let's- (gets sniped in blue ink and disappears)

Riolu: Ha! Nice try!

Alcremie: Sorry Entei's but we'll be taking that zapfish! Go! (The Suicunes start trying to break the shield when Sobble shoots and then from above)

Riolu: What the- (gets shot by Sobble and disappears)

Meowstic: AGH! RETREAT!!! (He and Alcremie scurry away from the zapfish)

Sobble: (from atop a platform) OMG! I can't believe I got Riolu!

Sandshrew: (from underneath the platform) Great job Sobble! Now just shoot a few more!

Sobble: Okay I'll try...

Charmander: (to Cyndaquil) Alright it's time to end this. We gotta get Meowstic first, and I know how to do it. (Pulls out a special he found earlier which is an Ink Strike attack) I think you just aim and the missiles go off so... (He aims the missiles at the four opponents and they shoot out)

Alcremie: (hears the noise) Uh oh! What what that?

Meowstic: It's an... INKSTRIKE!!! MOVE! (Bumps into Alcremie) Agh!

Alcremie: No good! We cornered ourselves!

Meowstic: NOOO WE NEVER FULLY BECAME FRIENDS- (the two get shot with the missiles and disappear. Sobble avoids the missiles and Sandshrew is protected since he's under a platform but he still covers himself)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Woah that was A LOT scarier to experience yourself than it is in game. (Pauses and frowns). And I guess I know where I stand with Meowstic now... friends. Which I'm, um, totally fine with, that's actually what I wanted. (Tries to make herself smile but can't)


Cyndaquil: Okay seriously, did Mudkip get shot or something I can't find him...

Charmander: Maybe, but we can't worry about that now. This is our change to win this. Help me break the zapfish shield! (Charmander runs in dodging shots from Sobble as Cyndaquil shoots the shield from afar with his gun and it breaks) Yes!

Sandshrew: Take this- (tries to shoot but Cyndaquil scares him back with a splat bomb) AGH! Sobble! You've got to shoot Charmander!

Sobble: D-don't worry! I got it. (Aims her gun)

Sandshrew: HURRY! You can do it, just don't mess it up!

Sobble: H-Huh? AGH! D-don't yell you're freaking me out... (Charmander gets closer)


Sobble: AGH- (fires her gun but her aim is off and she misses)

Charmander: (grabs the zapfish) YES! GOT IT!

Raichu: (announcing) AND THE ENRAGED ENTEIS WIN! The spa hotel awaits you. Huh, I wonder if you even remember what it looks like at this point... (laughs as Cyndaquil notices Mudkip)

Cyndaquil: Oh there you are! We couldn't find you, but hey we finally won!

Mudkip: (sadly) Oh, um, nice. Woo?

(Later that day after everyone gets teleported back to camp)

Grookey: YAY! Way to go guys!

Litten: Yeah way to bring home the win Charmander. Totally MVP worthy. (Fist bumps him)

Vulpix: And Litten you too! You got us our first win. (The rest of the team agrees)

Raichu: Okay so now that the Entei's have taken in their win, it's time for the rest of you to take in your loss and vote for who's three million dollar dream comes to an end tonight. See you at the ceremony in fifteen minutes!

(By the forest entrance; Roserade tends to plants as the rest of the alliance talks)

Snivy: So who are we voting tonight? We need to stick together here.

Spheal: I don't know, everyone on this team is so nice.

Chespin: Yeah. Well... almost everyone (stares at Snivy)

Snivy: Hey! Don't even think about it. Yes others could be voting me, BUT I'd say you are at a FAR greater risk of being sent home Chespin. Tummy troubles?

Chespin: (grabs his stomach) Oww, okay yeah, y-you're right.

Roserade: (talking about the group of flowers she's watering) Well that's four out of nine, so nearly halfway there!

Snivy: (to the others) Right, I was just gonna mention that too. We need one more vote for whoever we are voting for to ensure we are all safe... OR...

Spheal: Or what?

Snivy: Or we divide the rest of the team in two. Pachirisu has her group, and then there's Meowstic and Alcremie...

Chespin: Hmm I dunno how we'd convince them.

Snivy: We probably can't. Somebody close has to. (Puts his arm around Spheal) Time for you to help us out here Spheal. (Spheal gulps)

(In confessional)
Spheal: Oh man! Whoever goes home tonight is gonna be at my hands! Er, my flippers rather. But still! THATS CRAZY! (Sighs) But I guess Chespin could go home otherwise and you gotta play to win, right?

(Elsewhere around camp)

Meowstic: I can't believe I messed us up in the end! What an embarrassment...

Alcremie: Hey don't be embarrassed. We both grouped up like that.

Meowstic: How was I supposed to know he'd have an inkstrike!? Ugh, my Splatoon friends at home are never gonna let me here the end of this...

Spheal: (walks up) Oh, hey Alcremie and Meowstic!

Alcremie: Hey Spheal! Crazy day right?

Spheal: (nods) Yeah, definitely. (Pauses) So... um I wanted to ask about who you were voting for tonight.

Alcremie: Well probably Snivy duh. How is he still even here? Or I mean... Chespin didn't do all that well- OH WAIT! I'm so sorry I forgot you're friends with him. We can definitely do Snivy-

Spheal: (sheepishly laughs) Oh no worries, but um, I actually had someone else in mind.

Alcremie: Oh? Who?

Spheal: Well you see-

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu: Alright ladies and gentlemen, hope you all at least had an inkling of fun today. (Laughs) What? Not even a laugh from you Meowstic? Jeez. Okay now where is Koffing with the pokepuffs?

Koffing: Here I am. I brought back the pokepuff bazooka. Fits in theme with today right?

Raichu: Excellent! Now then- WAIT A BAZOOKA? Eh it should be fine let's go with it. Now then which team wants to start?

Cubchoo: Um, not us?

Raichu: Raikous it is then! Great!

Cubchoo: (narrows eyes) Dammit.

Raichu: Cubchoo calm down, it's all in good fun. Plus, you are safe. (Koffing shoots a pokepuff at him and he falls off his seat)

Bellossom: Hey! That was so uncalled for!

Raichu: Also safe tonight are Fennekin, Bellossom, Buizel, Chikorita and Buneary! (Koffing shoots pokepuffs at them) That leaves us with Sandshrew and Sobble!

Sandshrew: WHAT!?

Sobble: AGH! NOOOOO.

Raichu: Sobble you have incredible marksmanship! Sadly nobody would know that if they only watched today's performance. You goofed up and cost the team your challenge at the end. Sorry if it hurts but that's the objective fact. (Pauses) Then there's Sandshrew. You are part of the reason Sobble messed up at the end there. Did you really think your dramatic screaming would be helpful?

Sandshrew: No... sorry team...

Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes to...

(The camera zooms in on Sandshrew and Sobble)

Raichu: Sobble! (Koffing shoots at Sobble and she ducks) Sorry Sandshrew, but looks like you are now so one episode ago. Time to go.

Sandshrew: (sulks) Ugh, I guess I should've seen this coming. Sorry if I haven't been the best team member. But before I go... (pulls out coupons) COUPONS FOR EVERYONE!!!

Vulpix: (stands up) Hey! You can't give those away without my consent!

Sandshrew: Oh really? Watch me. And Vulpix, you and I are gonna have a chat once you get eliminated you know th- (she runs up and hugs Sandshrew)

Vulpix: Agreed. Hopefully I can sort things out by then. (Heads back as Sandshrew hands out coupons)

Roserade: Wow, thanks Sandshrew.

Sandshrew: Of course. (Hands one to Sawk) This one is for you. Um... you don't have to use it if you don't want, but just give it a look over okay?

Sawk: Oh, alright. (Nods) Thanks.

Raichu: YAWNNN! Sandshrew stop eating up so much time. Suicunes, we're cutting to the chase for you guys. Tonight's bottom three are Chespin, Riolu and Sawk!

Riolu & Sawk: WHAT!?!?

Raichu: I know, I was surprised too. Did you guys all forget Snivy's right there or something?

Chespin: (doesn't say anything at first) Oh- (poorly acting) Yeah what the heck? Am I the only voting Snivy? This is an outrage!

Raichu: Sorry Chespin, but guess the team valued him more than you. You were of zero help to your team today as you overindulged on breakfast goodies and had a cramp in the challenge. Sawk and Riolu... hmm... I guess you two are both pretty strong players. And seem to work well together? Maybe some teammates find that threatening.

Riolu: Seriously? What, do you not want to win challenges or something?

Raichu: The second camper headed home tonight is...

(The camera zooms in on the bottom three)

Raichu: ...Riolu!

Sandshrew: (to himself) Phew. Sawk's safe.

Riolu: Agh! What!?

Pachirisu: Yeah what the heck? This is total bullshit!

Alcremie: Oh no! Riolu!

Riolu: (looks at the team) Well I guess some of you were rightfully scared of me making merge. I can't say I blame you for that. (Makes a quick glance towards Snivy) I feel like I know who's behind this but it's more fun to watch them blow it all up in their own face so...

(In confessional)
Snivy: With Pachirisu's alliance voting for me or Chespin, all Spheal had to do was convince Meowstic and Alcremie to vote for anyone BUT us. Meowstic is too close to Pachirisu, and Alcremie is with Riolu, so that left Sawk. But eh, he's not nearly as big a threat as Riolu, so my alliance of four votes him and bye bye! He's gone! We've got plenty of skill on the team still and we don't have to worry about his challenge prowess and alliance of three at merge now. (Folds arms) It's so satisfying when things go exactly as planned.

Grookey: This is just ridiculous though. I feel bad and I'm not even on that team!

Raichu: Well that's on you. Grookey. Riolu doesn't seem to upset himself after all.

Riolu: Eh, I'm not. I did my best and I can't think of a bigger compliment than getting voted out for being a threat.

Raichu: Yeah, yeah, whatever you wanna tell yourself to sleep at night. Time to head for the toilet you too! 

(In confessional)
Sawk: (sighs) I can't believe they voted Riolu. That could just have easily been me! (Frowns but then smiles) Though I guess today wasn't all bad. (Holds up his coupon and flips it around to show a phone number written and smiles) I think once all is said and done I'll be making a call that I'm very much excited for. Heh.

(At the elimination toilet)


Riolu: (shakes his head) Oh for crying out loud, it's not that big a deal. Raichu, can you hurry and flush before I get a headache from this wailing!?

Raichu: It would be my pleasure! (Smiles and flushes the two as Sandshrew screams) And SPLAT go two more competitors! No we are not squidding around when we say we are getting close to the halfway point of this completion! But don't be worried, because there's still plenty more drama to look forward here on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars! (Pauses for a while) Oh wait... (walks off screen and comes back holding a Goomy)

Goomy: WOOMY!

Raichu: There he said it! We good?

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