Grueling Dueling!

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Chris: Hello everyone! Welcome back to Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa! Last time, our competitors had to escape from a creepy, scary, killer! Only it turned out just to be Loki, a cute little bunny who tried to destroy all our competitors! (Laughs) Aw I miss that little guy. The whole thing turned out just to be one of my sick, twisted challenges and Commando Zoey caught the killer, winning the challenge for her team! Sierra lasted long but got injured when she went all crazy about missing Cody, so she took the catapult home. During the challenge, let's just say two competitors, who's names will not be mentioned (points at his screen which is showing Kitty and Devin) might have fell on top of each other, lips making contact! This could get ugly! Lucky for you, a new episode of Total Drama starts right now!

(Theme song)

Chris: (on the loudspeaker) WAKE UP! It's time for your next challenge! I know you all can't wait so meet me at the beach in 5!

Jen: Are we supposed to change into our swimsuits in just 5 minutes?

Chris: Nope! Just forget your suits and hope for the best!

(At the Boys' Tigers cabin)

Tom: Let's just hope it's a challenge we'll be good at!

Alejandro: I will be great at any challenge!

Lightning: Same here, I'm super strong (flexes) and super fast!

Dave: Not to mention super dumb!

Lightning: (pushes Dave up against a wall) I dare you to say that again wise guy!

Mike: Okay, guys (breaks them up) We are a team and we need to work together. Besides were all buddies here! (Looks at Devin)

Devin: (not paying attention at first) What? Oh uh yeah. I mean, no! (Glares at Mike)

Mike: Look Devin I'm really sorry! I wasn't in control-

Tom: As if we're gonna believe you, you jerk!

Geoff: Dudes, everyone deserves second chances. Well everyone except Al!

Alejandro: (angry at the name "Al") Well don't be so jealous of my perfectly strong body, or my perfect tan, or my gorgeous face! (Pulls out a mirror)

Geoff: Dude I body build too! Why should be jealous of you?

Tom: Okay I'm outta here. (Leaves)

(All start walking out of the cabin)

Alejandro: (to Geoff) You know you are! I am perfect in every way! Just look at me! (Shirtless and some girls are staring at him)

Devin: Uh dude do you have to take your shirt off so much?

Alejandro: You'd do the same if you were me. But you are not.

Dave: Okay you're just arrogant and weird. Just like jock face over here (points at Lightning) Now can we stop being self centered and just head to the freaking challenge?!

(At the beach)

Chris: Alright everyone! It's time for today's challenge!

Heather: Quit being excited and just get on with it!

Chris: Sheesh! Ok you guys will have to have a 1 v 1 duel fight! Oh yeah and from way up there! (Points to a platform above the ocean, surrounded by sharks) And try not to fall off, cuz if you do you'll have to dodge those hungry sharks, which we still haven't gotten around to feeding. The person to knock their opponent off wins a point for their team!

Courtney: Hmph, this shouldn't be so hard.

Junior: Speak for yourself.

Courtney: I was.

Gwen: Well Courtney, if it's so easy then why don't you go first!

Chris: Actually I've already picked- I mean randomized the order. So let's get to it! (Winks at Chef)

Chef: (picks outta his box) And our first match is... Gwen versus Heather!

Chris: Ooh this'll be good!

Heather: Ready to go down Gwen?

Gwen: (gulps) Bring it Heather!

Heather: I have a feeling I'm gonna enjoy this a lot! (Swings at Gwen but she ducks)

Gwen: Is that all you got?

Heather: Nope! Take this you weirdo goth chick! (Swings powerfully, knocking Gwen into the water) Yes! Yes! Yes! I win!

Kitty: Nice one Heather!

Gwen: (spitting out water) Yuck. (Swims to shore being chased by a shark)

Alejandro: Great job Heather! You showed her! (Pulls Heather aside) I've noticed something's up with Devin. We must figure it out and use it against him.

Heather: Hmm. I'll see if Kitty knows anything. (To Kitty) Hey Kitty! Have you noticed anything weird about Devin? He seems kinda like he's hiding something.

Kitty: What? No! We're not hiding anything! I mean he's not hiding something (sheepishly laughs)

Heather: (in a fake nice voice) Oh ok, thanks for your help!

(In confessional)
Heather: Ok so they're both involved in something... But what? Well those two definitely won't last much longer.
(End confessional)

Chef: (pulls out next slips and gives them to Chris) Here you go Chris.

Chris: Thanks pal. (laughs) Next up is Samey vs Mike!

Zoey: Oh no. Well good luck to both of you! (They both get on the platform)

Samey: So, you're Zoey's boyfriend?

Mike: Yeah. My name's Mike, nice to meet you. So, let's have a clean fight.

Samey: Yeah, totally.

Chris: Hurry up and fight already!

Alejandro: (to himself) Hmm... Perhaps I could help get things started. (Takes a sharp stick and throws it at Mike's shirt, ripping it off)

Mike: (takes a deep breath turning into Vito)

Samey: Um, are you okay?

Mike: Ae-yo, where's Anne Maria at?

Lightning: Um, she's over there. Just knock the loser off the platform and you can see her.

Mike: Sweet: (hits Samey off with one big swing) Anne Maria? (Runs off looking for Anne Maria)

Zoey: (gasps) Mike!

Tom: Okay seriously, what is up with that guy? Well at least we got a point!

Chris: It's 0-2! Next up is... wow what a coincidence! Geoff vs Brody!

Brody: Aw dude I don't wanna fight you!

Geoff: Seriously? Again Chris! This show has gotta be rigged!

Noah: And that surprises you how?

Brody: Let's just both not fight.

Chris: Fine. You can do that. I'll just have to boot both of you off the show.

Geoff: (sighs) Oh well. Then may the best bro win! (Fist bumps Brody)

Brody: On 3! 1... 2... 3! (They both hit each other at the same time and both fall off)

Chris: Wow guys. I could go to a replay but I don't feel like it, so no points for either teams!

Chef: Moving on, next is Courtney vs Lightning.

Courtney: Bring it on. (They take their marks)

Lighting: Oh yeah, well beating a girl like you will be like squashing a bug! (Laughs)

Courtney: We'll see. (Lightning swings at Courtney, but she blocks and dodges. Then she slides under his legs) Thanks for going easy on me! (Laughs and hits him on the back and off the platform) YES! I win!

Dave: Wow, Lightning, you got served!

Lightning: (growls) Oh like you could do better!

Dave: Oh yeah, well this is my type of challenge, I'll win against anyone!

Sky: (laughs) Yeah right Dave!

Duncan: Wow Courtney! That was awesome!

Courtney: (looks surprised) Um, thanks?

Gwen: Ug! That's it Duncan! You think you can have like 10,000 girlfriends? Well we're over for good now!

Courtney: (rolls eyes) Well it's not like he isn't allowed to talk to other girls.

Gwen: Well you know what, you two are perfect for each other. (Leaves)

Duncan: So princess, have you missed me? (Courtney just walks away)

Chris: Now it's Josee vs Sky!

Josee: This'll be too easy.

Sky: Yeah well I wouldn't be so sure! (Sky flips around the platform dodging Josee's swings)

Josee: (getting frustrated) Ug! Two can play at that game! (Josee flips and whacks Sky's legs really hard)

Sky: Ow! (Gets hit off)

Josee: Yes! (Waves to camera) That was for all my fans!

Jacques: Magnific performance Josee! (Claps for her)

Chris: And that makes the score 2-2!

Bridgette: Wait the other team has an extra player. How's that gonna work.

Chris: Oh yeah, Soaring Eagles, you can pick one player to sit out.

Josee: Alright then we better have the kid sit out. (Meaning Junior)

Junior: Seriously?

Jacques: Yes seriously, you're probably the weakest.

Junior: (sighs) I guess there's no point fighting this. I'll sit out.

(In confessional)
Junior: I wanna show that I can do it but it might not be the best idea. Like now, they won't have any reason to vote me off!
(End confessional)

Chris: Alright next up is... Ryan vs Devin!

Devin: (half paying attention) Wait, what?

Tom: Well good luck with that one Devin. (Laughs a little)

Ryan: Well I guess we have to, so best of luck Devin.

Devin: (sarcastically) Sure, best of luck!

Carrie: Ooh this is going to be hard to watch. Be carful guys!

Devin: But obviously you'll cheer for me, right Carr-

Chris: GO!

Devin: Alright here goes for you Carrie, since you're my girlfriend. (Starts getting distracted by thinking about Kitty but then charges at Ryan and tries beating him but Ryan blocks every shot. Ryan then swings and knocks Devin off) Ouch!

Kitty: (at the same time as Carrie) Oh no, Devin! (Rushes over to him)

Carrie: (runs over) Are you ok?

Devin: (rubbing his head) Yeah I think so.  (Carrie and Kitty help him up)

Heather: (to Kitty) So Kitty, you seemed awfully concerned about Devin.   What's going on?

Kitty: Nothing! Don't you care about your friends?

Heather: Oh yeah you just sempt extra concerned. (Walks away to Alejandro and tells him the details of what's happening)

(In confessional)
Heather: (sitting on Alejandro's lap) So clearly Kitty and Devin have some secret feelings for each other. Something's up.

Alejandro: Yes so we will bust them when the right time comes, being sure to anger Carrie.

Heather: These competitors make it too easy.
(End confessional)

Ryan: (comes down from platform) I wanted to see if you were okay and good game Devin.

Devin: Yeah I'm fine.

Chris: The score's 3-2. Who's up next, Chef?

Chef: We've got Noah and Tom!

Tom: Well, it's only Noah so I think I'll be able to handle him.

Jen: Yeah I know you can do it Tom! Good luck!

Tom: Thanks Jen.

(Over at the Soaring Eagles side)

Noah: Don't worry, it's only Tom so I bet I can win.

Courtney: Well then you better Noah!

Emma: Of course he'll win! It won't be that hard!

Noah: This one's for you Emma. (They take their positions and begin. They both try to hit each other but the other blocks, until Noah loses his fingering and Tom hits off his dueling stick)

Tom: Looks like you have no way to defend yourself. (Knocks Noah off)

Noah: Ahhh!!! (Splashes into the water)

Tom: Wow! I can't believe I actually did it! I guess my time working out payed off.

Lightning: Ha. You say you work out. If you worked out you look like me, not like a tooth pick.

Tom: Well I'd say the same thing about your sense of fashion.

Dave: Haha! Lightning you totally got roasted. (Lightning punches Dave in the face)

(In confessional)
Tom: You know, I'm not so sure about that Lightning guy. Way too arrogant for the wrong reasons.
(End confessional)

Chef: Alright give me Emma and give me Bridgette.

Courtney: Quit trying to rip off family feud. (Chef glares at her)

Duncan: (laughs) Yeah, like come on you loser! Try something original.

Chef: I wasn't you darn nasty kids.

Bridgette: (walking up to the podium with Emma) So, you're dating Noah, right?

Emma: Yeah.

Bridgette: That's cool! You guys are a cute couple!

Emma: And you and Geoff make a great couple too!

Bridgette: Yeah we definitely are the fan-favorite couple.

Emma: No way are you guys the "favorite" couple! Noah and I are way cuter together. (They pick up their dueling sticks and Emma swings at Bridgette)

Bridgette: (ducks) Woah no need to be so rude! (Swings hard a few times at Emma and eventually knocks her off) Yes!

Geoff: Yeah! Alright Bridgy-bear.

Bridgette: (kisses Geoff)

Chris: And that makes the score 3-4! Who's next Chef?

Chef: We have Zoey and Alejandro. Should be a good match. (Mike returns back to normal)

Mike: Be careful Zoey.

Lightning: Quit cheering for the other team! Like gosh!

Zoey: Thanks Mike!

Gwen: Good luck Zoey! I know you can do it. Just watch out for Alejandro.

Zoey: Ok. Here goes!

Chris: GO!

Alejandro: This'll be too easy. (Snickers a little) Come on Zoey, I'll go easy on you.

Zoey: (sarcastically) Wow thanks. (Alejandro swings powerfully, but Zoey dodges) Nice try Alejandro!

Alejandro: (swings several more times but Zoey dodges each one) Err. (Getting frustrated)

Heather: Just hit her already!

Zoey: (maneuvers around and then swings very powerfully, knocking Alejandro off) Yes! I did it! Sorry Alejandro, but not totally!

Samey: Alright! Way to go!

Gwen: I knew you'd do it!

Chris: That ties it up! 4-4. Next up is Duncan versus Jen!

Duncan: (to Courtney) Hey Princess, wish me luck! Not that I'll need it!

Courtney: (rolls eyes) Good luck.

Tom: Don't worry Jen, you can take him. We've watched All Stars. He's not as tough as you'd think.

Duncan: What? I am so tough! But seriously Chris, you couldn't give me a tougher opponent? I mean, I don't wanna crush her too hard.

Jen: (sarcastically) Sure.

Chris: Just go already!

Jen: Alright let's see what you've got!

Duncan: Yeah ok. I mean, I don't wanna be that jerk who creams the nice girl, but if I gotta, I will.

Jen: (swings at Duncan but misses)

Duncan: What is that all you got?

Jen: Well I don't see you trying.

Duncan: That's cuz I don't even have to try.

Jen: (Getting angry) That's it! You wanna see what I've got? (Swings really hard and knocks Duncan off) And that's how you win!

Tom: Yeah! Go Jen! That was incredible.

Noah: (sarcastically) Wow you sure showed her Duncan! (Laughs)

Duncan: Hey I'm not afraid to beat you up, pipsqueak!

Junior: Who hasn't gone yet? They're winning now so the last two people gotta win!

Carrie: I haven't gone yet.

Chris: And you're next, against Kitty!

Carrie: Oh no, I don't wanna fight Kitty!

Kitty: Yeah, I wanted to clobber Jaq!

Jacques: Hey!

Chris: Well just hurry up and get fighting!

Kitty: But we're friends, why would we fight?

Carrie: Yeah.

Jen: Wow its great that you two are still friends after what happened.

Carrie: Um, what do you mean?

Kitty: (eyes widen) Yeah what do you mean Jen? (Shakes her head no at her)

Jen: (not looking at Kitty) Well, I mean, I think it's so great that after she kissed your boyfriend and all last time, you two are still great friends.

Carrie: AFTER SHE WHAT???!!!!

Chris: Ooh this is not gonna end too well!

Ryan: Wait, she did what?

Tom: Jen, when did that even happen?

Jen: Last episode. I'm sorry but Carrie deserves to know the truth.

Kitty: Carrie wait! It's not what Jen thinks! I didn't even know she saw it last-

Carrie: So you did kiss him??! That's it Kitty! (Whacks her off the platform) I... thought... we were... friends. (Sobbing) And Devin, how could you not tell me about this?? (Runs off crying hysterically)

Devin: Carrie, wait! (Runs after her)

(In confessional)
Heather: Wow they really were hiding something! And this is great! I didn't even have to get it out of them! Guess they'll be gone soon.
(End confessional)

Kitty: (come out of the water) Jen, what the heck was that for?

Jen: I'm sorry Kitty. I never meant for that to happen. I just thought Carrie deserved to know. But I guess I kinda jumped to conclusions. I'm sorry. (Genuinely feeling bad)

Kitty: No Jen. I'm sorry. It's MY fault for doing it in the first place. Now if I could only go explain this to Carrie...

Ryan: Kitty I think you've done enough to Carrie for today.

Kitty: No! Ryan! Ugh.

Carrie: (somewhere else crying)

Devin: Carrie, you've gotta trust me on this one, it's not at all what you think.

Carrie: I... don't... wanna talk to you. (Sobbing)

Devin: Please, just listen homie. When have I ever lied to you or kept anything from you? (Carrie sits, listening). Kitty and I just fell into each other when the killer scared us last time. And it was nothing, trust me. But from Jen's angle, it probably just looked different.

Junior: (comes over) Hey Carrie, you've known Devin for your whole life! Would that really be something he'd do?

Jen: (rushing over) Carrie, I think I messed up. And I could totally prove it to you if I could just get the footage from the last episode.

Tom: (comes over too) Yeah. You just gotta believe us.

(Back at the challenge)

Heather: (to Kitty) Wow I can't believe you never told me that happened!

Kitty: Sorry but it's not something to make a fuss about okay!

Chris: And that ties the score up again! 5-5! This last point win! Last up is Jacques versus Dave!

Jacques: Well this shouldn't be hard at all. Why would you save a boring match for last Chris?

Dave: Ha! Boring? I'll have you know I beat Jasmine and am undefeated when it comes to this.

Jacques: (laughing for a bit) Oh wait... You're serious?

Josee: Whatever, it doesn't matter Jacques. Just kick his butt!

Jacques: I'll be done in five seconds. (Charges at Dave and he struggles to block)

Lightning: Aw come on! Why did we have to lose again?

Geoff: Hey, it's not over. (Yelling) Come on Dave you can do this!

Jacques: You know you can't. You're just a weak, annoying cry baby. (goes to hit Dave but he ducks) What?

Dave: Well you're about to be the cry baby when you get sent packing. (Goes to hit Jacques off but he blocks on the very edge)

Jacques: Ha. Nice try moron.

Dave: Just a little more. (Jacques tries to move but Dave sends him flying off) I did it? Yes! Boom! That's how it's done!

Sky: Well I guess you really are undefeated Dave.

Courtney: What? We lost?

Noah: Wow, where'd you get that idea Sherlock? (Courtney shoves Noah into the water)

Emma: Hey! (Shoves Courtney in the water)

Courtney: What's your problem?

Duncan: (helps Courtney up) You ok?

Courtney: Um, I guess. (Smiles) Thanks!

(In confessional)
Courtney: Why is Duncan being so nice to me? Could he of actually changed for the better?
(End confessional)

(In confessional)
Kitty: I know we won but I feel horrible. I hope things don't end like this for me and Carrie.
(End confessional)

Lightning: Well, guess we can head back to the cabins and those chumps can go vote someone off.

(At the Ferocious Tigers')

Jen: (to Tom) I feel awful about the whole Kitty/Carrie thing. I really hope I can fix this.

Tom: Don't worry Jen, I'm sure everything will work out. Actually I've got an idea.

Jen: What is it, Tom?

Tom: How about we try and get the footage from Chris. And to to make it up to Carrie we could see if she's want to model our latest idea on our blog!

Jen: Yeah hopefully we can be good friends. And if we could get the footage we could see what really happened.

(In front of the Soaring Eagles' cabins)

Samey: So... What do we do now?

Gwen: We gotta vote.

Samey: But who for?

Courtney: Definitely someone who lost their match.

Samey: So like us? (Meaning her and Gwen)

Courtney: No I didn't mean it like that!

Gwen: Well I know who my votes for. Duncan is a total jerk and a whimp too.

Noah: I'm not sure you guys are remembering Jacques? You know the jerk face ice dancer.

Courtney: Well at least he has some skills to bring to the table. Unlike you!

Emma: You need to shut up! Leave him alone! What did Noah ever do to you?

Courtney: Sheesh, sorry! It's just I don't think Duncan should be the one to go home.

Gwen: Oh really? And why's that?

Courtney: Well he's not as bad as he used to be. That's all I have to say.

Zoey: I guess it's time to vote.

(At the elimination ceremony after everyone votes)

Chris: Alright! The votes are in! Time for the marshmallows! Safe are Junior, Carrie, Zoey, and Gwen!

Zoey: Yes Gwen! We're safe!

Junior: And us too Carrie so I'm sure we can get everything settled tomorrow.

Chris: And also safe are Josee, Ryan, Samey, Emma, Noah, Brody!

Brody: (to his teammates) Yeah dudes!
(Junior fist bumps Brody)

Chris: That leaves Jacques, Duncan, and Courtney... Courtney you may have been pretty rude today but you did win your match so... your safe!

Courtney: Phew. Good.

(In confessional)
Courtney: Okay, maybe I need to be more careful about what I say. Try to make some allies or friends I guess. But who?
(End confessional)

Jacques: What? Why am I in the bottom two? Josee!

Josee: What? Don't look at me! But don't worry, you'll be safe Jacques.

Duncan: Well I'm a better player than him!

Chris: And the last marshmallow goes to...
(Jacques and Duncan look nervous)

Jacques: Mei oui! Too close.

Duncan: Seriously?

Courtney: What? (Goes over to Duncan) I can't believe when you start to be less of a jerk is when you get voted off. I guess I might sorta miss you now.

Duncan: I'll miss you Princess.

Samey; (whispering to Gwen) So are they like a thing again?

Gwen: Guess so.

Duncan: (to Courtney) Well maybe I'll see you after the competition ends.

Chris: In the catapult Duncan! (Launches him)

Duncan: AAAHHHH! I hate this show!

Chris: Well that's about it for this episode of Total Drama! Tune in next time to find out if these friendships can be fixed and what more drama is still to come! See what dangerous challenges are in store for the next episode of Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa!

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