The Grim Creeper!

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Chris: Hello and welcome back to Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa! Last time, the campers had to search the ocean for keys which then helped them build a sandcastle! When both team's castles were destroyed we were forced to go to a tiebreaker, and Carrie and Junior won it for the Eagles! Alejandro and Heather got back together when Alejandro saved Heather from a shark and told her she was the only girl for him. How sweet! Mike's personality Vito came out and flirted with Carrie, breaking the friendship between Mike and Devin. Scott sabotaged his team and tried to make everyone think Mike did it, and he thought he could play all the campers including Alejandro, but Alejandro played him and sent him home! Find out what will happen next, here on Total Drama Revenge of Camp Wawanakwa!

(Theme Song)

Chris: (on a megaphone) EVERYBODY RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (Hurries on to a plane that Chef's flying and takes off)

Dave: AHHH! (Running out of the cabin with arms flailing) WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! AHHHH!

Devin: Wha- what's going on??!

Chris: (on the megaphone) We've spotted Killer Kevin on the loose on this very island!

Zoey: Who's Killer Kevin?

Chris: Only one of the most dangerous criminals in the world! He's busted out of jail onto our island! So I repeat, RUN! GET OUT OF HERE IF YOU WANNA LIVE TO SEE TOMORROW!

Noah: And where exactly are we supposed to go? You took the plane.

Chris: Well that's your problem! (Flies away)

Jen: Oh my gosh Tom, grab all your clothing and RUN!!!

Tom: I am on it Jen! (Rushes into the cabin and quickly comes back carrying several suitcases) Okay, I tried to only grab my essentials.

Heather: Oh come on, don't tell me you people actually believe this whole thing? Chris is obviously faking it all. There's no killer.

Bridgette: Ok then who's that? (Points at Killer Kevin who's holding a scythe)

Heather: AAAHHHHH! 

Alejandro: Follow me Heather! (Runs off with Heather)

Courtney: Alright guys, whether this is a challenge or not we need a game plan. Everybody just pair up with somebody and nobody better go off with the other team just in case it's a challenge.

Carrie: But if it's our last few hours to live shouldn't we at least get to be with the people we love?

Courtney: This is probably all a scam and winning is all that should matter.

Carrie: But what if it's not? Can't I be with Devin?

Junior: Yeah, and I'll come with you!

Courtney: (rolls eyes) Whatever but don't cost us the game got it?

Carrie: Come on Junior lets go find Devin. (Walks off) It's so dark out I can't really see. I guess it's just you and me for now. (Junior smiles)

Jacques: Okay Josee follow me. This way.

Josee: Jacques there are too many trees and they're blocking my air!!! And I can't see either. (Starts breathing heavily)

Jacques: (slaps himself in the face) Calm down. There's plenty of air.

Jen: How bout this way Tom? (Tries to point while holding several bags)

Tom: Sounds good to me. Hey Devin you wanna come with us?

Devin: (giving Mike a dirty look) Oh definitely! Let's stay away from Mike though.

Mike (sighs)

Kitty: Wait for me! I'll come too!

(In confessional)
Mike: Okay, at first I was glad my personalities were back but now they're ruining things for me again. I can't believe Vito ruined everything! I just hope Zoey doesn't find out.
(End confessional)

Gwen: (notices everyone left except for her and Duncan) How come no one ever sticks together during these challenges? I mean, teamwork is clearly the key here. And I work hard on these charts (points at a chart she made like the one in TDI) but nobody ever listens. It's just so-

Duncan: Uh Gwen... (Points behind her to Killer Kevin)

Gwen: Sheesh Duncan I am in the middle of talking! You can't even listen to me either!

Duncan: RUN GWEN! (Starts running but Gwen is captured) Phew that was a close one Gwen... Gwen? (Hears Gwen scream) Aw crud.

(Somewhere else)

Lightning: Okay, I think we're far enough from camp. We should be safe here.

Sky: (catching her breath) Ok good. Now what?

Lightning: Um... How about...

Dave: (runs up catching his breath) Oh hey! Fancy meeting you guys here.

Sky: Really Dave? You just had to follow us! I told I will never be your girlfriend so just give it up already!

Dave: (starts crying)

(In confessional)
Sky: Ok so I might have snapped a little at Dave. But I didn't mean to hurt him. Oh poor Dave with his cute little hair and- I mean he should handle himself better. (Looks nervous) I wasn't that mean.
(End confessional)

Lightning: (starts walking off when he falls in a pit) HELP! I'm sha-stuck.

Sky: Hang on Lightning! I'll be right back.

Dave: Um. I think I know who dug this hole (points to Killer Kevin who's on the other side of the whole)

Sky: But what about Light- (Killer Kevin pulls out a scythe) AAAAHHHHHH! (Runs off and the killer captures Lightning)

(Somewhere else)

Zoey: I wish I could find Mike.

Samey: I'm sure he's fine. We just gotta find a safe place to hide. (Hears something rustling in the bushes) Uh-oh, What's that?


Ryan: Sorry guys. It's just me!

Zoey: Oh phew. Hey Ryan, have you seen Mike? I just really hope he's ok.

Ryan: Wait a second are you two like boyfriend and girlfriend? Because he was being a real jerk yesterday and flirting with Carrie.

Zoey: Mike? Are you sure it was him? He would never do that. Would he?

Samey: Zoey we've got bigger issues right now. (Sees Killer Kevin in the distance)

Zoey: (gasps) It's the killer! Run!

(Somewhere else)

Emma: Noah we gotta figure out a way off this island. There's gotta be another plane hidden here or a way out of this place. It's like being a lawyer, there's always some sort of loop hole.

Noah: (staring at Emma smiling) Yeah. (Snaps out of his daze) Maybe we can signal a plane from the top of this hill.

Emma: Yeah let's try to- (looks to see the killer with a giant bag. The killer captures them both)

(Somewhere else)

Geoff: Alright babe we're almost to the cave. (Notices Brody in the distance) Hey look it Brody. BRODY! SUP DUDE!

Brody: Hey dude! What's up? (Fist bumps) Well if we are gonna die there's no one I'd rather die with than you! Well and my little chalupa but she's not here.

Geoff: It's okay dude. I'm glad I get to be here with my babe and my bro! Come on let it out dude. (Geoff and Brody start crying)

Bridgette: (gasps) Guys look out!

(Somewhere else)

Devin: We gotta find Carrie! CARRIE! CARRIE!

Jen: (shutting Devin's mouth) Shhh! You're going to get us all killed!

Tom: (loudly) AHHHHHHH! I lost my fez hat! (Looks in bag) Oh wait never mind it's here.

Kitty: Yeah and so is Killer Kevin now. (The killer slowly approaches in all black clothes, making it hard to see him)

Jen: Quick! GET OUT OF HERE! (Screams and runs off)

Tom: (looking for Jen) Uh Jen, where'd you go? (Grabs Killer Kevin's hand thinking its Jen) Come on let's go...  Jen? (Killer Kevin grabs Tom as he screams)

Devin: (panting out of breath) Wow that was pretty close, huh guys? Guys? (No one is there)

(Somewhere else)

Alejandro: Heather do you hear something?

Heather: It's probably just Chef trying to scare us. You can't scare me Chris! With your stupid dumb props and stuff! (The killer walks over with his scythe and uses it to cut down a tree)

Alejandro: I guess it's not a prop... AAAHHHH!

Heather: AAAAAHHHHH! I'm too pretty to die! Just take him! (Shoves Alejandro to the killer but the killer then catches Heather too)

(Somewhere else)

(Killer Kevin walks over to Chris and drops a bag in front of him with Tom, Alejandro, and Heather)

Chris: Nice job Kevin! (Winks)

Heather: What the- (sees Chris) Ug! I KNEW IT!

Tom: You really have some issues to work out Chris! This was WAY too far.

Alejandro: (glaring at Heather)

Heather: See I told you it was only a joke. And I wasn't gonna let you die, I was going to get help. (Looks a little nervous and Alejandro is still glaring) Oh come on Alejandro you know I would never let anything happen to you. (Kisses him and Alejandro smiles)

Chef: (points to Alejandro and Heather) Now that's scarier than the whole Killer Kevin thing.

Alejandro: Wait, if you're here then who's in the Killer Kevin costume?

(Somewhere else)

Carrie: Junior we gotta find Devin!

Junior: Well this is probably a challenge so how bout we just stay together. Just me and you. Alone just the two of us. Am I talking to much?

Josee: Oh hey fellow teammates!

Jacques: And hello to our fans watching us! (Waves to camera with Josee)

Josee: So this is definitely one of Chris' dumb challenges. So I was thinking that we should capture the killer. Here's the plan. Jacques and I track him down and then you two have to capture him. Sound good?

Junior: Um, I'm pretty sure you guys are stronger than me so you should do it.

Jacques: Oh that's right! I'm so muscular and strong unlike a little wimpy child, so I guess I will do it!

Junior: (getting mad) NO! I mean no, actually I can do it!

Josee: Perfect!

(In confessional)
Josee: Yeah I don't really know if this is a challenge or not. But I guess there's only one way to find out: Manipulate our stupid teammates into finding out for us!
(End confessional)

Duncan: (hears something) Hey Killer man if that's you just come and fight me! I could knock you out! (Holding up a fist)

Courtney: (jumps out of the bushes and tackles Duncan) Gotcha Kevin. Ug. It's you Duncan. (Helps him up but then hears something and quickly hides behind Duncan)

Duncan: Come on out Kevin! (Kevin comes out)

Courtney: (screams) Duncan get him! GET HIM!!!

Duncan: Yeah you want a piece of me! (Kevin hits Duncan in the crotch with the bottom of his scythe) Aw... (Falls to the ground)

Courtney: That's it! You're going down you psycho. (try's to hit Kevin but he stops and throws her on top of Duncan and then captures them both)

(Somewhere else)

Sky: So Dave...

Dave: (snaps) What?!

Sky: Why are you so mad?! Sheesh Dave!

Dave: It's just I still can't believe you broke up with Keith and are now dating stupid Lightning!

Sky: I'm not dating Lightning!!!

Dave: Yeah right. You're always going off with him and... (Hears something) What was that? (A bunny hops out) AHHH! Get it! (Jumps into Sky's arms)

Sky: Relax Dave! It's just a cute, adorable, little bunny.

Dave: Oh.

Sky: So why do hate Lightning so much? He's a good guy.

Dave: (sighs) It's just he's so athletic and bulked up and I can't compete with him. I want a girl like you but it's hard for a guy like me to compete.

Sky: So you're saying you still like me? Dave I- (belches really loud) Oh excuse me. (The killer comes and captures them) AAAHHH!

(Somewhere else)

Mike: Zoey? ZOEY!? Are you there? (To himself) I know we are separate teams but I gotta make sure she's okay.

Sierra: Cody? CODYKINZ? Is that you?

Mike: No, it's me. Mike. Cody's out of the game, remember?

Sierra: Yeah but what if he's still here? You never know what stupid Chris could do to him. Or maybe he brought him back in the game! Or he could be an intern like Dakota was!

Mike: (opens his mouth, about to say something when Killer Kevin grabs him) AAHHH! Sierra run!

Sierra: (not paying attention) Oh how I miss my Codykinz. We gotta find him. Mike? (Sees the killer) AAAHHHH (escapes)

(In confessional)
Sierra: Ok Chris has gotten way out of hand! I almost just died out there by some creepy killer! I am so gonna write about this on my blog! (Pulls out a rock and pretends she's typing on a phone)
(End confessional)

Devin: (to himself sounding scared) I'm all alone lost in the woods... It's ok Devin you can do this. (Hears something) Ok maybe not! AAHHH!

Kitty: (hears Devin and starts running) Devin is that you? (Trips on a tree root and falls on Devin and their lips touch)

Jen: Guys! I thought I'd never find- (gasps when she sees them and thinks they are making out) Oh my gosh! I can't believe- (the killer sneaks up and captures her)

Devin: (getting up with Kitty) Wait! It's not what it looks like!

Kitty: Yeah it was an accident! I tripped!

(In confessional)
Kitty: I know it was an accident but us it bad that it felt really good? (Slaps herself) What am I saying? Carrie is DATING Devin, I'm a horrible friend. Devin and I are friends and that's how we should stay even thought I want us to be more... (Slaps herself again)
(End Confessional)

Devin: This could end up really bad, huh? (Laughs nervously)

Kitty: (giggles and blushes) Yeah.

(Somewhere else)

Carrie: So Junior, the ice dancers said the killer's this way. Do you think we can catch him?

Junior: Yep I can handle him! I'm a grown up and am super strong! (Makes a muscle)

Carrie: Um ok! (Spots something) There he is!

Junior: (picks up a stick and throws it at Kevin. Kevin uses the scythe to deflect it) Alright Kevin I got you now! (Junior charges at him but Kevin stops him in his tracks and captured him) AHHHHH! HELP!!! (Jacques laughs a little bit)

Carrie: Junior! I'm coming! (Tries to help but gets captured too)

Josee: (to Jacques) Ug what losers. I guess I really do have to do everything all by myself.

Jacques: You mean WE have to do everything OURSELVES!

Josee: No I think I just mean I do.

(Somewhere else)

Zoey: You guys don't really think Chris would leave us out here to die with some killer? Would he?

Samey: Who knows? But at least I feel safer when we are all together.

Ryan: Yeah I know what you mean Samey! Samey? (Samey is nowhere to be seen) Uh Oh! Where did she go Zoey?

Zoey: (gasps) Samey?! 

Ryan: (sees Killer Kevin) Zoey you hurry and run I'll hold off Killer Kevin. (Ryan punches Kevin but he hits Ryan back and then captures him and disappears)

Zoey: Ryan! No! (Killer Kevin is gone. Zoey sheds a tear) I've lost everyone. And Mike too... Mike wouldn't cheat on me, would he? (Sheds another tear) THAT'S IT! Mr. Killer you are going to pay! AND I DON'T CARE IF THAT'S OK WITH EVERYONE! (Turns into Commando Zoey) Errr!

(Somewhere else)

Sierra: (hears something) Hello? Who's there? (The killer walks out and Sierra starts hallucinating) CODY! I missed my honey bunny! Now come give me a big kiss! (Sierra runs after the killer trying to kiss him, but the killer cuts down a tree, which land on Sierra) Ow, my arm! Killer-Cody-Kinz how could you?! (Sierra moans in pain and is  taken away)

Zoey: (As Commando, sniffs the air) The killer went this way. (Points) Time to set up some traps. (Gathers materials and starts building quickly)

(Up in a tree)

Josee: Look Jacques, there's the killer!

Jacques: And Kitty and Devin are hot on his trail! We must beat them! (Steps on a branch and then it snaps. He falls and hits every branch on the way down) Ow. Ow. Ow.

Josee: What a moron! I guess I have to do everything myself! (Flips off the tree and does a perfect dismount on Jacques' face)

Jacques: OW! Did you really have to jump on my face!

Josee: (lying) Oops. It was an accident! (Smiles hard for the camera but Jacques gives her a look) Now follow me to the killer.

(Somewhere else)

Devin: So Kitty, how can we stop the killer? (Kitty is not paying attention) Kitty?

Kitty: Oh, um.., I dunno.

Devin: Well... uh...

Kitty: The Killer!! He's gone!

(Somewhere else)

Zoey: (As Commando) Err. That stupid friend-stealing killer won't know what hit him once he comes across these traps.

(Killer Kevin walks by and trips over a rope that Zoey set, triggering a wooden hammer to come down and whack him into a tree where he falls down into net. Commando Zoey then shoots an arrow with perfect aim at the net, causing the killer to fall into a pit dug into the ground.)

Zoey: Yes! Gotcha! (Laughs) Haha! I win!

Josee: Zoey got the killer! Now let's go see who's behind the mask!

Jacques: (runs over with Josee) Killer Kevin is actually... (Lifts off the mask with Josee)

Josee: (gasps) Oh my- (Loki jumps out of the suit and starts mauling Jacques and Josee)

Jacques and Josee: AAAAHHHHHHH!

Jacques: (grabs Loki by the ears so he can't move) I can't believe it was this stupid little bunny! Well at least we won Josee!

Josee: Yes! We take the gold!

Chris: And thanks to Zoey's trap, the Eagles win!

Zoey: Yes! I caught the Killer!

Chris: Yep, this was just a challenge! (Walks back to his tent with the remaining campers) See, your teammates are still alive!

Samey: Alright, way to go Zoey. (High fives her)

Mike: Zoey, are you okay?

Zoey: (changes back from Commando to Zoey) Mike! You're ok! (Hugs Mike)

Mike: Yeah, I'm good. And I'm glad you're okay too!

Ryan: (to Carrie) It's great that we won the challenge.

Carrie: Yeah! (Sees Devin) Devin! I couldn't find you but I'm glad you're ok! (Throws her arms around him really tightly)

Devin: (nervous and sweating) Yeah I missed you like crazy too homie.

Kitty: Yeah, sure was a crazy challenge. Heh, heh.

Ryan: (looks a Kitty weirdly) It kinda sounds like you're hiding something?.

Kitty: Who me? No. Thanks silly. (Lying) Oh, wait I think I hear Emma calling, gotta go! (Runs off)

Carrie: You ok, Devin?

Devin: What? Yeah, I'm perfectly fine.

(In confessional)
Carrie: I've known Devin his whole life so I can definitely tell when something's not right. He says he's alright but something's wrong...
(End confessional)

(In confessional)
Kitty: (crying) I'm a horrible person. I deserve to go home.
(End confessional)

Geoff: Well I'm glad that challenge over Bridge, I hope nobody votes us off.

Bridgette: Yeah me too. I mean we didn't get out too early, did we?

Geoff: Don't know, but Alejandro could be gunning for us.

Bridgette: Well that jerk isn't getting me eliminated again! (Crosses arms) We should gun for him though.

Geoff: Definitely.

Courtney: Hey Gwen, how's it going with Duncan? (sassy)

Gwen: Are you still into him or something?

Courtney: What? He wishes!

Gwen: Look Courtney, I did everything I could to make up with you in All Stars, but you stabbed me right in the back! So I am not falling for anything this season. Just leave me and Duncan alone!

Courtney: Gwen, I really am sorry. I even voted myself off like you said. I guess now it's my turn to make things right with you.

(In confessional)
Gwen: I really want to believe her, but I just can't trust her. I guess I should focus more on the game this time.
(End confessional)

Chris: Alright Tigers, time to cast your votes!

(In the voting booth)
Bridgette: Alejandro has to go.

Devin: (angrily) Definitely Mike! (stamps repeatedly)

Sierra: (has a broken arm so she attempts to vote but is struggling stamp anything with her arm)

Kitty: (votes herself) If karma forgives me, I won't go home tonight.

(Everyone else votes)
(End voting booth)

Chris: The votes are in! So let's get right to it! Safe are Heather, Lightning, Sky, Dave, Jen, Geoff, Devin, Tom, Mike, and Bridgette! That leaves us with Sierra, Alejandro, and Kitty!

Lightning: Aw yeah we're safe Sky! (Dave glares)

Chris: And the next marshmallow goes to... Alejandro!

Alejandro: Gracias!

Chris: And the final marshmallow goes to... (Kitty and Sierra look nervous) Kitty!

Kitty: Phew. Thanks for forgiving me karma.

Sierra: What? (Sadly) Why me?

Sky: Sorry Sierra but with that broken arm of yours, it's for the best. I think you need to let it heal.

Sierra: (crying) Goodbye teammates. Goodbye Chris. (Wiping away tears) Well, on the bright side I get to say hi to my Codyki- (gets catapulted) CODYKINZ I'M COMING!!!

Heather: And there goes crazy girl.

Chris: Well that wraps up another episode! Be sure to tune in next time on Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa!

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