Chapter 1

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Kasai "our only chance."

Zander "yeah, this is the best way to help mom"

(ignore the cat)

Kasai "but why do we have to go to an island?!" He was holding his mouth at the railing of the boat

Zander "it's probably the best place to hold a huge competition" he pats Kasai's back while Kasai barfs

Kasai "there goes breakfast, and here comes dinner." He barfs again as Zander rubs his back

Zander "you really need to get over your sea sickness."

Kasai "it's not my fault! I just wish Wendy Marvel was real right now."

Zander "but then, every time she uses troya the less effect it would have on you"

Kasai "still, we don't get on boats often, please god, if you love me just a little, send me her."

Zander "crap, I knew I forgot something" he pulls out some pills of his bag

Zander "sea sickness pills, sorry forgot I have them"

Kasai "thank you." He takes the pill as he shakes his head

Kasai "that's better"

Zander "great, because we're here."

Chris "everyone, these are the Dragneel twins, Kasai and Zander, famous video game champs and eating contest champs"

Zander "what's sup?"

Kasai "heyo. Anyone have any food?"

Zander "here, packed a bunch" he takes out a chocolate bar and gives it to Kasai while he pops a butterscotch in his mouth

Kasai "thanks."

Lindsey "what so this isn't a hotel?"

Kasai "does this look like a hotel?"

Lindsey "oh, what did we sign for?"

Kasai "seriously were you dropped on your head?"

Lindsey "I want to get dropped in the head!" Kasai facepalms

Kasai "oh my God"

Zander "don't worry, we'll help ya."

Chris "everyone, this is Dawn" everyone turns around as Zander looks at Dawn with stars in his eyes

Kasai "let's see, platinum blonde, sweet face, and I can smell lavender, Zander we found your soul mate"

Dawn "your aura is a nice caring, gentle, and sweet, I like you." She looks at Zander while smiling

Zander "I-I-I l-like y-you t-too" he blushes while his heart beats fast

Kasai "congrats lil bro." He ruffles Zander's hair

Zander "I uh, um"

Kasai "come on she's perfect for you, I can tell she loves nature, you love nature, you're both sweet, gentle, a match made in heaven"

Zander "yeah."

Dawn "hmm, loyal, protective, and you have a fiery spirit, if I had to match make it would be with her." she points at Gwen

Kasai "bro, you better get together with Dawn right now cause there's not a lot of girls like her, I mean just by looking at her, she's Dawn's total opposite" he points at Heather

Zander "yeah, we'll see."

Chris "everyone let's take a picture for the promos!"

Kasai "great, a photo" everyone gets on the dock with Dawn standing next to Zander with Kasai standing next to Gwen

Chris "alright, 1, 2 oh wait forgot the lens cap"

Dunkan "hurry it up!!"

Chris "1, 2 oh cards full"

Kasai"you mother-!!!!"

Zander "Kasai, chill"

Chris "ok, everyone say wawanakwa"

Everyone "wawana-" the pier breaks as everyone falls into the water

Chris "everyone dry off and meet me at the campfire at ten."

Kasai "how long is a prison sentence for murder?"

Zander" 10 or 20 years, but don't even think about it "

Kasai "fuck."

Ten minutes later

Chris "welcome, today you'll be meeting your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe your friends."

Zander "sweet "

Chris" the camper who manages to stay on total drama island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000"

Dunkan "excuse me, what would the sleeping arrangement be?"

Kasai "my man." They fist bump

Heather "they're not co-ed are they?"

Chris "no, girls gets one side and the boys get the other side of the bunk cabin."

Kasai "and is there a rule saying we can't sleep with the girls?"

Chris "no, but I think a girl slapping your face is good enough."

Kasai "sweet"

Lindsey "excuse me Kyle, can I have the cabin with a lake side view since I'm the prettiest?"

Chris "ok you are but that's not really how it works here, and it's Chris"

Katie "I can't live without Sadie, I'll die."

Sadie "it's true."

Gwen and Kasai "this can not be happening."

Zander "come on guys it'll be fun"

Dawn "nothing bad will happen on our journey."

Kasai "will you two just kiss already"

Zander "shut up!"

Lindsey "I'll kiss her! I mean him!"

Chris "alright, here's the deal, we're going to split you up into two teams, when I call your name go stand over there" everyone nods

Chris "Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsey, Beth, Katie, Dawn, Leshawna, Justin, Noah Zander, and Kasai, from this moment on you're known as the screaming gophers" he throws a green banner with a gopher

Katie "what about Sadie?!!!"

Chris "the rest of you over here, Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold, you guys will officially be known as the killer bass" he throws them a red banner with a fish on it

Harold "amazing."

Chris "all of you will be caught on camera at every public place"

Chris [you will also be able to share your inner most thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want, let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest]

Kasai [what the fuck did I get into?]

Gwen [so far this sucks, but pinkie peeked my interest.]

Dawn [I came here to total drama to compete, but now I'm here to be with my soulmate, my tea leaves said I would meet someone like me one day and they were right]

Zander [i love Dawn so much, she's exactly like me and her blonde hair, ahhh]

Chris "alright any questions, cool, let's find your cabins"

Chris "Gophers, you're at the east cabin and the bass will take the west." Heather opens the girl side of the gopher cabin

Heather "bunk beds? Isn't this a little summer camp?"

Gwen "that's the whole idea Einstein."

Leshawna "what were you expecting?"

Lindsey "where at the outlets? I have to plug in my straightening iron"

Chris "there's some at the communal bathroom just across the way "

Lindsey "communal bathrooms, but I'm not catholic."

Gwen "not that, communal means we shower together, idiot."

Lindsey "ah no come on!"

Zander "don't worry, it won't be that bad."

Geoff "yo Chris are there any chaperones around?"

Chris "you're all are 16 old enough to take care of yourself, besides me there won't be anyone to supervise ya."

Zander "cool"

Chris "you have half an hour to unpack and meet me at the main lodge" everyone hears a scream as they head to the Gopher's cabin

Leshawna "man that white girl can scream."

Lindsey "what is it, kill it kill it!"

Kasai "haven't you seen a cockroach in your life?"

Zander "aww, come here little guy" he kneels down and opens his hand out to the cockroach

Dawn "you are very kind." DJ screams while jumping and smashing a bed as he lands on it

Gwen "that was my bed."

Zander "there see, nothing to be scared of, he's harmless" the cockroach goes up to Zander's shoulder as he smiles

Dawn "marry me."Zander blushes at what Dawn said

Kasai "I'm the best man"

Gwen "consider me a bridesmaid."

Zander "it's a little early for that isn't it?"

Kasai "nope."

Gwen "better start finding a good gem"

Zander "give me a second." He goes outside and grabs a small rock and crushes it as it becomes a dual amethyst and emerald

Zander "let's see what else?" he grabs a small stick and bends it as it becomes silver and formed into a ring

Zander "perfect."

Gwen "tell me you can do that."

Kasai "of course, me and Zander can turn any small matter into anything as long as it's of equal value, we follow the law of equivalent exchange, why do you want one?"

Gwen "maybe."

Kasai "then you'll have to marry me if you want one."

Gwen "I'll think about it "

Zander "here you go Dawn, just for you." He places the gem on the ring as they merge together and Zander places it on Dawn's finger

Dawn "it's so beautiful, thank you Zander, I'll marry you after we win."

Heather "that's if you win."

Kasai "great, the white rich girl has to be snobby too."

Heather "oh shut it pinkie"

Zander "nice to meet you Heather."

Heather "and nice to meet you hot stuff"

Dawn "inside you is only darkness and selfishness."

Heather "I didn't ask for a personality check"

Gwen "but she's right, fits you perfectly."

Kasai "total queen bee vibe"

Kasai [and we're doomed, girls if you want Zander to be attracted to you you only need two things, one, have natural blonde hair, two, be queen bee, and if you're both, you'll have Zander drooling all over you]

Heather [I just hit the jackpot, not only will I win this show, but I'll get a hot boyfriend too, the only problem is that girl that he's now engaged too, she'll be a problem]

Gwen "let's get something to eat before everything's gone."

Zander "yeah" everyone leaves to the mess hall as Chef was serving the food that even moved on it's own

Chef "listen up I serve it three times a day and you'll eat it three times a day, grab your tray, get the food and sit your butts down now!"

Kasai "fuck that shit." He jumps over to the chef as he passed him grabbing as much food as he wanted and walked back to the others

Zander "mind sharing bro?"

Kasai "of course, I got these for the four of us."

Chef "hey you no good theif!!!"

Kasai "a no good thief would've been caught before they grab the goods, I'm an amazing thief"

Dawn "delicious." They sit down while eating the goods

Heather "can I have some?"

Kasai and Gwen "no."

Heather "please Zander?"

Zander "sure, take a seat."

Heather "thanks"

Gwen "so tell me all about you two, where do you come from?"

Zander "we were born in Dominican republic then moved to the US when we were 10, our dad was in the army"

Dawn "did he retire?"

Kasai "no, he died when we were 12, the dog tags we're wearing and a picture of us, him and our mom are all we have left of him"

Gwen "I feel so sorry."

Heather "big deal, you have us now."

Kasai "don't say big deal like it's nothing queen bitch"

Dawn "pitch black."

Gwen "you shouldn't be here."

Heather "whatever." Kasai stabs a knife through the table while glaring at her

Kasai "" Heather leaves out of fear

Zander" Kasai, breathe "

Gwen "focus on me, forget about her."

Kasai" alright " Kasai breathes and looks at Gwen

Dawn "so it's just you two and your mom?"

Zander "our mom is at the hospital, she has a terminal heart disease, if we don't get enough money for a heart transplant then she dies, she has been in the hospital for years. My bro and I have been working to take care of each other and save some money for her operation, but we need the money now or..."

Dawn "hey it's alright, I know you two will win" she places a hand on Zander's hand

Gwen "don't worry, let's make an agreement, if one of the four of us wins, then we give the money for their mom."

Dawn "agreed"

Courtney "I can give you all but I can give half." She sits down at the table

Courtney "sorry to intrude but your story sounds so sad."

Kasai "and you are?"

Courtney "I'm Courtney, nice to meet you."

Zander "Zander"

Dawn "Dawn."

Gwen "Gwen."

Kasai "Kasai."

Courtney "nice to meet you all"

Gwen "so you will help us from the goodness in your heart?"

Kasai "I bet she's faking the kindness"

Courtney "I'm not faking it! I'm actually nice and I'm trying to help you so I can be nice!"

Kasai "mhm, sure you are"

Courtney "at least I'm not rude like you."

Kasai "bite me" Courtney turns her head the other way with a hmph

Zander "don't mind him, either way we thank you for the offer."

Dawn "of course"

Courtney "at least two of you appreciate my kindness not like pinkie here."

Kasai "I'm this close to pulling my knife out again"

Gwen "Kasai, keep your anger down."

Zander "I've been trying to help him do that for years"

Gwen "has it worked?"

Zander "not at all"

Dawn "is that how he got his scars?"

Zander "yep, he got into fights for fun and to protect me, then he taught me martial arts"

Courtney "it would seem you and I will never get along."

Kasai "great, never wanted to, princess"

Dawn "your auras are 99.9 compatible."

Kasai "damn it, what's the compatibility with mine and Gwen's?"

Dawn "you two are perfect for each other, like me and Zander."

Kasai "ok out of curiosity, what's the compatibility of Zander and Heather?"

Dawn "50, but only because Zander has a very calm aura that can get along with anyone , he has 85 with Lindsey, 90 with Bridgette, and with Izzy is 95.8."

Kasai "wow bro you're a chick magnet"

Dawn "you have a 99.8 with Eva, 95. With Leshawna as well, but the remarkables are Gwen and Courtney."

Zander "you're a chick magnet too"

Gwen "but I'll be your only girl."

Courtney "and I would die before I get together with him."

Chris "alright enough of the love fest, you're first challenge starts in one hour"

One hour later everyone was on top a tall cliff

Kasai "holy shit!"

End of chapter one

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