Chapter 1 Part 2

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Chris “all of you will jump from the cliff and have to land in that small circle which we’re 50% percent sure is not filled with sharks.”

Kasai "if any of us die I'm so suing you"

Chris “ love ya too, for each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below, inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge, building a hot tub, the team with the best one will have a wicked party tonight, the losers will be sending someone home, killer bass you’re up first.”

Bridgette "o, k I'll go first" she jumps and lands in the safe zone

Tyler “my turn, cowabunga!!!!” He jumps as he hits himself with a bowe.

Gwen “he won’t be having children anytime soon.”

Geoff "woohoo!!!"

Eva "look out below!!!"

Duncan "....."

DJ “no way man, I’m not jumping.”

Chris "scared of heights?"

DJ “yes, ever since I was a kid.”

Chris "that means you're a chicken and you'll have to wear this chicken hat." Chris gives him a chicken hat

DJ "aww man"

Chris "chicken path is that way bro" he points to an escalator as DJ rides it down

Dawn “poor guy.”

Courtney "I'm not jumping"

Kasai “you scared faker?”

Courtney "no I have a medical condition"

Chris “and that would be?”

Courtney "a condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs"

Kasai “wow, and you call yourself nice. You’re abounding your team.”

Courtney "it's a calculated risk, I've seen your team and the only ones capable of jumping is you and your brother"

Zander “that is true.”

Kasai “then place a bet on it, if you’re so sure, bet something.”

Courtney "alright, if I’m wrong I’ll give you my first kiss.”

Kasai “and if you're right, I'll do what you want for a whole day"

Courtney “deal.” She walks down the escalator with a chicken hat on as Chris start calculating the score.

Chris "that's 8 jumpers and 2 chickens, we're missing one"

Sadie “I’m not jumping without Katie!”

Katie “and I'm not jumping without Sadie!!”

Izzy "I'll switch places with her" Chris sighs

Cris “fine, Izzy you’re part of the Gophers, Katie you’re part of the killer bass.” Izzy walks over to the Gopher’s

Chris "ok you're up girls"

Katie and Sadie "we're coming killer bass!" they jump and land in the safe zone

Zander “alright guys we’re up, we all need to jump to win, we can do this!”

Chris "ok that's nine jumpers and two chickens gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to pull your crates on"

Heather “I’m not jumping.”

Lindsey “is she’s not jumping then I’m not jumping.”

Leshawna" oh you're doing it, I'm not losing this challenge cause you got your hair day, you spoiled little daddy girl"

Heather “at least I’m popular.” Leshawna grabs her and throws her off the cliff

Kasai "Leshawna, you are now my favorite person"

Leshawna “you welcome baby.” She winks at him

Heather "Leshawna, you are so dead!"

Leshawna “let’s see about that!!!” She jumps and lands in the safe zone

Lindsey "I thought this was going to be a talent contest?"

Chris “yeah. No.” She pushes Lindsey off

Lindsey “ahhhh!!!!!!”

Gwen “ahhhh!!!”

Cody "ahhhh!!"

Izzy "woohoo, yeah!!" Justin lands outside the safe zone as sharks took him to shore after looking at him

Kasai “Justin bieber sure has talent.”

Beth "I can't do it, I'm too scared" Chris takes out a chicken hat

Zander “Beth, we needed you.”

Beth "I'm sorry" she goes down the escalator

Trent "let's do this!" he jumps down the cliff and lands in the safe zone

Chris "alright campers, only three people left, you guys need these jumps for the win"

Kasai “Zander, Dawn, I’m counting on ya.” He jumps in the air and lands in the safe zone

Gwen "awesome Kasai"

Zander "together Dawn?"

Dawn “together.” They hold hands as they jump and land in the safe zone

Kasai "awesome"


Team Gophers were singing while Kasai and Zander we’re pulling the carts full of crates with Gwen and dawn on top

Kasai "if the challenges are going to be this easy, we got this in the bag"

Zander “yup.”

Leshawna “you two are very strong.”

Kasai "having multiple jobs, while sparring in martial arts can build up muscles"

Zander “yup, you guys can even take it easy when we get there. My brother and I are master mechanics.”

Kasai "when we start building, can some of you get water, we'll make you some buckets"

Trent “it’s the least we can do.”

Leshawna "I'll help get the water" they all make it to the camp grounds as the brothers unload the crates

Chris "ok, now you need to get them open using your teeth"

Zander “Izzy, you’re up.”

Izzy "alright" she grabs a rope with her teeth and starts pulling it while the brothers do the same and get them open in 5 seconds

Gwen “let’s get the water.” Zander draws a transmutation circle with rocks and dirt in the middle as the brothers clap their hands and put them on the circle as the rocks and dirt turn into buckets

Dawn “amazing.” They grabs the buckets and leave

Zander "been a while since we transmuted together, alright, let's get building"

Kasai “yeah.”

A half an hour later

Dawn "we got the water"

Kasai “and we’re done.”

Courtney “already?! But we just arrived!”

Zander "master mechanics here, and don't you owe Kasai your first kiss?"

Courtney “fine, come here pinkie! " Kasai walks to Courtney

Kasai" time to pay up princess "

Courtney “just do it already.” Kasai brings her into a passionate kiss as Gwen crushes her bucket.

Courtney “happy now?”

Kasai “yes, I like the taste of your lipstick.” Courtney blushes as Gwen gets pissed

Courtney “whatever.” She walks back to her group

Gwen "hey Kasai"

Kasai “yeah.” Gwen dumped the water on Kasai and puts the bucket on his head

Kasai “sorry, got stuck in the rhythm.”

Gwen "jerk, I wanted to be your first kiss"

Kasai “how about, *he gets close to her ear* I’ll wait till you’re ready and you can take my first time.” Gwen blushes

Gwen "you better promise"

Kasai “I promise.”

Chris “man, that is a good looking hot tub.”

Zander "thanks"

Chris “I’ll give the bass a half an hour to finish, so get started.”

Zander "what to do for half an hour"

Chris “whatever you want.”

Kasai "if you need me, I'll be sleeping"

Zander “want to spend some time together Dawn.”

Dawn "of course" Zander and Dawn sat under the tree and meditated as Kasai laid down with Gwen on top as they fell asleep

Half an hour later

Zander “guys wake up.” Gwen and Kasai wake up as their faces were close to each other

Kasai “well hello beautiful.”

Gwen "hi, hey Kasai, I thought about your marriage offer"

Kasai “and what was your conclusion.”

Gwen "I want to marry you"

Kasai “I want to marry you too.”

Zander "here's a stick and rock to make the ring"

Kasai “thanks.” He makes an obsidian crystal with a sapphire as he makes the twig into a silver ring while fusing the two

Kasai "here" he puts the ring on Gwen's finger

Gwen “I love it, thank you Kasai.” They share a passionate kiss

Chris "judging by the two hot tubs, the winner is the screaming gophers!" The killer bass’s hot tub falls apart as the Gophers yell out in victory

Chris "Gophers enjoy your party tonight, bass you better decide who you're voting off" the Gophers get in their swim suits as they jump in the hot tub

Dawn “who do you think will get eliminated?”

Zander "Well it’ll either be DJ, Courtney, Katie, or Sadie.”

Kasai “let's not worry about it”

Gwen “yeah, this hot tub rocks.”

Kasai “can't wait to party tonight”

Later at dinner

Zander “they really seems on edge.” Zander, Dawn, Kasai, and Gwen were sitting down eating their dinner as the killer bass were arguing who to kick out

Kasai "they lost the challenge, what'd you expect"

Zander "yeah but that's too much" he gives some food to his cockroach

Ezekiel “I don’t understand why we lost, they’re the ones with 7 girls.”

Bridgette "what's that supposed to mean?"

Eva "yeah homeschool, enlighten us" she slams her fist on the table

Kasai “he’s fucked.”

Zander “100%”

Ezekiel “it’s just boys are stronger, smarter, and better at sports, my dad said to take care of the girls because they need the protection.” Eva grabs Ezekiel by his throat and lifts him

Eva "still think we need protection?"

Kasai “woah, calm down, he hasn’t had a lot of contact with the real world.”

Zander “it isn’t his fault for the most part.”

Eva "fine" she lets Ezekiel fall the the ground

Eva “you got lucky these four came to help.”

Kasai "alright let's all take a breath"

Bridgette “I’m going outside. Eva, you coming?”

Eva "yeah" the two girls head outside

Dawn “you have a lot to learn.”

Gwen “a lot.”

Zander "think before you speak next time" the four sit down as after the finish eating they take a few packs of sodas and chips outside as they party around the hot tub

Zander "this feels nice" he relaxes in the hot tub

Kasai “why Zander, how do you think mom will react when she finds out we’re engaged?”

Zander "let's see, she would first faint, wake up, squeal while breaking all the windows, and then bear hug us till we're blue in the face or our souls leave our bodies"

Gwen “and if she meets us in person?”

Zander "you'll be bear hugged too, wait have we shown you what she looks like?"

Dawn “no, does she have pink or red hair?”

Zander "quite the opposite" he gets out of the hot tub and goes inside the cabin and comes back with a picture of them, Gogeta and Bulchi

Gwen “wow, you mom and I have the same hair color, black and blue.”

Dawn "and that's your father right there?" she points at Gogeta

Kasai “yeah, he was a good dad.”

Zander "mom was the more dominant one in their relationship, he wasn't allowed to touch her"

Dawn “wow, but then again, girls do have a way with boys.”

Gwen "yep"

Kasai “as long as I’m with you, I don’t care.”

Zander "me too"

Dawn “you two are sweet.”

Heather “hey Zander, don’t you want to take a rinse with me?”

Zander "nah, I just want to chill in the hot tub with Dawn, Kasai and Gwen"

Heather “alright, Lindsey let’s go.”

Lindsey "ok"

Leshawna “I don’t like that girl, not one bit.”

Kasai "same here"

Leshawna “then we got a lot of things in common.”

Kasai "yup"

Gwen “back off.”

Kasai "jeez Gwen chill"

Gwen “sorry.”

Leshawna "it's cool girl, hey is there a name for your power you two have?"

Zander "it's alchemy, the art of deconstructing and reconstructing matter"

Dawn “well it’s getting late, even the bass already hit the hay, we should get to the cabins “

Kasai "yeah I'm bushed, let's go"  the four travel back to their cabins as Dawn cuddles with Zander and Gwen cuddles with Kasai

End of chapter

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