In The Shower*

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PS. lets just assume that drinking age is 18 in Thailand. Okay? Thanks XD.



We both walked into the club, the strong odor of alcohol and sweat filling my senses. The music was blaring through the speakers, the sound booming from all directions. It was almost as if the whole building was shaking from it. I can just barely manage to make it through the mingling bodies to find an empty space at the island to get a drink. It hadn't been the first time I drank alcohol; I knew more than anyone how easy it is to forget things when you were drinking all your emotions away.

Rune leaned over the counter to order some drink and handed one of the two to me, I tipped the glass back into my mouth and swallowed it whole, my face screws up as the liquid slips down my throat, leaving a burning sensation in its path. I swore as I took the drink at Rune's lips and drank it up as well.

Rune's lips turned up in a half smile, "if you don't slow down, you'll be drunk before the fun begins." 

He ended up ordering a bottle and poured some of it into the glasses. I watched him silently, at a loss of words from the look of concern on Rune's face which seemed almost out of place. If I hadn't had him as a roommate, I probably wouldn't have been friends with him to begin with. He had those cold eyes which seemed that they stared right into your soul when you met them. He always glanced at people as if they were just TV screens which made it harder to talk to him when it felt as if he wasn't looking at you, but rather through you. That feeling could make your skin crawl, it was probably why people at the dorms would avoid eye contact with him when they weren't busy flirting with him.

"Are you concerned?" I asked, to which he scoffed, "fuck off."

An hour flew by and I was drunk. At least that's what it felt like. I took a long look around the club before finally deciding to get on the floor and dance, even if I lacked drastically in that area. The alcohol giving me a stupid sense of courage; I stood up and took only two steps before colliding with a rock. "What the fuck man?" the rock cursed, it was only then when realization dawned on me did I see that the rock, one, wasn't a rock, and two, the now person, had his entire drink spilled onto his shirt; he was completely drenched in the substance. I stared for a good 10 seconds before I broke into a stomach clenching laugh, "do you think this is funny, you fucker?" the man shouted, his tone laced with anger.

"Yeshhh actuallyyyyy."

My response only further provokes the other guy, in the midst of attempts to hold in my laughter, a flame suddenly burned hot on cheeks and I tasted copper. The punch seemed to sober me up a little, my blood ran hot, I raise my fist to beat the crap out of the guy but it connects with nothing. 

Where'd the guy go? 

Said man was now on the ground with a crowd encircling around them, Rune, who was kneeling over the man, was punching the man's face in, each time his fist was bridged to the man's face, a loud blood curdling crunch was heard. If I wasn't so drunk the scene would've looked much more appalling. Blood was everywhere as it poured down the poor man's face and coated Rune's fists like a glove. Horror was evident on the faces of everyone watching, all clearly wanting to do something to stop him but too afraid to approach him. I finally comprehend the situation and I grab Rune by the arm, pulling him away from the poor man on the floor. I don't even know who the victim is here anymore.

He turned his head to look down at me, his eyes had sailed away from the warmth to now encompass a cold one. His hard onyx pupils slowly softening and it was then when I noticed a speck of silver in his iris. Just as I wanted to look deeper, he looked back at the victim who lay at his mercy. I was certain that Rune could've killed him if I hadn't stopped him and that thought scared me. I pulled Rune up by the arm and looked down at the man on the brink of death, his face was distorted and almost nothing was left of it, save a tooth or two.

"Well we're screwed aren't we" I laugh and the corners of Rune's mouth turn up, "let's go" he says and takes my hand.

"Go where? We're going to be questioned by the police."

"Who is questioning whom?" Rune asks, "my dad will take care of this".

And just like that we left the very bloody scene and returned to the dorm, Rune looking as if he came out of a horror film and myself looking completely disheveled. We both entered the dorm but not without receiving multiple questioning and confused stares. We were much more sober at this point, at least I was.

We changed out of our dirty clothes; my clothes felt sticky and they didn't exactly smell that great either, "I'm going to shower, want to join me?" Rune asks randomly, I immediately shake my head "no thanks."

"Don't you shower with other guys at the gym? What's the difference now?" Rune asks whilst peeling of his sweat drenched shirt, revealing the sexy abs beneath. Rune glanced at him, "but you did stop doing that, is something wrong with you? you always shower at home, do you have a disease?" he pried as he removed his jeans, I couldn't help but look at his legs. How great would it be to...

"Very funny."

"Disease it is then" he chuckles as he heads to the bathroom, without thinking I blurt, "I'll join you then." 

Rune eyed me for a second but went ahead anyway to set the water temperature.

I remove the last of my clothing, already regretting my decision. I kept my eyes up, I was almost looking at the ceiling as I walked into the shower.

Rune didn't pay me any attention as he got in after me and proceeded to wash his body. I, on the other hand, felt greatly aroused from how close and naked he was. My heart hammered against my chest, if not for the loud droplets of water meeting the tiled floor of the shower, he probably could've heard the sound of a drum in my chest. It didn't help that I could feel Rune's cock brush against my thigh every other second.

"Why are you standing there?"

Then I was being pulled under the water with him, I try to get away but Rune's hands held me firm. My face heats up and my body burned hot, both desire and shame ringing in chest.

I grabbed his chin, "don't look."

He grabbed my hand and his eyes traveled down my chest and navel to the place where I had already began to throb under his burning gaze. I knew I could stop him, preventing him from seeing my embarrassment but I wanted him to know, maybe it was the alcohol but when those captivating dark eyes locked with mine, I almost fell through the wall. I felt so small under his towering figure and I hated it. I swallow the lump in my throat.

Within a second, I was slammed against the cold wall and he leaned dangerously close to my face, "is this the problem?" he whispered into my ear, his warm breath tickling my ear as his large hand wrapped around my rock hard cock. The words I want to say can't manage to leave my lips and I groan under the sensual grip of his hand.

"l-let go," I stutter, my legs suddenly weak in response to his mere touch.

Rune ignores me as his hand holds tighter, his thumb gently rubbing the tip that was dripping with precum, I bite down on my lip, gripping his broad shoulders.


"Please what?"

I press my fingers into his thick skin, looking up at him with pleading eyes, to stop or not to stop, I didn't know anymore. Rune's eyes darkened as he watched me shake under his hand. I suddenly found it harder to breathe, so I squeeze my eyes shut, the site of his wet, and may I add naked, body against mine was causing every cell of my body to react wildly.


Thank you for reading this far!

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