Mr. Muscular Thighs*

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"Tan! You are going to be late! Get in the damn car" my mother's voice came booming through the house, I grab the covers and threw them over myself, stuffing myself into its warm embrace. Slowly my eyes fail to remain open and I drift back into the abyss of sleep. Within seconds, my mothers voice was exploding above me and i groan, holding the blankets tightly around myself. The night before, i hadn't slept at all, and on top of all that, I had to wake up at 6 am just to get ready!

 A cold breeze washed over me and I instantly felt around for my blanket, through hooded eyes, I see my mother holding it in one hand while the other held her go-to choice of weapon- a slipper. I quickly sit up, my long legs dropping out of the warm bed to meet the cold tiles. I step into my shoes as I walk to the car and get in.

On one side of the vehicle, I was being perpetually harassed by the piles of boxes and luggage, and on the other side, I no longer felt my arm. 

I sigh, glaring at the piles and piles of things my mother had made me bring. I only had my mother to blame for forcing me into bringing so many unnecessary things; who would need two foot warmers in the first place? Not to mention all the lunch boxes she'd packed for me, I had no doubt that most of it would spoil before I got around to eating it unfortunately.

I glance out the window, passing by all the familiar places that soon transition into a new world I had never encountered. My heart began to race at the though of living on my own. If I had the choice, I would've much rather stayed within the comfort of the familiar walls of my home.

I heaved the last of my luggage from the car, dropping it with the rest that now sat at the front of the apartment building I'd be staying in for god-knows how long. My parents look as if the world had ended as they rushed over to me, my mother embracing me immediately and suddenly the though that I wouldn't see her anymore struck me, "I'll miss you too mom" is all i could manage to say in the end. 

My mother wipes away her tears and gives me a heartwarming smile, "I love you Tan, make sure you eat all your meals, you take showers, and take care of yourself, if you don't, mom will give you a good beating." 

I nod, "Okay mom, dad, I'll call you."

I walk her back to the car, my father gives me one last smile, "don't do anything we wouldn't do."

 I nodded for the thousandth time before shutting the car door for my mother.

After finally managing to drag my things into my shared dorm room, I find it empty. I take the chance to take the bed near the window, thanking my luck for coming before my roommate. I collapse onto my bed and almost instantly fall asleep, all my worries and concerns dissipating into nothing. It was only after sunset and when the moon shone bright in the sky, that I woke up with hunger clawing at my stomach. For a second I considered my mother's food, but the thought of eating vegetables wasn't so appetizing at the moment.

I roll out of my bed, grabbing my wallet and sweater, before I head to the restaurant I had seen on the way. With my hands in my sweater pockets, I walk down the lively sidewalk.

I finally got to the restaurant and went inside, the sweet and savory aroma of freshly cooked food making my mouth water. I immediately took a seat at one of the tables and ordered everything I wanted to eat, the waitress gives me a look which I ignored, considering how often I received that judgmental look when I ordered enough food to feed a family or two. But it wasn't my own fault that I could eat all that and still not gain weight. I admit I work out, but my appetite was always large.

After the food was placed on the table, I immediately dug in; enjoying every single bite I took. Just as I was reaching for a dumpling, my phone buzzes. I put down my food, picking up my phone; it was a message from my father who had sent a picture of a girl. Within a second, my phone begins to ring, I didn't need to look at the caller ID to know who it was.

"Again dad?" I ask the moment he answers, "hear me out, she goes to the same college as you and she has a good background, she's fairly beautiful as well, why don't you consider going on a date with her?" my father responds.

I sigh, stuffing the cold dumpling into my mouth, "dad, I told you this already, I'm not interested in any of your attempts to marry me off."

"Well, about that... I already set up a date for you to meet her this Friday" he admits.

I simply hang up to only receive another text, this time featuring the time and address. I halfheartedly stuffed my phone into my pocket and continue to eat the meal that had gone all cold now. If only my father knew that it wasn't marriage that was the issue, but rather the fact that I wasn't interested in girls at all. With my stomach full, I returned to my room.

I walk inside, tossing my things onto the table as I spotted signs of my roommate. 

I went ahead and sat on my bed, waiting for the new arrival to come out of the washroom so that I could shower before sleeping. After 10 minutes, my eyelids were drooping and when the sound of a door unlocking brought me back to the world. The male came out half naked, his lower half covered by the thin fabric of his underwear. The view sent my heart racing, it was suddenly too hot in the room. I shamelessly ogled at his body which was significantly more muscular than my own, everything about him was magnificent from his jet black hair to his long muscular legs. I was certain he was very popular with looks like those. For a moment, I even allowed my eyes to linger at the bulge that remained hidden behind his underwear, before looking back up at his dark brown eyes that could just as easily be mistaken for being black.

I immediately stood up, knowing that if I didn't think of something else, he'd know just how gay I am. I mentally thanked the guy for having not noticed me as he went towards his luggage. I followed the movement of his back muscles as he rummaged through his bags, his firm and round ass making the air stop in my throat.

"You must be my roommate" I manage to say, my voice coming out louder than normal and normal was already pretty loud. The other man turned to look at me, surprise evident on his face, "yeah...uh, I'm Rune and you?"


"Tan..." he repeats and I nod before blurting out, "I'll be taking a shower then".

I speed walk into the bathroom, immediately stripping out of my clothes, I drew my lower lip between my teeth as I look down at my cock that had grown to its full length from just looking at his body, I could only imagine how I'd have become if I could've... I didn't dare go where my mind beckoned me to. I swallow hard and got into the shower and douse myself in skin-biting cold water.

When I finally finish my shower, the room was already dark. I make my way towards the bed when an excruciating pain exploded from my toe. I swore every curse word there was, I try to keep my voice to the minimum but fail terribly. I walk off the pain and collapse onto my bed, cursing the wall once more, "who the fuck put the wall there?!!" I whisper-yell in annoyance.

"You okay?" a voice asks from the other side of the room, my heart drops from the sound of a second being in the room, it was only after a few seconds that I realize it was only my roommate and I was no longer at home, I exhale loudly, "yeah."

Soon my body went limp against the bed and I welcomed sleep for the 3rd time today.

We'd spent most of the weeks since we'd met together. We'd become friends (I think), that much was clear to me (somewhat). And now, even though I'm always near him, I still can't stop the way my body responded to the sight of Rune's body, naked or not. Showering even became a struggle, and as a result of this, I had done the only thing I could do: not showering in the locker rooms with Rune there, I wasn't going to tarnish my reputation for being the guy who got a hard on for another guy. What a way that would be to come out to my entire college. 

After showering at my place, I went down to the lobby and met with Rune, we didn't need to say anything; we both had the same thought on our minds- it was time to eat. Upon arrival at Aunties Restaurant, which had become our usual eating place, we ordered what we normally did. As I was enjoying the delicacies placed before me, my phone vibrates with a text from my dad which now lit up the screen, 

don't forget about tonight! XO dad

I cringe and stuff my phone back into my pocket, my mood souring within seconds. "What happened? You seem annoyed" Rune asks, his onyx eyes studying me.

I frown, "it's my dad, he set me up on a date with a girl who goes to our college.''

Upon hearing my response Rune chuckles, did I mention he had a nice laugh? 

"and that's so bad?"

I nod, he obviously wouldn't see this as an issue, but me? I'm as gay as they got. I drag my hands down my face and groan, "I guess I don't have a choice at this point." 

"No, you don't" Rune replies, his expression full with amusement from my suffering.

"You can be so dramatic," he adds, "it's not even a big deal, you can not go if you want."

"You're right, but won't the girl I'm meeting feel as if I stood her up?"

"Feel stood up? she is being stood up if you don't go," he then paused before continuing, "I'll tell you what, let's go to a bar near here and you can forget about all of this."

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