The Not-So-Perfect Boyfriend

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I re-arranged the spoons for the 100th time, i couldn't tell if it was because they weren't straight or because i wasn't mentally present. "Can you stop that?" i looked up, across from me sat Daniel "its annoying". I nonchalantly looked at him, finally deciding to sip at the empty cup with a straw, which only caused weird bubbly sounds. It was annoying but it distracted me at least, "Can you-" Daniel yelled, i jolted awake at the sudden change in tone "i'm sorry, but its really bothering me" he said more calmly. I sat up, playing the imaginary piano on the table as i looked around, waiting for the food to arrive.

"Why are we eating here? The food takes forever and its expensive for no reason" i said, Daniel looked at me from his phone. "It isn't expensive, its sub-par compared to the other restaurant i suggested"

"Yeah because 5000 baht for a snail is reasonable, if i wanted to eat snails, i could just pick them off the ground, for free" Daniels eyes widened in shock, "i'm paying anyway"

"Don't worry about it,"

"i'm your boyfriend, its fine"

I didn't respond, this conversation wasn't going anywhere like all the others between us. I leaned into my palm as he began to talk about the economy and shit. Both things i didn't care about. Daniel wasn't a terrible person, he was rich so that explained a lot. He had a few inches on me, in height, he was lean and not too muscled. He had a sharp face with his chiseled jaw, sharp cheekbones and thick brows and lips. His eyes were a brownish hazel color that went beautifully against his jet black hair. Despite his good looks, his personality sucks. He is terribly annoying, egotistical, a narcissist who never admits he's wrong, gets annoyed easily, has no sense of humor, talks only about business, and is incredibly boring and let me add, enjoys eating snails. Need i say more? Aside from the fact that he couldn't fuck for shit, he was only good at...what exactly did i see in him? Did looking sexy in a suit count?

Thinking back now, 8 months ago, that one drunk night at this VIP lounge at a bar that my friend worked at. He was there in one of the booths, drinking his expensive bottles of intoxicants. He looked sexy, after being half dead for 4 months after Rune left, i just wanted to feel something. That night, he looked like the guy of my dreams but that could've just been the alcohol talking. One thing led to the next, sex and all, then here i was, 8 months later wondering why the fuck i was still here.

My stomach was growling by the time the food arrived, i licked my lips as the plates were placed before me. I felt my stomach cry at the sight of the lack of food on the plate which was 90 percent oxygen, 4 percent meat, and 6 percent sauce and garnish. I ate it within a second, feeling not the least bit satisfied. "I'm so full" he said and i didn't bother comment, that couldn't possibly have been fulfilling. I'd die if i ate this much everyday.

Once the bill arrived, i took my wallet out. Sure i'd be broke after this but i had no choice. "I told you i'm paying, just keep it, you need it more" i bit down at my tongue, i swear to fucking god, i would punch the fuck out of him. I placed the bills on the table and walked out, feeling too angry to stay in there. He followed after me as i headed to his car, we got in and i sat in silence, angry but not bothering to show it. He was the type to never understand if he was wrong, so i wouldn't be getting an sort of apology any time soon.

"Just drop me off at the bus station"

"That place? Its dangerous"

"Iv'e been taking it since i was a kid, i'm sure its fine"


"Hey, you passed it" i told him but he nodded, smirking. I used to like that smirk but now he looked stupid doing it, i miss Runes...he always looked good no matter what he did. When he was running, when we was cooking, sleeping, sweaty after-better not to think about that.

"We're going to my place" he said and i nodded, i knew what he meant by that. He wanted to fuck.


"I want to be on top" he said as he unbuttoned his shirt, i shook my head. "It's fine, you don't have to" i said, i really meant it.

"No, i want to make you feel good" more like himself, every time he'd cum before i even felt anything. When i was on top, he also came way too fast that i had to finish myself off on my own. But at least that way i could actually get some release, the other way, he'd be too tired to do anything and he'd instantly fall asleep leaving me with blue balls.

I didn't bother to add anything, i guess tonight would be one of those days. I stripped out of my clothes, sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to come over from folding his stupid clothes. He finally came out of the closet, naked. He was already hard as he walked over, starring at my body. It was one thing i was proud of, all the working out had its benefits, i was at least double the size i was before. When Rune was here, i barely ever went to the gym but now i couldn't stop, something about working out till you couldn't anymore allowed my mind to think about something other than the person i yearned for.

Knock knock

I instantly wrapped my lower half with the sheets as Daniel put on a robe and went to to open the room door, did i mention he had a butler?

"Sorry, i need to take this call, its an important investor form America" and that was my queue to leave. Those calls were never short. I quickly got dressed, "my butler will drop you off" i nodded, i really didn't want to take the bus at this time. I mentally thanked the investor and practically ran out of the building, glad to be saved from the obvious.

I lazily got out of the car, waving goodbye to the driver as he drove off, i was unbearably tired. I turned around and headed to the dorm only to find Rune sitting at the front, i ignored him because one, i was tired, and two, he probably wasn't here for me anyway. I walked past him, he probably wouldn't recognize me, right? Wrong.

"Tan!" i stopped and turned around, giving a half smile "wh-" 

"why are you getting back so late?" i was at a loss for words. Why was he asking me this type of thing? 

"Who just dropped you off?" i didn't bother answering him, knowing him, he often liked to ask questions that he already knew the answer to. "Is it him? your boyfriend?" the way he talked, you'd think he was the victim, accusing me of cheating on him. I nodded anyway and headed up to my room, "why are you following me? Do you need something?" i asked as i got my keys out. "No, I..." i looked at him, his familiar face made me feel nostalgic, the soft curve of his mouth, the long lashes, his dark eyes that constantly made me feel as if i was floating. I looked away instantly, afraid i'd kiss him. I felt my neck heat up, i dropped the keys then, i reached down then Rune grabbed my wrist, i stared up at him as he pressed my hand against the door. My breath hitched in my throat, i bit my lip and looked away, anywhere that wasn't his face.

He took a step closer, his cool breath tickling my wet lips. "Rune..." i whispered "don't" i said, he searched my eyes and i didn't give him anything to find, i couldn't let him know that i still cared. I lifted my hand and caught his fist as he tried to punch the wall, i wrapped my fingers around it and stared at him, unfazed, my heart aching for him. "Can i kiss you?" he whispered, i didn't say anything. He knew my answer. His arms slid around me and i quickly pushed him off of me, if he hugged me i knew i'd give in, i'd do something i'd regret and i couldn't let that happen. Not after my hard work this past year. "I'm tired" i said and picked up my keys, unlocking the door and ran inside.

I sighed as i undressed and got into the shower. When i got out, i found my roommate, Jack, on his bed. "Hey" i said and he looked up at me from his book, "did you already finish the readings? Can you summarize it for me?" i shook my head, "i haven't started" i said truthfully as i plopped down onto the bed.

"I-" Knock knock

"i'll get it" i said and got up but he ran first and answered it, i leaned over to see who it was. It turned out to be Pete, of all people.


"Let's break up" Jack interrupted, i stared in shock. Jack was "gay" Jack said as he shut the door in the wide eyed boys face. "I get that a lot" he said as he sat at his desk, "i'm sorry, i wasn't trying to be offensive" he shook his head, "what are the odds that both of us are gay?" he asked, my brows furrowed in confusion "how did you know?" i asked and he smiled "i saw that suit guy kissing you, you are quite popular"

"What do you mean?"

"Well suit guy and the guy outside clearly was into you"

"You saw us"

"Yeah, so i left"

"He's my ex"

"What? really?" i nodded

"That means i can have him right? I have never seen a guy like that before" i didn't respond, we weren't together...i had no right over him, Rune is free to date whoever he wants but still...

"I'm just kidding, you still like him don't you?" my cheeks redden, "of course not"

"Okay" he said as he took his phone out. He didn't believe me and i didn't either.


Well the book is almost over, i hope you all are enjoying it so far!

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