Time Gone By

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1 year later~


I held the file in my hand, staring at it. Once i gave this in, my father would go to prison, he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone anymore, my mother wouldn't have to live in fear any longer. All my hard work over the year in gathering evidence against my father was enclosed in this one folder. But that didn't mean i hadn't found dirt on Rune's father, it seemed their history was tied in many places. If i gave this in, Rune's father would also be in a tight place. I couldn't care less but i worried about Rune...how would this affect him? He'd stayed true to his words, he'd never talked to me since that day nor had i seen him, he was gone with the wind. No matter how hard i tried, i couldn't find him. I know he did this for me, but it still hurt, i still hurt because i still love him even if he probably forgot about me. 

I'd already tried to convict my father of his crimes, the case hadn't even went to court due to lack of evidence. Of course i did it anonymously, i had to work alongside my father if i wanted to get what i needed. I knew if i carried on any longer, he'd know it was me. I stuffed the folder into my bag and drove to the station, this was it, it would soon be over. I walked into the station, gripping the folder tightly. I stopped dead in my tracks as i spotted his dark eyes, i took him in. Rune

He looked tired, he seemed to have lost weight, the glow he had on his face had dulled, he looked exhausted. My hear raced in my chest, my stomach clenched in nervousness. I didn't know what to do until he saw me, he seemed surprised. For a second he looked happy, but then it was gone as fast as it came. I took a step towards him and stopped, what would i say to him? I looked at the ground, "do you need something?" i turned around to see a police officer headed my way. "No, he's fine" i turned to see Rune approaching me, he grabbed my arm, his touch sending a current of electricity through my body that i hadn't realized i'd missed, we walked out of the building, a good distance a way from the station. 

"What are you doing here?" his words were like a punch in the gut, they were cold and harsh. Did he really feel nothing for me anymore? "not your business" i responded, tearing my arm out of his hold, i already missed it. "Don't be like that" 

"like what? I don't see you for a year and all you have to say is 'what are you doing here', so i don't think i have any obligation to answer you" i walked away from him, he grabbed me again and i resisted the urge to shove him away. I looked at him properly, he was till the same but different, it was hard to believe it was the same person who came for me that day, who saved me, who held me, who loved me. Loved.

"What now?"

"You can't give it in"

"Give what?"

"That" he pointed to the folder in my hands"how do you know what it is?"he avoided my gaze, finally deciding to look at the ground.

"Its incriminating information on your father, isn't it?"i nodded "well it wont be enough, your father has strong people backing him. If you give that in, my father will also be involved"

"Your father? I don't care about him, if you want to protect him, that's up to you"

"I'm not protecting him, if my father gets called in by the police he will be quick to cover everything up, we need something to take them both down at the same time"

"Why would i trust you?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Why?" i ask, why does he want to help me?

"The same reason you are here, working against your father, if not that, trust what we used to have" 

"Used to? does that mean you don't love me anymore?" i asked bluntly. He didn't answer, i couldn't tell if that meant he did or he didn't but i wouldn't be the one hanging on.

"Good, i agree to work with you because i believe we have the same goal, besides, we were barely together anyway so i don't think that's a good enough reason" 

"Great" he said, his words sounded forced "okay" my phone buzzed in my pocket and i quickly answered it, it was my boyfriend. "Hey babe, what do you need?" the words came naturally, i'd almost forgotten Rune was standing right in front of me. I looked away from him, "okay, i'll see you tonight then" i hung up, stuffing the phone into my pocket.

"Who was it?"

"My boyfriend" obviously.

"Call me if you find anything" i went back to my car feeling worse than i'd ever felt. I let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding, i looked into the rear view mirror but he was gone. I slumped against the seat, staring at nothing in particular. I thought i was moving on with Daniel, i thought my feelings for Rune were finally going away, but seeing him today just brought everything back and i was at square one. Again. 


I slammed the car door shut, i couldn't believe it; he'd already moved on, as he should but i guess i still hoped that he still loved me, i know its selfish, i'm the one who left. But there isn't a day that goes by that don't think of him, but still, as long as my father is out there, with his influence and power, if he found out that i was with him, it wouldn't be long before he killed him. I don't know what i was thinking when i suggested we work together, seeing him today made me feel something other than dread and pain. For the past year, i felt like i was just an observer in my body, everything felt so dull, colorless. I took a deep breath, i need to stop. He had obviously moved on, he obviously doesn't love me as he did, so i should stop hanging onto him. The least i could do for him was to eliminate my father, then i could let go. 

His words still rang in my head, 'my boyfriend' he said it so naturally, so clearly, without any hesitation, as if he didn't have any feelings for me. It just made me hate that person, i wanted to remove whoever it was that was by his side, who got to kiss him, who got to touch him like i did. He was mine. Only mine. No one could have him but me, but he'd slipped right through my fingers, i was the one who pushed him away so i had no right to feel this way. I thought i was okay with it, that i'd be thankful to the person who got to take care of him, but i'd never thought it would happen. That he'd be someone else's, i guess i thought he still loves me. I was too naive.

I dug my nails into my palms, i really wanted to know who it was that took him from me. He couldn't be better than me. Could he? No, that wasn't possible. I just had to make to him see that he still loved me-No, that was wrong, wasn't it. Just because i still love him, i couldn't just selfishly take him if he didn't want me..but still, he is-STOP. This is for the best. After all, i did this for him, i couldn't let my father hurt him again. I drove home.


Thank you for reading, please continue reading and voting! I recommend you to listen to the song i have attached as the media for this chapter, its a really nice song.

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