Part 10

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Two weeks passed
Deku pov
Ah~~~ I don't know floaty,(Uraraka?) I feel like Shinsou has a deeper meaning then him just liking me you know. Like he is just dating me for his own gain in something.
Floaty- I can't really relate to that deku tsu loves me so much and I love her so I can't really put myself in your shoes
Deku-Yeah I get it thanks for listening Uraraka
Floaty- No problem Deku-kun
*deku has a received a text message*
I wonder who it's from
*deku opens phone*
He cheated on me.....

HEY GUYS IM ALIVE YES YES THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS, but I am slammed with homework and I am still working on my grammar so bare with me I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I think I did a good job with the cliff hanger. Anywho see you next chapter!

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