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Dear Diary,

I just want to die.

It might be my only escape.

Namjoon felt so guilty for not getting to Yoongi in time. He had been indecisive about what to buy for lunch. He didn't want to just buy the same cheap sandwiches as last time, but he didn't really know what kinds of food Yoongi liked. When he'd finally chosen something, he was about to head outside when he saw Jungkook enter the store. Upon asking why Jungkook had been outside, Jungkook just shook his head and said that Yoongi wasn't coming back. Namjoon had asked if Yoongi left early again, to which Jungkook nodded.

The realization of Jungkook's deed hit Namjoon when he saw Yoongi's car still there in the morning. After Jungkook drove Hoseok home, Namjoon stuck around, giving Seokjin a white lie of needing to have a private talk with their manager. Once Seokjin left as well, Namjoon started looking around for Yoongi."Hyung!" he called out, cupping his hands around his mouth."Yoongi-hyung!" Yoongi had to be around here somewhere, right? His car was still here, so where was he?"Yoongi-hyung! Where are you?!" He was so worried. What could Jungkook have done?


That caught Namjoon's ear, but it was quiet. He needed to hear it again to know where Yoongi was."Yoongi-hyung!"


Following the sound of Yoongi's voice and noticing the way it reverberated, Namjoon found himself standing in front of the dumpster."Jungkook put you in the dumpster?!" He was appalled. He hadn't thought that Jungkook would do something like this, but he supposed Jungkook was the most irrational person in their friend group."Hold on! I'm going to find something to stand on so I can pull you out!"

Looking around frantically, Namjoon grabbed anything he could find. While he was looking, he could hear Yoongi attempting to climb up the inside of the dumpster and failing. It was too high to try to climb, and it also was straight upward, not at any sort of climbable angle. Finding an old stool that had been thrown out, Namjoon took it to the dumpster and stepped up onto it. Now that he could see inside the dumpster, he wanted to cry at what he saw. It also made him angry.

It was easy to see that Yoongi had struggled for a while to get out of the dumpster before giving up and sobbing. The poor guy's eyes were bloodshot and puffy. There was a scrape on the right side of his forehead that had clearly bled, and he was absolutely filthy."Hyung, grab my hand." When Yoongi did as he was told and grabbed onto Namjoon's hand with both of his own, Namjoon began to pull as hard as he could, putting all of his strength into this.

"I'm sorry...that I'm heavy." Yoongi whimpered as he did his best to assist.

"You're not heavy." In fact, Yoongi was a lot lighter than Namjoon expected him to be. Still, he was a full-grown man, despite how skinny he was, so pulling him up like this was a bit difficult. Namjoon became fully alert and almost panicked when he heard a crack sound. The stool wasn't handling this well. If the stool broke, he had no doubt that he would drop Yoongi back down and have to find something else to stand on. Pulling Yoongi up further, his weight pressing down onto the stool more, Namjoon managed to get Yoongi over the rim of the dumpster.

Unfortunately, the stool didn't survive the success and broke, causing them both to fall to the ground. Namjoon, acting quickly, pulled Yoongi into his arms to protect him as they fell."Ah, fuck." he groaned when he hit the ground, scraping his elbow."Are you okay, Hyung?"

Yoongi, who was lying on top of Namjoon, felt terrible."Y-yeah, but you...Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay." Namjoon sat up as Yoongi scurried off of him to sit on his knees nearby."I'm sorry I didn't get you out of there sooner. Jungkook said you left. I shouldn't have believed him. I should have checked."

Yoongi shook his head then lowered his gaze like a kicked puppy, completely defeated."He thinks I hurt Hoseok. Everyone thinks that, don't they?"

Namjoon wanted to grab Yoongi's hand and give him some comfort, but he remembered how Yoongi had reacted to physical contact the other night, thinking about what Hoseok had done to him. So he resisted the desire, not wanting to scare him."That's what Hoseok told everyone. He said you got violent with him, so he hit you in self-defense. I didn't believe it, but the others do because they don't know the truth. And Jungkook, well..." Namjoon didn't know if he should tell Yoongi about this, but he figured the smaller guy needed to know."I guess he and Hoseok are, uh...an item. Seokjin-hyung and I saw them kissing, and I was told that Hoseok spent all of yesterday at Jungkook's house."

"So that's why he's so mad at me...More than the others, I mean." Yoongi didn't know how he felt about this. If Hoseok started getting involved with someone else, that might free Yoongi from some of the torment Hoseok put him through. Hoseok might get his sexual urges fulfilled elsewhere. However, if Hoseok had his sights set on Jungkook now, Yoongi feared that he might be grooming him to become the next victim of his abuse."Hoseok's just going to use him. I don't think he's capable of actually loving anyone."

"Hyung, we should get you home. You need to get cleaned up and take care of that scrape." Namjoon couldn't stand to see Yoongi like this. It was awful."I mean, my home. If that's okay with you."

Looking at Namjoon with puppy eyes, Yoongi wondered if he should do this."Your home..?"

Namjoon nodded and gave a reassuring smile."Yeah. You can get cleaned up without worrying about being bothered. It won't be a problem for me at all, so don't even worry about that."

"Okay." That sounded wonderful to Yoongi. He could get cleaned up without Hoseok yelling at him. He wouldn't have to worry about being touched by the man who disgusted him."But I...My bag is still in the break room, and I don't think I should go inside like this." Glancing down at himself, Yoongi knew he was filthy and smelly from being in the dumpster for hours."And I...I don't think I'm in good condition to drive."

"That's alright. I'll go back in and get it for you. Then, we can walk to my place. I live pretty close to here, so it won't take us long to get there." That sounded like the perfect solution to Namjoon."We can come back for your car later." Seeing Yoongi give one small nod of agreement, Namjoon rose to his feet."Wait out here. I'll be right back."

Yoongi watched Namjoon walk away then lifted a hand to lightly touch his forehead, feeling the dried blood from the scrape. He didn't even really know what he had scraped his forehead on. It must have happened when he'd fallen head-first into the dumpster. He didn't blame Jungkook for this. He blamed Hoseok, knowing that he must be manipulating Jungkook's feelings. That was something Yoongi knew about Hoseok; he was a very talented manipulator. He doubted that he was Hoseok's first victim.

When Namjoon came back outside with Yoongi's bag, he smiled warmly."Let's get going. While you get cleaned up, I can make us something to eat." He wanted to be as welcoming as possible for Yoongi. The smaller guy needed as much comfort as he could get, and Namjoon was willing to give everything that he could provide. During their walk to his house, Namjoon did notice that Yoongi was beginning to limp a little from being sore and tired. He wished he could just scoop Yoongi up into his arms and carry him, but that would only serve to scare Yoongi, no doubt about that.

Yoongi was silent during their walk, feeling embarrassed and humiliated whenever they passed by anyone. He felt disgusting, being covered in the grime and stench from the dumpster. He was rather relieved when they reached Namjoon's home."You're really sure that this is okay?"

"Absolutely." Unlocking the front door, Namjoon opened it and allowed Yoongi to enter first. Then, he stepped inside and closed the door."I'll get you some clean clothes real quick. After your shower, I'll put your clothes in the washer."










"No, I'm serious. I just saw them enter Namjoon's house together."

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