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Dear Diary,

Namjoon is so kind.

I'm thankful for him.

Showering in Namjoon's house was very awkward for Yoongi, but it was also relaxing. He didn't have to worry about Hoseok barging in to join him or give unwanted advances. As he showered, it sank into his mind that he was going to need to think of something to tell Hoseok. There was no doubt in his mind that Hoseok knew what Jungkook had done. When he'd return home, Yoongi would need to think of an explanation to tell Hoseok of how he got cleaned up.

Something that gave Yoongi comfort was the fact that the bathroom door was locked securely. At home, he was forbidden to lock the bathroom door for any reason. It was definitely nice to have some security as he got out of the shower and used a plush towel to dry himself. It made Yoongi want to cry again. He hated how often he cried, but he couldn't help it. Being in such a fragile state and stuck in a painful situation, even the smallest amount of kindness brought him to tears.

Once he was dry, Yoongi put on the clothes he was borrowing from Namjoon and frowned when he realized that Namjoon had given him a short-sleeve shirt. His hand touched his bare forearm as he sighed. He had needed to take off his dirtied bandage before showering. What was he going to use to cover his arm now? Unlocking the bathroom door, Yoongi opened it and stepped out into the hallway. Which way was the living room? He'd passed it earlier when Namjoon had shown him where the bathroom was located, but he couldn't remember."Namjoon..?"

Namjoon heard the soft call of his name and poked his head out of the kitchen, looking down the hall."I'm in here, Hyung." He returned to the stove, where he was boiling some chopped vegetables.

Yoongi padded his way down the hall and into the kitchen, standing near the doorway awkwardly. He felt so shy. He wasn't used to being in another person's house. He wasn't used to being somewhere without Hoseok. He certainly wasn't used to having a friend. Wait, was Namjoon his friend? He didn't know."I'm sorry..."

Hearing that apology, Namjoon looked over at Yoongi with confusion."About what?"

"I should have asked before using your shampoo and soap." Yoongi had needed to get clean and used things that didn't belong to him. That was always against the rules.

That made Namjoon chuckle."It's fine. I'm glad you were able to enjoy a nice shower. Your comfort is my first priority right now."

Yoongi stiffened up."Really?"

"Yup. I'll do all that I can right now to help you feel better. A shower, clean clothes, food, anything you need." Turning off the burner he was using, Namjoon smiled at the smell of the vegetables."I hope you like vegetables. I made plenty." Turning to face Yoongi, he almost panicked at the sight of the smaller guy rubbing his eyes and clearly starting to cry."Shit, did I upset you? If I did, I'm really sorry." Namjoon rushed closer to Yoongi and tried to figure out what he had done to make the other cry.

"Namjoon, you're..." Yoongi sniffled as his lips quivered."You're so kind."

A smile found its way onto Namjoon's lips at those shaky words."I'm just doing the right thing." Taking a chance and hoping he wouldn't scare Yoongi, Namjoon reached out and gently pat the other guy's head. To his pleasure, Yoongi didn't flinch."Is there anything else I can do for you right now to make you more comfortable?"

Yoongi lowered his hands away from his face and curled his arms close to his chest."Um...Can I...have a different shirt?" he asked as he shifted his gaze to the side."A long-sleeve shirt please?"

"Long-sleeve?" Being that it was fairly warm in his home, Namjoon didn't understand until he noticed what Yoongi seemed to be trying to hide."Yeah, of course. I'll get you one then serve our breakfast. Hang on just one second." He didn't want to draw attention to what he had seen, knowing it would just make Yoongi uncomfortable. Instead, he just walked out of the kitchen and to his bedroom. Namjoon figured he should have known that was a likely possibility. The only good thing he could draw from the sight of those cuts on Yoongi's forearm were that they appeared to be almost healed. They weren't too recent. Still, he understood why Yoongi would want to cover them.

As Namjoon was fetching a different shirt for him, Yoongi stepped over to the stove and looked into the pan of boiled vegetables, his mouth watering. He couldn't really smell them though as he sniffled. Crying often gave him a stuffy nose. The sight of the boiled carrots, corn, caulifour, and onions made his stomach grumble. He immediately whipped his gaze toward the doorway when Namjoon returned with a shirt for him."Thank you."

"No problem." Handing the shirt to Yoongi, Namjoon couldn't resist smiling."I'll finish breakfast and get it served. We can eat in the living room and watch some TV."

Feeling more at ease, Yoongi left the kitchen to head back to the bathroom. He didn't feel comfortable changing his shirt in front of Namjoon, which he supposed was understandable. So he changed shirts in the bathroom. With a long-sleeve shirt on, he felt more comfortable.

Namjoon was very pleased with the breakfast he made for himself and Yoongi. Most things he knew how to cook, he had learned from Seokjin. He used to be completely inept at cooking until Seokjin gave him some tips and lessons. He felt so proud of himself, not just for cooking breakfast though. He was doing the right thing. He was helping someone in need. Yoongi needed all the help he could get, and Namjoon wanted to provide it. Fetching a carton of eggs from the fridge, Namjoon smiled when Yoongi came back into the kitchen."Do you like eggs, Hyung?"

"Yeah." Yoongi loved eggs. That was one of his favorite things to eat in the morning.

"I'll fry a few eggs, then breakfast will be ready. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable in the living room. Pick a show, anything you want to watch." Namjoon got out his skillet and carefully cracked an egg into it, making sure to not accidentally bust the yolk.


"Yup. Anything you want." Namjoon knew it would help Yoongi gain a little confidence if he got to have some control, even over something as simple as choosing what they would watch while they ate."The living room is to the left."

This gave Yoongi a sort of rush he wasn't used to feeling. He could pick what they watched? He was not used to being treated so kindly, and he had no idea how he would repay Namjoon. Going to the living room, Yoongi bit his lower lip as he found the TV remote on the sofa. What would Namjoon want in return for these deeds? Sure, Namjoon had said before that Yoongi didn't need to repay him, but that didn't make sense to Yoongi. Nothing was free, right? But what did Yoongi even have that he could give? His body? Did Namjoon want that? Was that the goal of all this kindness? Yoongi shook his head to push away those thoughts. He wanted to trust Namjoon. He wanted to believe that Namjoon wasn't just doing this to use him.

It took about ten more minutes for Namjoon to make his way to the living room with two plates in his hands; each topped with two fried eggs, a hefty pile of vegetables, and a fork."I accidentally busted one of the yolks." he said with defeat."So you can pick which plate you want."

Looking at the two plates, Yoongi pointed to the one with the busted yolk."It's tasty to dip the veggies in the yolk."

"My mom does that." Namjoon preferred to keep his foods separated unless he specifically intended to mix them, and he didn't want to mix the eggs and vegetables.

"My mom does too." Yoongi couldn't even find words to describe how much he missed his parents. He wished he could go back to Daegu and be with them right now, but he still didn't have any money. He couldn't run away from Hoseok without getting his money back, could he?

Namjoon placed the plates onto the coffee table and saw what Yoongi had chosen for them to watch."Cartoons?"

"Should I switch to something else?" Yoongi asked, getting a sudden bout of nervousness. Did Namjoon not like cartoons? Was it bad to turn on something so childish?

"No, no, this is fine. I like cartoons." Judging by Yoongi's reaction, Namjoon could only speculate that Hoseok probably didn't like it whenever Yoongi watched cartoons."I'll get a couple glasses of milk then watch with you."

Yoongi pulled his feet up onto the couch and curled his legs to his chest. He remembered the last time he had tried to watch cartoons at home. Hoseok had yelled at him for being childish. Yoongi just really liked cartoons. He liked the nostalgia he got from them, thinking of bygone times when he would curl up and watch cartoons with his parents as a child. He wished he could be a kid again. He wished he could have his innocence back. Yoongi wanted to only give his body to someone who would respect him and treat him with tenderness. He felt like Hoseok ruined him, took away every ounce of the purity he once had before their toxic relationship began. After all, Hoseok was his first.

Returning to the living room with the two glasses of milk, Namjoon placed them by their plates."After we eat, I'll start a load of laundry and put your clothes in the washer with some of mine. I hope you don't mind hanging out here for a bit. I'm sure it's better than leaving in dirty clothes."

Not knowing what to say, Yoongi grabbed his plate and shoved a bite of egg into his mouth, earning a chuckle from Namjoon. This was something he noticed. Whenever he didn't answer the other, Namjoon didn't get mad at him. On the contrary, Namjoon would laugh and smile at him. His lack of an answer was accepted, and he really needed that. Being able to say nothing and not be smacked for it was a blessing for Yoongi. As he began to basically shovel food into his mouth, he didn't even notice that Namjoon's eyes were stuck on him instead of the cartoons.

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