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At work, Yoongi did his best to just ignore everyone, as usual. He knew something was going to happen. Everything was too quiet. A couple hours passed into the shift, and nothing had happened yet, so he was super suspicious. He would normally be bothered by now with a mess to clean up or getting 'accidentally' bumped by a cart or box. Even when lunch time came around, nothing had happened.

It should have been a relief that no one was bothering him, but Yoongi was too used to being harassed and bullied that the calmness of the night gave him anxiety. Heading outside to wait for Namjoon, he got into his car and locked the doors. To make things easier for himself, he'd stopped bringing his small bag to work. He now kept his phone and keys in his pockets. He also no longer brought the occasional nutrition bar Hoseok used to allow. He wasn't allowed anymore because he was 'misbehaving' by having lunch with Namjoon.

As he sat in his car, Yoongi started the engine and turned the heat on a low setting. It was a bit chilly tonight, and he wanted the car to be warm for Namjoon. Pulling out his phone, Yoongi turned on some classical music to calm his nerves. He didn't have his earbuds with him today, having left them at home this morning when he'd gone to Namjoon's house. He just really needed something to help him feel calmer. His anxiety was terrible as he thought of what Hoseok and Jungkook might have planned for him, probably including Jimin. He could only be thankful that Taehyung never got involved in the harassment. It would be so much worse if he got involved too. Three against one was already bad enough.

It brought some relief to Yoongi when he saw Namjoon come out of the store and approach his car. He unlocked the doors and motioned for Namjoon to get into the passenger seat, which he did."It's cold out, so we can eat in here tonight."

"Oh, great." Namjoon smiled and got himself situated in the passenger seat, shopping bag on his lap."I actually got us something warm tonight." Reaching into the bag, he pulled something out and gave it to Yoongi."It's a bit hot, so be careful." he warned."It's a burrito. I heated it up in the break room's microwave. That's what took me so long."

"Thank you." Yoongi could smell the delicious burrito from within its vented plastic wrap.

Namjoon watched Yoongi slip the burrito out of the plastic wrap then looked toward his phone that was atop the dashboard."Are you okay? You said before that this music calms your nerves. Have the others bothered you tonight?"

"No, they haven't, which is what's worrying me." It was very unnerving to think of what might be planned."I almost wish they'd hurry up and do whatever they're planning and get it over with. I feel like a sitting duck, just waiting for them to have another so-called accident."

"Do you want me to ask Sooyoung-noona to let me work in your area for the rest of the night?" Namjoon didn't feel comfortable with Yoongi being alone while he was clearly anxious. He wanted to be near him and make sure he'd be okay.

However, Yoongi shook his head."No, I cause enough trouble for you already. I don't want to cause more by working with you."

"Yoongi-hyung, you aren't causing any trouble for me. None of this is your fault." Pulling his own burrito out of the shopping bag, Namjoon slipped it out of its plastic wrap."I wouldn't be helping you if I didn't want to. I care about you a lot and want to do everything within my power to protect you."

Moving his burrito up near his face, Yoongi pouted."Don't say stuff like that so freely. You're gonna make me cry." he said before taking a bite of his burrito. He knew it hadn't gone unnoticed by Namjoon that he got teary whenever the kind man said such sweet things to him.

"Sorry." Namjoon chuckled as he watched Yoongi eat the first bite of his burrito."So, uh, what song is this?" he asked as he motioned toward Yoongi's phone."It's amazing."

After chewing and swallowing the bite of burrito, Yoongi licked his lips."Fantasie-Impromptu Opus 66 by Fredich Chopin. It's one of my favorites."

"It sounds wonderful. I've never heard this one. I've heard a couple of his nocturnes though." Namjoon wished his love of classical music was a match for Yoongi's, but the other clearly knew more than he did.

"I like to take naps to the sound of his nocturnes." Of course, Yoongi didn't get to take naps often because Hoseok would yell at him and call him lazy, but whenever he got the chance, he liked to take naps while listening to Chopin's nocturnes.

Reaching into the bag again, Namjoon pulled out a bottle of Coke, holding it out to Yoongi."I forgot to give you a drink. Here. I bought Cokes for us."

Holding his burrito in one hand, Yoongi accepted the Coke with the other."Are you sure it's not a problem for you to buy lunch for me all the time? I feel bad." He wished he could buy his own lunch and stop costing Namjoon so much money, but he couldn't get his own money away from Hoseok.

"It's no problem at all. I promise." Leaning over, Namjoon softly pecked Yoongi's cheek."Since I live alone, the only person I'm responsible for is myself. So I can afford to buy your lunch. Please don't feel bad about it." He pulled the second bottle of Coke out of the shopping bag for himself and smiled."Besides, I really like buying lunch for you. It makes me feel good." Looking at Yoongi again, Namjoon didn't even attempt to stifle the laugh that seeped out from him when he saw the other guy start devouring his burrito at full speed. He loved that about Yoongi. The smaller guy definitely enjoyed food.


Yoongi was feeling so much better after lunch. The burrito and Coke had been delicious and filling. Namjoon had been sweet, as always. Though, Yoongi had rejected Namjoon's request for a kiss, thinking a burrito-flavored kiss might be weird, which Namjoon understood. They had talked a bit about the information Seokjin had told Namjoon before work, but Yoongi couldn't really do much with it. He still needed to think of a way to get evidence on his own.

Even as he worked, Yoongi tried to think of ways he could get Hoseok's camera without being caught. How could he get hold of Hoseok's phone and possibly delete that sex video? He still had the text that Hoseok had sent to him, but he was really hoping to not have to use that as his evidence. Could that even work though? Texts could be faked, and that video was 'willing' sex. Of course Hoseok wouldn't be dumb enough to threaten to post a video of obvious rape.

Sighing, Yoongi absentmindedly climbed up a ladder that was kept in a corner of his area. He needed it to properly straighten and stock the higher shelves sometimes. While on the ladder, Yoongi began to straighten up the merchandise on the top shelf, pulling items forward to make it easier for customers to reach.

"Jimin-hyung, you're going too fast."

Jungkook's voice snapped Yoongi out of his thoughts. Looking in the direction of it, he saw Jungkook and Jimin walking together with a very long box that appeared to be pretty heavy. Jimin was in front of Jungkook, walking backwards with the end of the box in his hands. Jungkook was struggling to keep up, despite being taller and able to take longer strides. He couldn't really take those long strides while holding this box in front of himself.

Spotting Yoongi up ahead, Jungkook called out to him."Yoongi-hyung, help us with this box. It's heavy."

Yoongi knew he shouldn't go near them, but what if they really needed his help? The box did look heavy, and it would be easier if the three of them worked together. He bit his lower lip when the two other guys stopped near his ladder.

"Come on, Hyung." Jimin said with a slight whine in his tone."It's too heavy." He held back a smirk as Yoongi started to come down from the ladder to assist them.

A groan slipped out from Jungkook when Jimin started to sway the heavy box slightly."Jimin-hyung, stop. I'm gonna drop it." Sometimes, Jimin irritated Jungkook whenever he got in his 'troublemaker' mood. His groan only seemed to encourage Jimin, who swayed the box more, making Jungkook lose his balance and fall to the side, dropping the box.

It was a disastrous crash when Jungkook fell against the ladder and knocked it over, Yoongi hitting the floor beside it. He cried out in pain from the impact and sat up, instinctively cradling his arm, which hurt the most.

As Yoongi cried in pain, Jimin dropped his end of the box and held up his hands defensively."It was an accident."

Jungkook felt like panicking. This wasn't the way things were supposed to happen. Yoongi wasn't supposed to actually get hurt."Shit! Hyung, are you okay?!" He knew he shouldn't care about Yoongi, but what kind of monster would he be if he didn't care about the clear injury he just caused? This felt way worse than the dumpster incident. He knelt down by Yoongi, who scooted away from him, which was understandable."Jimin-hyung, get Sooyoung-noona!"

"How about no?" Sure, this wasn't what they had planned at all, but Jimin regretted nothing. Perhaps he was heartless in this situation and finally showing it. He didn't care about Yoongi. He didn't care because he only listened to Hoseok and no one else.

"Jimin-hyung!" Jungkook yelled after his supposed friend as he walked away. Being panicked and unable to think of another solution, Jungkook reached out and grabbed Yoongi, pulling the smaller male into his arms and lifting him up.

"P-pu-put me down!" Even though he was clearly hurt, Yoongi didn't want to be in the arms of someone who hated him. At least he wasn't over Jungkook's shoulder this time.

As fast as he could, Jungkook ran to the manager's office. Sooyoung was always there, doing paperwork and scheduling and whatnot."Sooyoung-noona!" Jungkook shouted as he neared the office."Yoongi-hyung's hurt!"

Sooyoung poked her head out of the office and saw Jungkook with Yoongi in his arms."Bring him in here. Sit him down." She motioned toward a chair then retrieved a sheet of paper from a file cabinet, a form."We have to fill out an incident report and determine if you need medical treatment, okay, Yoongi?" She watched with concern as Yoongi nodded with tears falling down his cheeks, in much pain."I'm going to need you both to explain what happened."

A/N: Fantasie-Impromptu is a personal favorite of mine. 10/10 recommend.


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