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"Do you just enjoy inconveniencing everyone?"

Yoongi kept his gaze low, shaking his head as he was sitting on the couch at home. He had been home for only half an hour before Hoseok returned from work, having spent some time at the hospital after Sooyoung determined that Yoongi needed medical attention.

"Manager Choi had to call another manager to drive you to the hospital. Not only did you inconvenience me by making me walk home this morning, but you also made another shift's manager get out of bed to drive you to the hospital because injured employees have to be accompanied by a manager, and there has to be a manager in the store at all times. You kept Jungkook away from his tasks to answer all of Manager Choi's questions. Then, she had to pull Jimin away from his tasks to answer the same damn questions. You ruined everyone's night." Hoseok had his hands on his hips, tapping his foot on the floor with irritation."The only thing you did right was tell her it was all an accident. Thanks to that, no one got in trouble."

Hoseok's words were making Yoongi feel like a complete idiot. He inconvenienced everyone with his injury. So many people were kept from their tasks--and even sleep--because of him."It was just an accident, Hoseok."

"Well, because of your accident, we'll be walking to work until your arm heals, you useless bitch." Extending an arm, Hoseok smacked the side of Yoongi's head, which Yoongi just took without resistance."How long is it going to be like that anyway?"

Yoongi looked down at his right arm, in a cast and sling."The doctor said the cast will be taken off in six weeks."

"Six whole weeks?" Letting out a groan of frustration, Hoseok rolled his eyes."Unbelievable. You're even more useless than before now. You better not think this means you can be lazy." Leaning down, Hoseok pressed a rough kiss to Yoongi's lips before biting his bottom lip, earning a whimper of pain."You need to apologize for inconveniencing me." However, when he tried to maneuver Yoongi onto his back on the couch, he was met with his boyfriend's left hand pressing to his chest to stop him.

"Seokie, please stop." Yoongi didn't want this. He was scared of being hurt more than he already was."Please. My arm's broken. Can't I rest? If it gets hurt more, the cast will have to stay on longer."

The only thing that stopped Hoseok from smacking Yoongi and continuing was the fact that he didn't want to lengthen the amount of time the cast was needed."Fine." Giving up for now, Hoseok seated himself on the couch beside Yoongi and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV."We'll watch TV for a bit then get something to eat."

"Can I lay down for a while?" Not wanting to be next to Hoseok, Yoongi needed an excuse to get away, but there wasn't much the other would allow. Watching TV with Hoseok never stayed calm. Yoongi knew Hoseok would wait until he was distracted or until he got too bored, then he'd begin to touch Yoongi, and that was unwanted.

"No, stop trying to be lazy." Hoseok wanted to punish Yoongi. He wanted to subject him to things he didn't want. It brought Hoseok pleasure and joy to watch Yoongi squirm."I even have something special for us to watch."

Looking at Hoseok, Yoongi saw him get out his phone and connect it to the TV, selecting a video in his gallery. What played made Yoongi wish he could crawl into a hole and never come out. It was the sex video. He didn't want to watch that.

"Look at how well you take my cock." Hoseok said with a smile on his face."You take it deep, moaning like a whore." He chuckled as he watched the sex video."It's hard to believe you were a virgin before we got together. Maybe you weren't. Maybe you lied about that."

Yoongi turned his gaze away and squeezed his eyes shut."I didn't lie." he mumbled, feeling gross as he could hear everything perfectly. The moans of pleasure from both of them, the slapping of skin on skin, the slight creaking of the bed. He heard the volume increase, courtesy of Hoseok with the remote.

Hoseok licked his lips as he watched the video."You slutty little whore. You become nothing more than a cock sleeve when you're horny. You sound so good when you moan my name." Slipping a hand between Yoongi's legs, Hoseok started rubbing the smaller guy's crotch."Don't you want to feel that pleasure, Hyung? You'll moan my name, won't you?"

Feeling disgusted and tired of being used as his abuser's sex toy, Yoongi pushed Hoseok's hand away."I'll never moan your name again." he said with such a shaky tone."I'll...I'll moan for Namjoon." He knew that would anger Hoseok. Maybe that was what he wanted. Maybe he wanted Hoseok to get pissed off. Whenever he got too angry, Hoseok messed up, and that could be Yoongi's chance to get a little evidence.

"You whore!" Lashing out at those words, Hoseok dropped his phone and the remote, using both hands to grab Yoongi's throat.

Yoongi was quick to kick Hoseok away. That truly scared him. Hoseok had never gone for his throat before. In fear for his safety, Yoongi got up and ran from the living room as fast as he could. He fell into a complete panic as he heard Hoseok running after him. He went directly to the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it, the thing he was never allowed to do.

When Hoseok reached the bathroom, he slammed his fist against the door, pounding on it."Open this door right now! You know you're not allowed to lock it!"

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Yoongi wished he could call Namjoon. He wished he could call for help. If he called the police, he had no doubt Hoseok would just make this look like a dumb argument to the officers who would arrive. This would be labeled as a simple domestic dispute, and the officers would leave. Getting an idea, Yoongi activated his phone's mic to start recording.

"Open the fucking door, Hyung!" Hoseok shouted as he continued to bang his fist against the door."You can't stay in there forever! And when you come out, I'm gonna kick your ass! I'm gonna make you regret being such a worthless sack of shit!"

Yoongi was too scared to remain here. He had to get out. Recording these mean shouts from Hoseok should be enough to show his true self to someone, right? In a desperate need to escape from his current situation, Yoongi hurried to the window. He had always hated that there was a window in the bathroom, but it was his escape route now. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he opened the window with a little trouble. Once it was fully open, Yoongi did his best to climb out, slipping and falling out instead. After hitting the grassy ground, he scrambled to his feet and started running. He had to get away, and he knew Hoseok wouldn't dare chase him outdoors. With no thoughts but escape in his mind, Yoongi ran.


A frantic pounding on the door scared Namjoon enough to make him drop his bowl of ramen on the floor as he'd been making his way to the living room. Cautiously, he stepped over to the front door as the pounding persisted."Who is it?!" he called out, not wanting to open the door if a lunatic was on the other side.

"Namjoon, it's me! Please let me in!"

Hearing Yoongi's voice, Namjoon quickly unlocked and opened the front door, Yoongi pushing past him to get inside."Hyung, what happened?" Namjoon closed the door and re-locked it. He knew something really bad must have happened. Just by looking at Yoongi, he knew his hyung had needed to make a hasty escape."Let's go to the living room and sit down. Your feet must hurt." He was highly concerned at the fact that Yoongi was barefoot and had no jacket to protect him from the chilly weather.

Yoongi wasn't able to make himself walk to the living room though. Now that he was in Namjoon's house, he sank to his knees on the floor and broke down into sobs."Na-Namjoon..." He had been so terrified. Hoseok always made him fear for his safety, but this time, he'd feared for his life. That had been the first time Hoseok had grabbed his throat, and it sent a wave of deep panic through Yoongi."I-I'm scared..."

Namjoon was quick to kneel down and pull Yoongi into an embrace, careful of his broken arm."I've got you. You're safe." He kissed the side of Yoongi's head, near his temple."You're safe here." Getting an idea, he scooped the smaller male into his arms and carried him to the kitchen."Let's get you cleaned up a bit." He gently set Yoongi onto a chair then fetched a large pot, a bowl, and a clean rag. He filled the large pot with hot water--but not too hot--and set it on the floor near Yoongi."Put your feet in here. Let them soak. It'll relieve any pain you might feel."

Sobbing and unable to do anything else, Yoongi put his feet into the pot of hot water. It really was soothing. His feet were sore and cold, so the water felt nice. He lowered his gaze and hung his head low, trembling. He was cold and coming down from the adrenaline boost he'd felt while running away from Hoseok. He flinched slightly when something wet touched the side of his neck.

"Shh, it's okay." Namjoon spoke low and soft. The rag was in his hand, gently pressed to the side of Yoongi's neck."You're safe. You're okay." The bowl had been filled with hot water and placed on the table. Namjoon pulled a chair closer to Yoongi and seated himself. Dipping the rag into the bowl, he wrung it out a little then dabbed it against Yoongi's neck to soothe him and help him get warm.

As Namjoon tended to him gently, Yoongi's sobs gradually died down. He was safe with Namjoon. The taller man was like a guardian angel, making Yoongi feel so warm and protected."Namjoon, please..." Lifting his left hand up, Yoongi grabbed Namjoon's hand with shaky fingers.

Something inside Namjoon stirred when their eyes met."Hyung." The way Yoongi was looking at him unlocked a desire he couldn't unleash right now. Yoongi was vulnerable and seeking comfort. Namjoon could give it to him, but..."I can't. I won't take advantage of you." With a soft smile, he pecked Yoongi's forehead."I'll comfort you all you want but not like that. Not yet." As tempting as it was to deflower Yoongi and erase his pain with pleasure, Namjoon had more control than that."Let's clean you up a bit then turn on some low music and rest."

Still teary and shaky but no longer sobbing, Yoongi gave a single nod of agreement. He could really use some rest."Will you...rest with me..?"

"I can do that." Namjoon focused on soothing Yoongi with the damp rag, successfully ignoring the quivering lips that silently begged for his own. He couldn't give in to such desires. He needed to make sure Yoongi was alright. Maybe they could do such things once Yoongi would be in a proper state of mind.

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