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It was a little past two in the afternoon when Namjoon awoke to the faint sound of his phone vibrating atop his nightstand. He didn't want to move to grab it when he remembered that Yoongi was in bed with him, the smaller guy's head resting on Namjoon's arm. It hadn't taken long earlier for Yoongi to fall asleep while the soft music played lowly. Namjoon had made sure to turn on nocturnes by Chopin, recalling that Yoongi liked to take naps to those. He waited for a while after Yoongi fell asleep then turned off the music, letting himself fall asleep as well.

As his phone continued to vibrate, clearly a call, Namjoon drifted away into his thoughts, no intention of answering whoever wanted to speak to him right now. Why would he move and speak, risking that he would most likely wake Yoongi? He didn't want to do that. Yoongi looked so precious as he slept. It hurt Namjoon deeply to see Yoongi in so much distress, so he wished to keep Yoongi peaceful like this for as long as possible.

Namjoon's gaze traveled down to Yoongi's dark blue cast. He'd heard about the accident from Sooyoung, but he couldn't help but wonder if it really was an accident. He knew Yoongi wouldn't dare to get Hoseok's friends in trouble, probably fearing that such a thing would anger Hoseok. Shifting his gaze to stare up at the ceiling as he was lying on his back, Namjoon wished there was more he could do. He felt like a failure. He wanted to rescue Yoongi from his awful situation, be his hero, his knight in shining armor. How was he supposed to do that?

It came to Namjoon's mind that he kept making promises to save Yoongi, but he didn't actually know how. Was he giving Yoongi false hope? Was he going to let Yoongi down? Was it really okay for Yoongi to trust him? Truthfully, Namjoon was scared of failing. He was aware that Yoongi's situation worsened when he got involved. If he failed to save Yoongi from Hoseok, things would be worse than if he had just never gotten involved.

Raddling his brain for quite a while, Namjoon knew he had to do something to keep Yoongi out of harm's way while his arm was healing. Maybe he even knew what he could do. Realizing that his phone had stopped vibrating, he took a chance and stretched out his free arm to try to grab it, struggling to keep himself as still as possible to not disturb Yoongi. That didn't quite work though.

"Namjoon..." Yoongi mumbled groggily, eyes not even opening.

"I'm not going anywhere." Namjoon whispered to him, not wanting to speak loudly and cause him to wake up further."Go back to sleep, Hyung." Stretching his arm out for the phone again, it became more difficult when Yoongi adjusted himself to move his head closer to Namjoon's shoulder.

Yoongi attempted to ask what Namjoon was doing, but he was half-asleep and failed to properly form the words, every syllable morphing together in a sleep-laced slur. He was whisked back away to dreamland before there was even a chance for Namjoon to respond.

It was hard for Namjoon to hold back a chuckle. He thought Yoongi was simply too cute. Giving up on grabbing his phone, he wrapped his arms loosely around Yoongi, holding him close while being mindful of his broken arm. As he held the smaller guy, Namjoon was certain that he would never forgive himself if he failed to save Yoongi.


The blaring sound of Namjoon's alarm scared the living hell out of both of them that night. They both sat up too quickly and conked their heads together, Namjoon groaning 'shit' at the same time Yoongi whimpered 'fuck.' Reaching over with poor coordination, Namjoon tried to grab the alarm but ended up smacking it off the nightstand.

"Make it stop..." Yoongi wasn't used to waking up to such a loud alarm. His usual alarm wasn't this obnoxious.

Namjoon reached down to the floor and grabbed the alarm, successfully turning it off this time. When he fixed himself upright again, he looked at Yoongi and saw him using his left hand to wipe his mouth while staring.

Where was he staring? At Namjoon. Why? Well, Yoongi had evidently drooled all over his shoulder."I, um..." He was obviously super embarrassed."Sorry."

"It's fine." Namjoon wasn't really bothered by it. He tended to drool while sleeping well sometimes too. He just took it as a sign that Yoongi's sleep had been great.

Now that he was a little more awake, Yoongi sighed and looked at the alarm, seeing the time."We have to get ready for work now, don't we?" It wasn't really needed for him to say that he didn't want to go.

At that, Namjoon shook his head."You don't have to go. In fact, I think you should stay here. I'll go to work and see what Hoseok's up to. I'll talk to Seokjin-hyung about a plan to get Taehyung on our side. He'll be a great help; I just know it. We just need to figure out how we're going to convince him."

"Um, I actually..." Yoongi trailed off as he leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed his phone from the floor. He had been too tired earlier when he'd remembered that it was still in his pocket and simply dropped it on the floor instead of asking Namjoon to put it on the nightstand."I have..." He opened up the media folder on his phone."I have this."

As much as Namjoon believed everything Yoongi told him about Hoseok and despite that one time he had heard Hoseok saying cruel things to the smaller guy, he was stabbed in the heart to hear the way Hoseok yelled at Yoongi in that recording. The anger in Hoseok's voice was clear as day."You recorded this before you came here?" Seeing Yoongi nod, he had a little more understanding of why his hyung had been so afraid."Can I know what happened?"

Yoongi turned off the recording and slumped his shoulders."Hoseok was mad at me for...inconveniencing everyone because of my arm. He said I needed to apologize to him. He wanted sex, but I stopped him. He turned on the TV instead, but he put on the...the sex video...of me and him." This was hard for Yoongi to say, and he didn't know if it was because of his fear or the embarrassment of telling Namjoon about the sex video."He turned the volume up loud and started calling me a whore. I hated to hear it. I hate to hear myself...having pleasure with him. It disgusts me."

"What happened after that?" Namjoon needed to know more. What led to Hoseok's angry shouts? What had scared Yoongi?

"He asked me if I would moan for him." Yoongi peeked at Namjoon then immediately lowered his gaze again."I told him...that I would moan for you...to, you know, piss him off." He gulped then continued."I knew he might make a mistake if he was angry, so I purposely made him mad. But...but he grabbed my throat." Yoongi looked at Namjoon and showed some fear in his expression as he thought about what had happened."He's never done that before. It scared me so much. I kicked him away and ran to the bathroom. Since I locked the door, he couldn't get to me, so he started hitting the door and shouting."

"That's when you recorded him?" When Yoongi nodded, Namjoon reached over and lightly placed a hand atop Yoongi's."How did you get out of there?"

With a pounding heart, Yoongi felt his anxiety rising."I climbed out the window. Well...I guess I fell out. I couldn't balance myself well because of my arm. Then, I ran here."

"You're safe here. He can't hurt you as long as you're here." This gave Namjoon an idea."Will you send that recording to me? I know you said we can't text each other because Hoseok checks your phone, but if you stay here, he can't do anything about it."

"Are you going to show it to Taehyung?"


"O-okay." Knowing that this could get him in big trouble whenever he would go back to Hoseok, Yoongi agreed to send the recording to Namjoon. With an exchange of numbers, he sent the media file via text, hoping it would be enough to gain him another ally.

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