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Namjoon's mind didn't know where to focus as he worked. Quite a few things were whirling around in his head. First, there was what Yoongi had told him. There was the recording of Hoseok's angry shouts. An image of Yoongi was stuck in his mind, silently pleading for him to stay home from work. Namjoon had wished he could stay home with Yoongi, but there were a couple reasons why he didn't. If he had stayed home, who would show the recording to Taehyung and try to get him on their side? Sure, maybe Seokjin could do it, but Namjoon hadn't wanted to place this important task on Seokjin's shoulders, no matter their width.

The second reason why Namjoon couldn't stay home was Yoongi. He couldn't get it out of his head how vulnerable and desperate Yoongi had looked when it came time for him leave. It was understandable that Yoongi didn't want to be left alone, but Namjoon could tell what would have happened if he had chosen to stay. His will power was running thin at the sight of the smaller guy, so pretty and tempting. To keep himself from giving in to the desire to make advances on Yoongi, Namjoon had even rejected a kiss from him. Maybe Yoongi knew how they were both feeling and tried to use a kiss to pull Namjoon into submission, persuade him to stay home. Namjoon wouldn't be surprised if that had been the plan. After all, Yoongi was definitely not dumb.

Another thing in Namjoon's mind was Seokjin's reaction to hearing the recording. Namjoon had played it for him during their walk to work. If Seokjin had had any doubt before, it was gone now, most certainly. The older man had looked like he might burst into tears as he'd finally heard Hoseok's true nature with his own ears. It had been discussed that they needed to get Taehyung to hear the recording and an explanation of the situation, but they needed to get him alone. How were they going to get him away from the others without getting caught?

Thinking about his phone again, Namjoon remembered the missed call from the afternoon. He had no intention of talking to the one who had called him, which had been Hoseok. The cruel abuser had probably been trying to find out if Yoongi was at Namjoon's house. Or maybe he had a more nefarious reason for calling. Either way, Namjoon didn't want to talk to him.

While working, Namjoon did notice Hoseok pass by his area a couple times, once alone and once with Jungkook at his side. He wished he knew more about the accident that broke Yoongi's arm. He wanted to know exactly what happened. Was it really an accident? Did Jungkook purposely hurt Yoongi? Was it possibly Jimin's fault? Namjoon couldn't help but be suspicious because of the dumpster incident. He didn't want to believe that Jungkook was a bad person, but he knew that the youngest of the group was being manipulated by Hoseok.

"Earth to Namjoon." Seokjin said with a little annoyance. He'd been trying to get Namjoon's attention for a couple minutes, to no avail. As a last resort to be noticed, he flicked the side of Namjoon's head.

"Ow." Looking at the culprit, Namjoon pouted."What was that for?"

"I've been trying to get your attention, but you were spacing out, doofus." Seokjin crossed his arms over his chest and sighed."If you're going to be this blank all night, you could have stayed home with Yoongi. He'd probably feel safer with you anyway."

Slumping his shoulders, Namjoon shook his head."Hyung, I couldn't stay home with him. If I did, he wouldn't be resting. He's so cute, and it's taken all my self-control to not give in when he gives me that pleading gaze and..." He groaned."I just know that I would have given in and had sex with him if I stayed home."

"And that's a bad thing?" Seokjin rolled his eyes before uncrossing his arms."Namjoon, if you both want it, I'm sure it would be okay. There are enough problems already. Don't create another issue in your head by imagining that sex with Yoongi would be a bad idea."

"I don't suppose you're just trying to get me laid." Namjoon said with a perked eyebrow.

That earned a shrug."Maybe. I mean, this is the first time I've seen you show such interest in a guy. Since I've only ever seen you with girls, I started to doubt that you're bi, as you claim."

"I just have a preference for girls, Hyung. I'm still bi." Knowing that they were getting off topic, Namjoon started straightening up the bottles of mustard on the shelf near him."Yoongi-hyung's pretty. I'd be stupid to not want him. But he's also so much more than that. He relies on me. He trusts me. I haven't found anything about him that I dislike yet."

That made Seokjin smile. It had been a long time since he last heard Namjoon speak so fondly about someone."What's your favorite thing about him?"

That was easy to answer."I love the way he eats. When he really enjoys his food, he eats so fast that I can't help but wonder if he actually tastes the food. I know it's also probably because he's super hungry since Hoseok calls him fat when he eats around him, but I love watching him eat."

"For the sake of Yoongi being able to eat whenever he wants and never be called fat again, are you ready to show that recording to Taehyung?" Seokjin knew it would be best for them to do it tonight. The sooner, the better. When Namjoon nodded, he grabbed his wrist."Let's go then. Taehyung will be going to the restroom soon."

Confused, Namjoon cocked his head to the side."How do you know that?"

"For someone so observant, you sure miss some things." Seokjin tugged on Namjoon's arm to pull him out of the grocery aisle they'd been occupying."Taehyung is totally obsessed with a mobile game he's been playing for the past few weeks. He goes into the restroom every hour to play his game in one of the stalls. I guess it has timed stuff for him to do each hour."

"Ooh. What's the game?" Namjoon hadn't known about this. Though, he blamed the fact that he didn't talk to the rest of the group anymore.

"Stay focused, you dork. Let's go." As he pulled Namjoon along, Seokjin glanced around to make sure they wouldn't be spotted by anyone. He didn't want Jimin or Jungkook to tell Hoseok that he was helping Namjoon, and he didn't want Sooyoung to notice that they weren't doing their tasks. On their way to the restroom, he saw Taehyung ahead."There he is. Told ya." He pulled Namjoon into the restroom right after Taehyung went in there."Taehyung." he spoke to get his attention before he went into a stall."Can we talk to you for a minute?"

Taehyung looked at the two guys and didn't know if he should talk to them. He'd been told not to talk to Namjoon, that Namjoon was assisting Hoseok's abuser. He hadn't wanted to believe that, but he'd been convinced."Um, I really don't have time. I just need to use the restroom then get back to--"

"We know you came in here to play your mobile game, Tae." Seokjin interrupted with maybe a little bit of attitude.

With a sigh of defeat, Taehyung gave up rather easily. He wasn't that good at fighting back or rejecting people's requests."What do you need to talk to me about?" It didn't make sense to him that Namjoon would want to talk to him after what Taehyung had heard about him helping an alleged abuser.

Namjoon pulled his phone out of his pocket then looked at Seokjin."Should we explain first or show him the recording first?" He wanted to do this in the best way possible.

"Explain first." Seokjin knew Taehyung would want the explanation anyway.

"Explain what? What's going on?" Confusion was to be expected.

Clearing his throat quietly, Namjoon hoped he would be believed."Taehyung, everything Hoseok's told you is a lie."

"What?" Taehyung's expression showed more than confusion now. There was a hint of annoyance. He didn't want to be told that his friend was a liar. He believed Hoseok and wanted to support him. How dare Namjoon say that Hoseok was a liar?

Namjoon had expected disbelief at first though. It had been the same way with Seokjin."You probably haven't noticed since you've believed everything he's told you, but his and Yoongi-hyung's behavior don't match up with what he says."

Taehyung glanced at Seokjin, who was being quiet for this, then returned his gaze to Namjoon."What do you mean? How so?"

"Hoseok claims Yoongi-hyung abuses him and doesn't want him to have friends, yet he has friends and talks a lot. Yoongi-hyung, on the other hand, doesn't have friends and doesn't talk to anyone. Isn't that backwards?" Before Taehyung could respond, Namjoon continued."Haven't you noticed that Hoseok's situation hasn't gotten worse since Jimin and Jungkook started harassing Yoongi-hyung? An abuser would surely get angry about being harassed and take it out on their victim. If Hoseok was the victim, he'd be discouraging the harassment, but he's not. He's encouraging it. Yoongi-hyung's not the abuser, Taehyung. Hoseok is."

"Hoseok has deceived and used us." Seokjin spoke up."I didn't want to believe it at first either, but I've noticed the things Namjoon is saying. It's all true. Hoseok is using his friends to unknowingly help him abuse Yoongi."

This was a lot for Taehyung to take in all at once. Should he believe them? Why? Why were they saying all of this?"You're both crazy. I bet you've let Yoongi-hyung brainwash you or something. How can you prove any of this?"

"I have a recording, Taehyung." Namjoon unlocked his phone."You'll hear what Hoseok is really like. Don't take our word for it. Take his words." Playing the recording, he saw Taehyung's expression visibly twist then sink at the sound of Hoseok's angry shouts."He was shouting at Yoongi-hyung like this." Once the recording ended, Namjoon slipped his phone back into his pocket."Yoongi-hyung got so scared that he ran all the way to my house this morning without a jacket or even shoes. We haven't even told you the worst things Hoseok has done to him, but when we get the proof we need, we'll make sure Hoseok goes to jail for what he's done."

"I..." Taehyung didn't know what to make of this. It was a complete shock. Was that really Hoseok's voice in the recording? He had sounded like a totally different person. The smiley, happy, bright Hoseok sounded like an angry monster."I can't talk to you guys. I can't. Hoseok's my friend. I just..." Unable to form the correct words to express how he was feeling, Taehyung turned and rushed out of the restroom.

"Taehyung..!" Namjoon wanted to go after him, but Seokjin grabbed his wrist."Hyung, what are we going to do if he doesn't believe us?"

"Give him some time." Seokjin had needed time to come to terms with the shocking reality. He knew Taehyung would need time as well."He'll come back to us sooner or later if he believes the truth."

Namjoon lowered his gaze and clenched his hands into fists at his sides."I hope he believes us. We need his help. We need to save Yoongi-hyung and also Jungkook. Jungkook's been a jerk, but it's not entirely his fault. He's a victim too."

"We'll help Jungkook. If we can get the proof to get Hoseok arrested for what he's done, that'll save both of them." Seokjin placed a hand onto Namjoon's shoulder, knowing he needed a little emotional support right now.

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