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"Wait, they said what?" Jungkook was highly confused, and so was Jimin.

"I haven't said anything to Hoseok-hyung about it because I didn't want to upset him, but Namjoon-hyung and Seokjin-hyung are both believing Yoongi-hyung, I guess." Taehyung was trying to explain to Jungkook and Jimin what he'd been told, but it wasn't make much sense to him either.

Jimin moved his hands up to rub his temples dramatically."Let me get this straight. They told you that Hoseok-hyung is lying about everything, and Yoongi-hyung isn't the abuser?"

"Yeah. They said Hoseok-hyung is the abuser. I don't want to believe it because Hoseok-hyung is our friend. He wouldn't be such a horrible person, right?" Taehyung was desperate. He wanted proof that Hoseok wasn't a bad person, that their precious hyung wouldn't lie to them and use them all like pawns.

Jungkook had an idea of what might be happening though."You know, Yoongi-hyung was really quiet and polite when we were explaining the accident to Sooyoung-noona last night. Even though he could have gotten me and Jimin-hyung punished or even fired for being unsafe, he didn't." he explained."That confused me, so I asked Hoseokie-hyung about that behavior. He said that Yoongi-hyung acts like that in public to trick people into thinking he's shy, but he acts completely different at home. Hoseokie-hyung told me that we're the first people to believe him because Yoongi-hyung's act usually fools everyone into thinking he couldn't possibly be a bad person."

That was something Taehyung could believe, but there was something else."But, Jungkook, they had a recording of Hoseok-hyung shouting mean things. They said he was shouting those things at Yoongi-hyung. Namjoon-hyung said that Yoongi-hyung got scared and ran to his house." He didn't want to believe this either. He wished he had never heard that recording. It was painful to think that such a situation was even a possibility.

"That's supposed to be their evidence?" Jimin asked with a scoff."Anyone can say mean things if they're pushed beyond a breaking point. I bet Yoongi-hyung started an argument and did anything he could to piss off Hoseok-hyung then only recorded Hoseok-hyung's words of anger to make him look bad. I've seen that sort of thing happen before. Hoseok-hyung was probably taken out of context."

"Yeah, yeah, Jimin-hyung's right." Jungkook nodded at that scenario."I'll talk to Hoseokie-hyung about it later. If Yoongi-hyung is at Namjoon-hyung's house, that means Hoseokie-hyung can come over to my place after work. We'll have a talk about it, and I'll text you guys afterward."

Feeling relieved that he could still believe Hoseok was a good person, Taehyung let out a sigh and slumped his shoulders."I was so worried." he admitted."I didn't want to believe Hoseok-hyung could be a bad person, but they were kinda convincing. Now I just feel guilty for thinking it was a possibility."

"Don't feel guilty, Hyung." Jungkook reached over and grabbed Taehyung's hand, smiling at him sweetly."Sometimes, friends doubt each other. It happens. We shouldn't throw a hundred percent trust into people just because they're our friends. A little bit of doubt keeps us alert. Still, it's good that you know the truth and won't let yourself be tricked like Namjoon-hyung and Seokjin-hyung have been."

"We're Hoseok-hyung's loyal supporters." Jimin said with a grin."Nothing will make us turn against him."

"You're right." Taehyung felt a tiny bit of heat in his cheeks as Jungkook held his hand. He knew this was normal. Jungkook often held his hand whenever he was unhappy about something. It was just one of Jungkook's ways of comforting his friends. Taehyung knew it wasn't personal, but he still liked it a lot. He would keep that to himself though. There was no way he'd try to get between Jungkook and Hoseok.


"I'm worried that he won't come to our side." Namjoon said as he stuffed his hands into his pockets while walking home with Seokjin after work. It was pretty cold this morning, making him wish he'd brought a coat instead of just a jacket."What if he tells the others what we said, and Hoseok convinces him that we're lying?"

"We showed him the recording." Seokjin tried to reassure Namjoon, but he was worried as well.

"What if that's not enough?" Being so worried for Yoongi's safety and the truth, Namjoon was scared that Hoseok was better at lying than they were at spreading the facts."I feel like I'm failing at helping Yoongi-hyung. He needs our help, but we're low on options. We need better proof."

Moving his hands up to his mouth, Seokjin breathed onto them to try to warm them up a little."Is there anything else we can use for proof?" he wondered.

"Well..." Namjoon knew the other things that could be used as proof were long shots."There's a text Hoseok sent Yoongi-hyung a month ago. He recorded a video of them having sex and threatened to post it online. That's blackmail and a threat of revenge porn, which is illegal."

Seokjin abruptly stopped walking."You've got to be shitting me." He really hadn't expected to be told such a thing."Does Yoongi still have the text?"

Stopping as well, Namjoon nodded."Yeah. I told him to keep it. I don't know if that would be enough though. Texts can be faked, and as far as I'm aware, the sex was consensual or at least appears that way. But that's not all." Namjoon's expression hardened a little, his brow furrowing."That threat showed me and Yoongi-hyung that Hoseok has a camera set up in their bedroom. If we can somehow get our hands on it, we should have video proof that he has raped Yoongi-hyung. That's a big problem though. How can we get the camera without getting caught?"

"Hm, yeah, that is an issue." Rubbing his hands together for a bit of warmth from friction, Seokjin tried to think of a way to get the camera, but it was proving to be difficult."We can't get it ourselves because Hoseok will probably call the police on us if we're caught. He could totally say that we broke in or something. And if Yoongi tries to get it and gets caught...I'd rather not think of what Hoseok would do to punish him."

"I don't want to think of that either. That camera is our best bet though." Namjoon knew that camera would be enough to get Hoseok arrested and charged for what he'd done, but getting the camera was the hard part."This is why we need someone on our side who Hoseok trusts, like Taehyung or Jimin. Jungkook would be the prime choice, but he'll be the hardest to get on our side. I mean, he's really into Hoseok." Namjoon was going to say more but paused when he noticed that Seokjin was getting teary."Hyung? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Seokjin shook his head, not feeling okay at all."Nothing's okay." he said as his voice was starting to shake."We have to save Yoongi. We have to stop Hoseok. I want my friends back. I miss having fun with them. I'm worried about them. As annoying as it was when they would tease me for scolding them like a parent, I love them like little brothers, and I want them back. Jungkook is actually a sweetheart when he isn't being manipulated to be an irrational jerk. We have to remember that he's the youngest of the group. That puts him under pressure to listen to his hyungs, especially since he loves Hoseok so much."

Feeling his heart break at the sight of his hyung who was struggling to not fall apart outdoors, Namjoon grabbed Seokjin's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze."We'll do everything we can. I promise. I'll keep Yoongi-hyung at my house for a while and try to come up with a strategy to get the camera. If Taehyung comes to our side, we'll come up with a plan for him. If he doesn't, we'll think of something else. We just have to keep thinking of ideas. We're not going to give up, no matter what."

"You're right. We'll do everything we can." This was painful for Seokjin. He just wanted his friends back. He wanted everyone to be okay. With a gross sniff as his nose was starting to run from the cold, Seokjin pulled his hand away from Namjoon, feeling like a crybaby. That was embarrassing."Let's go home now. It's cold as hell out here."

"Cold as hell? I figured hell would be hot." Namjoon joked to lighten the mood as they both resumed walking.

Seokjin appreciated that."I would imagine so." A pleasant conversation ensued for the rest of their short walk, trying to keep the mood light. When they were approaching their houses, Seokjin couldn't help but slightly smile at something he noticed."He's waiting for you. Look."

Looking ahead at his house, Namjoon felt like melting at the sight of Yoongi peeking out through the living room window at them."Once he's more comfortable with you, the three of us should hang out together. He needs friends."

"I would like that." Seokjin gave Namjoon's shoulder a playful nudge."I'll see you later."

"See ya, Hyung." Separating, they both went to their own houses. As soon as Namjoon unlocked and opened the front door, he came face-to-face with Yoongi, who had come to the door to greet him."Did you miss me?" Namjoon asked with a smile, seeing Yoongi nod."Are you hungry? I'll cook us some breakfast."

Yoongi watched Namjoon close the front door then remove his jacket and shoes. Then, he followed Namjoon to the kitchen, definitely ready to have something to eat."How, um...How did it go?" he wondered.

"What?" Namjoon's mind took a second to realize what Yoongi meant."Oh, I don't know yet. We explained things to Taehyung and showed him the recording, but he was shocked by it. Seokjin-hyung said Taehyung probably just needs some time." Getting out some supplies to make breakfast, Namjoon wanted to talk about something nicer. He wanted Yoongi to be comfortable."What did you eat while I was gone?"

"Eat? Um..." Yoongi shifted his gaze to the side and bit his lower lip."I-I didn't, uh..."

"You didn't eat? All night?" That concerned Namjoon."Why not? Are you not feeling well?" Stepping back over to Yoongi, he touched the back of his hand to the smaller guy's forehead, checking his temperature.

Yoongi sighed softly."I'm not sick. I just didn't know if I was allowed."

Retracting his hand, Namjoon figured that was his own fault."That's my bad, Hyung. I should have told you before I left that you could help yourself to anything." Now he felt bad that Yoongi hadn't eaten all night. How long had it been since Yoongi last ate anything?"As long as you're here, you can help yourself to anything. And I mean anything. Hungry? Eat anything you want. Need a shower? Use anything in the bathroom you need. Need something to wear? Borrow anything. I mean it."

"Anything?" When Namjoon smiled at him, Yoongi found himself smiling back."Thank you, Namjoon."

That smile on Yoongi's lips pulled Namjoon's heart strings."You're welcome, Yoongi-hyung. Now can you do one favor for me?"

"A f-favor?" Yoongi had not expected to be asked for a favor. What could Namjoon want from him? What could he provide?

"Just a small favor. Will you go to my room and feed Styx while I start making our breakfast?" Namjoon asked with that smile still on his lips."My little buddy needs his meal too."

That definitely put Yoongi at ease."Okay."

"Thanks." Namjoon pecked Yoongi's forehead then headed back to his supplies for breakfast.

Leaving the kitchen, Yoongi headed to the bedroom to feed Namjoon's fish. Grabbing the small bottle of flakes next to the tank, he looked at the fish."Styx, will you be my friend too?" He didn't care that he was talking to a fish. He thought fish were cute."You're so lucky that you don't have to deal with mean people. They're scary." After feeding Styx, Yoongi glanced over at his sling that was hanging on the bedpost. He didn't really need it right now since he wasn't doing much activity. He just needed to be careful with his arm.

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