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It was difficult for Yoongi to untangle his thoughts about what he wanted as he and Namjoon sat together on the couch. Yoongi was simply watching Namjoon play video games, not wanting to play any himself. His thoughts were too distracting for him to concentrate on other things. What was he thinking about? Well, he was thinking about Namjoon and his desire to have sex with him. Was it too soon for him to think about such a thing? Maybe. Maybe not.

Yoongi wanted it. He was conflicted though because he couldn't figure out if he wanted it because he wanted Namjoon or because he wanted to regain control over his own body. Maybe it was a bit of both. He did find Namjoon to be super sweet and incredibly attractive. He also wanted to be able to make his own sexual decisions, not always be forced into acts he didn't want. He wondered if this was normal.

Was it okay for him to want sex after all the things Hoseok had done to him? Yoongi trusted Namjoon to never intentionally hurt him, so he thought this would be okay. Even with his broken arm, he found himself thinking it would be okay to engage in sexual activity with the taller man."Namjoon." he spoke to grab his attention.

"Yeah?" Namjoon didn't look away from his game, but he was listening. He didn't need to concentrate too much on the game right now. It was an adventure game, and he was just exploring at the moment.

Yoongi scooted closer to Namjoon and placed a hand onto his thigh, right above his knee."Will you kiss me?" He figured it was best to be a little bold and not dance verbal circles around what he wanted.

Pausing his game, Namjoon looked at the hand on his thigh then lifted his gaze to Yoongi's face."Uh, yeah, s-sure." Wow, Namjoon was awkward sometimes. Slowly leaning in, he pressed his lips to Yoongi's for a sweet peck.

That wasn't what Yoongi wanted though."Namjoon, please. More." Pushing himself up just a bit, Yoongi connected their lips again, pleased when Namjoon accepted.

Namjoon really loved Yoongi's lips. Sure, they were thin and not juicy as anyone would describe their dream lover's lips, but to Namjoon, they were perfect. As their lips started to mesh gently, he felt Yoongi's hand move away from his knee and find its way to his chest. With the music from his game no longer registering in his mind, Namjoon felt like he was losing himself in this kiss.

Yoongi wasn't very experienced in kissing. Kisses from Hoseok were never like this. Lip-locking with Namjoon was extremely different from the harsh mouth smashing and lip biting he always received from his abuser. Yoongi couldn't get enough of it. He wanted more. This tenderness awoke a craving within him. He just wanted love. He wanted tender care and gentleness. He wanted to decide who was allowed to touch him. And he decided that Namjoon was allowed.

It was like sinking into a pool of ecstasy, losing himself as soon as tongues got involved. Namjoon was no match to resist, was he? The desire in the air around them was almost palpable. He didn't even realize that Yoongi was shifting his position until the smaller guy was straddling his hips. Namjoon's hands instinctively made themselves familiar with Yoongi's waist.

Soon, their lips were separated, and Yoongi swooped down to begin pressing kisses to Namjoon's neck."Please..." he breathlessly pleaded between kisses."Please, Namjoon..."

Slipping his hands around to Yoongi's backside, Namjoon was extremely tempted. His fingers began kneading what was definitely the plumpest part of Yoongi. He wanted it. They both did. Was it right though? Using his hands on Yoongi's backside to pull him closer, Namjoon could feel that they were both aroused."Hyung, I..." He didn't know if they should do this.

"Namjoon, please..." Yoongi begged again, his left hand sensually rubbing Namjoon's chest."I want you...I need you..."

"God, Yoongi-hyung, I want you too." Namjoon's will power was cracking."Hold on to me." As soon as Yoongi's left arm hooked itself around the back of his neck, Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's thighs and stood from the couch. It was hard to focus on walking to the bedroom as he could feel fresh kisses being planted on his neck. Once in the bedroom, he moved a hand to Yoongi's butt to hold him as his other hand opened the third drawer of his dresser, pulling out a small bottle of lube and a condom.

When he was finally placed down onto the bed, Yoongi's hand immediately went to Namjoon's zipper, desiring to remove his pants. Of course, he had some difficulty.

Namjoon set the lube and condom onto the bed and assisted Yoongi, taking off his pants. Seeing Yoongi grab the waistband of his underwear, Namjoon pulled off his shirt while Yoongi pulled downward to expose his lower half completely. Once he was naked, erection standing proudly, he leaned down and captured Yoongi's lips in a slightly-less-gentle kiss as his hands unzipped then tugged down the smaller guy's pants.

Yoongi couldn't even think by this point. The only thing that filled his mind was his desire for Namjoon. His lower half was exposed first before their kiss was broken yet again for Namjoon to remove his shirt with care, mindful of his casted arm."Please..." Yoongi was entirely willing to beg more for what he wanted. After all, begging wasn't new for him. The biggest difference now was that he was begging for what he wanted to be done, not for something he hated to stop. That meant everything to him.

Namjoon used his teeth to tear open the condom package then rolled the condom onto his dick. He was accustomed to using a condom, only ever having girlfriends before. This was his first time being intimate with another man, and he was glad that Yoongi was his first same-sex experience. It took his breath away to watch as Yoongi laid on his back and bent his knees. When those slender legs spread, everything was in Namjoon's sights, and he couldn't help but lick his lips.

Fiery heat rose into Yoongi's cheeks as he was now fully exposed to Namjoon, but he didn't want to stop. His gaze was glued to Namjoon as the gentle man applied lube to his fingers then moved downward. Lips made contact with Yoongi's inner thigh as a slick finger began to play with his hole. This was already better than any sexual experience he ever had before. The amount of care he received from Namjoon melted his heart and overrode his mind. He wanted more. Then, something new happened.

It didn't even need to be processed in his mind when Namjoon decided to give Yoongi pleasure. As he worked on prepping him, Namjoon seductively licked the tip of Yoongi's dick before taking it into his mouth. He wanted this to be as pleasurable for Yoongi as possible. Despite this being his first experience with another man and obviously his first time sucking dick, he knew how to make this feel very good, considering he'd had his own dick sucked multiple times before.

Yoongi reached his hand down and laced his fingers into Namjoon's hair. This was a new feeling for him. Oral sex was not something he ever received before. Of course, Hoseok was too selfish to pleasure his partner in such a way, only receiving and never giving. Being given this pleasure by Namjoon served to further confirm for him that this was a good decision. He got lost in it, not paying attention to the man's fingers working their way inside of him. His dick was taken deeper into Namjoon's mouth, and soft moans slipped out.

Namjoon was encouraged by the beautiful sound of Yoongi's moans. He felt Yoongi's fingers curl in his hair to get a loose grip, feeling more turned on by that. It didn't take long for Yoongi's moans to start sounding a little strained. He knew what that meant. His previous girlfriends did the same thing when they were close. So he moved up a little and smiled at Yoongi."You can cum, baby. Don't hold back." Then, he took Yoongi's dick back into his mouth.

That was exactly what Yoongi needed. He was so used to Hoseok's rough ways that he hadn't known if it was okay for him to orgasm so soon. Being stimulated by Namjoon's mouth and fingers had really done wonders for him. Tightening his grip on Namjoon's hair, Yoongi arched his back ever-so-slightly and released into the other man's mouth. He trembled in delight at the feel of Namjoon's tongue pressing against his dick as he swallowed. That was also when he felt those long fingers pull out of him."Namjoon..."

"I know, baby." Namjoon grabbed the lube and squirted some out onto his palm, spreading it all over his condom-covered dick."Are you ready?"

Yoongi peered up at Namjoon and nodded."Yes." This was wonderful for Yoongi. For once, he had a choice. He could choose to stop or continue. His own desire mattered."Yes, Namjoon." For the first time in too long, he gave his consent. He welcomed Namjoon over him and whimpered quietly at the feel of being filled slowly by his dick. He felt Namjoon fully sheath himself then halt."Don't...Don't wait. I'm ready."

What ensued was beautiful for both of them. Gentle thrusts began, evoking airy moans. Namjoon's knees nestled into the blanket beneath them, as did his elbows and forearms. He was still careful to not accidentally put any pressure onto Yoongi's broken arm as he pressed their bodies together a bit. He latched his mouth onto the side of Yoongi's neck, kissing and softly nibbling.

The pleasure that coursed through Yoongi's body was so much better than any he ever experienced with Hoseok. Pleasure with Hoseok was forced upon him and made him feel dirty. This pleasure with Namjoon was given to him and made him feel cherished. Moving his broken arm to the side to be out of the way, Yoongi hooked his other arm over Namjoon's shoulder. His pretty legs locked themselves onto Namjoon's hips, his own dick getting friction between their bodies."Na...Namjoon..." Yoongi moaned out breathlessly.

"Fuck, Yoongi..." Namjoon's thrusts grew a little sloppy as he was being overrun by the pleasure and passion. He stopped kissing Yoongi's neck and just buried his face against it, lost in the bliss.

"C-can...Can I..?" Yoongi was having trouble forming his question as the knot of a second orgasm tightened itself in his abdomen.

Feeling Yoongi tightening around him, Namjoon understood."Yes, baby..." He would never dream of telling Yoongi that he wasn't allowed to orgasm. Seeking permission for that must be an effect of the abuse Yoongi experienced, but Namjoon wanted him to know that he was free to do as he pleased while with him. It brought him joy when Yoongi clenched around him and released, moaning with such pleasure.

Sensitivity took hold of Yoongi's body as Namjoon's thrusts didn't yield. He didn't mind. He would feel guilty if Namjoon didn't get his own release. He trembled and squeezed his eyes shut as he struggled to handle the pleasure being given to his over-sensitive body. It was a relief when Namjoon reached his limit and groaned.

After releasing inside the condom, Namjoon slowed his thrusts to ride out the orgasm before coming to a stop. He lifted his head up to peer at Yoongi, an expression of fucked-out bliss on the pretty guy's face. Not ready to separate yet, Namjoon connected their lips, tired kisses making wet sounds. It was perfect. It took a moment longer for him to finally pull out of Yoongi and remove the condom. He tied the end of it then lazily dropped it onto the floor, making a mental note to throw it away later. Then, he laid down beside Yoongi and pulled him into his arms."I hope I pleased you well."

Yoongi closed his eyes and relaxed in Namjoon's arms, exhausted and ready to sleep."Yes..." He was beyond pleased. This had been his first time having gentle yet passionate sex, and it was better than he had imagined. Not only had it felt amazing, but Yoongi was also very happy that he got to have control over his own body and sexual activity. After everything he went through with Hoseok, authority over his own body was something he craved.

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