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Maybe coming to work wasn't such a good idea. Yoongi was on edge every time anyone walked by his area. Sure, Namjoon had gotten permission from the manager to work with him, so they were sticking close together, but Yoongi was uneasy. Jimin and Jungkook seemed to be looking for opportunities to harass him and failing because Namjoon was around, a glare in Jungkook's eyes whenever he saw Yoongi. Even Taehyung appeared to hate Yoongi more than before.

To make things even worse, Hoseok was obviously quite happy to see Yoongi. For the most part, he stuck to Jungkook's side, but there would be times when he would wander around alone, possibly looking for a chance to corner Yoongi. Whenever Namjoon noticed Hoseok coming around their area, he would move closer to Yoongi, protecting him.

"How do you do this all the time?" Namjoon asked as he was trying to find the correct spot for a small bottle. He had no idea where this was supposed to go."I'm so confused."

At that, Yoongi smiled."I'm just used to it. Since I'm always in this area, I know it like the back of my hand." Stepping over to the correct shelf, he lightly tapped an empty spot with his index finger."That bottle goes here."

"You must have a really good memory." Namjoon said as he put the bottle onto the shelf.


"What?" Namjoon didn't know what that meant.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly."I have eidetic memory. You know, photographic memory. We all have our ways of learning. I'm a visual learner. My eidetic memory makes it really easy for me."

"Oh, I see. I'm more of a book learner. I retain more information from reading." It made Namjoon happy to be learning more about Yoongi. He wanted to know everything about him.

Using his left hand to adjust to strap of his sling, Yoongi groaned quietly."I hate this thing."

"Is it bothering you?" When he saw Yoongi nod, Namjoon stepped closer and touched the strap with his fingertips, feeling the material."Maybe we can attach some softer fabric to it to create a bit of cushion so it won't hurt as much." He figured the strap was causing discomfort to Yoongi's shoulder.

"I hate this, Namjoon." Yoongi wanted to make his feelings known. He wanted to express how he felt about the things that bothered him. Of course, he only felt comfortable complaining to Namjoon."I hate needing so much help. I'm having trouble with my job, even though it's not even hard tasks. I needed help getting dressed. I couldn't tie my shoes. Showering was super difficult. Everything's so hard."

With a tender smile, Namjoon pat Yoongi's head."It's frustrating, isn't it?" He chuckled when Yoongi pouted."You'll get through it. You'll feel much better once that cast is off. You'll be as good as new."

"If you say so." Yoongi wasn't so optimistic about it. The only thing in his life at the moment that gave him hope was Namjoon, and even that bit of hope wasn't enough to cover the feeling of dread that filled him whenver he thought of how helpless he was with a broken arm. He had already been pretty helpless before, always stricken with too much fear to fight back for himself. Now he physically couldn't fight back.

"Everything's going to be okay." Namjoon wished there was more he could do to reassure Yoongi, but he was doing all he could."I have an idea. In the morning--"

"Namjoon, please come to the office." Sooyoung's voice over the intercom interrupted.

That was confusing. Namjoon didn't know why he would be called to the office."Um, I'll be back as soon as I can, Hyung. Will you be okay for a few minutes?"

"Yeah. I'll just stay here and keep working." Yoongi really hoped nothing would go wrong during Namjoon's visit to the office.

"I'll be right back." As Namjoon walked away from Yoongi's work area, his mind filled with thoughts of why he was getting called to the office. He hadn't done anything wrong, as far as he was aware. Was there some other sort of issue? His confusion grew greater when he got to the office and saw Seokjin sitting in there with the manager."Sooyoung-noona? Is something wrong?"

"Close the door and have a seat, Namjoon." Sooyoung had a look of disappointment on her pretty face as she watched Namjoon close the door and seat himself in a chair that had been placed beside the one Seokjin was currently occupying."I'm sure you are aware of what is covered in our No Harassment Policy. Correct?"

Namjoon glanced at Seokjin before returning his gaze to Sooyoung."Yeah, of course. What's this about?"

With a heavy sigh, Sooyoung placed her hands onto her lap neatly."It has been brought to my attention that you and Seokjin have attempted to spread harmful rumors about one of your fellow coworkers. If you know what is covered in the No Harassment Policy, you know that malicious rumors are punishable up to and including termination of your job status."

A million thoughts filled Namjoon's mind all at once. Who had reported him and Seokjin to Sooyoung? Was it Taehyung? Had Taehyung told the others, resulting in Jungkook and/or Jimin reporting it? What if Hoseok knew and reported it himself? How was Namjoon going to support and protect Yoongi if he lost his job?"Noona, I assure you, we didn't spread malicious rumors." He wondered why Seokjin was staying quiet. Had Sooyoung already said something to him about this before Namjoon got to the office?

"This is a word-of-mouth situation with no proof that you did or didn't, so I'll let you both off with a warning this time." Sooyoung said with a stern tone."Don't let it happen again. You are two of my best employees. I don't want that to change. You are both dismissed."

"Yes, Noona." Seokjin stood, followed by Namjoon, and left the office. He wasn't showing it, but he was fuming. He was so mad that their attempt to get Taehyung on their side ended with the two of them being called into the office."I guess Taehyung doesn't believe us." he grumbled to Namjoon as they walked away from the office together.

"Do you think he told the others?" That was definitely a big concern.

"Of course. Taehyung doesn't keep secrets from his friends." Seokjin huffed and slumped his shoulders."In fact, Hoseok probably knows. If Taehyung told Jimin and Jungkook, I have no doubt that Jungkook told Hoseok. But why would Hoseok report us like this? Why not handle it himself like he does with everything else?"

That was when it dawned on Namjoon."Shit, he is handling it himself." Knowing Seokjin wouldn't catch on, he explained as he started walking faster."He's been passing Yoongi-hyung's area multiple times tonight, probably trying to catch him alone."

"You mean he reported us to get you away from Yoongi?" That made too much sense, and Seokjin really wished it didn't."We have to get back up there. Now."

Despite the no-running rule in the store, Namjoon and Seokjin both ran as fast as they could to Yoongi's work area. Sure enough, Hoseok was there, talking lowly to Yoongi."Get away from him right now." Namjoon spoke with a tone so menacing that it was a shock he had produced it with his own vocal cords.

Looking at Namjoon, Hoseok smiled."I hope all went well with Manager Choi. She's a bit of a softy." he said before walking away.

"Fuck off, you cretin." Seokjin couldn't find the patience to be even falsely polite to Hoseok. Knowing the truth and also knowing that Hoseok was aware of him being on Yoongi's side now, there was no reason to be friendly with the enemy. It made him angrier to hear Hoseok laugh about that as he left the area.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Namjoon asked Yoongi. He knew Hoseok couldn't have physically hurt Yoongi because there were cameras that would catch him in the act, but there was no telling what Hoseok may have said.

Yoongi was completely shaken. It was visible in his expression."No. No, I'm not okay." he answered honestly."I have to go home with him in the morning." He really didn't want to do that. He knew he was going to be hit as soon as they'd get home. There was no doubt about that."I have to. He didn't give me a choice."

"You don't have to go with him. Stay with Namjoon." Seokjin didn't even want to think about what Hoseok might have planned for Yoongi. What had he said that made Yoongi think he had to go with him?

"I can't stay with Namjoon." Yoongi felt like crying but didn't want to break down at work."You don't know what Hoseok just showed me. What he said..." It was stuck in Yoongi's mind. He couldn't get the image out of his brain. Hoseok's words seemed to echo in his ears."If I don't go with him..."

Namjoon wished there was something he could do to change Yoongi's mind."How bad is it?"

"Bad." Running his fingers through his hair, Yoongi tried to calm his nerves a little but couldn't."Hoseok has pictures on his phone. C-compromising pictures of Jungkook. He said I'm...He said...If I don't go back to him, I'm giving him permission to move on to another victim. I can't do that. Namjoon, I can't let him start treating Jungkook the way he treats me. No matter how mean Jungkook is to me, I can't do that."

"But, Yoongi, your arm." Seokjin had wanted Yoongi to stay with Namjoon until his arm healed, at the very least."Jungkook is strong and can defend himself. You're hurt."

But at that, Yoongi shook his head."Hoseok won't hit Jungkook right away. He didn't do that with me. His abuse starts mentally and emotionally."

"He fucks with your head until you're too scared to fight back." Namjoon had read about this sort of thing. Psychology was an interest of his."He's already messing with Jungkook's head."

"I'm going with Hoseok in the morning. I'm sorry, Namjoon. I wish I could stay with you, but I..." Yoongi just couldn't do that. He couldn't just leave and let Hoseok move on to a new victim. He didn't want to allow anyone else to go through the same pain as him."Even though Jungkook's mean to me...I'll protect him from Hoseok."

Seokjin clenched his hands into fists."If Hoseok hurts you, I'll break his fucking nose."

"Get ready to break his nose then." Namjoon gave Seokjin's shoulder a pat."Yoongi-hyung, you have my number. Since I can't convince you to stay with me, at least promise that you'll call me when you need help."

Yoongi nodded once."I promise."

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