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After lying on the floor all day, it was incredibly painful for Yoongi to move. He couldn't get up, his side and arm hurting far too much. All he could do was prop himself up on his left arm and shakily scoot across the floor in search of his phone. He needed help. He was scared. What would Hoseok do to him once he returned home? He was in far too much pain and fear to resist anything Hoseok might do. But what kind of help could he get?

Yoongi knew Hoseok would be furious if he called the police or an ambulance. Could he call Namjoon? That would make Hoseok very angry as well. There was nothing Yoongi could do that wouldn't have repercussions. As he scooted around the room in search of his phone, he silently prayed that it wouldn't be broken. It didn't take him long to give up though. It seemed hopeless. He looked everywhere he could think of that the phone might be. Where could it have landed when Hoseok threw it?

Feeling like there was no hope of getting help, Yoongi leaned his side against the wall and wished he could reach anything to harm himself. Maybe killing himself was the only way out of this pain. This wasn't the first time he'd thought of killing himself. He'd thought about it many times before because of Hoseok's abuse and manipulation. All seemed lost.

Until a faint vibrating sound was heard.

"My phone..." What else could it be? Yoongi glanced around, searching for the source of the vibrating. Scooting across the floor to follow the sound, Yoongi ended up going into the hallway. Apparently, his phone had slid out of the room when it had been thrown this morning. Yoongi fought back the urge to cry when he found it by the wall in the hallway. The screen was badly cracked, but it was lit up as someone was calling.

Grabbing his phone, Yoongi felt hope when he saw that Namjoon was calling him. However, that hope instantly slipped away again when he tried to swipe the green icon, and it didn't work. He tried again and again, but it wouldn't work. His phone was broken. It was lighting up and receiving the call, but he couldn't answer."Namjoon, help me..." Yoongi pleaded at his phone."Please help me..." He broke down into tears when the vibrating stopped, the screen shutting off.

Yoongi had no hope.

He had nothing.


When his call wasn't answered, Namjoon feared that something was wrong. He had been told earlier that Hoseok and the others were going out tonight; Seokjin had seen Taehyung and Jimin talking about it on social media. If Yoongi was home alone, surely he should be able to answer the call. Feeling worried, Namjoon pulled on his shoes and jacket then ran out of his house. He immediately went to Seokjin's house next door and knocked as hard as he could, vigorously banging to get his hyung's attention.

It took a minute for Seokjin to come to the door, turning on the light and opening the door in his pajamas."Namjoon, I'm trying to sleep."

"We have to get Yoongi-hyung. Something's wrong." Namjoon wasn't going to explain right now. He didn't want to waste any time. He would explain on the way."Come on. We have to go."

"Alright. Just let me get dre--"

"We don't have time, Hyung! Let's go!" Namjoon was practically bouncing anxiously on the balls of his feet as Seokjin pulled on his shoes and jacket. As soon as his hyung was ready, Namjoon turned and started running in the direction of Hoseok and Yoongi's house.

"Joon!" Seokjin struggled to catch up since Namjoon had started running so suddenly."How bad is it?"

Namjoon honestly didn't know how bad things could be, and that was what worried him the most."I don't know. But if Hoseok went out with the others, Yoongi-hyung should be alone and able to answer my call, but he didn't. Something's got to be wrong." He knew that wasn't much proof that something was wrong, but he felt it in his gut. This situation really made him wish he could drive. He knew Seokjin had a license, but his hyung unfortunately had no car.

As they ran, Seokjin couldn't even worry about being seen in public in his pajamas like this. He needed to accompany Namjoon and make sure Yoongi was okay. If Namjoon was scared like this, it had to be for a reason. At least it wasn't too far away for them to go by foot. Even as he was getting out of breath, he didn't stop running. Neither did Namjoon. They needed to get to Yoongi as quickly as possible. If something was wrong, they needed to get there before Hoseok would return from his night out.

Upon reaching the house, Namjoon banged on the front door."Yoongi-hyung! Are you in there?! Hyung!" He grabbed the knob and turned, finding the door to be unlocked. He opened the door and rushed inside, Seokjin following close behind."Hyung!"


Hearing Yoongi's call, Namjoon ran to the source, finding him on the floor in the hallway."Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"

Seokjin knelt down beside Yoongi and noticed how he was cradling his arm."What happened? What did Hoseok do?"

Yoongi sniffled grossly, nose running from how much he was crying."He hurt my arm..." he whimpered between sobs."He slapped me...and pulled my hair...He kicked me...And he...H-he stepped on my arm..."

"Shit." Namjoon pulled out his phone to call the police but stopped. There was something that needed to be done first."Seokjin-hyung, stay here with him."

"Where are you going?!" Seokjin called as Namjoon ran down the hall and started looking into the other rooms.

"The bedroom!" Namjoon needed to find the camera before Hoseok would get back. It needed to be found before he could call the police. If he didn't have any proof when the police would arrive, this would just be filed as a domestic accident while he and Seokjin might be charged with breaking and entering if Hoseok got a say in it.

Yoongi reached out his left hand and grabbed Seokjin's sleeve."I tried to answer Namjoon's call..." he whimpered out."But my phone...is broken..."

Seokjin scooted closer to Yoongi and wished he could hold him to provide comfort, but he was worried about hurting him."It's okay. When you didn't answer, Namjoon knew something was wrong."

"Hoseok's...gonna be so mad..." Leaning closer to put his head on Seokjin's shoulder, Yoongi trembled."He told me...to kill myself...He said he'll be disappointed...if I'm not dead when he gets back..."

"I'm gonna break his face." Seokjin decided.

As Namjoon searched for the camera, he wished he knew where to look. He hadn't seen the sex video Hoseok had sent to Yoongi, so he didn't know the angle. If he knew that, he would at least know which side of the room to search. He had to find it. It was now or never. If they couldn't find the camera, he would get Seokjin to take Yoongi to the hospital then do everything he could to report Hoseok to the police and hope they would listen to him without evidence.


"You should have seen Manager Choi's face when I reported them." Hoseok said with a laugh. Maybe he was just a little tipsy, drinking lite beer with his friends."She was so shocked."

"Well, the truly malicious things are always done by people we don't expect." Jimin added with a smile."Isn't that right, Hoseok-hyung?"

At that remark, Hoseok kicked Jimin's shin beneath the table they were occupying at a pub."I guess that's true, Jiminie." he said with a very subtle glare in his eyes.

Jimin just laughed it off though."Just like how our little baby Jungkookie broke Yoongi-hyung's arm. What a wreck that was."

"Shut up, Jimin-hyung. It was an accident." Grabbing a handful of peanuts from the bowl atop their table, Jungkook threw them at Jimin, a couple unintentionally hitting Taehyung."At least I'm not a heartless shitball who just walked away from the incident."

Taehyung grabbed one of the peanuts that had hit him and fallen into his lap."I think that's good, Jungkook. It takes a truly kind person to help someone you hate." He cracked open the peanut shell and sighed."When is it all going to be over though? It's sad that we've lost two friends because of this. I miss hanging out with Namjoon-hyung and Seokjin-hyung." He ate the peanuts from within the shell and couldn't help but frown.

"Damn, Tae, you're sappy when you're drunk." Jimin commented with a roll of his eyes.

At that, Taehyung lightly smacked Jimin's arm."I'm not drunk." That was true. He'd only barely sipped his wine."I just miss the way things were before this all started. You know, you and Kookie weren't causing trouble, and Hoseok-hyung wasn't staying at Jungkook's place because of his own home being unsafe."

"What are you saying, Taehyung?" Hoseok asked with an accusatory tone."Are you upset that my home is unsafe? Or are you upset that I'm with Jungkook? Which is it?" Standing, he placed a hand flat on the table."Are you jealous?"

Jungkook's hands immediately went to Hoseok's hips, guiding him to sit back down. Then, he smiled at Taehyung."Don't take him too seriously right now, Hyung." he said with a soft tone, hoping to keep this from escalating."He's a little drunk, obviously. He doesn't mean it."

"Yeah, Hoseok-hyung doesn't mean it." Jimin would always take Hoseok's side, no matter what. He knew more things about Hoseok than anyone else here did, and those things interested him more than trivial affairs.

"No, guys, I think he's jealous." Hoseok persisted after sitting back down."I have Jungkook to myself, and he thinks I don't know about his little crush. It's okay, Taehyung. You can still hang with us and join us when we go out sometimes." With a smirk on his lips, he knew he was being rude."Maybe Kookie will be up for letting you join us in bed sometime."

"Hyung!" Jungkook had not expected such words to come from Hoseok, but he also knew it was probably because of the alcohol Hoseok had consumed by this point.

Taehyung stood and grabbed his small bottle of wine."I'll just go. This is clearly not a good time for me to hang with you guys." Definitely mad about the things Hoseok had said, he figured he should go home and relax. Knowing Hoseok was influenced by the alcohol he was drinking, he didn't want to say something he might regret and lose another friend.

"Tae, wait!" Jimin called after Taehyung as he walked away."Damn, Hyung. You went hard."

Slumping his shoulders, Hoseok pouted."You're right. I shouldn't have said that. I don't know what came over me." Standing as well, Hoseok gave Jungkook's head a small pat."I'll be right back. I need to apologize to Tae." Leaving the table, Hoseok went after Taehyung, exiting the pub."Taehyung! Wait up!"

Not really wanting to talk to Hoseok after that exchange, Taehyung was reluctant to stop, but he did anyway. He wasn't the type to be rude or give the cold shoulder to a friend."Hyung, I really just want to go home and cool my head. I know you didn't mean it."

Now being alone with Taehyung, Hoseok smiled."I did mean it." Catching Taehyung off guard with those words, he snatched the bottle of wine from his hand."Jungkook's mine. So you need to stop giving him those heart eyes. Do you understand? Your crush is pointless. He'll never be with you. He loves me, and I won't let anyone else have him."

Taehyung was completely taken by surprise when the bottle of wine was turned over above his head, wine pouring out onto him."Hyung, what the hell?!" He stepped back quickly and tried to shake his hair a bit.

"Stay away. You're not welcome with us anymore. Jimin and Jungkook will never take your side over mine, so you might as well just disappear." Just in case that wasn't enough, Hoseok pulled out his phone and showed Taehyung a nude picture of Jungkook."Check out Yoongi-hyung's replacement. I'll admit that I was tempted to target you, but Jungkook's much more fun. And there's nothing you can do about it because no one will believe you." He knew he was pushing all the right buttons to finally make Taehyung take action. That was exactly what he wanted.

Hearing those words pushed Taehyung over the edge. With a closed fist, he struck Hoseok's jaw."You fucking jerk!" Being told such things, he needed to get his head straight. Turning, he ran off. He couldn't confront them in public. He had no proof of what Hoseok just said to him. Besides, he was too devastated to stick around.

Hoseok chuckled to himself as he rubbed his jaw."That was easy." Just as he turned to head back into the pub, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he saw that he had a notification from his camera. Since his camera was connected to his phone, as long as he had data or was connected to WiFi, he would get a notification whenever the camera detected movement."Did Yoongi-hyung finally get his lazy ass off the floor?" he wondered to himself as he swiped the notification. The camera would stream to his phone, so he could view his bedroom at any time he wanted. Viewing it now showed him what he didn't want to see. Namjoon was searching everywhere, no doubt looking for the camera."Bastard."

When Hoseok returned to their table, Jungkook grew concerned when he saw the redness on his jaw."Hyung, are you okay? What happened?" he asked as he saw Hoseok grab his jacket from the back of his chair.

"Taehyung didn't accept my apology. He's pretty mad, which is understandable. I was rude." Hoseok put on his jacket and leaned down, pecking Jungkook's head."I should go home."

"I'll take you." When Jungkook started to stand, he paused when Hoseok placed a hand on his shoulder."Hyung?"

Hoseok shook his head."I've caused enough trouble for you. Jimin can take me home." He gave a sweet smile that he knew made Jungkook weak."You can handle the bill, right, Jungkookie?"

Sad that Hoseok was going to leave without him but still wanting to help, Jungkook nodded with a sigh."Yeah."

"See ya tomorrow, Kook." Jimin grabbed his jacket and put it on, ready to leave with Hoseok. When he and Hoseok left the pub, his stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets."So why couldn't Jungkook drive you home?" he asked as they started walking.

Hoseok frowned deeply."Namjoon's in my house. He's looking for the camera." He was very displeased about this."I need you to call the police. Pretend to be a witness to him breaking into my house. I need to get him arrested for breaking and entering before he finds the camera."

"On it." Jimin pulled out his phone and pressed the emergency speed dial.

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