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The questioning and waiting at the police station felt like it went on forever. Namjoon just wanted to go to the hospital and make sure Yoongi was alright. He got a glimpse of Hoseok a couple times during the process, a hard glare in the abuser's eyes as he couldn't deny what he had done. The evidence was being splayed out in his face. As Namjoon and Seokjin were questioned, they told the officers everything they knew. Namjoon was even informed that an officer was at the hospital with Yoongi to make sure he stayed safe and ask him questions about Hoseok after he was treated by the doctors.

Things just kept blowing up in Hoseok's face. Many incidents of physical, mental, and sexual abuse were recorded on that camera. After the officers had been made aware of Hoseok keeping Yoongi's money from him, his wallet was searched, revealing that he did indeed have Yoongi's debit card in his possession. He found himself being given additional charges of aggravated assault, theft, blackmail, and intent to post revenge porn.

When he was being taken out of the interrogation room, Hoseok spotted Jungkook being brought through the station for questioning, looking utterly confused."Jungkookie!" he called to his would-be toy."Tell them I didn't do it! You know me! You know I wouldn't do this!"

"Hyungie..." Jungkook was confused beyond reason. He hadn't been told yet why he was being brought in for questioning. He had only been told that it involved Hoseok. He had immediately thought that Hoseok had been badly hurt by Yoongi, only to arrive at the station and find out it was the other way around. He didn't know what to believe or think.

Jimin had also been found at his home and taken to the station. To his luck, he was only charged a fine for knowingly calling in a false report. He was also lucky to be inside the police station because Namjoon and Seokjin both wanted to punch him for assisting an abuser.

Taehyung had been brought to the station as well, but he wasn't questioned yet. He needed to sober up, being completely drunk on wine. For that reason, he was placed in a holding cell, seeming complacent with that decision.

"I don't know anything." Jungkook told the officer who had taken him into the interrogation room. He'd been given a glass of water, but he hadn't touched it."Hoseokie--Hoseok-hyung told everyone that Yoongi-hyung was the abuser. I believed him. I mean, we all did. Why wouldn't we?" Jungkook was so shaken up. He didn't know why he was being questioned about Hoseok being an abuser. He was too confused after Hoseok messed with his head so much."He really lied to us? To me?" Tears welled up in his eyes, and he struggled to wipe them away, failing as some escaped down his cheeks.

"I know this is hard to process." the officer said softly, holding out a handkerchief to Jungkook, who didn't accept it, proceeding to rub his face with his sweater sleeves instead."Did anything seem off to you when he was telling you his side of things? Anything at all?"

Jungkook shook his head as he began to cry. He was devastated. He felt so betrayed and guilty."No, I...I didn't notice anything wrong. I believed him. He was my friend, and I...I love him."

"Were you aware of Jung Hoseok taking explicit pictures of you?" The officer knew the answer right after saying that, seeing shock form in Jungkook's expression."Do you have scratch marks on your left shoulder blade?" When Jungkook nodded, the officer made a note in his little pad."How about a bite mark on your right hip?" He made a small hum when Jungkook nodded again.

Jungkook'd had no knowledge of Hoseok taking nude pictures of him. He had trusted Hoseok."Officer, I was mean to Yoongi-hyung because Hoseok-hyung made me believe he was an abuser." He knew he should be honest."I harassed him and threw him...in a dumpster. Am I going to be charged for that?"

"Since you've admitted to it, we'll have to see if Min Yoongi wishes to press charges against you." the officer answered.

"Where is he?"


Namjoon was highly frustrated--as was Seokjin--when they were told that they couldn't visit Yoongi at the hospital until visiting hours opened in the morning. How were they supposed to sleep? They couldn't. Seokjin ended up staying with Namjoon all night. They'd tried to lay down and rest, but they both couldn't relax. They'd tried to watch TV, but they couldn't concentrate on any shows. At some point in the wee hours of the morning, they'd both cried, relieved that Hoseok was caught and Yoongi was safe.

When morning came, Namjoon and Seokjin didn't even eat breakfast before catching a bus ride to the hospital."I hope he's okay." Namjoon muttered as they arrived at the hospital.

"I'm sure he's alright. The doctors took great care of him, I know." Seokjin believed the hospital staff would take great care of Yoongi and make sure he was cared for to the best of their abilities."You got his room number, right?"

"Yeah." An officer had given Namjoon Yoongi's hospital room number last night, which was definitely helpful."I hope he's awake. It's kinda early." After everything that had happened last night, he wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi was still asleep, probably beyond exhausted.

Stepping into the hospital, Seokjin grabbed Namjoon's hand, knowing that they were both nervous."If he's not awake, we'll wait for him to wake up."

Namjoon's nerves were getting worse as they made their way through the hospital, looking for Yoongi's room. They had needed to stop and ask a couple different nurses if they were going the right way. Alas, they did end up finding Yoongi's room. The door was open, so Namjoon made a light knock on the door before entering with Seokjin."Hey, Yoongi-hyung." he spoke softly upon seeing that Yoongi was awake.

Yoongi was in a hospital gown, the bed he was on being raised halfway to the sitting position so that he wouldn't need to be adjusted to sit up or lay down. He was not supposed to move around. His broken arm was in a white cast and also propped in a hanging sling. In the back of his left hand was an IV. A nurse was in the room as well, a plastic spoon in her hand and a tray of simple food on the small table beside the bed. She'd been feeding Yoongi, who was embarrassed about not being able to feed himself at the moment.

The nurse set the plastic spoon onto the tray and smiled sweetly."I'll give you some time with your friends." she said politely before leaving the room and closing the door, giving them some privacy.

"How are you feeling?" Seokjin asked as he stepped over to the bed.

"Tired." Yoongi answered."I slept pretty deeply because of the anesthesia."

Namjoon seated himself in the chair beside the bed."Anesthesia?"

"My arm." Yoongi felt horrified as he thought about it. Last night had been such a terrifying experience, even once he'd gotten to the hospital."I had surgery on it soon after I got here. The doctor said it was in really bad condition, and they needed to realign the bone to make sure it will heal properly." He sighed heavily."I think the police will be back today to ask me more questions. I can't remember how much they asked me last night, but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep while they were here." Yoongi had been so incoherent and tired from the loss of adrenaline and the dose of anesthesia that he hadn't been able to stay awake through the questioning.

"Hoseok's getting a lot of charges." Namjoon informed him, figuring he should know."They even took in Jungkook and Taehyung for questioning, but I think Taehyung was too drunk last night. He'll probably be questioned today."

Knowing that he was going to be free from Hoseok now, Yoongi teared up, feeling extremely relieved. He was also glad that Hoseok couldn't move on to Jungkook or anyone else. Everyone was safe from him. Now there was only one more thing he wanted."I..." His lips quivered as he broke into soft sobs."I want to go home..." He never got to state what he wanted before, but he could tell his friends now."I want my parents..."

"You can return to them as soon as you're all better." Seokjin knew Yoongi wouldn't be able to drive all the way back to his parents while being so badly hurt. Besides, he had to wait until he would be released from the hospital."They'll be very happy to have you back."

Namjoon partly wished Yoongi would live with him after this, but he didn't want to be selfish. If Yoongi wanted to return to his parents, he would fully support that, no matter how much he would miss him. He didn't have the funds to move to Daegu himself, so he really hoped he and Yoongi would at least keep in contact. There was no denying that he had fallen hard for him."Seokjin-hyung and I will help you get to them as soon as you are able to go."

"Thank you..." Yoongi let out a cute whine."I'm so embarrassed, and I can't even cover my face..." he complained, earning chuckles from his friends.

"Why do you have an IV?" Seokjin asked curiously."Is it for painkillers?"

"It's..." Yoongi sniffled and tried so hard to make his sobs stop, failing."The nurse said...it's for my malnutrition..."

That certainly made sense. Due to Hoseok not letting Yoongi eat much, he wasn't properly nurished."Well then, you should eat and get that nutrition up." Grabbing the spoon from the tray, Namjoon scooped up some mashed potatoes."I'll help you."

Seokjin playfully pouted."I wanna feed him."

"Too bad, so sad." Namjoon fed the bite of mashed potatoes to Yoongi then made an exaggerated gasp when the plastic spoon was snatched from him.

"You little punk. Don't make me kick you." Seokjin scooped up the next bite of mashed potatoes for Yoongi.

Namjoon was going to say something back to Seokjin but stopped when he heard a brand new sound, one that was music to his ears. He looked at Yoongi and couldn't resist smiling as his precious hyung laughed at them. He'd never heard Yoongi laugh before.

Yoongi couldn't explain, even to himself, how he was feeling right now. He hadn't felt quite this okay in a very long time."I love you guys..."

"We love you too." Seokjin smiled warmly at Yoongi before turning his gaze to Namjoon."Don't we?"

Namjoon gently touched Yoongi's hand, mindful of the IV."Yeah. We do."

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