𖤈 Chapter Fifty-Five: Nothing To Fear

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"Na Jaemin!" The said blond haired boy rolls his eyes, ignoring the person who called him up until he was grabbed by the arm.

"I don't want to hear a thing, Renjun." He sternly tells him right away as he snatches his arm back from the tight grip.

"Jaemin, please. We just don't want you to get hurt-"

"Enough of it already," Jaemin grumbles, cutting him off. "You hurt yourself by believing those dumb rumors, by not listening to Jeno's side of the story. He didn't hurt you, he never wanted to."

Running a hand on his shirt, as if dusting something off, he then scowls at the elder boy who looked disappointed yet also worried for him.

"So I'm telling you to please back off, and rethink this whole situation. Because if you're really the Renjun I know, that's something you should be doing as a mature individual."

Before Renjun could even utter a word, about to hold Jaemin back and say something in offense, he was too late.

Clenching his fists, he bites his lower lip as he ponders in thought. Exhaling deeply through his nostrils, he turns around and goes to the other direction with heavy steps.


Jeno flinches when he hears the door slamming open and shut in a split second as if it was just some big gust of wind that made it move.

Turning around, he quirks a brow at the newcomer, watching the person lock the door and practically stomping over to where he was.

He lowers the books and feather duster in his hands whilst inwardly hoping the teacher who assigned him to clean the science laboratory wouldn't see him slacking around.

"May I help you?" Calmly asking the person who's already scowling at him as if he did something so horrible.

Did I? He thinks to himself.

"Stop whatever you're doing."

"I can't really do that, I'll get detention if I don't clean this place up in the next few minutes. So..."

"I meant whatever you're doing to Jaemin!" Jeno flinches but then scrunches his face in confusion.

"Huh? What am I doing to him?"

"You know exactly what you're doing, Jeno."

"Look, Renjun. I honestly don't know what I did wrong, especially when it's about Jaemin." He sighs, getting tired of the topic already.

No offense but if the topic is about something negative towards him and Jaemin, he's honestly done with it and wants to shut the conversation down.

"Stop flirting with him-"

"Why? Do you like him or something?"

"No! The fuck?!" Renjun shrieks with a look of disgust, it has Jeno stifling back a laugh. "I'm saying this as his best friend, I'm trying to protect him from you!"

"From me? What did I do?" Jeno points to himself, keeping his scrunched up face on.

"Enough of your bullshit Jeno, you're going to do the same thing with Jaemin like you did to me." Renjun brings up in a low voice.

The brunet boy's face falls; to Renjun, he smirks thinking he caught Jeno red handed.

"Is that what you really think?" Jeno asks, getting a nod from Renjun in return; he seems very sure of his assumption.

Jeno wants to laugh. In pain.

"Like I'd actually do that," he sarcastically chuckles and crosses his arms. "Nothing to fear, honey. I wouldn't do such a thing to people I like."

Renjun grimaces at the pet name but still manages to reply in the next second, "liar, hypocrite, manipulator-"

"That's all you, babe." Jeno couldn't help but smirk this time, seeing his ex boyfriend basically fuming right now in anger as he clenches his jaw.

"Admit it, you're jealous and regretting things." He has the audacity to lift Renjun's chin up with his finger, gently so yet it still makes the elder boy gulp in response.

"But you're too stubborn and full of yourself to even say it." He giggles and pulls away, "don't feel so flattered, Renjun." Changing his tone, he then adds.

"Just because everyone else is on your side, doesn't mean you are not in the wrong."

He then grabs the deather duster and passes by the elder boy who seems to be frozen in place for once, not biting back to whatever Jeno is saying.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get the mop and clean the floor. You're leaving dirt."


"That party sucked," Amy suddenly brings up, gaining everyone's attention on her.

"Agreed," Jaemin mutters whilst playing with his leftovers. Jeno glances at him in confusion; understandable since he wasn't there.

"Like, there wasn't anything fun! I prefer our parties," she grins widely with a little wink at the end.

Patrine rolls her eyes and shakes her head, opening her can of soda as she says, "that's because you're usually the one who decides, it's like you're the boss."

"Exactly!" Amy snaps her fingers and points at her, "seriously, what kind of party was that? The drinks aren't my fave but the games- ugh, don't get me started with those."

"Coming from someone who barely hosts his own birthday party, it's expected." Jaemin comments as he sips on his shared energy drink with Jeno.

The brunet boy furrows his eyebrows, "what happened at the party?" He asks, although he's looking at Jaemin, it's still directed to everyone else on the table.

The others scratch their napes whilst Amy sips on her Starbucks drink, the obnoxious sound of her drinking through the straw earns her a glare from Hakim in annoyance.


"Bubby? Can you please be honest with me?" Jeno pouts, on the verge of begging even more.

Jaemin usually wouldn't mind, finding it cute. But the fact that they're not alone, adding up with the others giving him teasing looks has him blushing in embarrassment.

He clears his throat and meets Jeno's gaze, "we just fought, told them some truthful things and basically tried knocking some senses into them."

Jeno sighs whilst the blond haired boy only shrugs his shoulders in nonchalance.

If you were to ask Jaemin for what he said and did, if he ever regretted them. He'd say "no".

Because he fucking doesn't. He's so glad he told them and let it all out, the things he bottled up for quite some time just because he didn't want to deal with them before, it's all poured out now.

"Anyways, so, I want to tell you guys about this cute girl..." Whilst the others were busy listening to Amy's story, Jaemin took this as an opportunity to focus on Jeno.

Looking around, he leans in to the brunet boy's ear while he was finishing up the shared energy drink, Jaemin whispers.

"Meet me later?"

"Where?" Jeno asks, also glancing around. Cautious about Jaemin's friends and anyone else trying to start something unnecessary.


Jaemin's answer has Jeno biting his lower lip, a little hesitant for Jaemin's sake.

He doesn't want to be the reason Jaemin regrets this. The decision is up to the latter.


"Trust me, I really don't care anymore." The blond haired boy says, his eyes practically begging.

Jeno smiles with his lips pursed, reaching to lay a hand on Jaemin's knee, he whispers, "take me wherever you want to take me."

"What if it's my heart?" Jaemin wiggles his eyebrows, hand over Jeno's own and rubbing his thumb on his knuckles.

"Flirting back now, hm." Jeno chuckles, "but... I'll be very happy if that's where you want me to be."

"For fucks sake, ask her out on a date!" They snicker at Hakim's frustrated comment to Amy, "don't be a pussy, that's not you, Amy."

"Great way to encourage her," Jeno calls him out, getting a salute in return.

Turning back to Jaemin, he quickly leaves a peck on Jaemin's nose and giggles when the blond haired boy huffs with his cheeks heating up.

"See you then, love." Giving him a flirty wink as the school bell rings just in time.



Any parts/scenes or lines in this chapter you like?

Like, anything you want to make a quote, made you feel/react to it in a way; angry, praise, sad, etc.??

Lemme know :p

So far, personally, I felt proud when I wrote "Just because everyone else is on your side, doesn't mean you are not in the wrong."

Idk why LMFAO

Anywho, see ya my moonbubbas <33

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