Turning the TV On

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In the neighborhood, it's the middle of the night. Buzz, Calhoun, Eve, Nick, and Judy quietly move from the bushes to the mailbox. They look around and signal to the rest to move forward. Rex and Scrat disguised themselves under several leaves. When they ran to the mailbox, the leaves fell off. They chuckle.

Judy: "Quit it. Get over here."

Lightning, Anna, Elsa, Diego, Alex, and Marty quickly rush to the mailbox. Mater got down low and slowly moved forward.

Calhoun: "Psst. Tow truck. Move faster!"

Ralph, Sulley, and Manny began to push him.

Mater: "Ah come on you ruined the moment."

Ralph: "We can't afford any more distractions or holdups, buddy. Come on."

They make it to the mailbox. Wall-E, who had his head almost completely into his body zoomed to the mailbox. But because he couldn't see very well, he collided into the mailbox, making a loud bang. He falls backwards.

Everyone: "Shh!"

Eve facepalmed herself. Ericka and Mike came to help him up. In the meantime, Slinky, Eugene, Hiccup, Dracula, and Mavis move forward successfully.

Bandit came out of the bushes with Bluey and Bingo on his back. He struggled to walk.

Chilli: "You sure you don't wanna switch?"

Bandit (struggling): "I've got this, babe."

Shortly after, he collapsed, grabbing his back.

Dracula and Hiccup went back to pull him towards the mailbox. Then came Shrek, Donkey, Sid, Mr, Potato Head, and Hamm. Sid ended up tripping in front of Hamm, which caused Hamm to trip on Sid, knocking out all of his coins. Everyone stops to see.

Hamm: "Oh all right. Nobody look till I get my cork back in."

The toys regroup at the mailbox. Ericka helps Buzz read the map.

Ericka: "At this rate we should make it by at least noon tomorrow."

Buzz: "Good work men and women. Two blocks down and only 19 more to go."

Everyone: "19?!"

Nick: "Hey hey, you signed up for this. Don't give us that."

Mr. Potato Head: "Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me."

Eugene: "Why didn't you tell us how far we'd be going?"

Anna: "Probably because none of us would've came."

Mike: "If only I had a big car that could carry all of us. We'd make it back by morning."

Dracula: "I don't know what all the fuss is about. I don't mind any of this. As long as the sun is down, I'll be okay."

Marty: "Even if it were, it wouldn't bother you because YOU'RE A TOY, IDIOT!!"

Dracula: "Oh you wanna go that direction? You donkey in PJs!"

Donkey: "I'm not in PJs."

Dracula: "Not you. Him."

Marty: "Oh you asked for it! Get over here!"

Alex and Shrek held Marty back while Mavis, Hiccup, and Ralph held Dracula back.

Calhoun: "What a bunch of slackers."

Alex: "I think the fatigue rate is at an all time high here."

Hiccup: "Guys, we're wasting time standing here fighting over something ridiculous."

Sid: "You guys go on, I'm just gonna find a cozy spot here and..."

Manny: "Oh no you don't. You give up now, then you give up on Mighty Eagle and Woody."

Bingo: "I don't wanna stay up late ever again."

Bluey: "Can't. Go. On." She plops her face to the ground.

Elsa: "What are you talking about? You kids barely walked."

Lightning: "Seriously though, Buzz. Can we stop for a few hours? We're tired. Almost everyone wants to give up."

Buzz: "Come on fellas, did Woody give up when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?"

Everyone: "No."

Sid: "Wait, me?"

Diego: "You know who we're talking about."

Buzz: "No. And did he give up when you threw him and Mavis out of the back of that moving van?"

Mr. Potato Head: "Oh you had to bring that up."

Dracula: "I still haven't forgiven you for doing that to Mavy Wavy. And I also haven't forgiven you for whacking her in the head with that."

He looks at Eugene and points at his frying pan.

Eugene: "Why are you blaming me? I didn't go mama bear when she retaliated against two pups who were slapping her in the face."

Chilli: "Since when were you the kind who throws people under the bus?"

Mavis: "Dad, let it go. Besides, I am not upset about it anymore. I would've done the same if Dennis was in their position."

Buzz: "None of that matters now! The point is, he didn't. And do you think Mighty Eagle would've given up if he was with Woody?"

Everyone: "Yeah."

Buzz: "No he wouldn't!"

Shrek: "He's crossed Woody with Mighty Eagle apparently."

Sulley: "No offense but he is not the type to bounce back when it gets tough."

Buzz: "You're missing the point, everyone! Whether they would quit or not, we have friends in need."

In the background, the American flag flew behind Buzz as he finished speaking to the other toys, with the National Anthem of the United States playing.

Buzz: "We will not rest until they're safe in Andy's room. Now let's move out!"

He walks away as the anthem concludes. But in reality, the song and the flag were being shown on TV.

TV Narrator: "And that concludes our broadcast day."

The TV then stops showing the program and instead shows a grey fuzzy screen, indicating there is nothing on TV. Al was lying on the couch asleep, previously watching TV with a bowl of Cheetos in hand. He ends up dropping the bowl. Woody looks down from his glass case and sees his arm in Al's pocket on his shirt. Mighty Eagle saw Woody quietly getting out, so he followed.

As they jump down and tiptoe to the couch, Woody steps on a Cheeto, making a loud crunching noise. They look up and see many more Cheetos scattered around the floor. Mighty Eagle shook his head, indicating he can't go through there, mainly because he was clumsy. Woody was able to avoid the Cheetos, then he hears a crunching noise on his left. It was Bullseye.

Woody: "Bullseye, Bullseye, go go go go."

Bullseye didn't listen. Instead he wagged his tail.

Woody: "Come on, you don't wanna help me. I'm the bad guy. You're gonna go back into storage because of me, remember? Now just go."

Bullseye licks Woody happily, pretty much ignoring what Woody said.

Woody: "All right all right. But you have got to keep quiet."

Bullseye nods and follows Woody to the end of the couch where Al laid his head. Mighty Eagle went around the Cheetos and met the two in that same spot.

Woody: "Over here. Atta boy. Okay Bullseye, upsy daisy."

With a lift from Bullseye, Woody climbed up the end of the couch and attempted to reach for his arm without waking Al up. As Woody put his foot on Al's shoulder, Al began laughing. He looked down and saw Bullseye licking Al's fingers, filled with Cheeto dust. Mighty Eagle picked up a Cheeto and took a bite. He was awestruck.

Woody: "Psst! Bullseye cut it out! Stop it! Psst! Stop it Bullseye stop it. Stop it! Stop it!"

He stops eventually backs away shamefully.

Mighty Eagle: "Mmm! I've been living a lie. Toys not allowed to eat. Woody you gotta try these."

Woody: "No! Don't eat those. He's gonna see you!"

Mighty Eagle puts it down, then Bullseye began licking his fingers, with Mighty Eagle trying everything he can to not laugh. Woody got back to work in trying to get his arm. When he grabs it, he hears a gargling noise from Al's stomach, eventually going to his mouth. Al breaths a burp on Woody's face and Woody is disgusted by the smell. After gagging and swatting away the smell, he goes back into getting his arm, which he finally does.

As he gets ready to go back down, the TV turns on. It played the intro for Woody's Roundup. Woody looked down at Mighty Eagle and saw him run back to his glass case with Bullseye. Al wakes up and gets off the couch, flinging Woody across the room.

Al: "What? No officer I swear! Dang it. What? Ah!"

He sees Woody on the floor and out of his glass case, with his arm. He goes to pick Woody up and put him back in the case, while keeping his arm.

Al: "Cheap case. Where's the remote?"

While Al searched for the remote, Woody saw it beneath Jessie's case. Al finds it. Woody freezes as Al comes back to get the remote and turn off the TV. Then he leaves the room, while yawning. Woody, upset, jumps out of his case to confront Jessie.

Woody: "What is your problem? Look I'm sorry Eagle and I can't help you guys out. Really, we are. But you didn't have to go a pull a stunt like that!"

Jessie: "What, you think I did that?"

Woody: "Oh yeah right, the TV just happened to turn on and the remote magically ended up in front of you."

Jessie: "You calling me a liar?"

Woody: "Well if the boot fits."

Everyone froze except Mighty Eagle.

Chuck: "Wrong answer."

Mighty Eagle: "What? What'd he say?"

Jessie: "Say that again."

Woody: "If the boot, fits!"

Bomb: "Okay cowboy."

Red: "Yep, he just dug his own grave."

Bullseye and Bomb scram out of their cases. Bullseye hides in a cookie jar while Bomb hides behind a shirt. Jessie jumps onto Woody and slams his head against the shelf. Bullseye watched them fight. The rest on the other side also watched.

Chuck: "She has a good grip on the one armed cowboy. He's fighting back, but he is just helpless now. She's going for his other arm."

Red: "Stop. Just don't."

Jessie: "Take it back! Take it back!"

Woody: "Don't think just cuz you're a girl, I'm gonna take it easy on you!"

She pulls his arm back while using her leg to bend his back.

Prospector: "Jessie, Woody, you stop this at once!"

His box leans forward and he falls over. The two jump away. Jessie, Bomb, Bullseye, and Red push the box back upright.

Prospector: "I don't know how that television turned on, but fighting about it isn't helping anything."

Woody: "If I had both my arms!"

Prospector: "Well the fact is you don't, Woody. So I suggest you just wait until morning. The cleaner will come, fix your arm..."

Woody: "And then I'm outta here!"

That statement made Bullseye sad.

Woody: "Oh no. No Bullseye, don't take it that way. It's just that Andy..."

Jessie: "Andy Andy Andy. That's all he ever talks about."

She and Bullseye walk away. Woody tried to say something but Red stopped him.

Red: "Don't. You'll make it worse."

Woody looks up at Mighty Eagle

Woody: "Go, I'll catch up."

Mighty Eagle: "Me? No way. I may look big and bold, but I can't just go out there acting like nothing will happen to me. No, I'm staying here until you're all fixed up."

Chuck and Bomb hug Mighty Eagle tightly. He returns it.

Mighty Eagle: "Besides, I'm starting to like it here. Unlike at home, I feel more appreciated and wanted. Andy loves you more anyway. He probably wouldn't mind if I'm not there when he comes back. And neither will the rest back home."

He walks away with Red, Chuck, and Bomb, leaving Woody alone with Prospector. He lowers his head down.

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