Pizza Planet

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[The truck soon arrives at Pizza Planet and stops. Trollex looks up to see a giant model of a rocket near the building and heard the P.A. speaking]

P.A.: Next shuttle lift-off scheduled for T-minus 30 minutes and counting.

[Trollex looks at the entrance to see two robotic guards near it]

Robot Guards: You are clear to enter. Welcome to Pizza Planet.

[They move their spears aside and the doors open to let some customers inside]

Female PA: The white zone is for eating pizza only. The white zone is for...

[Trollex goes to the back to check on Amy]

Trollex: Deputy. Deputy?

[The trash falls down to reveal Amy all flattened]

Trollex: There you are.

[Amy falls over on the trash]

Trollex: Now the entrance is heavily guarded. We need a way to get inside.

[Amy gets up with a cup over his head, coughing]

Trollex: Great idea, Amy. I like your thinking.

[Amy, a bit dazed, looks confused at what Trollex had said. Later, the robot guards let some customers in]

Robot Guards: You are clear to enter. Welcome to Pizza Planet.

[A cup and a burger box start to move towards the entrance]

Trollex: Now! Quickly, Deputy, the airlock is closing!

[They make it through just as the door closes.]

Female Worker: (P.A.) Jones, party of five: Your shuttle is now boarding at counter 12.

Boy: [running with his sister sibling; as Trollex & Amy drops down] Hey, Mom! Can we have some tokens?

[Trollex bumps into Amy]

Amy: Ow! Watch where you're going!

Trollex: Sorry.

[Amy and Trollex run between video games and took off their disguises. They look in awe at the arcade games around them with kids playing on them]

Trollex: What a spaceport! Good work, Amy!

[Amy looks around at the kids playing on arcade games until they heard Andy's voice from a game nearby]

Andy: Mom, can I play Black Hole? Please, please, please?

Amy: Andy!

Mrs. Davis: What's Black Hole?

Andy: Oh, it's so cool...

Trollex: Now we need to find a ship that's headed for Sector 12.

Amy: Wait a minute! No, no, no! Trollex! This way! There's a special ship. I just saw it!

Trollex: You mean it has hyperdrive?

Amy: Hyperactive hyperdrive, and astro... uh, turf.

[Amy watches Andy and his family as they move closer to them]

Amy: (tracking Andy and family) C'mon, c'mon, that's it...

Trollex: Where is it? I don't see the --

[He then saw a claw game that looks like a rocket]

Trollex: Spaceship!

Amy: Alright Trollex, get ready, and...

[Trollex runs off, unnoticed by Amy who has her eyes on Andy]

Amy: Okay, Trollex, when I say "go," we're gonna jump in the basket.

[She notices that Trollex is not beside her and saw him running towards the claw game]

Amy: Trollex!

[Trollex jumps through the prize door]

Amy: Dooh! No!

[Andy rounds the bend]

Andy: Hey, Mom, if I eat all of my pizza, can I have some alien slime?

Amy: This cannot be happening to me!

[She starts to walk but forced back to hide when a man walks by. Trollex climbs up the prize chute and jumps into the middle and found himself face to face with squeaky toy aliens.]

Aliens: A stranger! From the outside! Oooooooh...

Trollex: Greetings! I am Trollex Current. I come in peace.

Aliens: Tell us! What is it like outside?

[The aliens gathered around Trollex excitedly. Outside, Amy waited for some kids to run past then they run over to the claw game and went into the prize door and peeps over the partition wall]

P.A.: Before your space journey, re-energize yourself with a slice of pepperoni, now boarding at counter three.

Trollex: This is an intergalactic emergency! I need to commandeer your vessel to Sector 12! Who's in charge here?

Aliens: The claaaaaaaaaw!

[They point to the claw above them]

Aliens: The claw is our master. The claw chooses who will go and who will stay.

Amy: This is ludicrous.

[Then she heard someone yelling behind them. She turns to see Sid bashing some games]

Sid: Hey, bozo, you got a brain in there? Ha-ha, take that!

[The machine beeps, indicating that it's over, making Sid angry and hits it with a mallet then walks over to the claw game]

Amy: Oh, no! Sid!

[She jumps on Trollex]

Amy: Get down!

[Sid brings out his coins and put them in the machine]

Trollex: What's gotten into you, Deputy? I was--

Amy: YOU are the one that decided to climb into this--

Aliens: Shhhhhh! The claw. It moves.

[The claw lowers down and grabs an alien which is on top of Trollex]

Aliens: I have been chosen! Farewell, my friends! I go on to a better place.

[He was moved towards Sid]

Sid: Gotcha!

[As he watched the alien drop, he saw Trollex amongst the other aliens]

Sid: A Trollex Current?! No way!

[Amy spots a repair door and moves towards it and strains to open it. By the time she manages to open it, Sid lowers the claw towards Trollex and grabs him]

Sid: Yes!

Amy: (gasps) Trollex! No!

[She grabs Trollex's fin and drags him to the repair door]

Sid: (banging his fist on the glass) Hey!

[Amy tries to get Trollex to the door but the aliens push her back into the claw machine]

Aliens: He has been chosen! He must go!

Amy: Hey! What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it, you zealots!

Aliens: He must go! Do not fight the claw! Do not anger the claw! He has been chosen!

[Amy and Trollex get lifted up by the claw and it takes them to the prize door and drop them]

Sid: Alright! Double prizes!

[He takes them out of the prize section and look at his new prizes with evil delight]

Sid: Let's go home (laughs)

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