Trollex Hitches A Ride/Lost At The Gas Station

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Andy: I couldn't find my Trollex. I know I left him right there.

Mrs. Davis: Honey, I'm sure he's around. You'll find him.

[Trollex peaks out of the bushes and saw Andy holding Amy in his hand as he went to the car. Angered by being knocked out the window, Trollex runs to the car and jumps on the back bumper just as it moves out of the driveway.]

[A chain of red monkeys is being lowered down to find Trollex by John Dory's grappling hook but it's short from the bushes]

Slinky: It's too short! We need more monkeys!

Rex: There aren't any more! That's the whole barrel.
[He drops the barrel and walks to the edge of the window to look out]

Rex: Trollex! The monkeys aren't working! We're formulating another plan! Stay calm! Oh, where could he be?

[The scene changes to Dinoco gas station where Andy's car drives up to it and parks to a gas tank]

Andy: Can I pump the gas?

Andy's Mom: Sure! I'll even let you drive.

Andy: Yeah?

Andy's Mom: Yeah, when you're 16.

Andy: (sarcastic) Yuk, yuk, yuk. Funny, mom.

[Amy unfreezes]

Amy: (hearing the conversation but worried about what will happen if she returns without Trollex) Oh, great. How am I gonna convince those guys it was an accident?

[Then, Trollex appears on the sunroof above Amy and she spot him]

Amy: Trollex?

[Trollex drops in the car landing on a seat next to Amy as Amy gets up]

Amy: Trollex! You're alive! This is great! Oh, I'm saved! I'm saved! Andy'll find you here, he'll take us back to the room, and then you can tell everyone that this was all just a big mistake.

[She removes the fly from Trollex's helmet and wipes it while Trollex just glares at her]

Amy: Huh, right?
[Amy pants]

Amy: (weakly) Buddy?

Trollex: I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet and tribe.

Amy: Oh, that's good.

Trollex: (getting down to Amy's face) But we're not on my planet or tribe, are we?

Amy: No?

[Trollex lunges at Amy and they fall off the car to the ground. They rolled underneath the car, fighting. Trollex kicks Amy to the tire]

Amy: Okay. Come on! You want a piece of me?

[Trollex punches Amy, making her face spin until she stops it. Amy lunges at Trollex, pinning him down, open his helmet and punches his face, making a squeaky noise with each punch. Trollex then closes his helmet on Amy's hand, making her cry out in pain]

Amy: Ow!

[She then punches Trollex's button many times, making it repeat the "Trollex Current to the Rescue!" phrase and she flips him over, put her foot on Trollex's tail fins while pulling his arms back which makes Trollex yell in pain. Then they heard Andy and his mom coming to the car]

Mrs. Davis: Next stop...

Andy: Pizza Planet! Yeah!!!

[He gets in the car and it drives off, leaving Woody and Buzz behind]

Amy: (gasps) Andy!

[She watches as the car drives off into the distance. Amy runs after the car but is unable to keep up and stops]

Amy: Doesn't he realize that I'm not there?
(Amy gasps, realizing what this means)

Amy: I'm lost! Oh, I'm a lost toy!

[She sobs as she stands at the same spot for a while]

Trollex: (opening his wrist communicator) Trollex Current Mission Log. The local deputy and I seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort.

[Amy turns around angrily]

Amy: YOU!

[She runs towards Trollex but then they heard a tanker truck coming towards them. Trollex quickly runs out of the way but Amy flops down on the ground as the tanker rolls over, but Trollex came back just in time and drags Amy by her hind legs before the tire could flatten her. Trollex placed Amy down and looks away, getting flustered a little.]

[Amy unfreezes and stands up]

Trollex: (into wrist communicator) According to my navi-computer, the--

Amy: Shut up! Just shut up, ya idiot!

Trollex: Deputy, this is no time to panic.

Amy: This is the perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone! They're gonna move from their house in two days and it's all your fault!

Trollex: My... My fault?! If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...!

Amy: Oh, yeah? Well, if ya hadn't shown up in your stupid little cardboard spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me...!

Trollex: Don't talk to me about importance! Because of you the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy!

Amy: WHAT?! What are ya talking about?

Trollex: Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg has been secretly building a weapon with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet! I alone have information that reveals his weapon's only weakness. And you, my friend, are responsible for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!

Amy: (furiously explodes) YOU. ARE. A. TOY!!! You aren't the real Trollex Current! You're an.... you're an action figure! You are a child's plaything!

Trollex: You are a sad, strange little girl, and you have my pity.
[turning around and walking away from Amy]

Trollex: Farewell!

Amy: Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony! (walking off, muttering) Rendezvous with Star Command.

[A Pizza Planet truck pulls into the station. Woody sees it]

Pizza Deliverer: Hey, Gas Dude!

Attendant: You talking to me?

[Amy looks at the Pizza Planet logo on the side of the truck]

Amy: Pizza Planet?
[realizing it's a way to reunite with Andy]

Amy: Andy!

Pizza Deliverer: Yeah, man, can you help me? Do you know where Cutting Boulevard is?

Attendant: Just a moment...

[Amy is about to go to the truck but then realizes something]

Amy: Oh, no. I can't show my face in that room without Trollex. Lex! Trollex, come back!

Trollex: Go away!

Amy: No, Trollex, you've gotta come back! I...

[She saw that the truck has a rocket on the roof which gives her an idea]

Amy: I found a spaceship!

[Trollex stops and turns around]

Amy: It's a spaceship, Trollex!

[Trollex looks curious for a second]

Pizza Deliverer: Come on, man, hurry up! Um, like, the pizzas are getting cold here!

[The camera goes down to Trollex and Amy looking at the truck]

Trollex: Now, you're sure this space freighter will return to its port of origin once it jettisons its food supply?

Amy: Uh-huh. And when we get there, we'll be able to find a way to transport ya home.

Trollex: Well then, let's climb aboard.
[runs towards the truck]

Amy: No, no, no, wait, Trollex, Trollex, let's get in the back. No one will see us there.

Trollex: Negative. There are no restraining harnesses in the cargo area. We'll be much safer in the cockpit.

Amy: Yeah, but... Lex! Trollex!

Pizza Deliverer: So that's two lefts, and then a right, huh?

Attendant: Yeah.

Pizza Deliverer: Okay, thanks for the directions.

[Trollex climbs up to the door window and jumps behind the pizza boxes so the driver won't see him]

Amy: Trollex!

[The truck starts up so Amy runs to the back of the truck. Amy saw Trollex strap his seat belt on]

Amy: It's much safer in the cockpit than the cargo bay. What an idiot!

[The driver hits the accelerator and the truck speeds forward, throwing Amy off guard and she hits the back of the cargo hold. The truck swerves to the left and Amy hit the side of it. As the truck rolls up a hill, a big box rolls toward her. Amy yells as the box smacks into her.]

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