Recon Plan Charlie

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[Amy jumps onto the bed and looks at Sarge]

Amy: Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red! You know what to do.

Sarge: Yes, ma'am!

[Sarge jumps down from the table and onto one of the drawers]

Sarge: All right, men. You heard her. Code Red! Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute! Let's move! Move, move, move, move!

[The Green Army Men jump from the bucket and head out the door, carrying some rope and a baby monitor with them. Sarge looks over the landing with his binoculars to see Andy and his friends heading for the living room to begin opening presents and his mom heading to the kitchen]

Mrs. Davis: OK, come on, kids. Everyone in the living room. It's almost time for the presents.

[Sarge motions two parachuters to jump and open the parachutes to glide down to the floor. They look around the hall to make sure no one is around and signals for the rope to be lowered down and the rest of the Army Men slide down the rope to the floor. The toys move over to the lamp table where Delta and Amy are setting up the monitor]

Hamm: All right, gangway, gangway.

Delta: And this is how we find out what is in those presents.
[The Army Men walk across the hall when they heard Andy's mom coming]

Mrs. Davis: OK, who's hungry?

[Sarge and his men all froze]

Mrs. Davis: Here come the chips. I've got Cool Ranch and Barbecue!

[She comes out of the kitchen and steps on one of the Green Army Men crushing him with her foot]

Mrs. Davis: Ow! What in the world..... Oh! I thought I told him to pick these up.

[She kicks them away with her foot and moves on.]
[cut back to Andy's room]

Rex: Shouldn't they be there by now? What's taking them so long?

Deta: Hey, these fellas are professionals. They're the best. Come on! They're not lyin' down on the job.

[The Army Men are lying on the floor. Sarge stands up and motion his soldiers to move to the plant pot for safety. Sarge heard some moaning and turn to see one of his soldiers is crushed from being stepped on and was moving limply across the floor]

Soldier: G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!

Sarge: A good soldier never leaves a man behind.

[He motions to his soldiers on the landing and they lower the baby monitor to the ground and they carry it to the flower pot. A ball rolls towards them so they move fast and climbs into the pot just as the ball rolled by, followed by the boys and Andy's Mom]

Mrs. Davis: OK, everybody, come on.

[The soldiers set the baby monitor up while a medic tends to the wounded solider and gives a thumb's up to Sarge who peers under the leaves and look through his binoculars to see the presents]

Mrs. Davis: Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody..... You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there. Good. And..... Which present are you gonna open first?

Boy: Mine!

Sarge looks at the presents with his binoculars]

Sarge: There they are.

[Upstairs in Andy's room, the toys hear Sarge's voice on the Baby Monitor]

Sarge: Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.

Amy: This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet!

Sarge: Come in, Mother Bird. All right, Andy's opening the first present now.

King Quincy: Essence! Essence! Essence!

Rex and Hamm look at him, confused]

King Quincy: Hey, I can dream, can't I? Plus, I miss my wife.

Sarge: The bow's coming off. He's ripping the wrapping paper. It's a.... It's..... It's a...... a lunch box. We've got a lunch box here.

Delta: A lunch box?

Clay: Lunch box?

Slinky: For lunch. [laughs]

Sarge: OK, second present. It appears to be..... OK, it's bed sheets.

Branch: (Sarcastically) Who invited that kid?

[Sarge watches as Mrs. Davis picks up the presents one by one until there's only one left]

Mrs. Davis: Oh! Only one left.

Sarge: OK, we're on the last present now.

Delta: Last present!

Sarge: It's a big one. It's a.... It's a board game! Repeat, Battleship!

Amy: Whew!

[The toys cheer]

Hamm: Hallelujah! Yeah! All right!

[Hamm accidentally bumps Cooper, knocking some of his parts out]

Cooper: Hey, watch it!

Hamm: Sorry, Coop.

Sarge: Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We're goin' home.

[The men start to turn off the baby monitor]

Delta: So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin' to worry about.

Slinky: I knew you were right all along, girls. Never doubted ya for a second.

Biggie: Me neither.

[Mr. Dinkles squeaked]

[Just then Sarge sees Mrs. Davis pull out a surprise present from the closet]

Mrs. Davis: Wait a minute. Oh! What do we have here? Oooh!

Sarge: Wait! Turn that thing back on!

[The baby monitor turns back and Sarge's voice is heard on it]

Sarge: Come in, Mother Bird! Come in, Mother Bird! Mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet. Andy's opening it. He's really excited about this one.

Andy: Mom, what is it?

Sarge: It's a huge package.

[A boy gets in the way of Sarge's view]

Sarge: Oh, get outta the.... One of the kids is in the way. I can't see.

[King Quincy puts his hand to his head and to his sides while the Dawn Sisters look, anxiously]

Sarge: It's a......

Kids: Wow!

[Andy hold up his present over the plant. Upstairs, Rex is anxious to know what the present was]

Rex: It's a what? What is it?

Poppy: Rex, no!

[He shakes the lamp table and the baby monitor falls to the floor as the batteries pop out]

Rex: Oh, no!

Prince D: Oh, ya big lizard! Now we'll never know what it is!

Hamm: Way to go, Rex! [King Quincy is putting the batteries in backwards]

Delta: No, Turn 'em around! Turn 'em around!

Hamm: He's puttin' 'em in backwa..... Here, you're puttin' 'em in backwards!

[He tries to move the batteries forward]

Amy: Plus is positive, minus is negative! Oh, let me!

[She jumps down and shove Hamm aside to put the batteries back in.]

[Downstairs, Andy and his friends rush down the hallway towards the stairs]

Andy: Let's go to my room, guys!

Sarge: Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs!

[Amy puts the batteries back into the baby monitor]

Amy: [grunts] There!

Sarge: Juvenile intrusion! Repeat, resume your positions now!

Delta: Andy's comin', everybody! Back to your places! Hurry!

[The toys hurry into position]

Hamm: Get to your places! Get to your places!

Rex: [screaming]

Cooper: Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?

Rex: Out of my way! Here I come! Here I come!

[He bumps into Andy's garbage pail with a teepee on it and falls over. As the boys run up the stairs, Lenny the binoculars walks to the shelves and the Dawn Sisters flop down on the bed just as Andy and his friends burst in]

Friend #1: Hey, look, its lasers light up.

Andy: Take that, Zurg!

Friend #2: Quick, make a space. This is where the spaceship lands.

[He pushes Delta and Amy from their spot and put the spaceship on it. The sisters fell off the bed]

Andy: And you press his back and he does a karate-chop action!

Mrs. Davis: Come on down, guys! It's time for games! We've got prizes!

Andy: Oh, yeah!

[They hurry out of the room and shut the door.]

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