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His exhibition was closing in. After having two or three rounds of arguments with him, Shivay had finally relented and agreed that Omkara needed to start working on the project he had been working on, before meeting with that accident. The date was set as close as Shivay would allow, mostly because he wanted to have something to occupy his mind with, if not, he'd spent his days either thinking about that mysterious wife of his, or following her silently with his eyes; that needed to stop, for the sake of his own sanity. 

But here he sat, staring like a fool at the mold of clay lying in front of him in the work stand and his mind once again roaming the uncharted waters of thoughts concerning that doe eyed woman. He had gone into her room that morning, more likely deceived into going by that brat of a younger brother he had, who he suspected had planted his phone there. Omkara was waiting for an urgent call from his gallery manager in Italy and had no choice but to fletch his phone from wherever it was. Rudra simply winked at him, over the large bowl of Halwa he was gobbling away and  complained that O had no time for him anymore and as a revenge he had misplaced his phone. 

The walls of her room where covered with charts of various kinds. He stopped for a moment, while returning with his phone to check them. It seemed she had restarted on her education, perhaps as a distraction in those three months. The study lamp on her table was still on, and there he found  his wife fallen asleep her history book caved over her head. Gently he picked up the book and kept it on the pile of finished homework by her side. There was a strand of hair fallen across her face and over her nose, she blew air on it unconsciously in her sleep. Her cheek was pressed against the paper she had been writing on, and there was a blotch of ink on her nose. 

Omkara chuckled to himself, as he folded his arms, watching her as she stirred in her sleep. She looked young and cute, he thought unable to help himself and in the meantime she opened her eyes and stared at him a little bewildered. The moment their eyes met, sleep fled her, she sat up straighter and pulled her hair off her face, gathering the strands in a hasty bun. 

"Omkara ji app?

He waved his phone at her. 

"Rudra, he said in explanation. "I did knock, but you didn't hear I guess. Anyway I was leaving. 

"Wo... sorry, I was studying last night and fall asleep. It's late isn't it? She asked him, standing up and gathering her books into a pile. 

"I didn't know you were studying, he told her, genuinely curious. 

"Haan wo...bade Bhaiyya, told me to. Said it was better than idling at home, hamara bhi bohut mann tha ke hum... she stopped abruptly and looked at him, inquisitively. "I'd let it go if you want me to, I mean Papa ji is already annoyed with my tutors coming and going. Agar aap kahe toh...

"Gauri, he said exasperatedly. Exactly which era did this girl belong to? Was he some kind of a god who had right over her life? Omkara did not like it, not even one bit. He believed in equality, of women who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the men in their society. That was how he was used to see it, his mother was successful on her own right, so was his grand aunt, even his daadi had a say in any matter arising in their business. He hoped his wife too would enjoy the same privileges. 

Perhaps it was the circumstances around their wedding, and the surrounding she came from, he thought to himself. Perhaps he never made her feel significant enough. Yes, that must be the reason she always fled him, he might have never given her a chance to get to know him, get comfortable around him like she was around Shivay or Rudra or his mother. 

"Omkara ji? She called him tentatively. "What are you thinking about?

"Oh nothing, he shook his head and smiled at her. "I'll talk with Mr. Oberoi, he won't disturb your studies again.

"Nahi nahi, I didn't mean it that way... she protested gently. "Please don't argue with him again, her voice was so soft that he had to restrain his ears to listen to her. So she had  witnessed their epic clashes of opinion, had she? And she hated it. He noted silently. Unknown to her, a single tear escaped the corner of her eye and tickled down her cheek. Giving into his sudden impulse Omkara wiped it off, with his thumb and let his palm rest on her cheek. He didn't ask her what Mr. Oberoi had said, he was sure it could never be something very pleasant. More tears drained from her eyes then, as if stimulated by his comforting, her voice broke when she spoke once more. "I know it doesn't look good when the Oberoi daughter in law is taking her school exams, people talk, she gulped. "I know it's embarrassing, issi liye I've decided that I'll do it myself, no tutors during week days. In that way no meetings of Papa ji would get disturbed right?

"Gauri, he made her look at him, gently lifting her chin. "It takes a lot of courage to do what you're doing, Mr. Oberoi is not a man who understands other people. Aise logo ki baatein nahi sunthe.

"Aap ko problem nahi hai, Omkara ji? She sounded a little breathless, as if he was Santa handing her an extra large gift. 

"Pagal, he chuckled. "Why would I have any problem? Call your tutors whenever you need them. Main bhi toh dekhu, who has got a problem with my wife's education.

She let out a startled breath and hugged him on an impulse taking him by surprise. Omkara let her wrap her tiny arms around his larger frame and marveled at how natural it felt. She fit against the gaps in his larger frame like a key fitting to a lock, her cheek warm against his heart, her head tucked under his chin. 

"Thank you! Thank you so much! She squealed happily, crushing him and beaming she looked up at him. Her light brown eyes brimming with happiness collided with his darker gaze and she gulped, abruptly pulling apart and her cheeks heating up. "Wo...hum, she stammered again. Omkara shook his head, more to get rid of the tingling feeling in the pit of his stomach at her sudden action and of the cold emptiness he felt as she moved away. 

He was confused himself of what he was feeling. Omkara thought, reflecting back to that moment in Gauri's room. She wasn't the first woman in his life, nor his first love, then why was he feeling like a teenager experiencing his first crush? There was something fresh and unique about her, which made him all unsure and nervous around her. He had never met a woman like Gauri and he was sure he never will.

There was some conversation in the corridor outside. Glancing from his door, Omkara caught sight of Gauri as she walked past his studio door, mobile clutched to her ear. 

"It's okay bade Bhaiyya, she was saying as she gathered her hair to a side of her neck, exposing her creamy back as she went. "Hum kar lenge, please concentrate on your meeting. I know it's important. 

Omkara stood up, wiping his hands and followed her as she finished the call and vanished into her room, sighing as she went. 

"Kehe toh diya, but how am I going to get this done? She muttered to herself, a hand slammed over her forehead. Omkara knocked on the door gently, making her jump at the sound. "Ji Omkara ji?

"May I help you? He asked her, "Kya karna hai?

"It's okay Omkara ji, she said shaking her head. "I know you're busy with your exhibition, hum kar lenge.

"I'm not that busy Gauri, what's the matter?

"Wo...homework, she smiled sadly. "Usually Bade Bhaiyya looks over my math homework, especially geometry...I hate that one. There are few exercises that I can't find either head or tail. But he is stuck in a meeting with some foreign clients aur sorry kehene ke liye phone kiya tha.

"Buss? Omkara exhaled and held out his hand. "Give me the book. 

Gauri hesitated, biting her lower lip as she considered his help. He watched her, wondering if she knew how tempting she looked when she did that. It didn't look like she would be giving him the geometry book any time soon. Omkara leaned in and snatched the book from her hand, flipping open the page with her exercises, leaning against the door. 

"Arre! Gauri protested in vain and sat in her plush chair, propping up her chin on her elbow and eyes up at him. Omkara skimmed through the diagrams and sat across her, picking her pencil he marked the figures and returned the book to her. 

"I know I'm nowhere near Shivay...he is calculator Singh Oberoi, but I do know my geometry.

"I didn't mean it like that... Gauri started, startled.

"Really? He played on, raising his eyebrows. "Phir, shut up and start working. They worked on her triangles and circles in silence, Gauri nodding as he explained the diagram and then both trying to solve the problems. He knocked the top of her head gently with her book when she chewed the end of her pencil, too involved in thinking. "It's a bad habit, Gauri. He admonished her tenderly and she grinned cheekily, focusing on her work once more. 

In the hall outside Rudra was leaning against the railing, on a Bluetooth call with Shivay. 

"Yes Bhaiyya, mission accomplished, he grinned silently watching his brother and sister in law pouring over the school books. He listened and nodded to whatever Shivay said in reply and disconnected the call. "Aap ka toh life set hai O, he muttered to himself. "First math, then chemistry jaa the jaathe you'll eventually reach biology! Chuckling and giving a last glance at the duo busy with geometry he went off, towards the home gym in hope of doing some weights for the evening.


Omkara stared at his mobile screen in shock in the relative darkness of his studio, it had lit up with the call it was receiving. He read the caller ID again, slowly, removing his spectacles and turning away from the spot light he was working under. It remained the same; Chulbul.

Frowning he accepted the call tentatively.


"Hello Omkara ji...? It was Gauri. Omkara let out a sigh of relief. But why did he had her number saved as Chulbul? Who was Chulbul? Surely not Salman Khan from Dabang? Was it some inside joke he no longer remembered, who the hell called their wife Chulbul? "Omkara ji, are you listening?

"Yes, Gauri what happened?

"Rudra ditched me in the mehendi function and went after Bhavya, she hissed and an unconscious smile tugged at his lips as he imagined her nose reddening with anger. "I tried to call him and his phone is unreachable.

"Oh? Main aau? He asked her, already picking up his keys from the bowl. 

"If it's not much trouble, she sighed. Omkara smiled, since he had  started helping out with her homework she had dropped the guarded behavior around him. He was glad about that, Omkara realized as he asked her to wait for him and went out to get the car. Slowly he acknowledged that he was envious of the rapport she shared with his brothers and had yearned to have the same bond with her. She was his wife after all.

She was waiting for him at the gate of the large manor of their aunt. Under the glow of the trillions of fairy lights hanging down from the trees surrounding her she looked like a queen in her peach and red lehenga. There was a gift wrapped in a gold paper tucked under her arm and dark hanna patterns covering her arms up to her elbows. He parked next to her and rolled down his glass, the smile that lit up her face was one of its kind, looking at her, Omkara couldn't help but grin at her obvious happiness.

"Get in, he said, tilting his head to gesture.

Gauri shook her head softly and held out her hands to show her mehendi. Shaking his head at his own foolishness, Omkara stepped down and opened the passenger door for her, as she went to get in, he took the gift box from her hand and followed her to help her tuck her skirts inside the vehicle. She smiled at him and whispered a shy thank you, making sure not to smudge her mehendi.

As they pulled out of the drive and on to the traffic moving slowly towards the heart of the city Omkara couldn't help but steal glances at his wife. She was too conscious about her palms and suddenly he was struck with an idea. 

"So how was the function? He asked her casually, at the same time rolling down the glass on her side. The gentle night breeze, swept her hair over her face, obstructing her view and ticking her cheeks. 

"It was wonderful! You should have been there, everybody was asking about you. I told them you're busy with the upcoming exhibition. Her voice was full of excitement as she unsuccessfully tried to blow away the strands of hair from her face. 

"Did Tara look beautiful? You know, she is my favorite cousin? He continued, staring straight ahead as she struggled with her hair. 

"Haan! She told me all about your various adventures! She was very angry that you couldn't make it. I promised her you'll be there for the wedding. She replied still wrestling with her locks. 

"Let me, he whispered against her ear, leaning across and brushing her hair stands off her face, tucking them neatly behind her ear. She fall silent instantly. His fingertips wandering along her cheek bone could feel the heat emitting as they turned rosy. Veiled underneath her thick lashes she stole a glance at the open shutter, knowing full well he had planned this moment. But she chose not to comment on it and instead dropped her gaze, Omkara took his time, trailing his fingers on her bangles, making each of them chime against the other. "Nice mehendi, he said seriously, before turning his eyes on the road once more.

Perhaps he was tuned to each little thing about her, that he heard her let go of the breath she was holding, as he drew away. He didn't want to tease her more, so he continued to chat about the function and his cousin, instead of commenting on her reactions which he found very interesting all of a sudden. But fate it seemed had different plans. Gauri's mobile, tucked in a pouch hanging from her waist started to ring. They both exchanged a look and Gauri looked utterly uncomfortable now, her helpless gaze darted towards the pouch and then flicked back up at him. He could have laughed at the shade her face had darkened to had the sound not distracted him. Gesturing her to stay still he pulled out her phone, careful not touch her again, the caller ID read "Bhujai ji frowning he accepted the call and held it to her ear, managing the steering single handedly. 

Gauri still looked a bit uncomfortable, as she accepted the call with a timid hello. Perhaps the call was private, Omkara reasoned to himself. But he couldn't help overhearing the conversation. 

"Please don't worry Bhujai ji, I'm taking care of everyone. Yes, yes, I know that. I'm not going to  let him find out. No, no, it's really okay. You've done a lot for me, at least I can do this much. It's my belief that you will return soon, everyone will welcome you with all the love you deserve.

"That was Annika, wasn't it? He asked her once she ended the call. She watched him in silence for a moment and then blinked. "Are you going to tell me what happened, because I can't believe Annika would ever deceive Shivay. Not her, I knew her.

"She didn't, Gauri nodded. "It's all because of choti ma ji, she proceeded to tell him exactly what happened at the Oberoi mansion all those months ago and exactly how much of it Shivay did not know. Omkara listened to her wide eyed and exhaled sharply once she finished. "You can ask Rudra bhaiyya in case you don't believe me, she finished with a little smile. 

"Why would I not believe you? He asked her, bewildered. "I know you wouldn't lie for something as grave as this! for some reason it irked him that she thought he did not trust her. Had he ever given her a reason to think so?

"Nahi... she said nervously. "Choti ma is your family Omkara ji. I know it's hard to imagine her doing something so...

"You're my family too and I know exactly what kind of a woman Choti mom is. What surprises me is that I agreed to go along with this stupid plan of Annika's and didn't say anything to Shivay!

"Wo...there were some other facts too. You had no choice, you did it for bade bhaiyya. She muttered and since she had no hand to wipe it secretly a tear slid down her cheek. 

"Why are you crying Gauri?

"You called me family... she said softly, as if muttering to herself. "You...believed me!

He took the car to the side and parked, staring at her in confusion.

"Please tell me what I did, he said finally, his tone weary. "Did I treat you that bad? What did I do that made you so wary of me?

She looked positively terrified then, her eyes wide and lips trembling she shook her head vehemently. 

"No, no you did nothing! I was just being melodramatic! That's how I am, don't take it seriously! She tried to smile, but her nerves dimmed it away too soon.

Omkara shook his head pinning her with his stare.

"Please Gauri, don't lie to me. I know you're saying this because the doctors has asked you not to stress me. But you know I hate lies right? Do you have any idea how stressed I am, looking at the way you're positively terrified of me? It always makes me wonder, what did I do? He let go of a tattered breath and held her gaze. "I didn't hit you did I? Or make you feel unwanted? I didn't behave like him, huh?

"Aap bure nahi the Omkara ji, she breathed, her eyes brimming with tears. "Halaat bure the. Things happened that made you doubt me, my intentions.  But I swear I never harbored any ill feeling towards anyone. I just couldn't prove myself to you and misunderstandings kept pilling up, we kept falling apart.

"I might have been a fool right? He tried to smile. "I promise you it won't happen again.

"I'm sorry too, she said gently. "I shouldn't have avoided you like this. It's just humein itni pyaar ki aadat nahi hai, she let the tears flow and continued. "It all feel like a dream which will shatter once I wake up. I don't want to get my heart broken again. Only fortunate gets to heal from broken hearts Omkara ji, some wounds never heal.

"I'm not going to leave you Gauri.

"Not even when your memory returns? She asked in a small voice, finally voicing the doubt that had been lingering in her mind all along. Omkara smiled and shook his head. 

"Not even then, Omkara Singh Oberoi promises you that. She smiled at him, finally her eyes lighting up in the glow of that grin. He reciprocated and held out his hand. "So what do you say, Gauri Kumari Sharma, will you be my friend?


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