Chapter 12: Soul's have been darkened

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(Deadpool's POV.)

Me: "Hey readers, here's another recording I made so you can get up to speed on what's happening."

I picked up Queen Chrysalis's recording and play it.

Queen Chrysalis: "The Soul Stone lies in another realm... by far the furthest from your reach..."


(Grogar's POV.)

I teleported into one of the world's in this universe to find the infinity stones.

As I was looking around, I was attacked and use my power against my attacker.

Me: "Who are you?!"

??????: "I am Jedah, the dark messiah. No need for you to tell me who you are, Grogar."

Me: "You know me?"

Jedah: "I believe you want to take action against Ultron, Sigma and their plan to find all of these 'Infinity Stones'."

Me: "Are you trying to stop my plan to find them?"

Jedah: "On the contrary, I just want your commitment."

Me: "You offer an alliance?"

Jedah: "Yes. I know you will deny it and you don't know if you can trust me..."

Jedah opens his right hand, revealing to me a stone.

Jedah: "So, I believe this might be proof enough to show my trust... I know this isn't enough with one Infinity Stone... but it is a start."


(No one's POV.)

Grogar looks at Jedah, then at the stone and evilly smirks.

Grogar: "Alright. I'll accept your association."

Grogar and Jedah shake hands as both of their eyes start glowing orange.


(The Dark Kingdom, Leahcim's POV.)

A portal opens beneath me as I fall, landing on my front.

Me: "I have been falling... For 30 minutes!"

As I turn over, Sunset lands on top of me.

Sunset opens her eyes, seeing me and the two of us froze for a minute, blushing.

Sunset: "Oh, sorry."

Sunset gets off of me and helps me up.

Me: "Wow... I didn't know how beautiful your eyes are up close."

Sunset: "Th-Thank you."

Sunset starts to smile and blush a bit.

I then chuckle at her smile and smiled back.

Just then, we heard some the sound of chains and energy blasts... like a fight's starting.

We went over to find out what was going on and saw Ghost Rider and an unfamiliar person, fighting each other.

Me: "Stop this fighting!"

?????: "By what power do you dare command me?!"

I then look to see Ghost Rider who apparently has a new blue look and turns back into Johnny Blaze.

Me: "Johnny."

Johnny: "Leahcim."

Me: "Two really important questions. Who are you and why were you fighting?"

Morrigan: "My name is Morrigan. As for why we were fighting, I don't have to tell you."

Sunset: "You don't need to."

Sunset grabs Morrigan arm and her eyes glow white.


(Visions, Sunset's POV.)

Morrigan: "Tell me, Rider. Is it any business that brings you here... or pleasure?"

Ghost Rider: "Vengeance."

Morrigan: "Ahh... a bit of both."

Ghost Rider: "A million of innocent souls have been stolen from Earth... I seek vengeance against the ones responsible for this. You're guilty of many things... but you aren't guilty of this."

Morrigan: "Is that so? I sense such desire in you... a fire."

Ghost Rider: "For justice and retribution."

Morrigan: "Not for me?"

Ghost Rider turns to walk away until Morrigan clones herself in front of him.

Morrigan clone: "Or for me?"

Both Morrigans go near Ghost Rider as he moves away, with both of the Morrigans looking at each other.

Both Morrigans: "No? A pity, we have so much in common. Our passion... great bone structure, but if you will not give me what I need..."

Her clone evaporates and looks back at Ghost Rider.

Morrigan: "I will take it from you!"

Ghost Rider turns around to face Morrigan.

Ghost Rider: "I don't wish to harm you, Succubus."

Morrigan: "Then dance with me, Rider. Dance with me in flame and fire!"


(After the vision, No one's POV.)

Sunset lets Morrigan go and look at Ghost Rider and back at her, realising she likes him.

Just then, Doctor Strange, Dante and Arthur appear through her portal.

Stevia: "Leahcim? Sunset Shimmer? What are you two doing in the dark kingdom?"

Dante: "Didn't we see you two with Cap just a few seconds ago?"

Sunset: "A few seconds? It's been an hour since we got the time stone."

Leahcim: "Ok, so the portal Sunset and I fell through was a time and space portal."

Dante and Johnny then look at each other as Johnny transforms into Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider: "Dante."

Dante: "How's it going, Ghost Rider?"

Ghost Rider: "I sensed a great evil, moving unseen through the Mortal Realm, that day... The echoes of their pain and misery have led me here."

Dante: "Spooky."

Stevia: "It is more serious than you know. All life stands upon the edge of extinction."

Sunset: "Morrigan, we're here to search for the soul stone."

Morrigan: "I've seen it, in Lord Jedah and Grogar's hands."

Doctor Strange: "The Dark Messiah and the father of monsters have the Soul Stone? That's a dangerous combination indeed."

Leahcim: "Now that's just darn horrifying."

Morrigan: "I can help you find them. Jedah and I were... close."

Ghost Rider looks at Morrigan with a hint of resentment.

Morrigan: "Aww, don't be jealous."

Sunset: "Thank you for your help, Morrigan."

Stevia: "Yes, we would be most... Where is Sir Arthur?"

Arthur: "Here."


(Timeskip to the directions to Jedah's castle.)

Morrigan leads the way to Jedah's castle.

Arthur: "Stay behind us, Lady Morrigan and lady Sunset."

Leahcim grabs Arthur and looks at him with a stern look.

Arthur: "Is there a problem?"

Leahcim: "Listen. I get that you're a knight but don't say that in front of an angel like Sunset because that is a thing you don't want to do in..."

Leahcim realises what he was about to say and let's go of Arthur and looks at him.

Leahcim: "I'm sorry, I just want Sunset to be happy and I want to tell her something I have waited to tell her for a long time since we first met."

Arthur: "And that would be?"

Me: "Sunset. Without a single small doubt in my mind, I love you. Since the day we first met, you have always made me the most happiest man in every single world and taught me so much about friendship. So, I ask this one question. Will you be my girlfriend?"

When Leahcim isn't noticing, Sunset was right behind him, as she heard every single word he said.

Arthur: "No harm, my friend. I think you might want to tell miss Sunset Shimmer about the feelings you told her."

Leahcim: "Wait, what do you–?"

Just then, Sunset Shimmer grabs Leahcim and gives him a peck on the lips.

After a minute, they both finished the kiss as they looked at each other, smiling.

Sunset: "My answer is yes."

Leahcim: "Wow."

Sunset: "Come on, we have a mission to do."

Leahcim: "Sure thing, you beautiful sunshine."


(Timeskip to Jedah's castle, Leahcim's POV)

As we arrived at Jedah's castle, we see an abomination of pure fear with the soul stone around Grogar's neck.

Ghost Rider: "The dark entity and the first king of Equestria."

Me: "And the soul stone."

Morrigan: "Jedah!"

Jedah: "Morrigan. Are you and your friends here to marvel at our creation?"

Me: "It's a deity wannabe!"

Grogar: "It's a Symbiote fed upon a million souls."

Ghost Rider: "So many innocents, sacrificed."

Grogar: "And still not yet enough to defeat Ultron."

Jedah: "It will take a billion more to destroy him!"

Me: "Listen, crackpots! The Soul Stone has messed with your heads. Maybe more."

Grogar: "No, it has let us see the truth."

Jedah: "We shall restore the balance between life and death. It is time for the Dark Kingdom to rise!"

Before Stevia could deal with the creature, Kaecilius, a billion of Windigos and Astaroth stop her from releasing the souls and destroy the giant symbiote.

Kaecilius: "You will all die. Starting with you, sorceress!"

Stevia: "Kaecilius."

Kaecilius: "This place shall be your grave, Strange!"

Sunset: "This isn't going to be easy."

Just before a fight starts, The soul stone starts to glow brightly and absorbs Astraroth, the Windigos and Kaecilius into the Symbiote, Giving the hybrid creature more power.

Jedah starts to laugh like a megalomaniac as Grogar's evil laugh give chills in the air.

Jedah: "It's beautiful."

Stevia: "This evil must be contained."

The Symbiotic creature falls into the portal as Jedah and Grogar jump in.

Morrigan: "Too late!"

Arthur: "What about the stone?"

Me: "Jedah and Grogar are already gone."

Sunset: "I think it's time to get out of here."

Stevia: "I quite agree."

Stevia opens a portal for everyone to go to Avengers facility.


To be continued...

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