Chapter 13: the minds of the antagonists freed

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I don't own the pictures or the characters.


(Tony's POV.)

Sci-Twi and I were working on a device that Dr Light has been showing up through a few schematics.

Weiss, Blake, Bon Bon, Lyra, Applejack and Rarity were looking at them in confusion.

Weiss: "Excuse me, why are you making stabilisers to contain the stone's power?"

Rarity: "Weiss does have a point, why don't we use the infinity stones without it?"

Dr Light: "The Infinity Stones are too powerful for mortal beings to wield."

Sci-Twi: "So in order to use it without any consequences, a device must be created to utilize and contain the stone's abilities."

Blake: "There's just one thing we don't understand."

Applejack: "If we need to use something to contain the stone's power, then why doesn't (Y/N) need one?"

Me: "His semblance is connected to the stones."

Rarity: "What do you mean?"

Me: "(Y/N)'s Semblance controls and enhances the stones so he can use them, no matter what universe he's in."

Sci-Twi: "Tony, can you pass that coupling there?"

Me: "Sure."

I go to the coupling and pass it over to Sci-Twi.

Just then, Strange's portal opens revealing Dr Strange, her group, Ghost Rider, a girl with bat wings and apparently Leahcim along with Sunset.

Me: "Weren't you and Sunset with Cap?"

Leahcim: "Don't ask."

Me: "Alrighty."

Stevia: "We lost the soul stone."

Ghost Rider: "It's in the possession of the father of monsters and the Dark Messiah, Grogar and Jedah."

Me: "Convenient."

Leahcim: "You think?"

F.R.I.D.A.Y: "Tony, Mr Clint Barton is calling you."

Tony: "Put him on."


(No one's POV.)

Ronin: "We have a problem."

Tony: "What's up, Barton?"

Ronin: "It's Ultron Phoenix Sigma, he's here!"

Tony: "Doc, raise the shields."

The shields raise to guard the Facility but Ultron Phoenix Sigma teleports in the facility with the space stone.

Lyra (FIM): "That's not good."

A screen goes on with Steve and Twilight's faces.

Steve: "Tony, come in."

Tony: "Finally, some good news. Go ahead, you two."

Twilight: We have the Time Stone."

Steve: "We're Approaching the facility now in ten minutes with a new guest."

Leahcim: "Make it five."

Steve nods his head and the monitor turns off.

Applejack (EQG): "Ok, we have to set them free."

Tony: "What's the answer I'm looking for? No way in hell!"

Sunset/Leahcim: "Absolutely not!"

Applejack: "As much as we all think my idea is awful... it's the only one we've got."

Rarity: "Applejack's right, we are on our own in this issue."

Tony looks at them and sighs, knowing that they're right.

Tony: "Sci-Twi, do you still have Magic limitation bands?"

Sci-Twi nods her head, then gets the bands and goes over to the containment fields looking at Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis.

Sci-Twi: "Chrysalis and Tirek, these bands will only come off by Tony's voice and they'll prevent you from stealing & absorbing any more magic from others but you'll still retain and use your own."

Chrysalis and Tirek both look as Sci-Twi puts the bands in their cells and they both put them on.

As they get out of their cells, Ultron Phoenix Sigma then comes in and blasts Arthur, Dante, Stevia and Morrigan aside and knocks them out.

Leahcim: "The pizza's here."

U.P.S: "Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek and Tammy, I see you chose the Avengers over the three of us."

Lord Tirek: "It's better than being in your prison."

U.P.S: "Wouldn't you all at least accept our help once I show you the light?"

Tammy: "You're no hero."

Queen Chrysalis: "And you aren't worthy to be a saviour."

Cozy Glow: "You're a being with an identity crisis who keeps the stones like toys and use them like a child."

Ultron Phoenix Sigma then aims his hand at Cozy Glow to use the reality stone on her.

Tirek then attacks Ultron Phoenix Sigma.

He then starts him punching over and over until he cracks the reality stone, hurting Ultron Phoenix Sigma and causes Tirek to go flying.

Ultron Phoenix Sigma starts to split into their original forms but reformed into their current form after a few seconds.

U.P.S: "I'm impressed. Lord Tirek, you're the first being to actually manage to hurt us... I would like to talk about my plan but I need to repair."

Ultron Phoenix Sigma then retreats back to XGard.


(Deadpool's POV.)

Me: "Hi everyone. Here's the next stone recording to little Cozy Glow."

I grab the recording and played it which played come and get your love.

I grabbed the other one and played it.

Cozy Glow: The Mind Stone is concealed not far from the facility, in a laboratory deep beneath the headquarters of the A.I.M.BRELLA Corporation underneath a shampoo factory of the Maneiac..."

Me: "See you soon, dear reader."


(Chris's POV.)

My team and I sneak inside the base without alerting any guards thanks to Jean's telepathic abilities.

Cyclops: "Okay, Tower. We're in. Stark?"

Rick: "Walls must be shielded just in case anyone that doesn't like anyone that is not allied with M.O.D.O.K. to find this place."

Chris: "This has Umbrella's stench all over it."

Morty: "Aw jeez."

??????????: And all this time, right under our noses."

We turned around to see SpiderGirl.

Chris: "SpiderGirl. What are you doing here?"

SpiderGirl: "It was Mr Stark's idea. Ultron Phoenix Sigma attacked the facility."

Morty: "Guy's, we've got company."

Everyone turns to see four B.O.W.s as Fluttershy hides behind me.

Fluttershy: "What are they?"

Chris: "B.O.W.s... and something else. Something... alien."


(No one's POV.)

Pinkie Pie grabs her party cannon and blast the B.O.W.s and knocks them out.

Chris looks around and checks around to see if it's clear.

Chris: "We're clear!"

Just before the team move on, Rick stops Chris.

Rick: "No... There's something else... Something ugly... malignant... with something... dark... Violent."

Rick presses a button, what opens a door revealing Frank West and Leon Kennedy.

Rick: "Frank West and Leon Scott Kennedy, ladies and gentlemen!"

Frank West: "Okay, okay... you got us."

Leon Kennedy: "Hey Chris."

Chris: What the hell are you two doing here?

SpiderGirl: "They've been tailing me for the past hour... and for a special agent & an investigate photojournalist you're kind of bad at your jobs."

Leon: "A few weeks ago, we heard of these rumours... disappearances and sightings of monsters, so we start to look into it."

Frank: "Turns out, every one of these incidents happened within a three-mile radius of this facility. Coincidence?"

Leon: "The point is, we were staking the place out when you showed up."

Frank: "Look, I'm telling you this story's big... maybe the biggest of my career."

Chris: "Get out of here now, and maybe you'll live to tell it."

Frank West: "Hey... I'm not some club reporter. I've covered wars, you know."

Chris sighs in annoyance, knowing Frank won't leave.

Chris: "Fine. Just stay out of my way... and don't touch anything."

Chris, Leon & his team look around in shock as Frank looks in surprise when he saw the B.O.W.s in tubes.

Frank West: "My god... This is great!"

Frank starts taking pictures of the B.O.W.s.

SpiderGirl: "Oh my god."

Just as Frank West was taking pictures and Leon was looking around, they see two people that haven't turned yet.

Leon: "Check it out, these ones are still fresh."

Pinkie Pie: "That's Mike Haggar, the mayor."

Frank: "Who's the other one?"

Jean looks at him, reading his mind.

Jean: "His name.. is Eddie Brock... also known as... Venom."

Chris: "Are they still alive?"

A black substance creeps over Eddie's body as Mike Haggar's eyes open suddenly.

They burst out of the tubes making Frank West and Leon Kennedy jump.

Mike Haggar: "You've just kidnapped the wrong mayor!"

Venom then attacks Mike and gets on the ground.

Venom: "We will enjoy this."

Just before Venom attacks Mike Haggar, Pinkie Pie then blocks him.

Venom: "Who are you?"

Pinkie Pie: "I'm Pinkie Pie and you're Eddie Brock and Venom, right?"

Venom then turns back into Eddie, revealing his original form.

Eddie: "How do you know our name?"

Pinkie Pie: "Jean read your mind when you were both unconscious."

Mike Haggar was about to attack Frank and Venom until SpiderGirl blocks his path.

Mike: "SpiderGirl? What the hell's going on?

SpiderGirl: "Long story, Mister Mayor. Do you remember how you got here?"

Mike Hagger: I was in my office at City Hall doing paperwork..."

Frank West: "Without a shirt on?"

Mike Hagger: "Next thing I know I'm here... what is this place?!"

Chris: "Quiet! I hear voices..."

The group stealthily sneak around until they see Jedah with M.O.D.O.K attached to the Mind stone.

M.O.D.O.K.: "The parasite is not mutating as anticipated. I require more time."

Jedah: "There is no more time. Perhaps you arrogance outstrips your intellect."

M.O.D.O.K.: "My intellect is unmatched! You shall have your army! Now leave me, I must work!"

SpiderGirl: "Hey... I know that egghead... it's M.O.D.O.K. the freakshow leader!"

Jedah: "Do not fail me, M.O.D.O.K..."

Jedah jumps into a portal.

Rick: "Having trouble with your lab partner?"

M.O.D.O.K: "Intruders... MY CHILDREN, TO WAR!"

The B.O.W.s break out of their tubes as Eddie turns into Venom.

Venom: "You will regret harvesting my DNA."

SpiderGirl: "These are your kids? They're adorable. Aww, they've got that same ugly mug of yours."

Venom then jumps to them as he bites down their heads.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were behind Chris shaking.

Rick: "What the f**k?!"

Morty: "D-did you just...?"

Rick: "Eat the host's heads?!"

Venom: "What? I was hungry."

Chris, Leon, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy turn around, seeing a familiar face.

Leon: "No..."

Pinkie Pie: "Way..."

Mike Hagger: "Friends of yours?"

Nemesis: "STAAAARSS..."

Chris: "Nemesis."

Pinkie Pie: "The Dazzlings and Maneiac Mayhem."

M.O.D.O.K.: "Hahahaha... Nemesis, Dazzlings and Maneiac, destroy them!"

Nemesis: "STAARRRSS..."

The Dazzlings and Maneiac: "Yes master."

Chris: "Me, Mike, Venom and Leon will handle Nemesis, you handle the Dazzlings and Maneiac."

Just before a fight starts, the Mind Stone starts to glow and blasts The Dazzlings and Maneiac.

M.O.D.O.K.: "WHAT?!"

They got up in confusion and looked around.

Aria: "Where are we?"

Sonata: "It appears we are in the A.I.MBRELLA corporation under the shampoo factory the Maneiac has originated from, being mind-controlled by the leader, M.O.D.O.K."

Aria and Adagio look in a surprise of her new intellect.

Adagio: "How do you..."

Sonata: "The Mind Stone has increased my intelligence by 99.96 %. Also, I want to let you know that even if we don't see eye to eye, I am proud of you. You two are truly the best thing that's happened to me... and I would do anything and everything to protect you."

The two sisters started to tear up and hug her as she hugs back.

Nemesis then gets knocked out by Frank West with a baseball bat.

Rick: "Nice try, M.O.R.O.N."

M.O.D.O.K: "It's M.O-!"

SpiderGirl then strings a web line and successfully stole the Mind Stone.

M.O.D.O.K.: "Aaagh! The Mind Stone!"

The portal under M.O.D.O.K. starts to swirl anti-clockwise.

M.O.D.O.K.: "No, NOOOO!!!"

Just then, a flash of yellow light appears and mind stone counterpart of (Y/N) appears.

SpiderGirl: "(Y/N)? Ok, you have a lot of explaining to do after this."

Chris: "Shut it down! Shut it down, now!"

Both M.S. (Y/N) & Sonata go to the control consoles to try and override the system but alas, no avail.

M.S. (Y/N): "We can't!"

Sonata: "Something's forcing its way through..."

M.O.D.O.K.: "Hahahaha, It's here... our masterpiece! You'll regret the day you dared cross M.O.D.O.K! Hahahaha..."

Jean: "We need to go. We need to go NOW!"

Everyone else runs as Rick uses his portal gun so he and Morty can go to one place...



To be continued...

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