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After Branch, Poppy and the Gang ate, they continued their journey. It was getting late and they weren't even half way close to the Rock Troll Kingdom.

"How much lonnnnggerrrrr!!!!???" Poppy whined letting herself go limp, Branch catching her in the nick of time, then carrying her bridal style.

"Poppy it would probably take us at least tomorrow longer before we get to our destination, stop whining." Branch groaned, Poppy still in his arms as she wrapped her arms around Branch's neck so she wont fall.

"Your holding unto me as if I'm gonna drop you, geez, I'm the least person who'd drop someone he's carrying." Branch stated in a matter of fact way.

Plus, I'll never drop you Poppy...Ever  Branch thought in addition.

"Yeahhhh, but," Poppy started as she clung unto Branch's neck even more, "I just like holding unto you~." Poppy finished, tounge out in a teasing way.

Branch blushed at this before speaking up, "Oh hush-, hey why are you guys so quiet?"

Branch looked at the snack pack as they allstared back up at him before Suki broke the silence saying, "Shhh, just go back to doing Broppy." 

Branch blushed a darker purple loosening his hold on Poppy as he looked away from the pack in emberrasment.

Poppy on the other hand found it quite cute, in fact she found it so cute she decided to give Branch a peck on the cheek, which she did.

Branch stopped dead in his tracks as he had an unreadable expression on his face. Poppy was starting to get concerned so she got out of Branch hold and stood up on her own two feet, she then waved her hand in front of Branch's face.

"Hello? Branch? Uh, sorry for kissing you on the cheek if thats what your bothered about-." Poppy said before she got cut off by Branch.

"No its not that, it was just...Sudden..." Branch said, getting quiet by the end, he then added the end being almost inaudible, "We'll talk about it later, when we're in private."

The snack pack tried to hear what he said but they couldn't so they just shrugged and continued on walking.

A few hours later, the sun was setting, the gang of friends have found themselves a ckearing to stay in, well, Branch of course forbade them to be so set on the spot though, not until he atleast checked the parameter twice, no, thrice, nah, maybe quadrice? Whatever its called.

After Branch had made sure that everything was safe, the snack pack was setting their tents, that's when they can here Poppy mumbling to herself.

"Where is it?" Poppy mumbled once again to herself.

The snack pack and Branch came closer to see what was wrong, "Something wrong Poppy?" Biggie asked concerned for his friend.

"It's-it's my tent, it's not in here!" Poppy panicked.

The snack pack looked at each other before Smidge decides to say, "Dont worry Poppy! Me and the others brought single troll tents but Branch's is big enough for Three! Two because of all the stuff he brought."

Branch snapped his head to look at Smidge who greeted him with a fake innocent smile followed by a few eye flutters. Branch then sighs before saying, "Yeah, you could sleep in my tent, um uh, that is if you don't mund sleeping next to me."

Poppy beamed then gave Branch and her friends a big hug, soon letting go.

At Night Time...

Everyone has had their dinner, did their night rountine, and got into their tents.

Poppy and Branch were both lying next to each other in Branch's tent, it was silent, too silent, but then Poppy broke the silence with a question.

"Deja vù huh?"

Branch blinked then looked at her confuses before understanding and giving her a smile. "Yeah," He said in response looking back up at the ceiling.

"Remember when we were at the pot?" Poppy asked once again.

Branch simply hummed in response, signaling her to continue.

"You said you love me-, an-and I know it's part of the songs lyrics but I just wanted to say incase you did mean it that, I Love You Too, and even if you didnt really meant it in the song well..." Poppy trailed off.

"Now you know." She finished as she looked at Branch hopeful.

Branch closed his eyes, a purple tint staining his cheeks, Poppy sighed and was about to roll over so her back was facing Branch but instead she was yanked into a tight embrace as Branch closed the gap between them.

Poppy melted into the moment as she hugged Branch back also returning Branch's loving gesture.

After awhile, they pulled away breathing for air. "So, does that..." Branch started,

"Make us a thing now?" Poppy finished for him.

Branch nodded signifying that, that was his question indeed.

"Yes if you want to be." Poppy said with a giggle, "Then I guess it's official." Branch breathed out, pulling her close to him so her back was fronting him, he then hugged her tight saying two words before falling asleep,

"Good Night."

Poppy smiled as she snuggled closer to Branch's warmth before drifting into sleep, one things for sure though,

Best Day Ever...


Another one done! Now i just wanna say there's a chance I cant update daily this week because we habe a bunch of projects to finish, I'll probably update on wednesday for both the onsehot book and this one, but other than that idk, so just keeo a look out for chapters on both books! Hope ya enjoyed!


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