This is Gonna be Easy After All

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As Branch and the gang was about to set off, Branch noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "Wait a minute! Suki, what's that!?" Branch asked pointing at the critter like thing Suki is riding on.

"My wooferbug!" Suki exclaimed at Branch.

"Didn't I say not to pack unnecessary things?" Branch asked raising one of his eyebrows as he tapped his foot on the ground.

"Yeah, but you said we can bring one of our instruments, and my wooferbug is both my baby and my instrument." Suki said back looking Branch in the eye.

Branch looked at Suki then the wooferbug and sighed, "Fine, but don't blame me if something happens to it on our adventure." Branch snapped as he turned around and started walking.

"Awww, he does care!" Poppy said with a cheeky smile. (Thanks BranchieandPops btw for the idea with the wooferbug).

As the gang kept walking for a few hours, they decided to take a break to get some food in their system.

"Guys, I'm huuuUUUUUUNNNgggggrrYYYY." Guy Diamond said with dramaticness in his voice.

"Why do you think we're taking a break?" Branch said with a chuckle as he opened his bag and the objects inside, namely; flint and steel, a mini oven, a pot, and more cooking things, flew from out of his bag and set itself up on the ground.

"Woah! Cool!" Smidge exclaimed before adding, "Is that magic?!"

"I mean, not the kind your referring to, no." Branch explained as he held out his hand and a bunch of berries flew right near were his hand was aimed at, Branch than made the berries slice themselves and started mushing them together.

"That's so cool! Do you bake like that all the time?!" Cooper asked in awe as he stared at the floating ingredients up close.

Branch made the objects/food float away from Cooper and into a bowl, then into his arms as he continued to stir, this time with a wooden spoon.

"First of all Cooper, no, I do not bake like that, I'm just doing it like this cause it'll be quicker than foraging berries and mushing them ourselves, Second of all, can you guys power the oven? I think I have a battery pack somewhere in my bag." Branch stated as he continued to mix the berries.

Poppy and the gang then proceeded to power up the oven while branch was busy making the pie.

After they popped the not-cooked-pie into the oven, they decided to have a little talk while waiting.

"So, why haven't you used your powers often?" Poppy asked with curiousity.

Branch sighed before explaining, "Well, I always found my...Abilities...Annoying, one reason is because way back when, I could never seem to get it to do what I wanted it to do, I couldn't properly control it, this made me a bit scared, because there's a chance it could just go haywire and I can't do anything about it, another reason is the pressure, the pressure of being made out to he the most...Significant...because it feeos as tho one wrong step, and the whole world can be out into chaos, as I explained to you Poppy the other day."

Poppy looked at Branch with a slight frown before she looked at Suki and the others, them giving her a knowinh smile as she gave Branch a big hug.

Branch chuckled again, "Again? Im fine guys, I'm not turning gray anytime soon," He said.

Yeah, not as long as Poppy's alright.

"I know, just thought you needed it." She said with a smirk, remembering her saying the exact same thing back on their first adventure.

Branch hugged back, Branch, Poppy, and the Snack Pack stayed like that for awhile till they heard a sound.

Beep! Beep! Beep! (Amazing sound effects once again my dear peeps! *note:im being sarcastic at myself*)

So the group of friends broke their hug, Branch opening the oven, using his powers to make the pie float, because it was hot, he then went to his bag grabbed a picnic blanket and spread it out, then proceeding to put the pie down before grabbing some plates out of his bag and setting them down on top the plates.

"Okay, is it just me or does Branch's bag have a bit too many stuff, and that's just for this break." Smidge pointed out with a questioning look.

Biggie, responding to this statement, then tried to lift Branch's bag from the floor only to be unable to even get it of the ground for just a tiny bit.

"Oh, uh, I try to make sure to pack for all eventualities." Branch stated with a shy smile as he chuckled.

Poppy gave Branch a pointed look before asking, "Di you bring ANYTHING fun?"

"What?! Poppy how dare you!" Branch suddenly exclaimed, a bit to dramatically if I may add. "Of course I did! How on earth can you doubt me!?" Branch added, adding a dramatic huff, a smirk slipping unto he's face as he gave a dramatic pose covering his eyes with his left arm and his right positioned in a way as if saying to not get near.

Poppy shook her head as she laughed, "Okay, okay, Mr Dramatic." She said, "Please, oh great fun person, show us what fun things you have brought." She said in a playfull and slightky mocking tone.

Branch looked at her, snickering at her for joining in his little act, he then proceeded to pull out something from his hair.

A Guitar.

Not just any guitar an electric guitar.

Branch then put his hand right near his hair then made something float out of it.

It was a speaker, it looked like the portable and chargable kind aswell.

Branch then proceeded to plug the guitar in and strummed it. The noise was loud, honestly Poppy was suprised that Branch would even put the volume up so high, especially considering they were in the middle of the forest where, as Branch would normally say, 'Predators can be lurking.'

Poppy nonethless, cleared her throat and said, "I stand corrected, you are indeed worthy of being a fun person."

Branch snickered at this as he continues to play some tunes on the guitar.

Poppy smiled at Branch lovingly before saying,

"This is Gonna be Easy After All."


Another chao done! Sorry its a bit late, I went to the mall, its a thousand words to make up for lateness though! So hope you enjoy!


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