Rowanberry's lessons

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"Owlpaw, Owlpaw!" Ivypaw meowed with her clan.

Owlpaw had just been apprenticed and his mentor was Smokefoot. Now they could train together!

Ivypaw padded up to her brother with Tallpoppy.

"I'm so proud of you Owlpaw," Tallpoppy licked his forehead gently and rubbed muzzles.

"Now we can train together!" Ivypaw bounced around her brother.

"I'll be a better hunter than you soon enough," Owlpaw hissed playfully in the first time in awhile.

Ivypaw lowered herself in a hunting crouched and pounced onto her brother, both apprentices rolling over in a playful battle. Ivypaw raised her paw ready to swipe until Owlpaw pushed her off with unbelievable strength and pinned her down. Her brother was almost bigger than her now.

"Owlpaw!" Smokefoot called padding up to them. "Lets go learn the borders."

"But I want to learn to hunt and fight!" Owlpaw wailed.

"It's better to learn borders first you gain more knowledge and strength by running after Smokefoot." Ivypaw meowed reasuringly.

"You would know," Owlpaw grumbled and took off after his mentor into the pine tunnel.

Ivypaw sighed then looked around for Rowanclaw. Didn't they have batle training today?

"Hey Ivypaw woud you mind helping me gather more cobwebs? Our supplies is low," Littlecloud meowed padding up to the apprentice.

"I guess," Ivypaw meowed seeing as Rowanclaw was out of camp anyways. She followed after the medicine cat on the same path they took when she had first left the camp and Whitepaw had her incident.

"I'll jump over the tree this time," Ivypaw meowed to Littlecloud. Now she was big enough to jump over the tree. She wriggled her haunches and sprang over the tree.

"Remember how to pull out the cobwebs?" Littlecloud called over.

"Yes," Ivypaw answered, already pulling out cobwebs gently.

Both cats went on in silence until Ivypaw remembered medicine cats spoke with Starclan. Maybe Littlecloud would understand why Rowanberry had visited her. She grabbed her patch of cobwebs and jumped onto the tree then back down to the ground beside Littlecloud.

"I have a question." Ivypaw meowed setting down her cobwebs.

"Okay what is it?" Littlecloud meowed still at work.

"Does Starclan only visit medicine cats?" Ivypaw meowed giving no hint of Rowanberry visiting her.

"They can visit clan leaders very rarely, but mostly they only visit medicine cats," Littlecloud answered logically.

Ivypaw nodded then realized. She looked up staring at Littlecloud remembering the night in the nursery where Littlecloud had told Tallpoppy to apprentice her sooner than Owlpaw.

Did he know Starlan would visit her? Would that mean she was going to become a medicine cat? No! She was a warrior, she'd never dwell into herbs and healing. Then would that mean she would be leader?

"Let's head back to camp I think we got enough," Littlecloud meowed. He gave no hint that he rememered that night or that he knew anything about Ivypaw.

Ivypaw nodded and picked up her patch, following after Littlecloud she stopped scenting something. Rowanberry? Ivypaw set down her cobwebs.

"I think theres a thrush over here," Ivypaw told Littlecloud.

Littlecloud turned and nodded and began speaking around the cobwebs, "Remember to bring back the cobwebs." He then turned and headed back to camp.

Ivypaw nodded and headed after the scent. "Rowanberry?" She called silently.

Rowanberry was perched beneath a pine her fluffy tail wrapped around her paws. "Ivypaw you've become a great apprentice if they only knew." She meowed with a pang of sadness.

"If who only knew?" Ivypaw meowed padding closer to Rowanberry recognizing the starry outline.

"Ivypaw I can only help you learn your truth," Rowanberry looked down sadly.

"Why cant you just tell me?" Ivypaw asked desperately.

"Tell you what?" Rowanclaw asked padding up from behind Ivypaw.

Ivypaw spun around then turned to see that Rowanberry had dissappeared.

"Littlecloud said you were out here, it's time for battle training." Rowanclaw turned and headed for the training field.

Ivypaw turned back to see if Rowanberry had reappeared, but the she cat had disappeared.

"The next gathering," Rowanberry's voice drifted through the trees.

"Ivypaw come on!" Rowanclaw called.

"Coming!" Ivypaw raced after her mentor. The next gathering was three sunrises away, then she would find out what Rowanberry meant.

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