Chapter 2: Bonding with Julian

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*WARNING! The following chapter contains scenes of smut.  No one under 18 is allowed. You have been warned.*

Sky paces her floor for possibly the hundredth time and has bitten her nails down to the bone.  She was worried to death about the boys, especially Julian.  They were her best friends and if anything happened to Julian before she could confess her feelings about him, she wasn't sure how she would be able to live on with her life.  She gasps as she hears the familiar scraping of metal and yanks her blinds back to see Ricky's car drive up.  

She rushes out of the trailer and paces towards the car as Bubbles gets out of the car.  

"Thank god!" She jumps and pulls Bubbles into a tight hug.  She lets go and turns towards Ricky, but sees he was pissed off.  "What happened?" She frowns and notices that Julian wasn't with them, "Where's Julian?" She asks worriedly.

"That fuck-head can kiss my ass!" Ricky shouts and drives off.

Sky turns, but sees Bubble sniffling and wiping his tears.  She begins to fear the worse.  "Julian?" She whimpers.

"No, he's ok, Sky. We left him.  He really messed up tonight. We had such big plans and he fucked it all up.  Cocksucker!" He stomps his foot in anger and walks into his shed to cry.  

Sky took a moment to realize that Julian was ok, but he was out there in the streets.  She rushes to get her keys and gets into the camper, not caring that she was still in her tank top and shorts.  She drives off and searches for Julian.   She drives till she reaches a scene of cop cars everywhere and watches a few collecting money that was scattered all over the streets.  She frowns, confused with what happened here?  Did Julian get arrested?

She drives off again and searches the streets, but soon, she sees a familiar figure walking towards a bus stop.  She drives off and pulls over to the side.  It took Julian a while to realize someone stopped next to him.  

"Hey, Mister, want a lift?" Sky teases.

Julian looks up and sighs, happy to see her.  This night has been incredibly shitty.  All he wanted to do right now was go home, get drunk and pass out.  

"You definitely saved me my last 2 bucks." He scoffs out a laugh.

"Oh, I charge for gas.  Don't think this is free." She smirks and laughs.  "You look like someone kicked your dog and ran him over." She says as she notices his sad, bitter face.  

"I really fucked up, Sky." He sighs out and sips his drink.  

"Hmm." She nods at him, "Get in."

Julian walks around and gets into the camper, sitting next to her.  But when she drives off, he notices her going away from the park. 

"Hey, this isn't the way home." He protests.

"I figure you should give the boys some space.  I saw how upset Bubbles was." She winces as she pulls into a park.  

"What are we doing here?" He frowns as she parks close to the entrance and gets out.  He follows her and watches her head towards the lookout and sits on a picnic bench.  

She pats a spot next to her, "Come on." She says and sighs as the view.  She feels the bench creak and lower as Julian sits next to her.  "I saw this park on the way.  You owe me an explanation and look like you need a place to calm down.  Figured this park could help with both.  A quiet place to talk." She looks over to him and preps her chin on her wrist, "So?" She asks as she waits for him to begin.  

Julian sighs and stares at his drink in his hand, "Where do I begin?" He scoffs and sips his drink.  "Sky...remember when I said that things that I do with Ricky and Bubbles aren't legal?" He watches her from the corner of his eyes nodding at him.  "I don't like the label, but...Sky...I'm a criminal." He says in shame.  "I've been busted for so many things in my life.  Ricky grows his own hash and I help him sell it sometimes. Sometimes we share a joint once in a while and we sell the hash to make a profit.  We did a huge job last year.  We received close to half a million dollars. Or I help him rob places.  We do a lot of stupid bullshit together just to help us get some money and survive." He sigh deeply, not sparing her a glance, "Look, I understand if you don't want to see me or the boys ever again because of this.  I'll respect your decision." He says, expecting her to freak and yell at him for not telling her everything about himself and his life.

He wasn't expecting her holding a fancy cigarette case with joints lined up inside it.  

"Toke?" She offers.

He frowns at her, "Wait, you're not mad?" 

She scoffs and takes a joint from her stash, "Hell no.  I roll, too.  And its understandable.  The economy is jack shit today." She stops and laughs, "So, businessman, huh?"

Julian grunts out a displeased sound, "Right now, a bad one." He sighs and sips his drink. 

She bumps his shoulder with her own, "Hey, don't be so gloomy.  Just tell me everything that happened.  Get it off that big manly, muscled chest." She pokes him, making him chuckle.  Damn, was he muscled!

So, for the past hour, Julian has told her everything about himself and what he went through tonight with the boys.  Soon, they were lying down on the bench, looking up at the stars as they shared the joint.  Sky was lying down on side while Julian was lying down on the other side, upside down from her view.  

Sky exhales a cloud slowly and sighs, "I don't believe it was your fault.  You didn't know." She says and hands him the joint for him to take a drag.

Julian sighs, "Ricky and Bubbles are right though.  I don't know what I was thinking about hiding the money in the car." 

Sky turns her head to look at him, "You were playing it safe.  From the sound of how Lahey is towards you, Ricky, and Bubbles, it's understandable you were trying to make sure he wouldn't find the money.  But...yeah, the car wasn't a great place.  Especially since you don't have a garage or some sort of security for it." 

Julian exhales a cloud and turns his head to look at her, giving her a lazy look as he feels the effects of the joint, "Normally, girls would yell at a guy like me for being in such a dangerous situation.  Or fuck and leave." He scoffs our a laugh.  

Sky snorts, "I gotta admit, I'm not happy with your choice of living.  And yeah, it's scary as hell.  But, I've learned that you can't change people.  They can only change if they want to.  It's their choice.  Good or bad, you're your own person.  And I can see through those pretty blue eyes of yours that you're a good, but dangerous person." She grins.  "And you carry a big heart for your friends and loved ones.  I admire that in a man." She takes the joint from his fingers and takes in another drag. "Plus, I'm not the type to just 'fuck and leave'.  If I fuck, I aim to stay.  It's men who leave." She sighs out a cloud.  

Julian scoots closer till his nose was nearly touching hers, "You don't see me leaving, do you?" He whispers.  

Falling into those eyes of his once more, Sky felt trapped in his gaze.  Her body trembles as he looks at her with an intense stare.  "Depends on how you feel in the morning." She smirks and scoots closer.  

Giving her a grin, Julian traces her lips with his eyes, dying to finally taste her after so long.  Slowly, they both lean closer, feeling their lips brush against each other.  Julian's heart begins to pound like a drum as his lips finally touches hers.  Feeling her kiss at last.  Sky felt like her heart was racing 100 miles per hour as she falls into Julian's kiss.  The night felt even more hot than before.  She couldn't help but think now how this must have felt for Mary Jane when she kissed Spider-Man upside down in that movie.  But Spider-Man didn't have a goatee.  

Sky reaches up to run her fingers through Julian's hair. Feeling him deepen the kiss as it becomes more passionate.  He was a great kisser!  But his goatee was tickling her nose.  She pants as she breaks the kiss and sits up fast to scratch her nose. She couldn't help, but giggle.  

"Sorry, your goatee." She laughs.  

Julian pants softly, chuckling and grunts as he gets up with a sigh. He takes in the last of the joint and tosses it away.  He turns and sits next to her, his arm touching hers.  

"Let's head back home.  If you really want to be with a guy like me..." He grunts when she cuts him off with another kiss, but this carried more passion.  She surprises him with a deep kiss, catching his bottom lip with her teeth and nipping it gently.  Julian moans at he erotic feeling she gave him.  He thrusts his tongue into her mouth, dancing with hers.  Sky couldn't stop the moan escaping her throat as Julian pulls her closer against him.

Both were breathing heavily as the kiss breaks and they stare into each other's eyes. Seeing the need for each other in their eyes.  

"I think that answers your question." She says breathlessly and gets up off the picnic table and walks back to her camper, but stops when she was a few feet away from him, "Unless you're sure if you want me." She says hesitantly, blushing deeply as she turns to face him. 

Julian gives her an intense look again, that look made her so wet and achy for him.  He gets up off the table to stalk towards her.  

"I've been wanting you since that day I first saw you." He pants out.

Sky's heart flips at those words and she gasps as picks her up, practically carrying her towards the camper.  She felt like a little china doll in his huge arms.  In a way, she was tiny.  He was 6'1 while she was 5'6.  And she loved the feeling.  He was her great big bad wolf.



Julian drove the camper back to the trailer park and parked next to Sky's trailer.  He was so turned on, excited for tonight.  Sure, it was a shitty night, but now it's getting better.  He rushes around the camper to help Sky out.  She giggles when he carries her out of the camper.

"Julian, put me down!" She laughs.  

But Julian didn't answer her, he just wanted her and he wanted her bad.  He rushes to go towards his trailer, but he sees that it was still damaged from the gunfight.  And he had a feeling there was damage in his bedroom since Sam blew the door off. 

"My place." She whispers in his ear and begins nibbling on his lobe.  She giggles when she made him moan and shrieks as he turns to race towards her trailer.  

Bubbles stirs from his sleep again and gets up to peek outside.  He sees that Julian was back home and Sky was with him.  He watches Sky jiggle in Julian's big arms as they head towards her trailer.  Hearing her giggling.  

"Deeecent!" Bubbles exclaims.  Even though he was still mad at Julian for screwing up with their money, he was still Bubbles' best friend and he wanted his friend to be happy.  He liked Sky and he could tell from the start that Sky and Julian liked each other. "Get some, Julian." He grins and heads back to bed.  

Julian moves to open the door and heads inside with Sky still in his arms.  He kicks the door shut behind him and begins to head down the hall.

"Bed?" He asks.

"End of the hall." She says. 

He kicks the door open and heads inside.  Sky yelps and laughs when Julian tosses her on the bed.  The laughter dies down as soon as he crawls on the bed with her and covers her body with his own. Julian kisses her hard at first, but soon it softens into a deep passion.  Both moaning as they make out, their hands roaming all over their bodies.  Julian sits up on his knees and reaches for the edge of her tank top, yanking it over her head. Tossing it over his shoulder.  Julian took the time to admire her beautiful body.  She was perfect to his eyes.  Her tits were ripe and perky.  Cute pink nips.  Not too big, not too small.  He snaps out of his thoughts as she begins to yank his shirt off.  

With Julian's help, she managed to get his shirt off and finally sees his hard, muscled chest.  His skin trembles as she takes her time to admire him.  Feeling her hands roam over his flesh.  He feels her fingers trail over the gunshot wound on his arm that he received last year.  She surprised him by sitting up to lean close and placing a soft kiss over it, feeling her tongue swipe over it.  As if she was trying to erase the bad parts of his past.  It made his heart pound and his skin shiver. He never felt such tenderness before from a woman.  It was a brand new feeling he enjoyed.

Julian dives down and catches one of her nips with his mouth, sucking on to it and making her cry out in pleasure.  She stabs her fingers through his hair as he sucks and bites down on her sensitive flesh.  She whimpers when he lets go to trail kisses down her body.  He sits up again and begins to yank her shorts off her body along with her panties.  

"You're so beautiful, Sky." He mutters.

Sky couldn't help but blush in a deep shade of red as Julian's eyes stared at her body as if he was given a beautiful gift on Christmas morning.  She gasps as he yanks her close and dives down between her legs like a starving man.  Sky cries out and throws her head back as he feasts on her soft, moist core.  The way he captures her pearl with his lips and teeth causes Sky to go wild.

Julian moans against her wet flesh, taking his time to savor her flavor.  She tasted so incredibly sweet and juicy.  Loving how wet she was for him.  He flicks his tongue over the pearl rapidly, holding her down as she wiggles and trembles in his grip.  Hearing her cry in pleasure made his pants more tight than they were earlier.  It was becoming uncomfortable.  Wiping his mouth, he gets up off the bed and begins to get his pants and underwear.  Sky gasps at the size of him.  He was larger than most men she has been with in the past.  And thick.  She hopes she can handle him.  He crawls back on the bed and covers her body was his, moaning softly at the feel of hardness brushing against her.  

The two lovers, now naked in bed together, under the sheets as they roll around in each other's arms as they fall back into their passionate fog.  Kissing deeply and hands roaming every inch.  Julian gasps as he feels her hand on his quivering member.  He moans as she begins to stroke him and feels her go down under the sheets.  He yanks them back to watch her take him in her mouth.   Julian groans in pleasurable agony as he watches her lick and suck the tip.  He pulls and holds her hair away to watch her from a better view.   Panting heavily, he begins to move his hips as she bobs her head, taking him in and out of her mouth, he could feel the sensitive part of himself hit the back of her throat.  Julian throws his head back as she takes him deeper.  He couldn't help but grip her hair and force her to take all of him.  She whimpers around him, but didn't stop him.  His body shakes as he cries out when she had almost every inch of him deep in her throat.  He yanks her back, letting her breathe.  

Sky gasps for air and pants.  She didn't want to stop.  He tasted so good and it was so hot watching him come undone by her tricks.  He grips her throat gently and yanks her up to shove her on her back.  

"Fuck, you're amazing." He growls out.  

Panting heavily, Sky watches him cover her body was his and begins to aim himself at her core.  With a shove, Sky cries out at the pleasure/pain feeling of his invasion.  Julian grunts in pleasure and begins to thrust in and out of her.  Moaning as he takes her over and over.  At last!  For nights of craving her, watching her from next door.  He found heaven.  Sky wraps her arms around him, digging her nails into his back as she tries to meet his movements, but he was so far in his pleasure, he could barely control himself.  His thrusts were fast and erratic.  

Julian grips her hips and helps her move with him.  Making her cry out and scream under him.  He yells out in ecstaty and falls over her, covering her body with his as he uses his knees to make her legs spread wider.  With one hand on her hips, his other hand moves up over the sheets, gripping them tight as he holds on for the ride.  Sky lets go off his back to grip his head and hair, hold on to him as he pounds her into the mattress.  

"Fuck! Oh, Fuck, you're so tight!" Julian shouts.  

Sky bites down on his shoulder and whimpers, making Julian go nuts.  She feels her hand move on its own to make Julian let go of the sheets and intertwine with his fingers. 

Lahey and Randy finally managed to get home, safe and sound, despite how drunk Lahey was.  It was a miracle they didn't get into a car accident.  And Randy was so baked, he wasn't even sure what planet he was on.  As they both get out of the car, Lahey stumbles  around, but hears something in the distance.  He looks over towards Julian's and Sky's trailers.  He could see Julian wasn't home.  He knew Ricky and Bubbles left Julian on the side of the road.  But when he sees Sky's lights were on and he could hear sexual noises coming from the room where the lights were flickering.  As if the lamps were being banged against the wall.  

Lahey drops his drinks in shock, hearing the glass shattering at his feet as it mixes with the sound of Julian's moaning and Sky's screaming.  He couldn't even get a word out.  Gurgling drunkenly, Lahey falls backwards against the grass and passes out from the shock.  Randy didn't even notice Lahey passed out on the ground as he stumbles his way into the trailer.  Leaving him to fend himself to the night.  

Julian cries out as he feels himself spasm and jerk inside her.  Filling her up with his cream.  Sky shrieks out her orgasm and holds on to Julian for the ride.  He holds her against him, feeling his body shake with hers as they ride the high towards heaven.  He didn't want to come down to Earth again, he wanted to stay with her like this forever.  But they did.  They came back down, but held each other in their sweaty arms.  Panting heavily, Julian pulls away enough to look down at Sky in his arms.  Her hair was a mess, sweat covered her face and body, the look in her eyes saying that she's been well-fucked.  She's beautiful.  That's all he could think of.  Gently, he pulls out of her, hearing her gasp, but smiles up at him.  He couldn't help, but smile back.  

For the first time in Julian's life, he was in love.  He's in love with Sky.  Never has he ever felt this way towards a woman.  He didn't even mind the age gap they had.  She was 32, he was 40.  He didn't care.  He loves this woman and didn't want to lose her.

She loved this man who held her in his sweaty, m arms.  Who loved her like no other.  This night they shared didn't feel like a one-night stand.  It felt like the beginning of something new.  Something Sky always wanted.  Something she's been waiting for her whole life.  Him.  Just him. 

Julian leans down and kisses her softly, smiling against her lips as they roll around the bed for one more round and soon, they fall asleep in each other's arms.  Julian held her close against him as she slept.  Kissing the top of her head and snuggles against the sheets with her.  That night, despite all, he went to bed a happy man with a big smile on his face.  

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