Chapter 3: Still Love me in the Morning?

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*Another smutty scene!*

Julian sighs and snuggles deeper into his pillow as he begins to waken from his slumber.  He was having such a great dream.  He didn't want to wake up. He wanted to go back into his dreams and love Sky again.  But he opens his eyes and grimaces at the morning sun blare through the cracks of the blinds.  Shielding his eyes from the glare, he begins to remember what happened last night.  Sam stealing his car and making him and the boys lose all of their money to the cops.  He had to figure out a plan to get money rolling back in.  He clears his throat as he begins to face the morning before him.  He rolls over on the edge of the bed and rubs away the sleep from his eyes and face.  His back felt a little sore as he rotates it, making his muscles flex.  Not realizing his skin carried scratches and there was a bite mark on his shoulder.  

He sighs deeply and something catches his eyes.  He frowns as he sees a pair of black lace panties on the floor.  He leans down and picks them up.  Examing them.  Was it a dream or was it real?  Did he and Sky really bang last night? He looks around and realizes he wasn't in his trailer.  Last night, he was so baked, but he remembers he and Sky making out in the park and coming back to Sunnyvale.  But he was so baked, he thought it was just the high affecting him to thinking that Sky really wanted him.  

"Oh my fuck." He mutters and drops the panties on the floor.  He sees all of their clothes scattered everywhere.  He was in complete shock.  He actually had sex with Sky.  He couldn't believe it.  But it happened...and it was an amazing night.  But, suddenly, like a snap of a finger, he just realizes something.  He didn't see any condom packets.  He gets up quickly, the sheets falling off his naked body.  He looks down at his morning wood and sees that he didn't cover it last night.  Nor does he remember taking it off.  He doesn't even remember putting one on!

"Oh, fuck.  Fuck!" He whispers angrily.  Pissed with himself for being so stupid.  He didn't protect himself or Sky.  There had to be something he used. He looks all around the room, yanking the clothes off the floor, and the sheets off the bed, trying to find some sort of relief for his panic.  Not realizing Sky walking into the bedroom with a towel around her and her hair still wet from her shower.

Sky frowns as she watches a naked panicked Julian tear around the room as if he lost something that was greatly important, but when she hears him mutter to himself, she couldn't help but giggle silently. She watches his ass as he bends over to find the 'missing condom'. 

"Come on! Where is it?!  There's gotta be condom here.  Anything to prove I was wrapped last night.  Please!" He whispers furiously.

"Look in the nightstand."

Julian shouts in surprise and falls on the bed as he hears Sky from the door, "Hey." He plays it casually. 

Sending him an amused smile, "Hey." She laughs and moves to sit next to him, biting her lip at his morning wood.  "Go ahead, look." She says as she nods at the night stand next to the bed.  

Julian frowns but turns and opens the drawer, he pulls out a compact that was filled with pills.  He sighs in relief and drops the compact in the nightstand.

"Thank fuck." He covers his face.  

Sky giggles, "For a big strong man, you sure freak out easily." She reaches and strokes his wood.

Panting softly, Julian rubs his face and looks at her, cupping her face with a hand, "Just wanted to make sure I protected you last night.  I never lost control enough to forget about that one thing.  I'm clean though.  I promise." His breathing begins to pick up and he looks down at her hand, watching himself grow as she wraps her fingers around him.  

"So am I.  And I loved how you lost control last night." She gives him a sexy smile and tightens her grip to make him moan.  "Last night was so wonderful." 

"Yeah, it was, baby." He moans and cups the back of her head with his hand to pull her close and kisses her passionately.  

Sky gasps softly as he slams his lips against hers and begins kiss her so deeply, feeling his tongue against hers made her so wet.  She lets go of her towel and feels it slide off her body as she moves to straddle his lap.  

Julian pants as the kiss breaks and feels her on top of him.  He watches her aim his hardness against her core.  He moans as he feels her slide over him, taking him so deep inside her.  He grunts in surprise when she shoves him back to lie against the bed, but moans as she begins to ride him.  He grunts as he lifts his hips to meet her movements and holds her hips.

Sky moans as she feels Julian even more deep inside her than last night.  He was so big, it was amazing to her that she could take him.  

"Oh, my god, you feel fucking amazing!" Sky cries out.  

"So do you, baby.  Oh, fuck." Julian's face scrunches up in pleasure when she tightens around him.  He groans and looks between them to watch her slide over him, watching himself go in and out of her at a fast movement.  It was driving him nuts.  He could feel his balls filling up for her.  

Julian lets go of her hips to give her control, but reaches up to squeeze her tits as they jiggle with her movement, using one hand to cup her face and trail his thumb over her lips until she opens her mouth and gently bites down on his thumb.  He, suddenly, surprises her by lifting up off the bed and carries her towards the dresser.  Sky cries out when he slides out of her and gasps when he roughly turns her around.  

Sky cries out when Julian slides back inside her from behind and begins to pound her against the dresser from behind.  Forcing her to watch themselves in the mirror. 

"So beautiful.  You're so beautiful." Julian moans against her ear and grips her hips to pound inside her.  

"Oh, god, Julian.  Oh, my god!" She cries out and holds on for her life as he continues his harsh thrusts.  

Grabbing her neck, he forces her to watch them both in the mirror, "Look at us.  Look at yourself. Look.  Oh, fuck!" He grunts and shouts, burying his face into her neck, but desperately lifts his head to watch her. "Fuck, I'm cuming, Sky!" 

Sky and Julian both shout as they feel each other tighten and explode against each other and inside.  Julian holds on to the dresser and her as he fills up so much and at the same time, she tightens around him, covering him with her cream.

"Ohhh, oh god!  Fuck!" Sky sighs out as the aftershocks jolt through her.  Her legs shook with Julian's, but he manages to help them both back to the bed.  Julian falls back against the mattress with her in his arms and sighs happily.

"Fuck!" He whispers and pants heavily.  

Sky moans softly as she turns in his arms and lies over his chest, "Guess I don't have to ask if you'll still love me in the morning." She jokes, but blushes at what she just said.  Maybe she shouldn't have said that.  And he could see her regretting her words. 

Before Sky could pull away in embarrassment, Julian pulls her back to kiss her softly.  Using that kiss to calm her.  With a sigh, he breaks it and looks into her eyes.  

"I love you, Sky.  It may seem fast, but...I do.  I love you.  And I'm not saying it just because of what we shared last night...and just now." He grins, making her giggle and blush.  "But, I think ever since I first saw you...I fell in love with you.  It was hard to tell because we just met.  And after spending so much time with you, I realize I love you. Very much." He sighs softly and strokes her cheek.

Sky was so speechless at his words.  Her heart was pounding again and she felt so warm.  Like she was finally home.  She thinks about last night when she thought something happened to Julian, it scared her to death of losing him.  

She sighs and reaches to play with his chain, "You know...when Ricky and Bubbles came back last night and you weren't with them...I started to fear the worse.  I thought what if something happened to you.  It scared me so bad.  Losing you." She lets go of the chain and strokes his smooth, yet light hairy chest.  "I love you, Julian.  I never loved any man like I love you.  I never want to lose you." 

Julian gives her a soft smile, and grips her chin gently, "You won't.  I promise.  I'm not going anywhere." He whispers and kisses her once more.  


The camera crew started recording as soon as the sun came up and begins to film Lahey passed out on his lawn. The neighbors began watering their lawns with the sprinklers.  Julian was freshly showered and dressed as he walks down Sky's deck, whistling happily towards his trailer.  New drink in hand.  

"Morning, Julian." Bubbles says as he walks out of his shed, grinning to see his friend in a happy mood and knowing why.

"Hey, Bubbs." Julian welcomes him with a bro hug.  "Look, I'm sorry about last night.  I promise I'll figure out something to fix this." He says and sips his drink, feeling terrible still about what happened last night. 

Bubbles sighs, "It's ok, Julian.  It was stupid to hide the money in the car, but we didn't know Sam was going to come and steal your car.  Why did he even steal it?"

Julian sighs, shrugging, "I don't know." He looks around and scoffs as he sees a passed out Lahey on the grass.  "I have a feeling Lahey might have had something to do with this. He's been watching me ever since we gotten that cash."

"Definitely gives you that 'fucky' feeling." Bubbles mutters as he grimaces, but soon he looks back at Julian and grins. "So, you and Sky, huh?" He pats his back.  "Sky's a good girl, Julian.  I really like her.  She's a good match for you." 

Julian grins, happy that his friend was accepting his apology and his new relationship with Sky, "Thanks, Bubbs." 

"By the way, the police called this morning about your car.  They're gonna have it dropped off sometime today." Bubbles adds.

"Great.  Listen, can you help out with the damages Sam did to my trailer?  I had to bunk with Sky last night because everything." Julian says.

Bubbles couldn't help, but grin at him and Julian laughs, giving him a gentle shove as he moves to walk towards his home.

"Was she good, Julian?  Was she?" Bubbles couldn't help, but be curious. "I'll help you out, Bud." He says as he follows him inside the trailer.

Julian sips his freshly made drink as he sits on the deck to let the camera crew interview him.  He sighs heavily as he thinks of everything he has gone through last night and this morning.  

"This is fucked.  I thought I had a good plan to keep the money safe, but no...Sam had to come and ruin it by taking my car and letting the money get into the cops' grip." He sighs and sips his drink again.  "This has Lahey written all over it. He's been on my back about the money for so long, he must have figured out somehow that I kept it hidden in the car and tries to get Sam to do his dirty work.  He's not gonna get me down.  I will make him pay every last cent." He says angrily to the camera.  "But, I'm very thankful for Sky being there for me through my hardest time.  I honestly didn't even care if I gotten hit by car or truck last night.  I was that down." He looks away, thinking about how it was with her last night. "She's my angel." He grins as he looks over to Sky's trailer, seeing her move around in the kitchen.

Soon, the impound truck comes and drops off Julian's car as Randy walks out of his trailer, searching for Lahey when he realizes he wasn't in bed.  Walking around on their deck in nothing but his white underwear, he sees Lahey passed out in the yard.

"Mr. Lahey!" He shouts and runs towards him to check on him.  He was relieve that he wasn't hurt.  Just hungover.  Lahey grunts as he's shaken awake and feels Randy pick him up on his feet, throwing his arm over his shoulders as he helps him into the trailer.

"Everything I touch turns to shit." Lahey slurs out when he grooms himself and the camera crew interviews him.  He lazily swipes  deodorant under his armpits and begins to wipe it all over his face, thinking it was a razor and he was shaving his face.

He gives the mirror a bitter look, "I must have been crazy to team up with Sam." He places the deodorant down to put on some aftershave and drinks the bottle.  

He grunts at the taste, winching at how shitty he feels this morning.  He could barely keep both eyes open.  He squints with one eye open and sighs.

"I don't think the liquor's working for me anymore, Bandingo." He says to Randy who was in the kitchen, fixing him a popsicle.  "He lifts the deodorant and wipes it over his tongue, "Ah!" He sighs as he stops, looking at himself in the mirror, "Maybe I'm not the liquor." He says in defeat. 

Randy, suddenly, comes running into the bathroom and gives Lahey a popsicle, "Why don't you try one of these 'liquor-cicles', Mr. Lahey," He offers. "Then tell me who's not the liquor." 

 Lahey takes the popsicle, tasting the faint liquor in the ice.  Sighing in bliss.

"You are the liquor.  You've always been the liquor, Mr. Lahey." Randy says softly. 

Randy finally calmed Lahey and helped him to the kitchen.  Lahey happily enjoys his popsicle as Randy fixes him some more. 

"Is that good?" Randy asks. 

Lahey nods, "Mmm!"

Randy checks on the rest, "They're almost half liquor.  That's the secret." Randy says as he pulls out a container full of popsicle molds and sticks.  "We're gonna need more dry ice. I'm working on a number of recipes."

"Randy, crosswords." Lahey says. 

Randy scrambles to give him the newspaper, "Here you go, Mr. Lahey." 

"Thanks, Rander." Lahey sighs and begins to look through the paper for the crosswords, but a news article about a robbery at a singles dance causes him to have an idea on how to get the boys back in jail.

"Shit! Bells are ringing, Bud." He says, causing Randy to stop and looks at him in confusion.  "Get my uniform, Randers." Lahey says as he gets up and Randy grabs his uniform from the cabinet, wrapped in dry cleaning wrap.  Lahey grabs his cologne and sprays the air around him as he looks into the camera with a smile, "It's Julian time." He turns and grabs the uniform, "Thanks, Bud." He goes into the bedroom to get ready, but bumps into a wall. 


Now that his car was back, he need to get it back in shape and get the smell of Sam out of it.  God knows how he will be able to do that.  He calls Jacob over to help him out.  Jacob Collins, son of Phil Collins, who idolizes Julian.  Dressing up like him, even drinking like him.  While Julian was washing he outside of his car, Jacob took care of the inside.  

Sky dresses up in jean shorts and a baby blue strapless shirt.  Her flipflops lightly tap against the wood as she walks down the steps and over towards Julian's.  She watches him and another guy trying to clean up the DeLorean.  In her hand, she carried a bag of cleaning supplies, hoping to help the two of them out with their trouble.  And another bag that carried donuts.

Bitterly, Julian uses one hand to wash the car while his other hand carried his drink.  He was still upset about losing the money to Sam and the cops.  But he'll figure out a way to get more rolling back in.  Just need to come up with a plan.  When Julian looks up and sees Sky walking towards him, all the bitterness melted away and his chest fills up with warmth and love.

"Hey, handsome." She smiles over to him.

"Hey, baby." Julian greets her with a smile and pulls her into his arms as he drops the rag from his hand.  "Mmm." He leans down and kisses her softly, but passionately.  Unaware of Jacob watching them.  He studies how Julian kisses a woman, for he was a master to Jacob's eyes.  He even watches Julian reaches down and grips Sky's ass as they make out.  

Sky smiles and giggles as the kiss breaks and Julian moves his hand off her ass to wrap his arms around her body while she wraps her arms around Julian's neck, "Thought you wouldn't mind the extra help. I brought some supplies." She says as she jiggles the bag in her hand.  Julian could feel the plastic bag crinkle against his back. 

Julian gives her a soft smile, "You're my angel.  After coming home this morning, I underestimated the damage from last night." He scoffs out.  "I need all the help I can get." He sighs out.

"Call this returning the solid you gave me for that garage sale." She says and moves out of his arms to place the bag on the deck, "Also brought some food." She says holding up the other bag, placing it on the deck next to the other back , "Hey, Bubbles." She waves over to Bubbles who was helping out as well, carrying a small ladder with him.

"Hey there, Sky.  Morning." Bubbles greets her with a grin.

"Morning." She begins to dig through the bag, still unaware of Jacob checking her out.  

Julian, however, catches Jacob eyeing Sky up and down.  He throws a wet rag at Jacob's head, startling him.

"Jacob! Get back to work." Julian demands, getting irritated.  He didn't want anyone looking at what was his.

"Sorry, Julian." Jacob says and continues to scrub inside.  But after so much scrubbing, Jacob leans back and sniffs the oven mitt he's been using as a glove replacement. He grimaces at the smell and looks over his shoulder as he sees Julian scrubbing the car, "It still smells like Sam." 

"Fuck sakes!" Julian says angrily and annoyed still by the smell that was all over his car.  

Sky goes through the bag she brought and hands Jacob some cleaning spray that carried baking soda in the mixture.

"Try this, it should get the smell out." She offers and exclaims in disgust, "Phew!" She grimaces and moves away to help Julian.

"Thank you, Sky." Jacob says and continues to watch her till Julian gives him a death glare.  Jacob jumps in fright and turns away, "Sorry, Julian." Jacob remembers meeting sky a few days after she moved to Sunnyvale.  She was very nice to him and his dad, even ordered some burgers from the Dirty Burger, giving his dad some praise and support as she tried his food.  

Sky moves to wash the windows for Julian, until Ricky backs up into Julian's driveway.  But his bare rim gets stuck and he just revs till there was a hole through the rocks and dirt.  

"Oh, my fuck!" Julian exclaims at the damage. 

Ricky sticks his head out of the window, holding a coffee cup in his hand, "Can you maybe at least give me a fucking push or something?" He scoffs at them all.

Julian didn't want to fight again with him, "Ricky, get out of the car.  We gotta talk." He says, practically begging him to see reason. 

"The car's working good. Just get me out.  I'll be all right." Ricky says, ignoring Julian. Obviously, he was still mad at him. 

Julian sighs and gets Jacob to help him push the car out of the driveway. He hands Sky his drink and bends down to push with Jacob.

"Thanks, guys!" Ricky says as they got him out of the hole. "You ever need a ride anywhere, let me know, ok? No hard feelings, Julian, even though you fucked everything up and lost all our fucking money!" He shouts out as he drives off.  The rim ignites sparks as he drives over the pavement.  

Julian sighs and takes the drink back from Sky, sipping it and grimaces as he kicks himself again.  Sky slides into his arms and hugs him.  Feeling him relax and wrap and arm around her waist.  She rubs his chest and rests her head on his shoulder.  He couldn't help, but smile down at her and kiss the top of her head.  


As Ricky was driving through the trailer park, he spies Randy and Lahey walking, he grins as he gets an idea to humiliate him.  He holds on to his coffee cup and drives closer.

"Here he comes..." He moves a little closer, "Hey, Lahey, was that a double-double you ordered?" He calls out and splashes his coffee all over Lahey's crotch.  Making it look like he pissed himself. 

Lahey shouts at he wet feeling hitting his pants and parts, "Geez! What? You son of a--!" He glares at Ricky driving off, hearing him laugh in triumph. "Shitbag." Lahey grumbles and continues to head towards Julian's trailer and turns towards Randy, holding up a warning finger, "Don't forget, stay focused." 

Julian, Jacob, and Sky were still busy getting the car fixed up.  Jacob sniffs his mitt, pleased that the smell of Sam was finally gone.  

"Smells better now, Julian." He calls out from the car as he moves to get the floors.

"Thank fuck!" Julian says happily as he moves around to get the sides of the car.  

Sky was scrubbing the windows and wiping them dry.  Unaware that her boobs were pressing against the glass, giving Jacob a free show.  Like a little pervert, he grins as he watches Sky's tits press up and down over the glass.  Expanding them around.  

Julian moves around and sees what Jacob is smiling about.  He grits his teeth and reaches in to pull Jacob out of the car.  

"Ok, time for you to go home, Jacob.  Now." He says, but gives Jacob a warning glare as he grips the back of his neck and shoves him away.  

"See you later, Julian." Jacob nods and runs away.  "Bye, Sky."

"Bye, Jacob." She waves.

Julian sighs and moves to watch Sky bend over to get the rest of the glass, he couldn't help himself to stand behind her and help her.  Tease her at the same time as he feels himself grow for her, grinding against her jean covered ass. 

"My naughty little girl." He whispers hotly in her ear.  Loving the sound of Sky's laughter and her sly smirk she gives him as she looks over her shoulder.  He sends her a sexy smile, but his smile drops when he looks up and sees two people he did not want to see after last night.  "Fucking shit." He mutters and moves away from Sky as his boner was fading.  

Lahey walks over to Julian, holding a paper bag with a bottle inside of it.  Assuming it was liquor.  Julian glares at him and scoffs.

"Jim, you pissed yourself!" He glares at him in disbelief. 

Lahey protests, "No, it was Ricky." He says as the camera crew zooms in on his wet crotch.  "Look, just one minute of your time, that's all I'm asking for here, Julian." 

Julian, honestly, did not want to deal with either of them.  Lahey smelling like coffee and liquor and Randy smelling like grease and sweat.  He already got rid of one disgusting smell, he didn't need 2 more.

"Not today." Julian states, but watches Lahey pull out a large bottle of rum before him, knowing his weakness for rum.

"Store-bought Jamaican rum." Lahey baits and moves it out of the way when Julian tries to reach for it.  Bubbles watches with Sky as they both eye him suspiciously. "The finest.  A minute of your time." Lahey requests.  

Julian sighs heavily, he didn't have any choice anyway.  And he wanted that rum, he looks over to Bubbles and Sky, giving them both and uncomfortable look of despair.  He downs the rest of his drink and turns to give Lahey a bitter look.

"Fine.  One minute." He holds up a finger, warning him that he was serious. 

Julian moves and holds an arm out for Sky, needing her for his emotional support.  He helps her walk up the deck and Bubbles follows with Lahey and Randy behind them. Lahey takes Julian's glass and refills the ice and pours him a new drink. 

"Got a great proposition for you, Julian." Lahey says as he moves around Julian while Julian eyes the drink.  "You, too, Miss Winter." He hands Julian his drink. "Randy and me want to put on a singles' dance down at your newly-managed, air-conditioned bar." He grins and watches Julian sip his drink.  "People are making big money on this shit all the time.  And, Miss Winter, it could be a great way to promoting a grand re-opening.  Letting the town know that The Roadblock is back in business." Lahey leans in towards Julian, "Read in the paper where a guy made 7 grand in one night down in Lower Sackville. Then he got robbed." Lahey says as he tries to float some ideas in Julian's mind. 

Julian scoffs, "Hey, you know what? Sounds goods, but what the fuck do I care? Your minute's up." He moves away, not wanting to deal with his bullshit. And he definitely didn't want Lahey to drag Sky into this.  He turns towards the camera crew who were taking too much of his space, "Move back, guys.  I got 2 guests leaving.  Come on." He rests his arm against his fridge.

"You could have your own VIP area," Lahey continues to bait him. "Guest list with all your friends on it." 

Julian sighs, tired of even being in the same room with Lahey, "You don't seem to understand something.  I don't want your help, all right? So leave!" He says strongly, getting really aggravated.   

Bubbles moves away, continuing with fixing Julian's place, "Sky, wanna help me with this?" He asks, mainly to get her away before Julian snaps.

Sky moves over towards Bubbles, but gives Julian a gentle look, worried about him. He discreetly brushes his fingers against her hand as she walks by.  

"Ok, we're heard your thoughts, but Miss Winter, what do you say?  You're the owner now after all, and we'll make sure the people will be kind enough to give donations to get The Roadblock back into the shape.  Everyone sees that place like a second home anyway." Lahey bribes. 

Sky sighs and looks over to Julian, who sends Lahey a hard, angry glare for bringing her into this.  

"I think we heard what you had to say, but Julian would like to have peace and quiet so we can help fix his place.  As you can see, it's pretty damaged because of the break in.  Please, respect his decision and leave." She says, feeling Julian's fingers rub hers.  

Lahey walks up to Julian, not giving up, "I'll give you of half what we take at the door and what we give to Ms. Winter."

Randy stood near the kitchen, trying to help Lahey, "Everyone's dying to get out of the heat, Julian." He adds, then turns to eye Julian's bowl of chips and the box of donuts that Sky brought over. 

Lahey holds up two fingers, "2 grand minimum, guaranteed."

"You know what? I believe it.  But there's my door, so use it!" Julian says, irritated.  "You too, Randy." He spares Randy a glance.

"Look, all we need is good security. There's lots of bad guys out there looking to cause shit Saturday night.  We don't want the cops coming around.  People know you're there, Julian, nobody will be fucking around."  Lahey states, eyeing him.  "And a woman like, Miss Winter, taking care of a bar...all by herself...on a Saturday night.  With you there, no one would fucking think twice with messing up her bar." 

Thinking of anyone trying mess with Sky made Julian's blood boil, and hearing Randy crunch and munch on his food pissed him off as well, "Lay off chips, Randy!" He warns and takes a sip of his drink.  

"Somebody needs to sell liquor.  Somebody needs to sell dope.  I know Ray is making his own liquor.  Why not sell that with Miss Winter's bar.  Free Ray's Liquor sauce with the purchase of any drink she makes.  Randy heard from Lucy and Sarah about your skills with the bar." Lahey states as he watches Julian sit on a barstool and Randy was sitting on the other side of the counter.  

"There's gonna be food too, right?" Randy asks excitedly, obviously hungry as he eyes the chips and donuts again.  

Lahey sits on the couch, "Yeah, I'll get someone to make some food.  I understand, Ms. Winter, that the dinning room is closed and it'll take some time to get employers working on the grills back there, but for this time only, I can get someone to serve some food." Lahey prepares a list, "We got dancing, dope, liquor, and food.  Can't lose!" 

Julian looks over to Randy who was eyeing the food with hunger and need.  It was making Julian really uncomfortable.  

"All-in ticket price: 25 bucks." Lahey adds. 

Julian scoffs at Randy and grabs the wicket bowl of chips, shoving them towards him, "Here, would you just take these?" Randy gets up and grabs the bowl. "You're making me nervous you fucking weirdo. Sit down!" 

Randy takes the bowl of chips and a donut and sits down to enjoy his snacks.  

"Singles dances are bigger than ever, Julian.  Maybe we go with a theme for the night." Lahey suggests as he gets up to have Julian's full attention.  "I don't know.  Uh, dirty dancing?" He suggests, knowing how much Julian loves Patrick Swayze movies.  

"Hold this, Sky." Bubbles asks as he continues to fix the bullet holes in Julian's walls.  She holds a picture to help with the damages as he drills. "Thank you." 

"Here, let me freshen that drink for you." Lahey offers as he grabs the rum bottle and fills his glass for him.  

Julian rubs his goatee as he thinks about this.  An idea was beginning to form in his mind.  

"I got $200, cash, right here," Lahey takes out a wad of cash and holds it up for him to see, "...just to show you I'm not screwing around." The annoying sound of Randy chewing blends in with Lahey's voice, "And a Visa card." Lahey holds up a credit card.  "I'm gonna need receipts.  Randy!" Lahey calls for Randy, who looks up at the sound of his name, "Randy will be your assistant.  RANDY!" Lahey raises his voice, causing Randy to jump out of the chair and stand near them.  "Get you anything you want.  You, too, Miss Winter, if you need to restock, feel free to charge anything on the card.  Remember...Saturday night." He says and sends Randy a look, "Sorry, Randy." He turns towards Bubbles as he begins to walk out, "Bubbles, can I talk to you for a second outside?"

Randy follows Lahey and notices that Julian had no ice, "I'll get you some ice out there, Julian." 

Sky sighs heavily as Julian scoffs at the sight of his chair.  Bubbles walks around to stand near them, his eyes widening in disgust.

"Oh, my sweet Jesus." He exclaims as the three of them look at the state of the chair Randy was occupied in.  It was soaked with sweat and grease that was in the shape of Randy's body.  "You might get it out with baking soda, but the stink, you'll never get that out.

Sky walks over to the kitchen table for her cleaning supplies and scans over the bottles, "This might can work, but I would advise just to toss it.  Randy did the same to my chair.  I just tossed the cushions and got new ones." She sighs.  

"Are you going to let Lahey and Randy rent out the Roadblock?" Bubbles asks, unsure if it was a good idea.

Sky runs her fingers though her hair and shrugs, "I don't know.  I mean, he does have a point. It would be good to promote a re-opening.  And it would be nice to get some money coming in.  You know, bills can't pay by themselves." She says.  

"I think we should do it." Julian says.

Bubbles frowns at him, "Julian, are you sure you want to work with Lahey and Randy?"

Julian holds up a hand, "Listen to me, I got a plan. First, I'm gonna go visit J-Roc, you listen to what Lahey wants you to do.  I'm gonna get Ricky and we're going to meet back here.  Trust me." He pats Bubble's shoulder and walks over to Sky,  leaning down and giving her a kiss.  "Meet me back here in a few hours, I'll explain everything.  But tell Lahey that you're booking the the bar for him this Saturday." He says softly when the kiss breaks and strokes her cheek gently.

Sky gives him a skeptical look, but Julian rubs her shoulder in comfort, "Trust me, Sky." He says softly.

She sighs softly, "I do, but I don't trust drunks.  Especially, those who are as drunk as Lahey is.  But, if you're sure..."

"I'm sure.  Trust me.  I'll come back and we'll go over the plan.  I'll be right back." He kisses her head and moves out to inform Lahey that he agrees to the terms and that Sky will allow him to rent out the bar and dance floor for the singles dance.  

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