Author's Note: Opinions

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        A letter to my (apparently offended and perhaps some not-so-offended, but rather, agreeing) readers.

        In case any of you misunderstood the nature of this book: here it is:

        This rant book is a collection of one thing and one thing only: my opinions.

        Go figure, right?

        Look, I didn't start this book to piss people off, or make them inferior. You know what I did? I started this book because I just got really frustrated seeing all these crazy, nonsensical things. Sometimes, it really feels like people are making these things as a mockery to the entire Transformers lineage. I mean, look at our fan base.

        We're obviously not as large as some of the fan bases on Wattpad. But we're still pretty fragging amazing.

        The thing is, shit's gonna happen. In every fandom, people have different ways of thinking. And they like to warp things. A lot. All right? I completely understand that. I get that I'm not going to understand everything that happens or why it does.

        All right?

        See, 90% of these rants (and that's a very, very low estimate, I'm fairly certain all of them) are pretty much written in the heat of the moment.  Like, these are stress-induced rants because I can't believe what people do to transformers sometimes. It's crazy.

        And maybe it'd be different if I was, say the only one who thought these things. But I'm not. I don't think there's a single rant where someone doesn't blatantly agree with my opinion.

        And here's the thing: I'm entitled to have my opinion.

        Does that mean I'm trying to cut down writers, whose works I've probably never even read? Hell no. That isn't my goal. My goal is to just rant and vent. That's it.

        And if it helps people set a vague guideline for themselves and their transformers works in the future? That's great. That's awesome. That's beautiful.

        But am I trying to piss people off and upset them because they think I'm talking about them?

        Ummmm . . . Noooooo . . .

        Frankly, I don't have much time for reading. Some days, like lately, I barely even have time for writing. And you know why? Because I have stuff to do. I have work. I babysit. I go on dates and I try to live life.

        So here's the deal: If you think I'm purposely picking on you and trying to tell you some subliminal message . . . I'm not. If I've read your work, I probably don't even remember it all that well. Frankly, I remember . . . Six specific transformers stories that I could place. Literally six from this site.

        Project Red


        Trust In Me

        Where You Belong

        Too Late

        Life of an Agent

        That's it. That is my entire list right there. And you know something? I still get fuzzy on the details of those ones. Do I like everything about each one of those? No. There's details that aggravate me on nearly all of them.

        Does your book, even if I don't remember reading it, make an appearance in my rant book?

        Not that I know of. I'm a busy person. Just because I love reading and love writing doesn't mean I'm just stalking Wattpad waiting for some new book to bitch about. Hell no. That's not who I am.

        I'm sorry if you're offended by my opinion. I'm sorry if you're offended by my book. But I will not apologize for having an opinion. You know why? Because I have a disclaimer. You don't have to read it. You know it's not going to be all sunshine and unicorns.

       Believe it or not, I don't do it out of spite. I do it out of temporary frustration overload. I'm not aiming to subtly call out some writer whose book I've probably never even read. I mean, honestly, I do my best to keep from being a ghost reader. If I read your book, I'll let you know in one way or another. This isn't a  book of trolls, it's a book of opinions written moments of disbelief and total moments of "What the frag just happened?"

        So, yeah, I'm sorry if you're offended. But just like I don't have to read books that aggravate me, you don't have to read these rants.

        I hold myself to a certain set of guidelines that I do my best to follow. If I can follow them, can't other authors? I realize that maybe it's more fun to alter things and make it weird and . . . 'spontaneous' or something.

        But the thing is, when I talk about something like characterization . . . No. I don't own the characters. I can't tell you specifically what to do with them.

        But someone did create them. The two primary writers behind Transformers, the absolute originals, were Bob Budiansky and Simon Furman.

        Now, I don't know how attached these guys were to Transformers. But I would imagine an amazing creation that has become everything it is, would be special, don't you?

        That is precisely why, when I write, I try to make something that they would be proud to have linked to their original work. I mean, apply this logic on, say, your personal OC.

        For example, (used with permission, of course) take StormFireGirl's OC Red Botson.

        A fiery redhead who despises Megatron, loves Soundwave and has a bit of an attitude along with a solid amount of self-worth.

        Now, say someone went and used her OC without her permission.

        And now Red is a meek, evil, Autobot-hating young woman who loves Megatron and gets butt-f***ed by the warlord every night.

        Don't you think she'd be pissed off?

        This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. If the creators of Transformers ever stumbled across your work, wouldn't you want them to be PROUD to say "I inspired something amazing". That's what I'm talking about with some of these rants. Unless you're purposely doing an AU or trying to mock Transformers, wouldn't you do your best to make them think the best of you when they see what you've done with their creation?

        It isn't hard to just take a breather and say "Maybe I could alter this a little . . ."

        Again, I'm not talking about anyone in particular. I can't point out anyone who I'm pissed at with this rant.  A bit offended? Perhaps. But I suppose that's what I've done to plenty of you.

        Anyway, I'm not trying to piss people off with this. It's just a published collection of my thoughts and opinions. Is it really so hard to believe that I'm not thinking about any single person that I'm trying to personally attack?

        Because, in all honesty, when I write these rants, they're not inspired by just one occasion. They're inspired by multiple. But then I don't even remember how I stumbled across these things or even when. They're just vague memories.

        Literally. If you think I'm talking about you, odds are, I'm not. As writers, I love all of you. As far as what you write? Well, for some of you I probably couldn't care less to read it. But as far as what I publish in my rant book, odds are I can't pinpoint you in my memories if you've inspired a rant. Literally. I'm running around so often and working long hours so much, I forget most of what I read except for the small things that piss me off.

        I'm not ranting about people. I'm ranting about ideas.

        Sorry if it pisses you off, but you are not obligated to read. That's just how it is. And it's just my opinion. Plenty of people share my opinions, though I don't think anyone shares all of them.

        Again, because most of these are just written because I'm pissed off.

        See ya later, Darlings. Until next time, at least.

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