Number Twenty: Stop the Smut

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        Rant Number Twenty: Stop the Mother Slagging Smut Fest for the Love of Primus 

        Okay, seriously, I know I already ranted about this, but come on people! I'm so sick of seeing transformers smut on every corner of Wattpad! And the worst part is that so damn much of it is written by mother slagging fourteen or fifteen year olds! I mean, seriously?

        And most of it has no taste. I mean, if you can put taste into it, and make it actually worth reading, not for the 'arousal' factor but because it has a serious storyline plot then awesome. Make it classy. Make it amazing. Make it pique my curiosity but do not make smut for the sake of making smut just because Transformers porn is a trending topic. For the love of Primus, you're all driving me nuts!

        Seriously. Transformers are transformers. They are not sex objects. They are not dildos. They are not blow-up dolls. Stop treating them as such.

        Imma just go ballistic on all'a ya'll pretty damn quick, okay?

        I don't care if some smutty Transformers book suddenly became uber-popular. I do not give a frag. I do not give one teensy iota of a frag. Because you're all ruining the rare art of transformers sexuality.

        Don't frag it up. Don't treat it with disregard.

        And for the love of Primus, stop trying to write transformers porn scenes when you haven't even seen the opposite sex naked! Seriously? Just, what the heeelllllll???????

        I'm seriously just going to go insane. I'm going to find Ironhide, wherever the frag his spark may be, and start hunting people down. Stop. Abusing. Transformers. They. Are. Not. Sex. Toys.

        They're not. Not now. Not ever. Stop it. Just stop it. Smut scenes are not your automatic ticket to a popular story. No. They're just not.

        If you're going to make sexy transformers, do it with class. Don't rush into it. And for the love of Primus, stop making porn out of it. Make it a classy form of sensual. Make it special. Make it amazing. Make it something incredible. Not something I want to punch my computer over. It's a nice computer, dammit.

        Seriously. Stop being little porn stars in your twisted minds. If it's classy? Good for you! If it's a nonstop smut fest, I'm gone. Buh-bye. See ya later.

        ~Do your research before getting involved in the transfan universe.

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