Number Nineteen: Skippers

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        Rant Number Nineteen: Chronic Chapter Skippers

        Okay, so this just happened to me for the first time the other day. And that's as far as I know about it, just because this person wasn't a ghost reader. I don't actually know how often this happens, but you know what?

        It's. Not. Acceptable.

        It's not nice. It's not cool. It's. NOT. OKAY.


        Because it's not. It is, in fact, so many levels of NOT OKAY, that I could outrank the levels of Hell, damn it!

        Well, all right. That's a total exaggeration. This just really, really irks me. I mean, really?

        Who, in their right mind, reads the first FIFTH of a book, skips to the last chapter, then goes on to the next book, skipping, like another fourth of that book?

        I mean, seriously? 

        I want to slap you in the face SOOO BAD right now.

        You literally, legitimately, have no slagging, fragging, scrapping clue how much shit you just missed. I kid you not. Like, you missed borderline everything. You missed the dubbing of her nickname. You missed her frustration and hating of OP. You missed her kind of, sort of admitting that maybe he's not such a bad guy after all.

        You missed her explaining periods to an alien robot who thought she was dying and crazy because she bleeds every month.

        What. The. Hell? You seriously missed so much awesome in those thirty+ chapters that you just fragging skipped because you're too impatient to sit there and read it all.

        I will give you a little tip right now: for everyone. If a writer has gone through the trouble to make a chapter, odds are, it's still important in some way, shape or form. It doesn't matter if that importance is something amazingly, mindblowingly critical or if it's just setting the tone for something to go wrong later, it's all important. Every. Last. Word.

        And thinking you're somehow too damn good to read all of it is insanity. I get that you're impatient and want to get to the good stuff. Trust me. I'm a writer. So do I. But if I make it slow, I'm doing it for a damn good reason. I'm doing it to make it something incredible when it all blows up later on. Because, frankly, if I super-condensed this trilogy and made it nothing but action, well, it would last for like, twenty, very choppy chapters.

        For the love of Primus, just read it. Skim it, if you absolutely must, but read it. Because frankly, if it's in there, it means something. Not just for the story, but it means I sat down and put time and energy into trying to make this amazing.

        And you skipping all those chapters like they're nothing?

        Um. Yeah. Way to just spit on my creativity. Frag.

        I appreciate the votes and all, but how much can they really mean if you're going to get lost later on in the story?

        I just . . . I don't even know sometimes . . .

        Don't spit on a writer's pride and joy. It's not nice. And I shall send a Decepticon horde upon your house or something.

        Anywayyy . . .

        ~Do your research before getting involved in the transfan universe. And read all chapters. Seriously. They're around for a reason.

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