Number Eighteen: Hand Outs

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        Number Eighteen: Looking For Hand Outs

        Okay, so, what I'm specifically ranting about in this chapter is, well, inexperienced, unestablished authors looking for hand outs.

        Like, asking for ideas for stories that they can publish themselves, hand outs.

        When I say I've had this happen a couple times now, I'm not joking.

        And I'm left slightly baffled each time. Whether it's direct or subtle, either way, it's fairly obvious. And then I just sit there for a moment, staring at my screen going "What the flying frag?"

        I mean, seriously? Who goes around asking another author for their ideas? I get that it can be hard to start something, but to just . . . What?

        Why would you blatantly ask someone else for one of their ideas? Just because I'm a well-founded TFP writer does not mean that I have this orchard of mind blowing ideas in my brain 24/7 and I'm just waiting for someone to take them away so I don't have to deal with them.

        It means I worked on something for a very long time and put a lot of effort into it. It means I got the support I needed from some amazing people. It does not mean I'm waiting to cast off any random ideas I get onto any person who asks even though I've never talked to them before.

        People overtaking my ideas, well that's something different, and has left me at a crossroads where I wonder if I will ever collaborate with another author again. I mean, I would like to at some point, but it has to be someone I trust, especially if it's going to be based off my ideas.

        Really, at this point, there's a very short list of people I would consider collaborating with right now. There's only one person I know for absolute certain that I would love to collaborate with, and that's because she and I just think so much alike. More so, she understand my pet peeves and wouldn't cross those lines.

        Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

        The thing is, you shouldn't look for hand outs. You should develop your own ideas. You should be able to create something that blows your own mind just thinking about it. That's how my popular books have all started out.

        More so, do not create something just for the fragging sake of trying to make it big. Don't rush it. Don't force it. Follow your passion for it becuase if your main goal is just to get "This many votes" and "This many comments" and "This many views" because that's somehow what'll make you an awesome writer . . . No. If that is your primary goal, it's not going to work. Because that's not following your passion. That's not having any passion for your own writing.

        If it feels like a chore, you're not doing it right.

        I mean, once in a while, you are going to have writer's block and you are going to have to push through it. But if every single chapter is a chore and you have to look to other writers for advice and inspiration, then, well, you're doing something wrong, at least in my eyes.

        Looking to other writers for feedback is one thing, and it's a good thing to do, a good habit to have. But if you're looking to other authors just to manage to write every single chapter, then you've got a problem. It's just not going to work. It's going to collapse on you.

        More importantly, if you become this reliant on other people, other writers, to get through something that you're claiming as your creation, then, well, it's not really 'your' creation, is it?

        An occasional collaboration, that's great. It can add an entirely new essence to the story. But if it's the whole story . . . Well, even if it is your idea that started it all, you may end up regretting it. And that is precisely why I'm rewriting two of the current books in the Stay series. Because collaborating can become a chore more than anything else.

        It may start fun, but will likely finish as anything but.

        So heed the warning.

        And please don't look for hand outs. You may be inexperienced, but if you're going to ask an established TF fanfic author for anything, make it feedback when you've already posted your story. Seriously. If I have the time, I'm happy to look at your random stories and I'll tell you what I think (Primus save me if this gets me a random crap ton of reading requests).

        But anyway, just, don't ask me for ideas. It's weird and very, very awkard. Frankly, I don't think any other of the TF authors will think any differently. If they do, then that's fine. Good for them. But personally, I just think it's kind of . . . Well, like I'm supposed to be a library of these kick-ass ideas. You really have no idea how many I've tossed away because they're just dead-ends.

        And one very important thing: visualize.

        If you can't visualize your story, the reader most definitely can't, and then they'll most likely stop reading unless they've very, very bored. Make a playlist of songs that inspire you. Do whatever that isn't illegal to get your creativity going.

        But for the love of Primus, I just, I don't have ideas to hand out to people. I really don't. Not unless you want ideas that belong in the sewer. Thank you.

        ~Do your research before getting involved in the transfan universe (and please don't nag other authors for ideas when you can make your own).

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