Number Thirteen: Misspelling

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Rant Number Thirteen: When Authors Misspell A Pre-existing Character's Name Incorrectly

So for the thousandth time, pretty self-explanatory, right? This actually happens. I'm not really sure how, but if I see it, I immediately close out the story with one thought: "Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope."

Will. Not. Do it.

Not happening.

If you do it, I'm out the slagging window.

If you have a question about how a character's name is spelled, check the internet, or, even better idea, read the credits. Seriously.

It's just a good idea in general, even if you think you know how a character's name is spelled. Like Raf. I have seen tons and tons of people spell it "Raph."

It's not "Raph." It's Raf. Rafael Esquivel. That would be the most common example I can honestly think of, but apparently there's an issue with people misspelling the name Optimus as well.

I have . . . Absolutely no fragging idea how on Cybertron this happens. I would really hope it's a severe typo or something when this happens. If it's a one-time deal, that's what I'll assume it is, but if this occurs repeatedly . . .

No. I'm out. I refuse to read something that shows zero respect to the existing characters. Want to spell it wrong?

Write a non-fanfiction. Because then no one will give a shit.

Just don't act like it's normal or cool or whatever to just slaughter a character's name. It's. Not. Okay.

For the love of Primus, do your research if you're confused. Maybe just do it, even if you aren't confused. If you're bad at spelling, then definitely, for the love of Primus, the AllSpark and the Pits, double check your names and any other confusing words.

Because frankly, if you misspell a word like "you're" and substitute "your" or use "accept" or "expect" instead "except" I will not be reading your story.


I don't know how many other people agree with me, because I can't speak for other people and their personal standards, but for the love of everything, if you can't spell get someone to proofread or something. Then your story might have a chance.

I, for one, cannot stand word screw-ups and misspells. I'm sure I have some, I'm currently editing. But I don't think I have anything nearly as severe as what I'm ranting about.

Above all, people, please just have some common fragging sense. I mean, really? Come on. My job makes me lose faith in humanity, I don't want to be losing it on here, too.

~Just do your slagging research before getting involved in the transfan universe. Seriously.

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