Chapter 2

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My story is one of acceptance.

"Max... Max honey wake up..." My mom shook me awake and I buried my face in my pillow.

"I told you. It's Gwen." She smiled. "Ok then Gwen get up." I sat up rubbing my eyes. She walked out of the room closing the door. I sighed.

Time to start a new chapter of hell...

Stepping into the bathroom, I grabbed my new binder. Pretty bland but I like it. Trying (Key word:TRYING) To put it over my head it got stuck. Great. Now trying to get it over my arms it got more stuck.


Finally getting my binder on I put on my clothes. Fu- Dam it. You could slightly see my binder through the white T-shirt. Hopefully no one will notice...

Stepping out of the bathroom, I ran into the kitchen grabbing a poptart and ran out the door. I grabbed my backpack just as the bus pulled in.

I looked around for somewhere to sit, and found an empty one at the back. Perfect.

Sitting down, I put my earphones in playing centuries. I glanced out the window. My dog was running in the yard trying to get past the electrical fence. I laughed.

As the bus pulled away I dozed off. Maybe this year won't be so bad... I thought as the world around me faded.

Boy was I wrong...

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