Part 1: Getting Settled In

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Optinessa and I were now walking side by side along the hallways of the school to reach the south exit which leads to the Male Dormitory.

Her heels clicked with each step and she kept her poker face with a slight smile, She was also carrying both of my duffle bags with ease while she asked me to carry her book, how strong is this lady I wondered.

Once we reached the south exit, The surrounding area was more of a forest landscape with a path cutting in the middle, and in the distance was a building surrounded by a slick stone fence.

Once again the entire walk to the dormitory was quiet, Neither one of us was even batting an eye at each other nor trying to speak to each other besides our introduction earlier.

I wanted to say something, I wanted to at least get a few words out of her before she left. And maybe get the chance to get her to become my very first friend?

As we entered the compound where the male dormitory building I got a closer look at it, Like Quintessa said she just started to accept male students and so it only had two floors with 10 rooms on each floor.

Luckily my room was on the first floor and it was lucky number seven, We walked over to the door and Optinessa gently dropped my bags and handed me a key card and an emergency key in case I lost the card.

"Welcome to your home for now while In Transformer Academy, You know the rules when it comes to dormitories. Mild Parties are allowed, and No girls or girlfriends, pets, alcohol, or any kind of dangerous substances inside the dorm. There will be an inspection at the end of the week. And most importantly is to never enter the Girl's dormitories in the west side without permission or accompaniment"

She put a little emphasis and tone when mentioning the last part and I made sure to nod twice as much to make sure that I understood.

"Good, Other than that welcome to our school, And I hope we can be great friends"

Optinessa smiled, Her blue eyes looking directly into mine as a gentle breeze blew past us making her blue hair flow against the wind, Not to mention the lighting made her glow.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

"L-Likewise, I'd love to be friends and I promise to follow the rules and be a model student"

I said returning the smile while opting for a handshake as I extended my hand, Which fortunately she took with a gentle shake followed by a slightly bigger smile.

"Wonderful, You know what they say. Without rule there'd be chaos, Keep up that attitude okay?"

And with that she gave me one last smile before beginning to walk away, Her hips swaying sensually as I realized I had been staring for a while now so I turned away, grabbed my bags, and finally entered my room.


After setting up my things and belongings in my new dorm room, And moving the beds and desks to suit my taste I collapsed on the soft mattress with a sigh.

I forgot to mention that they swapped in my phone to a school-issued one which Quintessa told me is how students will receive news, information updates, etc.

I thought about giving my parents a call to let them know that I was finally here, But just as I was about to do so someone suddenly knocked on my door.

Who could that be? Could it be Optinessa again? I wondered while standing up as I walked over to unlock and open my door and to my surprise standing outside was Sam holding two cans of iced coffee.

"So how are you finding the dorm rooms, Mr New Guy"

He said with a smile whilst handing the other one to me as he so casually just entered my room while sitting down on my desk chair.

"It's not bad, I made it a little cozier and more my type"

I said while sitting down on my bed and popping the tab of the can before taking a sip of the drink.

"Yeah you'll get used to it, I got accepted here last semester. And I don't want to spoil you on anything but things get hectic around here"

Sam says leaning against my desk while drinking his can of iced coffee, What Sam must be referring to is probably more information about the school that will be covered later on at the Opening Ceremony.

"Anyways, A couple of the guys and I are going to eat at the Barbecue Restaurant in town. Did I mention the Campus was built right next to the town?"

He said while standing up to go inspect the figurines and car models that I placed up on my shelf, That doesn't sound too bad and besides I would get to know the boys around here, I just hope that I'll get to know a girl soon here yes it might sound typical but I'm beginning to itch for a girlfriend.

"Anyway sorry for intruding, If you need anything, gossip about the latest dirt, or just want to hang out. Don't be scared to hit me up"

Sam said taking out his phone and grabbing mine which I left at the table by the bed, And he typed something into it before handing it back.

"Want to head to the Opening Ceremony together?"

Sam added his contact number to my phone and since I didn't want to spend the rest of the time waiting in my dorm room I decided to agree and head to the Opening Ceremony which will be held at the school Gym, Oh and did I mention there's another gym with a big pool?


The Gym was now filled with every student from the school, The 20 male students including me and Sam were seated at the front right front of the stage, and behind us were the 200 female students, Talk about intimidation.

All of our murmurings were silent when a big TV descended from the sky and was now suspended from the ceiling.

It turned on and the Principal's figure appeared floating on the screen.

"Good morning Students"

Every student stood up after her and all greeted in unison but they also added something at the end, One side I heard.

"There is more than meets the eye"

And the other I heard.

"Peace through tyranny"

I turned to look at Sam to see if he knew why some of the students said that but he just gave me a shrug before looking back at the TV.

"Welcome back students, And Welcome new ones. To a new semester at Transformer Academy"

Quintessa then went on to explain further about the Male and Female students that they choose Male transfers while Female students can apply and get accepted if they pass the entrance exam.

And next, she began to explain that the school students have been divided Into two teams known as the Autogals and the Deceptigals, since the school was created and until now.

New students are to choose their Team or Faction at the end of the first action and they are given time to think it over because once you join a side you can't move or leave that side until you graduate.

The purpose of the two sides is to increase teamwork and coordination among students, The two sides are always in a constant battle to earn class points, at the end of every semester the class with the highest (CP) will earn one Team Point (TP), which will continue until the end of the school year where the winning side will immediately get scholarships or high paying job openings so everyone takes it seriously.

Quintessa explained that the last semester's points were revoked due to a scandal and an incident which is why the Class points and Team points were now reset to 0, Once Quintessa finished two female students walked up the the stage to take the podium.

I recognized one to be Optinessa Prime while right beside her was a short girl with silver hair and purple eyes.

Optinessa first took the podium, Clearing her throat before she spoke.

"Good morning students, My name is Optinessa Prime I am the President of Team Autogals.

Our team is not merely a group of individuals; it is a community that thrives on collaboration and mutual support.

In joining us, you become part of something bigger than yourself - a collective pursuit of excellence. Together, we challenge each other, inspire one another, and push the boundaries of what we can achieve.

It's not just about the tasks at hand; it's about the relationships we build, the skills we acquire, and the memories we create.

Remember, There is more than meet's the eye"

And with that, she ended her speech with a small bow, The students began to applaud and so did I, I mean who wouldn't want to join Team Autogals with that amazing speech said by an amazing leader?

But as soon as Optinessa stepped of the Podium to let the other girl takeover, The atmosphere changed..and the aura coming off her was menacing.

She tapped the mic a couple times, The feedback ringing in our ears before she finally spoke.

"Uh..I'm Megatron, I'm the Leader of team Deceptigals.."

She ended her introduction with a groan, Her tone seemed bored even as she spoke. She looked down and rubbed the back of her neck, Her hair covering her eyes.

Until..her lips slowly curved into a smirk, showing off her sharp teeth followed by a sinister cackle.

"Listen up, Team Deceptigals is going to win this entire thing. Those loser Autogals may talk about teamwork and bullshit like that, Well newsflash!

The world isn't all kind with sunshine and rainbows, Reality is harsh and especially in this world, the strongest survives. Team Deceptigals doesn't care about honor, friendship, and pathetic rules.

We do what we want, We get what we want! And we want that prize and so we will win! Peace through tyranny!"

Megatron growled the last part before pulling out a gun and pointing it at the ceiling, her thumb cocking the hammer with a smirk.


At the same time she pulled the trigger, Multiple banners with the Deceptigal's logo on them descended from the ceiling of the gym and the students erupted into loud cheering and chanting.

Who thought that a Tyrant like Megatron could receive such response like this as she stepped off the podium, And the while stepping off the stage she was eyeing down Optinessa.

The tension and the rivalry between those two students were electrifying, Even if I was sitting away from them my heart was pounding out of my chest and beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

"So..this is what Sam meant by Hectic"


Once the Ceremony was now over and the students were beginning to leave, The rest of the day was a free period since the start of classes was tommorow, And so I agreed on Sam's plan with eating out into the town.

Sam led me to two other male students who were waiting by the entrance of the Gym and with that we were off, We took a bus and a couple of minutes later we reached the Barbecue Restaurant.

Once we sat down, They were served beers while I took a glass of water instead, I introduced myself and told a little bit about my hobbies while the two did the same.

Like Cade Yeager, Who was a smart and creative inventor but all of his inventions were usually a flop, And Jack Darby who is a fanatic for motorcycles and comic books.

And ofcourse Sam, And so the four of us would create our friend group right after, As we began to eat, drink and tell stories followed by laughter.

Looks like my first day here was off to a great start, I've already found myself a group of friends who were somewhat like me.

Although a little later I had to excuse myself when my phone rang, It was my parents calling.

I stood up from the table and was about to leave the restaurant to take the call outside when I almost bumped into...Optinessa! Who was entering through the door just as I was leaving.

"Optinessa! W-Wha-..Fancy seeing you here"

I said nervously, Stuffing my phone back into my pocket while looking back at Optinessa who gave me a small smile.

"Likewise, Y/N. I'm taking some of the Autogals to eat and they picked this restaurant"

Optinessa said while she opened the door, Stepping outside whilst I went after her.

And just as Optinessa was about to speak, someone from behind her called out to her.

"Optinessa! What's the hold up? Let's go"

One of them said, Before the three Autogals members entered the restaurant, Optinessa turned back to me with...almost a dissapointed look as she forced another smile.

"I gotta go Y/N, I'll talk to you later"

And just like that, She stepped back into the restaurant while I let out a heavy sigh, I shook my head and pulled out my phone to answer my parent's call when suddenly.

"O-Out of the way! I can't stop!"

Somebody yelled out, And all I saw from the corner of my eyes was a yellow blur before.


She collided with me causing me to stumbled back, Aswell as making the phone fly out of my hand and onto the road beside me followed by a sudden.


"O-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry are you okay?"

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