Part 2: Un-Bee-lievable!

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"O-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Are you alright!"

Because of the sudden commotion, I heard the footsteps and the murmurs of my friends, as well as the Autogals, who went outside to see what happened.

I must have had a small concussion when I tumbled backward since my vision was blurry, and I felt someone come up behind me to help me sit up.

"Y/N are you okay dude what happened?"

It was Sam, Rubbing my back while I blinked my eyes a couple of times before my vision finally returned to normal, and right In front of me was a short girl with a boy-cut yellow hair with black strips and blue eyes with an Autogals logo on her uniform.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!"

She cried out while crouched in front of me almost in tears, When suddenly one of the Autogals pulled her back by her hair and forced her to bow.

"You idiot! Didn't we say to slow down because you specifically cause accidents like this? Unbelievable!"

Bumblebee let out a whimper as she nodded slowly, Still being forced to bow by the Autogals member.

As I rubbed the back of my head with my right hand which was previously holding my phone, I remember feeling it slip out of my grip and I panicked. Looking around on the road beside the restaurant lay the remains of what used to be my phone.

"Oh man, I just got that phone"

I groaned, seeing it scattered all across the road, signs that it was run over by a passing car.

Suddenly, The girl who collided with me cried out once more before crawling forward and doing a dogeza bow getting as close to the ground as possible.

"A-Ah!! I'm so sorry please don't be mad at me I'll make it up to you I promise!!"

While Sam and Cade helped me to my feet, She continued to bow whilst sobbing.

I should be mad right? She came out of nowhere and hit me, almost gave me a concussion, and caused, my phone to get run over.

And she's probably just selling this to get me to feel bad for her but, Autogals are definitely not the type to be deceptive.

"It's okay really, I'm not mad and it's not your fault. I was distracted and I should have gotten out of the way"

I said frantically while leaning down and patting her shoulder, Trying to get her to stop crying and sobbing right out in the open as we were beginning to attract attention.

She slowly stood from the floor, Sniffling and wiping her tears with a bit of snot running down her nose while trying to look at me with her..sad and innocent blue eyes.

"R-Really you're not mad..?"

Ba dump! Ba dump!

She asked..and the way she said it, Her tone and that look in her eyes.. it was so innocent, so cute and so pure I couldn't help but blush and nod multiple times.

Once she finally composed herself, Her lips formed into a smile before looking down once more.

"I-I'll make it up to you I promise.. I'm so sorry again.."

After that, Bumblebee gave me a small bow once more before entering the Barbecue restaurant along with the other Autogals except for Optinessa who stayed behind.

"I am so sorry about Bee, She's usually a clumsy wreck and can be childish but I promise she isn't all bad"

And now Optinessa herself was feeling bad which made me guilty, Sam and the guys noticed it as well and were snickering and murmuring at each other behind my back.

"It's no problem, Like I said I was distracted and my head doesn't even hurt!"

I said with a chuckle, But Optinessa still seemed skeptical and she raised one brow while placing one hand at her hip.

"Still, You should go to the nurse. And drop by the Faculty room to get yourself a new phone. Rest in your dorm room for the rest of the day okay?"

She said in a caring way, I gave her a nod before she went inside the restaurant to join the rest of her Autogals, And it was probably time for me to return to the campus.


"Talk about unlucky, the first day you almost got a concussion and your phone got crushed by a car"

Sam said, He and I were currently back in my room after I got a checkup from the nurse who was also a student and an Autogal, I got a new phone as well but the one in charge, was not happy that I broke it on the first day.

"So Sam you've been here longer than me, Who was that Bumblebee girl?"

I was curious to know about the cute Autogal who collided with me earlier, Sam looked up from his phone and then towards me as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me you've got a crush?"

Sam joked while sitting up as he leaned against the wall.

"Dude I'm just curious alright, You said you've got the latest gossip and shit about everybody. So spill it or I'm kicking you out"

I jokingly threatened him, Even going towards the door and putting my hand on the doorknob.

"Okay okay relax, Bumblebee, Or Bee is a member of the Autogals. She's basically the sweetheart in that group, very popular with the boys and girls.

And if you're wondering, Yes she's Single. You know what I'll add a bonus too since you're such a smartass, Every Autogal is single"

Sam added while crossing his arms, His words made me laugh as I sat down on my desk chair to look back at him.

"Bee is athletic and like you experienced very fast, She's a little hyperactive and she loves sweets. She has average grades and she loves trying to befriend and approaching everyone. And she's an animal lover"

Sam said before standing up, Like he said Bee was definitely the sweet and innocent one just like how she expressed and shown earlier.

I hope she's not the type to think about it too hard, Plus I might get the chance to have her as my second Autogal friend...or my first? Optinessa did say she hoped to be great friends with me right? Right?


It was now Monday, I was getting ready and putting on my uniform which was just white and black since I have yet to join a team.

I also received a text notification on my phone from the school system that my Classroom would be room B-2 on the second floor, I wonder if Optinessa is going to be my classmate.

As I left my room, Sam and the others were waiting up from me and we began to walk towards the campus together, They were chatting with each other while I kept silent.

I was still sleepy and wasn't in the mood for their antics, But as we reached the entrance of the school I bumped into Sam and the guys when they suddenly stopped.

"Hey, guys? What are you stopping for?"

They all were silent and they pointed towards the direction of the Entrance gate to the Boys Dormitory.

As I pushed past them, Standing there holding her bag was...Bumblebee leaning against the stone pillar and swaying side to side.

Soon she finally noticed me and looked over, And once she did she smiled and ran up to me with a sweet giggle while slightly bending forward.

"Y/N! Good morning! Did you sleep well? Does your head still hurt? It doesn't anymore right?"

Again, Her sweet words and actions made my cheeks turn pink while from the corner of my eye, Sam, Cade, and Jack were walking past me giving me approving nods and thumbs up as they decided to leave me be with Bumblebee.

Those idiots!

"Uh, Yeah I slept alright. And don't worry, my head doesn't hurt anymore. Uhm what are you doing here I thought girls weren't allowed to enter the Boy's Dormitory"

I said as Bee walked beside me so we were side by side while walking towards the school.

"Technically I was just at the entrance, And I wanted to walk to school together silly!"

She giggled once more before stopping in front of me and leaning forward again, Looking up at me with big eyes with a finger near her lips.

" don't want to walk with me to school?"

She's way too cute!

"H-Hey I never said that alright!"

And as soon as I said that Bee's big smile returned and what she did next surprised me, She suddenly wrapped both of her arms around my left arm clinging to me like that girl in those romance shows.

Oh well, It would be rude of me to push her away so I might as well enjoy the closeness of a girl because I might never get this close to one ever again.

And so while entering the school and walking along the hallways, It was fair that every student we walked past was giving us surprised looks Since a popular Autogals were clinging to the arm of the new guy nobody.

Though she didn't seem bothered by it, some students were giving me glares and some boys were gesturing threats to me with their hands.

Great on the first day I've already made students jealous and possibly my enemy.


I was so distracted by Bee clinging to my arm that I didn't realize that she was also following me to the second floor, Her classroom must be on this floor as well there's no way Bee and I would be classmates right-

"Sorry Y/N, This is my stop right here"

Bee said a little disappointed as she let go of my arm, I looked up at what class she was and whaddya was B-2.

I looked back at Bee who gave me a curious look while tilting her head to the side, And so I pulled out my phone to show her the text while I said.

"Bee..looks like we're gonna be classmates"

Upon seeing the text and hearing the news that Bee and I were classmates, Her eyes widened and she gave me her biggest smile while bouncing up and down.

"That's awesome! We get to be classmates! We get to be classmates! Yay!!"

And just like that she clung around my left arm again as we entered the classroom looking like a couple, I scanned the room with some students already present but still not full yet.

And there is no sign of Optinessa, Looks like she isn't going to be my classmate, Oh well. I took the chair in the middle of the classroom and of course, Bumblebee sat right next to me.

I pulled out my phone and from the reflection, I saw someone sitting in the back of the class with those menacing purple eyes, And so I looked and...

"What are you looking at?"

It was Megatron, Megatron was in my class and she immediately glared at me followed by a threatening tone with her words.

"Don't let her get to you Y/N, She's always like that"

Bumblebee said placing a hand on my shoulder making me turn back to her smiling softly, God she is so cute.

And so over time, the classroom began to fill there were 3 boys in my class which was me Sam, and one other. while there were 17 girls, consisting of 9 auto gals including Bee and some others, and 8 Deceptigals including Megatron and others.

My homeroom teacher was Professor Ironhide and after we introduced each other, He explained that we would be changing classrooms when attending our different classes meaning the students would be shuffled.

Wednesdays and Fridays were our PE days and as long as we had an above average grade we didn't have to attend that class as much compared to others.

Transformer Academy had a strange educational system that resembles college but, I guess they're doing something right if they're popping out genius students every year.


The first half of the day went by pretty quickly, We didn't have much to do for our classes since it was the first day, My classes were Math, English, Science, and Philosophy.

Like Professor Ironhide said, I have different classmates in different classmates when I change subjects, But luckily Optinessa was my classmate in Math.

My class before lunch was Science and it ended 10 minutes before the bell rang so I was already in the cafeteria, Which was half full already.

Bee wanted to join me but as soon as her class ended she had to join Optinessa since both of them were members of the student council.

Sam, Cade, and Jack were still in their classes and so here I was eating alone at lunch, But while I was picking at my food a female student who was a Deceptigal member walked up to me and shyly asked.

"C-Can...I sit here?"

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