Part 4: What's her problem?

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"Ugh! Watch where you're going will you?"

As the notebooks and book scattered on the floor, I hurriedly crouched to pick them up while the girl was doing so as well.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know someone was going to be walking by"

As I finally stood up, She snatched the books and notebooks I was holding and I finally got a good look at her.

That blue hair and pink accents, It was Arcee. My classmate in Science class.

"It's a hallway, There's always going to be people passing...It's whatever"

She scoffed, Swiping a strand of stray hair away from her face before looking back at me.

"Wait...aren't you that guy that Bee collided with? What happened with you this time"

Arcee asked with one brow raised, Now that I think about it she was one of the Autogals that I saw back at the Barbecue restaurant, She was the one that scolded Bee.

"Y-Yeah, Oh uhm I had a run in with Megatron"

I replied, Though her expression was that of surprise when I mentioned about having an encounter with Megatron.

"And you didn't even get a single bruise? Alright what's your secret, No one has ever gotten away from her without a scratch"

Wearing a smirk accompanied by a gentle chuckle, Arcee leaned on one leg, books still in hand, and fixed her gaze on me, anticipating my response.

"I just stood up to a girl she was picking on, But turns out it was that same girl who saved my ass"

I said with a nervous chuckle, Arcee kept a sly grin on her lips before exhaling through her nose and clicking her tongue.

"Talk about lucky, And by the way. Next time you bump into me again you'll be getting your third visit to the clinic"

She swiftly shifted her mood, uttering these words with a subsequent scoff as she walked past me. What's her problem?

Upon her departure, I noticed an item had fallen from the spot where she had been standing. I stooped down and retrieved a handkerchief adorned with a floral pattern.

Despite her unkind behavior, I decided to wait until tomorrow during Science class to return it, considering she seemed to be in a bad mood today, and it's best not to approach her.


My period before lunch was Science, As I made it into the classroom and waited for Arcee to arrive, But just as I saw a glimpse of her entering the classroom so did our teacher, Professor Hound.

"Good Morning class, Today you will all be doing an activity on our first topic which is about Plant Life"

As usual he said this while sipping his cup of coffee, He explained the activity further that we will be paired with another student and assigned a plant that we will have to take care of until the end of the First Quarter, did I mention this was 45 percent of our grades?

As the other students were being paired up by random one by one, And given their plants, it slowly came down to four students. Me, Starscream and two others.

As Professor Hound was about to announce the next pair, If I was paired with Arcee I could give her back her Handkerchief and be on good terms with her, Then again how long will I be in her good graces while we take care of a plant?

"Y/N, You're with Arcee. Both of you will be planting and taking care of a Hydrangea Plant. You two can buy the seeds during lunch or after school, Just take a gate pass"

It seems we're teamed up for this activity, and when I glanced back, it was evident that Arcee was definitely not pleased.

"Now, Open up your textbooks to page 10, After the first lesson I'll be giving the leftover time for all of you to discuss with your partners"

Oh boy.


Once Professor Hound finished his lecture and went back to his desk, The other students began to talk about their assigned plants meanwhile I was sitting in my own desk pondering if I should approach her or if she was going to approach me.

I could feel her gaze burning the back of my head, And since this was big points for our grades I finally decided to stand up and take the empty seat right beside Arcee's

"So, What time should we head out to time to get the seeds for our plant?"

I asked, Arcee was leaning the side of her head on her hand while tapping her desk impatiently.


Silence again, She really isn't putting any work on trying to communicate with me, And so I tried again this time.

"Did you know Hydrangea plants can be one singular color but the rare ones can be multicolored?"

I said this time with a nice fun fact about our plant, But Arcee just raised her head from her hand and looked at me.

"Oh wow, You can read the plant's definition"

Such a sarcastic reply.

"Look, I don't care. I'll drive out using my bike during lunch, You can just go away and leave me alone"

She added before leaning her head back against her arm and this time looking out the window, Clearly not wanting to cooperate with me so I just sighed and returned to my seat.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The bell began to ring as it was now lunch time, Arcee was quick to leave the classroom and there is no way she's getting all the credit on this activity.

I chased after her but damn she was fast, She was agile with navigating through the hallway full of students while I kept getting body blocked and occasionally bumping into someone.

But I could still spot where she was because of Arcee's pink hair which was standing up acting like a little marker for me to follow.

I reached the exit, scanning the area after she mentioned a bike. Now, I had to locate the specific one and its whereabouts. The parking area at the front was crowded with various vehicles, but amidst them, I discerned the distinct roar of a sports bike.

I ran towards the sound and sure enough, There she was just about to leave but luckily I made it just in time, Grabbing onto the back of her bike.

"Arcee!...wait!..I'm coming too okay?"

I said between pants, As I tried to catch my breath while wiping the sweat from my forehead, Arcee took off her helmet and then chuckled while looking at me.

"Y/N L/N you are really persistent, I guess I do need someone who knows their way with plants, Hop on"

Now we're getting somewhere. I awkwardly got on the bike as it was my first time and made sure to hold onto the seat behind me instead of her waist.

"Hold on tightly, my bike is pretty fast. That and I'm wearing the only helmet"

As she wore the helmet and leaned forward revving the engine while we slowly drove to exit the school.

"Please don't go too fast, We've got an hour and 10 minutes to buy what we need so we have plenty of ti- ahhh!!"

Just before I could finish my sentence Arcee immediately accelerated as the bike zoomed away from the school, The engine screeching and whining as she changed gears.

Meanwhile I was holding for my life screaming from time to time as she did a sharp turn that I swear she was doing on purpose to try and launch me off her bike.

And in minutes we fortunately made it to the Flower Shop and in one piece, As Arcee turned off the engine and popped the kickstand. I got off the bike and sat down on the curb, Well sat down was an understatement because I actually fell over.

"You okay tough guy?"

Arcee asked as she knelt down beside me, I raised my hand slowly giving her a thumbs up as I slowly pulled my self up to sit down.


My face was pale and I was heaving from time to time trying not to vomit, Apparently Arcee got a laugh out of this one as she held her stomach while laughing.

"Oh man you should have seen your face on the side mirrors, Come on it wasn't that bad"

Arcee playfully hit my shoulder before standing up.

"L-Let's just get the seeds.."


Once we were inside the Flower shop, We were checking off the list of things to buy that Professor Hound gave each of the students like fertilizer, pesticide etc.

And Lastly the Hydrangea Seeds, We were being guided by the shopkeeper to the shelves full of different seeds for different kinds of plants.

"Here are the seeds, Don't mistake them for raisins however"

(Look them up, They literally look like raisins)

"Before you go, Do you two want to see the type of plant those seeds will grow into? We have every seedling of the plant seeds we sell here, Follow me to the back"

She smiled leading us to a staff only room, which was actually a sort of open greenhouse in the rear of the shop full of different kinds of plants from seedlings to fully grown ones.

The shopkeeper led us behind some of the bigger plants until she stopped in front of a plant which was bluish pink in color.

"You'll usually get either pink or blue, But you'll be lucky if a blue & pink hydrangea blooms"

She said whilst grabbing a nearby watering can to water the Hydrangeas.

"Huh, Hey Arcee is it just me or do they match the color of your hai-"

Glancing beside me, I was taken aback by Arcee's actions. She had both hands on her mouth, and her eyes gleamed with affection as she softly murmured.

"They're so beautiful.."

This side of Arcee was definitely a shocker for me, was cute nonetheless. Although I should have probably stopped staring because she soon realized and then glared at me.

"What are you staring at?"

She said whilst crossing her arms and looking away, Trying her hardest to act tough while hiding a blush.

"I just said that the bluish pink ones kinda look like you"

I said while chuckling, Although she didn't seem to take the compliment as she suddenly raised her fist about to strike me while I gasped and shielded my face.

"Yeah..they kinda do look like me, Come on let's go pay for this stuff and we can get lunch. I'm starving"

Although I was expecting to be punched, She just lightly hit my shoulder and proceeded to walk past me to leave the greenhouse with the shopkeeper while I followed.

Once we paid for our things and left the shop, Arcee chained the front of her tires onto a nearby tree and walked over to me.

"Come on, Let's get lunch together. We've got some time to spare"

She said smiling while gesturing to follow her using her head, With the gardening supplies in the plastic bag I was carrying I followed Arcee until we arrived at a Pizza shop.

"Nothing can go wrong with Pizza for lunch, have another shop in mind?"

Arcee asked while she moved her hands behind her back, Looking at me with her neon blue eyes and a cool smirk on her lips...

Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump!

"Pizza..sounds perfect"

I said followed by a smile as we walked inside the shop and took our seats, I told Arcee to order for us while I went back outside to call Sam, as I was once again curious to know more about Arcee.

I rang Sam's phone and he picked up, But he seemed to be talking to someone. It sounded like a girl.. and why were they whispering?

"Hello? Sam?"

I finally spoke and on the other end I heard Sam mutter out a curse word before he finally spoke.

"Dude! What? I was just about to get Mikaela's number!"

Sam said, Who was Mikaela I wondered. Oh yeah Sam's crush he constantly talked about and he would never shut up about.

"Can you tell me more about Arcee? I'm out into town with her on a pizza lunch"

I said, But once again Sam replied a little later before he finally said.

"Not now man, I'll tell you later okay?"


He hung up on me, Well I guess I would have done the same if I was about to get the number of the girl I obsessively crush about.

Oh well, Maybe I could get that information myself. I thought while going back inside the shop just in time as she was already holding the tray of half pepperoni and cheese pizza on our table.

I took my seat right after her, We each took a slice and quietly ate. It was a little awkward since it was just us in the Pizza shop and corny music was playing in the background.

I thought about what to say to try to initiate the conversation when I suddenly remembered the handkerchief she dropped.

I pulled it out from my pocket and held it in my hand while extending it for her to take back.

Her eyes widened and she slowly took the handkerchief, She looked down before putting it away in her pockets.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, You only wanted to help"

Arcee suddenly spoke while still looking down so her hair covered her eyes and her expression.

"And you didn't do anything to make me act like that it's just..."

She suddenly trailed off just as she was beginning to open up about herself and why she was acting like that.

But she just looked into my eyes and smiled before brushing a strand of stray hair over her ears.

"Sorry, We're supposed to be enjoying lunch yet I'm babbling"

"Go ahead, You can tell me"

I said right after her sentence, Surprising Arcee with a blush forming on her cheeks before she smiled again.

"Slow down cowboy, I said your a nice guy. That doesn't make us buddy buddy"

She giggled while reaching for another slice at the same time as me, Our finger tips collided as we reached for the same Pepperoni pizza and we both retracted our hands instantly.

"Y-You can have it"

I said but she cut me off by saying.

"No I'm have that"

While I replied with.

"If you say so, Then it's mine"

As I grabbed the pizza and shoved it into my mouth, Chewing it slowly before swallowing it all at once. And once again this made Arcee laugh as she began to giggle and laugh.

It was a pure genuine laugh, It was so infectious that I began to laugh aswell. And we spent the rest of lunchtime eating pizza while constantly joking.


"Hey be careful, Your gonna smother the seeds. Don't lay them on top of each other"

I said, to Arcee while she let out an annoyed groan. We were at the back of the school about to plant the seeds of our plants on the flowerbeds provided to us by professor Hound.

"I know what I'm doing geez! Now hand me the watering can"

Arcee said as she finished burying the seeds. I handed her the small watering can we bought and she proceeded to water the soil.

"I'll take it from here Y/N, You can go ahead and clean up first"

Arcee said, as she began to set up the small fences around our plants to make sure our Hydrangea wouldn't grow crooked.

I gladly took up on her offer and went over to the front of the school where there were a hand wash station.

But while i was washing my hands I heard someone walk up behind me and said.

"Your Y/N L/N, Right?

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