Part 5: Two Of A Kind

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Authors Note: As a thanks for 3k+ views and 100 votes, This is a longer more special part. I hope you guys continue to enjoy this story, I'll be making more than this don't worry and I'm so sorry for the wait.

Also does having 18+ scenes on your books still a risk of getting it removed? If so let me know or tell me about Wattpad's new guidelines. enjoy!!

. . .

"Your Y/N L/N, Right?"

As I turned around, There was a girl with scarlet hair and crimson eyes standing there, Holding a pocket mirror and checking her reflection before looking back at me with a smile.

"Yeah that's me, What's up?"

I asked, The girl put her pocket-mirror away and slightly turned to the side while lowering her head.

"Are you..busy right now?"

She asked while pushing the tips of her index fingers together while her feet drew circles on the floor while slowly looking up at me with her Doe like eyes.

" not really, Why?"

Her eyes widened at my answer and her lips curved into shy smile, She simply turned around with her hands on her back before looking back at me.

"Follow me.."

After that she began to walk away while I stood there a while thinking if I should really follow her or if she was planning something.

Curiosity was eating at me and I eventually gave in and decided to follow her. We began to walk away from the rear of the school and while walking the girl was faintly humming.

The atmosphere of the school was peaceful, There were only a couple students outside after all it was about 5 in the afternoon.

Eventually she led me to a secluded space which was in-between the gym and faculty building.

The space we entered was fairly dim and once we were halfway, She suddenly stopped and slowly turned to me.

Her crimson eyes looking into mine before walking towards me closing the distance, Until she stopped a couple steps away from me.

"Sorry for suddenly asking you to follow me here.."

She trailed off and looked away with a blush her hands visibly trembling as she gripped the hem of her skirt.

"This won't be long..I promise.."

If my thousands of hours of watching Anime has taught me something...She's going to confess! This mood, this setting it's the typical confession!!

"T-The truth is...I-I.."

Here it comes! My heart quickened in anticipation and excitement for her answer, Beads of sweat formed on my face as she finally said..

"I-I think someone's going to confess to me right here!!"

. . . . .

"Eh? Then...shouldn't it be better if I wasn't here?"

I asked, The feeling of excitement earlier had completely disappeared as I stared at her in disbelief.

"I-It's just I don't know a thing or two about dating..and compared to the love letters I constantly receive..this one was different"

She held up a pink envelope with the seal being a heart, She looked away and let out a soft sigh.

"I'm really not into dating or love in the moment..sure I tend to flirt but that's just it, And I didn't want to hurt their feelings because I don't know what to say.

And since you were new and you looked friendly...I thought you'd pretend to be my boyfriend!"

She pleaded, Looking up at me with those crimson eyes of hers while inching forward.

Oh man..what did I get myself into? I want to help her just to see where it goes but on the other hand I feel bad for the person who asked her out.

"Uhm..y'know, It'd be best if you speak with them one-on-one, for real..not that I'm at expert at dating, But this is just wrong"

I said. Who am I kidding I haven't even been on a date so who am I to even talk like that?


She trailed off and gasped softly, Looking past me. I turned around and at the start of the corner there was a female student there holding the same pink envelope with a heart seal.

"Knockout..who's he?"

She asked, Pointing towards me. Although nervous, her words and the way she pointed showed intimidation.

"Oh..Shizu, Sorry I brought someone you don't know. This is Y/N L/N from class B-2"

Knockout said, The female student gripped the envelope and looked down and from her glasses tears began to form in her eyes as she asked.

"Is... he your boyfriend?"

She asked tearfully making me gulp, Knockout suddenly held onto my wrist as she stood right beside me.

"Y-Yeah..Y/N is...He's my-"

"I'm just her friend"

I cut off Knockout surprising her and the other girl as I pulled my hand away from her and stepped forward a bit.

"Knockout, confessing your feelings to someone isn't an easy thing, right?

You spend every day in anguish yet you still can't do it. you can let out the words 'I love you' hanging in your throat

And so, I think you should answer her desperate feelings properly"

After I gave her a piece of my mind, Knockout let out a soft sigh and looked down while still holding the pink envelope.

And with that I decided to walk away, Walking past the female student and finding a nearby sitting place as I decided to wait for the outcome of the confession and how Knockout was going to handle it.

I sounded so cool earlier, I'm glad I watched all those soap operas with my mom.

. . .

After a while the female student who had asked out Knockout ran out of the secluded area while sobbing into her hands, And soon Knockout also walked out.

She spotted me sitting on a nearby bench and approached me while frowning and holding onto her elbow.

"Well..I tried my best, I told her we could be friends but..."

She sighed, swiping a strand of hair away from her face and behind her ears before looking up at me.

"But atleast it's over and done, Rather than making up that lie about having a boyfriend and playing with her feelings"

I crossed my arms, Making sure to make her feel bad on purpose so that she'd realize what she'd have been doing.

"I know, I know. I panicked I've never been asked out like that before.. I feel stupid"

Knockout sighed plopping down on the spot right beside me, The black streak of hair standing up on her head twitching side to side while she put her elbow to her lap and leaned her head on her hands.

"I'm sorry for trying to use you like that...what you said to me was right, I should have thought about their feelings aswell"

She sat back up and took a deep breath, Then she took my hands in hers and looked up at me with a smile.

"Thank you.I'll make it up to you for this I promise"

Knockout says with a soft smile, And the way she suddenly held my hands into hers made me blush as I pulled them away before clearing my throat.

"Y-Yeah! Sure don't mention it"

The soft breeze of the afternoon blew past us, Her scarlet hair flowing in the wind before she stood up and smiled at me once more before excusing herself as she began to walk away. Leaving me to myself wondering what she was going to be thinking of.

The next day..

Since it was Wednesday, We had PE for half a day until lunch and then club meetings in the afternoon.

All of the students from the section B of classes B-1 B-2 And B-3 were now gathered inside the gym all dressed in their PE uniforms

For the first half, Our Advisors were taking our BMI's and since the boys were fewer than the girls we finished quickly, And so me and the three guys were up on the bleachers while I told them what happened yesterday with Arcee and Knockout.

"You guys went on a date? Seriously!"

Jack was the one who was most surprised because I didn't know that he had a crush on her, I think the reason was just because Arcee had a sports bike.

"So that's why you wanted to know about Arcee, Sorry I couldn't help you though. I was too busy getting Mikaela's number, And she said yes if your wondering"

Sam said while Cade gave him a high five.

"Well technically not a date. And it wasn't just Arcee though. I kinda got into a situation with another Deceptigal...Knockout?"

I said and all three of them immediately scooched closer to listen, I guess she's that likeable with both the boys and the girls.

"Knockout huh? That Deceptigal from Class A-1. She's kind, sweet and loved by both the boys and the girls"

Sam said and right after I followed up by saying.

"Tell me about it, Yesterday some girl apparently confessed to her but Knockout brought me along to get me to pretend to her boyfriend"

"Whoah no way?!"

"Confessing to Knockout, Especially her? That takes guts seriously"

Jack and Cade said while Sam added.

"Knockout has a pretty good following on social media, Facepoke, Chirper, Instaglam. She's the social media queen of our school, And I guess also a heartbreaker"

Sam said while pulling out his phone and opening Instaglam, Showing Knockout's profile containing 750k followers. Her photos and uploads consisted of her in different outfits, food, places and selfies.

"She may be a Deceptigal, But she is a sweetheart. Though strangely competitive. Kinda like..-"

Sam was suddenly cut off when the doors to the Gym suddenly burst open followed by someone sliding inside with a trail of blue light.

"Smokescreen's here! And with 5 seconds to spare!"

The girl yelled while giggling, And a teacher then walked up to her scolding her before giving Smokescreen the PE uniform and dragging her towards the locker rooms.

"Ah..her, Smokescreen. No one is as competitive as those two. She's the President of the Sports Club"

Sam said while pulling out her phone and this time going to Facepoke for Smokescreen's profile.

Her photos consisted of her playing different kinds of sports, And some with Bee and the other Autogals.

"Oh yeah Y/N, You've got a Facepoke account right? We'll poke you and you poke us so we can keep each other updated"

Jack said while pulling out his phone and so did Cade while I followed next, Poking their profiles and now we were friends online as well.

. . .

Once the girls finished getting their BMI, The three advisers of the sections of B class all gathered us by the middle.

And for our first performance task and activity on PE we were going to playing a friendly match of Basketball.

First was all boys basketball, And since the boys from the three classes were 12 in total we had 5 for two teams and two subs.

The match was the right amount of heated and intense, I played during the 3rd quarter and I coincidentally had Sam, Cade and Jack in my team so our team won leasing with 12 points with Cade being Mvp.

But for the girls basketball on the other hand..the first team was led by Bee from my class as the captain ball and the other was led by Smokescreen from class B-3

Sure those two were teammates, But Starscream was just constantly butting heads with Bee, constantly stealing the ball or denying layups and first on the rebounds.

I was cheering Bee ofcourse but even with a little more motivation their team a whopping 40 points lead by Smokescreen.

Two days later...Friday

Class B-2 and B-3 alongside Class A-1 and 1-2 were all inside the gym to play the finals of the basketball performance task with the winning teams from class A & B.

Again the first players were us boys, some students from the other teams were watching us even Arcee went to watch my game so I had her, Bee and Knockout from class A-1 cheering my team.

Sam, Cade and Jack got the motivation and we eventually lead the game all up until the 3rd quarter when we lost the lead because Jack wanted to dunk the ball for Arcee but eventually faceplanted and he had to be subbed out.

We lost the game 5 points but 2nd place and a 98 out of 100 as my grade isn't bad.

The next game however was the one I was looking forward too the most, Knockout's winning team versus Smokescreen's.

Out of the gate those two were eyeing each other down as they played the game, Smokescreen was far more skilled but Knockout was always one upping her and the points was basically back and forth.

They were playing dangerously and the ref was even having trouble keeping up with those two, They were stealing the ball and playing defence perfectly.

The score reached 78 Knockout's, And 79 Smokescreen's at the last 30 second of the fourth quarter.

Knockout was dribbling the ball making it to Smokescreen's side of the court. She passed to her teammate and passed again but oh! Smokescreen swiftly slid to steal.

But wait! Knockout was quick to chase after taking the ball without getting a violation, That move made Smokescreen frustrated as she chased after Knockout running up to the net for her signature layup to win the match!

But out of nowhere! Smokescreen jumped towards the ball and smacked the ball to the side to be grabbed by her teamate but...

Smokescreen hit the ball a little too hard and I was unluckily sitting at that side of the bleachers, and with the ball traveling that fast I couldn't react fast enough and..


Y/N's Third visit to the clinic..

When I started to regain consciousness the sounds of arguing was the first thing I could hear as well as something cold on my face.

And with a sigh someone said.

"Y/N, I just gave you medicine... and now this?"

It was Nurse Ratchet who was the first person I saw once my right eye finally opened, And the cold feeling on my face was an ice pack over my left eye.

Ratchet helped me sit up as I held the compress onto my eye I looked at who was arguing and it was Smokescreen and Knockout.

"You could have killed him!!"

"I didn't mean to! If you didn't make that steal this never would have happened!"

"Well If you didn't leap through the air and smacked it like a psycho Y/N wouldn't have gotten hurt!"

They went back and forth with their arguments blaming each other continuously before Ratchet finally shut the both of them up with an audible 'Ehem!'

"Y/N! You're okay!"

Knockout quickly approached me, Placing her small hand onto my cheek, her tone was piteous towards my predicament.

Looking right beside her, Smokescreen was looking down. Her expression was regretful while her arms were behind her back.

"Well? What do you say?!"

Knockout yelled while crossing her arms as she faced Smokescreen, Suddenly she quickly bowed and said.

"I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!...I'm sorry!"

She was...crying. Sobbing even as she said all of this while tears began to drop onto the floor where she stood, Smokescreen eventually stood up right while trying her best to stop the tears gushing out of her eyes.

Even Ratchet was beginning to feel bad as she was writing down on her records.

"'s alright, Okay? I'm not mad. You two were just a little too into the game"

Knockout helped me off the bed as we approached Starscream who finally began to calm down, She slowly nodded while sniffling.

"I'll make it up to you..I promise, I'm so sorry for hurting you Y/N"

Smokescreen says while taking one of my hands in hers, Holding them while her blue eyes looked into mine..which kinda made me blush.

The two stayed with me in the clinic until Ratchet let me leave once the swelling on the left side of my face lightened, She gave me medicine and on the way back to the boys dorm room Knockout and Smokescreen accompanied me since my left eye was still a little blurry.

Great even more unwanted attention because the entire time we walked to the dorms, I was getting stares and being gossiped by the other students.

But they were both great company and in the end they gave me both their numbers before they left me alone to rest from this tiring and painful day.

Next day...

It was now Saturday and I have officially finished my first week here in Transformer's high, I've finished all my homework early and so I was laying on my bed with nothing to do.

Sam was on a date with Mikaela and Jack and Cade were doing their homework at the library. I wanted to call Starscream but she was always with Megatron and I didn't want another run in with her.

Although eventually I received a text from Knockout.

"Hiya! I hope you're doing alright now :)"

Knockout texted while I replied with.

"It doesn't hurt as much now, I hope you're doing alright as well"

"Hey if you're free right now, We should go out into the town! We can go shopping, or just take a stroll to the park! I did promise to make it up to you didn't I?"

Knockout texted with a winky face emoji, Well it does sound much better than having nothing to do and so I texted with a thumbs up.

But while getting ready and getting dressed in something casual than my pajamas, Somebody texted as the notification on my phone went off.

As I checked to see who it was Smokescreen who sent a text saying.

"Hey..I hope your okay now and your left eye doesn't hurt, Can I treat you with some food? Or buy you something in town? Meet me Infront of the Mall..or don't if you don't want to, I understand"

Ah crap, I already agreed to Knockout's invitation and if I refuse and the two of them managed to bump into each other they'll fight again, but if I go over to the Mall where I'm meeting Knockout..and Smokescreen, their going to argue aswell.

Ugh, why do I always end up in these situations?


Once I arrived in town and stepped off the bus, I checked my phone and Knockout sent me a text that she was already waiting by the Mall.

Looks like she hasn't had a run in with Smokescreen yet, I hope so. I began to walk over there and in the distance I could see Knockout wearing a cute crop top and jean shorts with heels and a red purse sitting down on the bench Infront of the Mall.

And right from the corner I saw a silhoute of that same blue light I saw on Wednesday and sure enough, Smokescreen appeared out of the corner wearing a blue blouse and a white skirt with a blue handbag.

And as I arrived at the meeting place, Before Knockout went up to greet me her eyes widened Seeing Smokescreen arriving.

"Knockout, The heck are you doing here?"

Smokescreen asked while raising her brow and glaring at Knockout who gave her a coy smile before clinging onto my right arm and saying.

"I'm going to be treating Y/N today after he helped me with something, So you can along and cause havoc somewhere"

Knockout said smugly whilst giggling which Smokescreen did not take kindly as she walked up to me and pushed Knockout away before she clinged to my left arm.

"Well I was the one who got him sent to the clinic, I'm going to be treating him and making this his best outing yet!"

Smokescreen giggled while smiling at me before her smile was quickly replaced by a gasp as Knockout returned the push by yanking Smokescreen by her hair away from me.

"That hurt! Pipsqueak!"

Smokescreen hissed glaring at Knockout as they began to butt heads.

"Just walk away and leave us alone you walking disaster!"

Knockout dissed back as they continued to glare and basically growl and hiss at each other.

"G-Girls girls! Calm down, I appreciate this but if you two are gonna be like this I might aswell just go home"

Luckily that seemed to work on the both of them as they backed off each other and returned to my side all clinging on their respective arms while still glaring at each other.

What did I get myself into?

. . .

We decided on getting food first and Knockout and Smokescreen argued again on deciding who was going to pay for my meal, we were lucky we weren't kicked out.

Besides the occasional bickering however and the constant fighting over which store and what to do, I kind of got used to it.

And we were beginning to have fun, We were taking pictures left and right and goofing off like kids in the department store and the toys store.

We even watched a movie at the cinema about robot aliens who could transform into vehicles, after that we headed to the arcade and they couldn't help but show their entire competitiveness to the other people.

Although we were winning bundles of tickets..and the two of them even got me a red and blue teddy bear from the claw machine and since they couldn't decide what to buy with the tickets, I chose to buy both of them earings and bracelets while I bought myself a Tintendo.

While we were walking out of the arcade, There was a clothes store in the distance which we decided was going to be our final stop of the day since it was already getting dark and the students have a curfew.

I picked myself a couple of jackets, shirts and pants while the girls seemed to dissapear for a bit picking their own clothes.

After I purchased mine peacefully without having them around arguing on who was going to pay, Smokescreen suddenly grabbed my arm and said.

"Come quick Y/N"

She said giggling, Her eyes flashed with a hint of mischief as she dragged me along the clothes store and towards the changing rooms.

"Where's Knockout?"

I asked while Smokescreen finally let go of my arm and turned around with a sly grin.

"You'll see, Wait there okay?"

And with that she entered one of the stalls with the sounds of clothes and zippers rustling behind them.

"It's worth the wait we promise!"

I heard Knockout say from the stall beside's Smokescreen, And so I decided to sit down on the small chair behind me and wait.

And after a couple of minutes.

"Are you ready Y/N? We're coming out now"

Both the doors to the stalls simultaneously opened..and out came Starscream and Knockout dressed in...amazingly beautiful outfits.

"How do we look Y/N?"

Knockout asked her voice sultry as she twirled the umbrella over her shoulders while doing a small twirl.

"We told you it was worth the wait..."

Smokescreen giggled flirtatiously while stepping one leg forward and running her hand up her waist to her cheek, Looking at me with a seductive grin.

Ba-Dump! Ba-....Ba-dump!

Looking at both of them, I think my heart actually skipped a beat causing me to gulp while sweating nervously.

And to make it worse both of them went over to me taking each of my hand and making me stand up, And they stepped up their clinging by pressing their bodies against my chest and looking at me with their seductive eyes.

"Hey...this is really important so answer us honestly okay?"

Knockout said, Her voice low and husky while her finger traced circles around my chest making a tingle run up my spine.

"Who...looks better?"

Smokescreen tipped forward, Whispering directly into my ear while her other hand moved up to my cheek making me shiver.

As the both of them giggled playfully, Knockout bit her lip while Smokescreen kept that coy smirk.

S-Shit...what do I do? What do I say? And who do I pick?!

[It's important to choose so play along because Your choice will play an important role in the story]

To be continued...

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