Getting to Know the Bots; New Members

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A few months has passed since the battle in Nevada.

The world has found out about the existence of alien life in the form of 10-50 foot tall sentient robots that transform into vehicles. Not only that, but everyone saw Michael McMahon, son of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon there, being caught in the middle of a fight between giant robots and nearly died.

Now, the government has shut down Sector 7, but would later merge it into a collaboration between the Military and the Autobots, forging an alliance to take down the Decepticons once they return to attack Earth.

Leading the new alliance for the humans is Colonel William Lennox, one of the soldiers involved in the Nevada battle and survived an attack at Qatar. On the Autobot's side, stood the leader, Optimus Prime, to held in the fight against Megatron and his army. He made a vow that the Earth will not go through what their home planet went through in their war.

However, the humans are skeptical in this alliance and some members of the US felt the same way, despite Prime reassuring that they'll make sure the Decepticons leave Earth alone. And many wondered if letting these alien robots wonder around in their planet should be safe.

One human doesn't share their thoughts and beliefs...

Michael: Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong? What does that supposed to be?

Michael is seen walking with Ironhide as they talk about what he just said.

Ironhide: That's the Universal Greeting. I'm surprised you humans don't even know it.

Michael: *Shrugs* It's not everyday to have a bunch of giant robots rooming around and stuff.

Ironhide: Good point.

Michael: So after that, what do you do after the greeting?

Ironhide: We gave then energon goodies to make it clear we mean no harm.

Michael: Has that succeeded?

Ironhide: Eh, most of the time.

Michael: Geez. Well, can't make everyone happy.

Ironhide: Tell me about it.

Michael: So do the bots have like abilities outside of transforming, holoforms, and built in guns?

Ironhide: Why yes. For me I have the ability to shoot out Liquid Nitrogen or any kind of element in liquid form.

Michael: That's pretty cool.

Ironhide: Ah, wait until you find out about the other's abilities. Some may surprise you.

?: Hey boys.

They turn and see Arcee approaching them.

Both: Hey, Cee?

Arcee: What are you talking about?

Michael: Hide's been explaining the Universal Greetings and telling me of his abilities.

Arcee: Really. Say, Hide. Can both me and Michael talk alone?

Ironhide: Say no more. I'm actually leaving to meet with Optimus. *he said as he walks off.* Take care.

Arcee and Michael watch him leave as she kneels over to him.

Arcee: I can see you're getting along with the other bots.

Michael: Yeah. I mean, if you guys are gonna stay here until you all decided to leave, I would like to know a lot about you. Like we did on the same day we met.

Arcee: The same day you ran away from me and nearly got killed Barricade?

Michael: Yes and no.

Arcee chuckles as Michael rolls his eyes.

Michael: So how's the team up going?

Arcee: Still under works, but Prime is confident in it succeeding.

Michael: Good. Glad he's being... *Cheeky grin*

Arcee: ... No.

Michael: Gonna say it.

Arcee: Don't.

Michael: Can't stop me.

Arcee: Michael James McMahon, I swear to Primus, if you say it, I-

Michael: Optimistic.

Arcee: That's it!

Arcee tries to grab him but Michael ducks and he runs off. Soon, she starts chasing him as Michael laughs and blows raspberry at her. From a far, we see Mikaela, Alex, and Maria looking on as they chuckled at how Michael's being chased by Arcee.

Mikaela: That's my boyfriend.

Alex: And our best friend.

Maria: And now he's being chased by his Motorcycle Robot Guardian for a pun.

Mikaela: He just like to tease her. It's a counter to Cee's sassiness as he likes when she gets annoyed.

Alex: Despite the fact that she's way too strong and too tall for him? *he asks as they see Arcee catching Michael and dangles him by his legs upside down.*

Mikaela: Eh. He insulted and flipped the bird at a Con trying to kill him, so I don't think the fact their size and strength difference would make him feel intimidated. *she said as Michael sticks his tongue out at Arcee, making her frown.*

Soon, the two laughed as she sets him down. They then turn to their friends and waved at them. The three shook their heads as Mikaela approaches Michael gives him a kiss.

Arcee, Alex, and Maria smiled, seeing the two being a couple after so long apart.

Arcee: I knew they look cute together.

Maria: I've been saying that since the beginning!

Alex: Yeah. No wonder why Mike wouldn't let you two meet, besides the obvious.

Maria: *Rolls her eyes* You and Michael are no fun.

Arcee: Tell me about it. *rolls her optics* Sometimes, people are too serious.

Alex: oh, great. I rather stick with Ratchet.

Maria/Arcee: You're lost.

Michael and Mikaela laughed as they love that their friends and Arcee interacting friendly and casually. It was a bit awkward for them and his family to find out the motorcycle he bought was actually a giant female robot, and the fact there's even a race of giant robots, but the fact remains that they've grown to like them, since Michael's the best judge went it comes to trust.


Michael: Glad to hear that the coalition between humanity and the bots is going well, Optimus.

Michael is seen walking with Optimus Prime at a field, away from public.

Optimus: I agree. Though it is uncertain that the Government would trust us.

Michael: It happens. Earth has had many wars and sometimes allies becomes enemies in a later war. Things like that happen.

Optimus: I see. Both of our kind are not that different from one another. Wars would be inevitable.

Michael: Unfortunate but true. Still, don't give up hope on the cooperation. It takes time.

Optimus: I know, Michael. But, thank you for telling me. It is much appreciated.

Soon, they sat down as they look at the rural field around Greenwich.

Optimus: It is beautiful. Isn't it?

Michael: What? The area?

Optimus: Earth.

Michael: *Looks up at him before nodding.* Yeah. It is. You guys don't stop and look at the scenery?

Optimus: Only for a short while. Our focus was on finding refuge here, then looking for the AllSpark. However, now that we have it, and the Decepticons haven't engage in an attack yet... it really is mesmerizing. Something that... we lack on Cybertron... especially after the War.

Michael looks at him and felt sorry for Prime and the Autobots... and the Decepticons to some extent. Their world is destroyed by years of War and the one source that can save it was sent away to prevent it to be used in the wrong hands.

Michael: Will Cybertron go back to what it was... if the War ended?

Optimus: ... I do not know. But...if the war does end and Autobot and Decepticon have join forces... we will undoubtedly rebuild our home, not to what it was... but to what we want in the future.

Michael: I see. I guess... in a way... Megatron wanted that two, huh?

Optimus: In his own way, yes. Megatron was not like the one you witness months ago.

Michael: I heard from him he was a Gladiator.

Optimus: Indeed he was. He used his Gladiatory background to create a following. I... I would later aid him in his quest for equality.

Michael was shocked to hear that.

Michael: Really? So you were friends?

Optimus: Yes. However, we clashed on how we would gain such a goal. Megatron wanted to gain peace and equality by force and violence. I however, wanted a more peaceful approach.

Michael: So in a way... both of you are right. Megatron does have a point in using force, but for me, it should be the least likely choice to push of equality. So you and Megatron agreed to disagreed.

Optimus: Indeed. We went to the High Counsel, and Megatron spoke out on his desires for peace. However, the words he used rubbed the Counsel the wrong way. He desired to be a Prime and be given a relic only a Prime can hold.

Michael: The AllSpark?

Optimus: No. The Legendary Matrix of Leadership.

Michael: Woah. That's honestly... something. But did the Counsel have it?

Optimus: No. They do not. For in legend, the Matrix has never been in Cybertron as after a war between the Primes, it was kept hidden so it will not fall into the wrong hands.

Michael: And no one knows?

Optimus: It was never in the records. Possibly lost to time or destroy. No one knows.

Michael: Yeah. At least it wouldn't be used to hurt others.

Optimus: Only if they can manipulate they powers of it, it is far less likely the Matrix's purity can be used against anyone.

Michael: Oof. Glad we don't know where it is. Though it would be nice to see it.

Optimus: I would agree.

Michael: So, what happened after Megatron made that declaration?

Optimus: I came in and spoke of the desire of peace and equality. The Counsel seemed pleased, but Megatron saw this as a betrayal. Despite my attempts to make sure I was not, he decided to go full force. And thus creating the Decepticons and the War began.

Michael: Damn. That's crazy. He really wanted to go nuclear and created the War.

Optimus: Yes.

Michael: Do you miss the Megatron he was before?

Optimus stayed silent.

Michael: There's no shame in saying yes, OP. People will say that they miss the old versions of someone.

Optimus: ... Yes. And... a small part of me wanted to make peace with Megatron, not extinguish his spark.

Michael: Understandable. Since you two were very close before everything went down.

Optimus: Yes... But the Megatron I know has long been gone. Killed by his Greed, Tyrannical nature.

Michael: Yeah. Willing to kill anyone that stands in his way. Like humans.

Optimus: Unfortunately. And whatever he's planning, it will end good.

Michael nods as another moment of silence.

Optimus: So... what do you beside school?

Michael: Wrestling.

Optimus: Wrestling?

Michael: Yeah. What did you do before the war?

Optimus: I was a data clerk at Iacon's library.

Michael: So... a Librarian?

Optimus: Affirmative.

Michael: Damn. Seeing how you fight and lead, I'm surprised you were a Librarian before.

Optimus: War will change someone. Either for the better... or the worst.

Michael: True... so you don't do stuff outside of fighting?

Optimus: Unfortunately, no. Take it how you believe it, but I rather not delve into such activities like the others do. War has taken a tool on me.

Michael: Jeez. I understand, Optimus. But... sometimes you should do something to ease your mind a bit. I mean, sure, you're the leader and wants the others to feel at ease. But... sometimes you need to have some alone time and do something.

Optimus: I am. Talking to you while away from the others and watching the scenery brings peace in my spark.

Michael: Oh. Right. Me too. Though, I recommend some landmarks around cities and countries so you can see some amazing things.

Optimus: I'll take not to that, Michael.

Michael: No problem.

Optimus: So how is it with holding the AllSpark Key.

Michael: *Holds it up* It's really something. Even though I'm not a Cybertronian, I can feel the presence in this. I'm just shocked that Primus has a lot of trust me.

Optimus: He may see something within you that you may not believe it is important.

Michael: Like what?

Optimus brings a digit up and presses it onto Michael's chest.

Optimus: You're heart. You care for us, despite us not knowing much about each other and you willing to put yourself in harm's way just to protect those you care for. You take risks, but your spark is in the ring place.

Michael looks at him with a smile, feeling proud.

Optimus: I know times will change us, Michael. However... I hope to Primus you will never change. IF you must, it should be for the better.

Michael: ...I wish the same with you too, Big Bot.

Optimus gave a smile as they resume looking at the scenery in front of them.

*much later*

Everyone was alerted of a incoming signal from outer space. Michael, Mikaela, Alex, and Maria joined them as the Autobots and the military arrive at where they'll most likely land as they prepare for what's to come. Suddenly, a huge ship appears as the Autobots were surprised to see it.

Soon, it lands down as everyone looks on.

Ratchet: An Autobot Shuttle.

William: So more bots?

Michael: Cool.

The shuttle lands as everyone stood back and waited. Soon, the door opens as a big red bot with a Cannon on his chest appears.


Alex: What?

Ironhide: Ah, Slag-

The bot jumps and tackles the other, but mature, red bot as he yells in happiness.

?: Great to see you again, Old Timer!

Ironhide: The feeling is mutual, Warpath.

Warpath stood up as he looks at the others.

Warpath: Primus, is so great to see you guys again!

Brawn: The same, Path! Who else is there.

Warpath: Wait and see?

Epps: He has a cannon on his chest?

Mikaela: Yep and no need to ask further details.

Warpath: Woah. I never though people of Earth can be this tiny.

Ratchet: Just watch where you step.

Soon, another bot appears.

Jazz: Hey, it's Mirage.

Mirage: Jazz! My bot! It's been years!

Mirage hops down and hugs Jazz.

Mirage: You look great, man. Earth seems fun.

Jazz: It is. We got a lot to catch up on.

Soon, two bots arrive. Both look like twins.

Bumblebee: It's Sunstreaker!

Bumblebee: And Sideswipe!

(yes he will still have the feet tires as it's still cool)

Sideswipe: Bee! You're here! And with Prime!

Sunstreaker: Took us years to find this place. If it weren't Prime's call, we'd take more time.

Soon, another bot appears.

Arcee: Springer.

Springer: Cee! It's great to see you. I see you've been friendly with the people here on Earth.

Arcee: "Friendly" is not the word I would use.

Arcee looks down at Michael who looks up at her with an eyebrow raised.

Michael: Ah, come on. You know you love me. *stick his tongue out.*

Springer chuckles as Arcee rolls her optics as another bot appear. This time, Ironhide got excited.

Ironhide: Chromia!

Chromia: Ironhide. It's so good to see you again.

She just down and hugs the big red bot as he hugs back.

Ironhide: *chuckles.* It is. I'm glad you still function after all this time.

Chromia: Me too. *places her servo on his face plate.*

Epps: *whispers* Do... do they have a thing going on?

Michael: Yep. And don't think too much on that, Epps.

Soon, one more bot comes out and Optimus gasps.

?: Hello, Optimus.

Optimus: Elita?


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