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Everyone looks on as we see 7 new Autobots joining. Mirage, Warpath, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, Chromia, Springer, and Elita-One. The Autobots are happy to see some more of their side still alive and have returned to them.

The humans look on as Michael and his friends gave smiles, seeing the Autobots so happy to see more of them alive. Especially seeing how close their are to them.

Soon, Optimus steps forward as Elita walks up to him and the two hold hands. They stare at each other in silence as everyone looks on.

Optimus: I... I do not... I-

Elita places her servo on his check plate and smiles at him.

Elita; I missed you, Optimus.

Optimus soon, smiles as he places his servo against Elita's cheek plate.

Optimus: I missed you too, Elita.

Soon, they pressed their foreheads together as they sigh deeply.

Optimus: I was worried I would not see you, again.

Elita: You and me both, Orion. *looks at the other Autobots.* I'm happy there is more of us out there. *looks at the humans.* And I see you are well acquainted with the people here.

Optimus: Yes. I know. It took a while, but after a fight with the Decepticons, they join forces with us.

Elita: Primus... even they are hear attacking another planet.

Optimus: Do not worry, Elita. For our fight against the Decepticons will continue, with the help of the humans here on Earth.

Elita: I hope so, dear.

Soon, they Autobots catch on their experiences as the humans look on.

William: They really miss each other.

Michael: They're lucky to find more of them around, knowing how devastating the war was back in their planet.

Mikaela: It's nice. It feels... human.

Alex: Yeah. There's no difference.

Maria: Shows what was like before their war.

Soon, Elita approaches the humans and kneels over as she looks at Michael. Michael was surprised but stepped forward.

Elita: Are you Michael? Optimus told me about you and I wanted to see what you look like.

Michael stammers a bit before speaking.

Michael: Yes, ma'am. I'm Michael. I sure Optimus has told you about our experience. And you are Elita.

Elita: Elita-One, but yes. And indeed he did. To think you defy Megatron of all Cybertronians, had the AllSpark shrink for you and be trusted with it. I was thinking it would another Cybertronian, not a human.

Michael: Yeah. It surprised me too.

Elita chuckles as she sees the Key hanging on his neck. She leans her digit down to him and lifts the Key to get a closer look.

Elita: Is that's what's left of the AllSpark?

Michael: Yeah. After I used it against Megatron, it was destroyed, but it's power went to me and form this Key. I don't know what else is it for, except healing the Bots. Hopefully, it has enough energy to restore your home, Elita.

Elita gave a smile. She was surprised and pleased that Michael cared about Cybertron. Soon, she looks at him and gave a narrowed look on her optics.

Elita: I don't know why, but... do you mind?

Michael: Um, sure, but what-Hey!

Elita soon reaches down to him and holds him on both her servo, though gently to not accidently crush him. Arcee looks on very confused a bit concerned as the others look on, wondering what was on Elita's mind.

Elita moves him closer to her as she viewed his face. Michael stays silent while confused at what Elita is doing.

Elita: You... remind me of someone.

Michael: Really?

Elita: Yes.

She then turns around and moves Michael to where Optimus is standing as she looks at them both. Soon, she chuckles.

Elita: Ratchet, Ironhide. Look at this.

Both both sood next to her as they look at Prime and Michael. Soon, they chuckled, too.

Ironhide: I can see it.

Ratchet: More reminds me when Prime was younger before the war, but yes.

Michael and Optimus look at each other, very confused.

Optimus: Well... if Elita says it, then it must be true.

Soon, everyone was agreeing that both Prime and Michael looked a bit similar in a way. Even Michael's friends and Arcee agreed that Optimus and Michael have a bit of a resembles, despite being different species.

Poor Prime and Michael were left confused, but a bit pleased.


After a while, the seven knew Autobots were accepted and rejoined with Optimus's group. They were given Earth Based forms.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe now transform into Lamborghini Countachs.

Mirage now transforms into a Porche 911.

Springer now transforms into a V-22 Osprey.

(Him being a triple changer will be revealed later.)

Chromia transforms into a Toyota Hilux.

Warpath transforms into tank.

And lastly, Elita-One transforms into a Peterbilt 379.

(Yes Elita is a Truck... my story my rules. Leave)


Now, the Autobots increased their numbers by 16 members. The others are adjusting to the planet and their surroundings. Luckily, they have Michael and his friends to help them get to know Earth customs. Soon, after sometime, the Autobots and Human Alliance have been formed.

So, the Non-Biological Extraterrestrials Species Treaty, aka...

NEST has been formed.

A team to help fight against the Evil Forces of the Decepticons... *cheeky grin*

*time skip*

Brighton Falls, California

We see Michael and Mikaela waiting at a park outside of the town, waiting for someone.

Mikaela: You think she'll be here?

Michael: Yeah. I mean... you know me, right?

Mikaela: True. You're the most likeable person I know.

Soon, they hear a car coming as Michael and Mikaela look on as he smiles.

Michael: Told ya.

Soon, the see a 1960 Chevrolet Corvette heading towards them.

Soon, the vehicle parks a few feet away from them as they can see the driver. It was a mature woman with brown hair.

It's Charlie Watson.

Ever since both her and Bumblebee went on their separate ways, when she grew older, she inherited Hank's Marine Repairs and Parts from Hank, as he saw potential in her. After getting an Engineering degree, she became very set in working the Workshop with Hank being a consultant despite his retirement.

Hank would later pass away and Charlie honors him by keeping his name on the Workshop. She has since married and gained three children and is living well. However, she still has Bee in her mind and hoped they'll meet again.

She comes out and approaches the young couple.

Charlie: Hello. You must be Michael McMahon.

Michael: Yep. You're Charlie Watson. Pleasure to meet you.

Charlie: Pleasure to meet you too. And who's this?

Michael: Oh, this is Mikaela Banes, my girlfriend.

Mikaela: Hello, Mrs. Watson.

Charlie: Banes... are you related to Colin Banes?

Mikaela: *surprised* Yes. He's my father. How did you know?

Charlie: He used to work for me years ago before leaving town. Guess he settled down and had you.

Mikaela: Yeah. It was a bit, but we managed. He's working well right know.

Charlie: That's good to hear. Be sure to tell him I said Hi.

Mikaela: I will.

Michael smiles as he lets them talk for a bit.

Charlie: So what brings you two here? Aren't you far from home?

Michael: Yep. We just came here with a few friends so you reunite.

Charlie: Reunite? What do you-

Soon, a yellow Camaro appears allow with a Motorcycle as Charlie looks on in surprise before they both Transform into Bumblebee and Arcee. She gasps as she looks up at the Camaro turning into... her old friend.

Charlie: ... Bee? *starts to tear up*

Bumblebee: ... *radio* Hey, Charlie. *normal voice* It's great to see you.

Charlie looks at him in shock and amazement.

Charlie: You can talk, now.

Bumblebee nods as he kneels over to her. Soon, Charlie couldn't take it anymore, ran, and hugged her robot friend, who hugs her back.

Michael, Arcee, and Mikaela look on as they watch Bee and Charlie hugging, after years away from each other. 

Charlie: I saw what happened in Nevada. *pulls away and wipes off her tears.* I thought you'd be busy to see me again.

Bumblebee: Yes. But... *points at Michael.* He can be a scary guy to adults. Even Soldiers and Commanders.

Michael nods, dingily, as Mikaela and Arcee chuckled. This made him look at them with a frown. But then, he chuckles. Soon, Charlie walks up to Michael and hugs him.

Charlie: Thank you, Michael. You don't know how much this means to me.

Michael nods as he hugs her back.

Michael: No problem, Charlie. Just wanted two friends reuniting with each other.

Soon, Bumblebee and Charlie made up for lost time, talking about their lives after separating while Arcee, Michael, and Mikaela watches them. Soon, they all have to leave, but Bumblebee promise Charlie that he'll come and visit and she promised him he'll meet her family in the future.

*in Space*

In the Nemesis, Megatron is seen looking through his plans as Soundwave goes up to him.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron. We have discovered more Decepticons across the Stars that are set to join your ranks.

Megatron: Excellent, Soundwave. Get them ready to arrive at the Nemesis.

Soundwave: Yes, Lord Megatron. *Walks off*

Starscream: Are you sure we will find this Harvester you speak off? According to my research, it has been there for more than 10 Million Mega-Cycles (years). Who knows where it would be right now. And I doubt the Flesh Creatures would find out about it.

Megatron: Your knowledge is only overshadowed by your stupidity, Starscream. While you are right that the Humans would find out, but what you don't realized that the Ancients have purposefully hid the machine in a location that's under the ground of the planet.

Starscream: So, it would prevent us from reaching it?

Megatron: Yes. And they buried several components in several places so that no one can find them. And with the planet's continents separating, they're scattered in different countries.

Starscream: I see. And where did you get all this information about the Harvester?

Megatron: *chuckles* I had some help from an old friend Many Mega-Cycles ago. *walks off* No get ready. New Decepticons are arriving soon, and I want to meet them personally.

Starscream: Yes, Lord Megatron. *thinks about it.* "Old friend"?


Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave stood on the hanger of the Nemesis. Soon, Soundwave opens the Ground Bridge as they wait for the Decepticons coming in. Soon, one enters.

Starscream: Thrust. Another Seeker to annoy me.

Thrust: Oh shut up, Starscream. No one likes you.

Megatron laughs as Starscream grumbles. Soon, another Con enters through the portal.

(Yep. Transit. This design is a waste to not use)

Megatron: Transit. It is a pleasure seeing you again.

Transit: Yes, Lord Megatron.

Soon, another enters.

Megatron: Shadow Striker. The best Sniper in my Ranks.

Shadow Striker: A pleasure to join you again, Megatron.

Soon, another enters.

Soundwave: Sideways.

Starscream: Shouldn't you be dead?

Sideways: Should you be after trying to be leader behind Megatron's back?

Starscream grumbles.

Megatron: If you know what's good for you, Starscream, I suggest you shut your mouth plates.

Soon, another Con enters.

(I told you he'll be here in original G1 style)

Megatron: Blitzing. A pleasure to see you again.

Blitzwing: Yes sir. I was damaged until I was repaired.

Megatron: Good. Your abilities as a triple changer would make it wasteful to not use. Despite me being one as well.

Blitzwing nods another enters.

Starscream: Slipstream?!

Slipstream: What? Miss me, Starscream? I don't.

Starscream: Neither do I.

Slipstream: Then it's mutual.

Megatron: Slipstream, is there more coming?

Slipstream: One. But I'm sure you'd be pleased.

Slipstream steps aside as footsteps were heard. Soon, a silhouette appears and Starscream recognized it and gasps. Soon...

Megatron: Shockwave... *pleased*

Shockwave: Lord Megatron. It is an honor to see you after so long. Ever since you left Cybertron, me and Soundwave took care of the Autobots.

Starscream: I did too-

Soundwave: No you did not.

Megatron: Enough. I am pleased you all came to join me.

Shockwave: Indeed. After what Soundwave reported, we were all quite ecstatic that you are alive.

Megatron: Good. Now, Decepticons. We have a plan. Soundwave.

Soundwave's chest glows as it shows a projection of Megatron's plan. 

Megatron: This is the Planet Harvester. Many were built by the ancients to extract energy from the planet when Energon is low on Cybertron. However, many were destroyed or too damaged to rebuild. However, I find out one is on Earth, fully intact, waiting to be discovered. 

Sideways: Then all we have to do is find it, then?

Megatron: That and a few artifacts in order to reactivate the machine. The ancients took each component and scattered them over the Earth. With the continents separating over time, they could be everywhere. 

Shockwave: Interesting. 

Megatron: You will have to deal with the Autobots. And... him.

Soundwave changes the screen to...

 Blitzwing: What is that?

Megatron: A human. One of many living on Earth. His name is Michael, and he was the one responsible to destroy the AllSpark. 

The Decepticons look on in shock and anger. How can a simple, defenseless organic destroy the Relic of their Home, dooming it?

Megatron: He's allies with the Autobots, and with him, they forged an alliance with the Fleshlings of Earth. And... *growls* The AllSpark protected him and gave him power before he destroyed it.

Starscream: Using you to do it- Gets Punched* AGH! 

Shadow Striker: So, he's enemy as well?

Megatron: Yes. He managed to evade most of us went trying to capture or kill him on his own. With the Autobots and their Human allies, he'll be well protected. 

Thrust: Then, we need to separate them so we can kill him. 

Megatron: In due time, Thrust. For now, we must focus on finding the Artifacts and the Harvester. With it, we'll suck the Energy of the Earth and use it for Cybertron. Now, prepare yourselves. Soundwave will give you Earth-Base forms for disguise. 

The Decepticons nod as they walk off, leaving Megatron alone. 

Megatron: That boy... he will rue the day he defied me. 

?: Yes. But once his usefulness has been worn down. 

Megatron: What? What is this? Show yourself.

?: Don't worry. Only you can see me. However, if you as I say, I will appear and grant you want you desired. 

Megatron: Who are you?

Soon, a glowing appears before a appear of servos appeared, stepping on the floor in front of Megatron. Soon, the light fades, revealing who it is. 

?: I... am Megatronus Prime.

How's the chapter?

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