Meeting a Disgraced Prime

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Megatron and Megatronus stare at each other as Megatron is shocked to see the one he named himself after in front of him. He had heard stories about Megatronus, along with the other 13 Primes, and felt inspired by him. He named himself after him when he began his time as a Gladiator. But now, he's seeing him face to face.

Megatron: Megatronus... How is this possible?

Megatronus: After my banishment from the Primes, I simply travel across worlds, watching, thinking, and plotting my revenge on those who had wronged me. The Primes and that Planet you call Earth.

Megatron: Earth... Why should I care about that miserable rock? The humans and Autobots infest it, yes, but what does this have to do with Cybertron? What do you want from me, Megatronus?"

Megatronus: I want what you want, Megatron—what every true Decepticon wants. Cybertron reborn. With the Planet Harvester, we can drain Earth of all its energy, and bring life back to our home world. I will help you find the ancient artifacts required to locate it. Together, we will restore Cybertron's glory... and destroy the Autobots and humans in the process.

Megatron's optics flash, the promise of Cybertron's rebirth stoking a fire within him, but his instincts tell him not to trust the Fallen.

Megatron: *aims his Fusion Cannon at him* What makes you think I should trust you in this mission? You deceived the Primes once. You expect me to believe you'll keep your word? I'll not be your pawn.

Megatronus doesn't flinch. He crosses his arms, his tone smooth and calculating.

Megatronus: I seek only to watch Earth perish, drained of its resources. The Autobots, the humans—they mean nothing to me, but their destruction will bring me... satisfaction. As for you, Megatron, I offer more than just Cybertron's revival. I offer you what you've craved for so long: the power of a Prime. I can grant you a body worthy of your ambition.

Megatron's optics widen for a brief moment. The temptation of such power is undeniable, but his wariness returns just as quickly. He keeps his cannon trained on the Fallen, though his grip loosens slightly. Megatron still has his Cannon aimed at Megatronus Prime while staring at him.

Megatron: The power of a Prime... the very thing I've sought... You would grant me that? What's the price, Megatronus? I don't believe for one second that you'd hand over such power without strings attached.

Megatronus: No strings, Megatron. Simply watch as Earth crumbles and drains into the Planet Harvester. Cybertron will thrive once more, and you will rise to claim the throne as its ruler. All I wish for is to watch the world that once defied me perish.

Megatron hesitates. The Fallen's offer is tantalizing, but the Decepticon leader is no fool. He knows treachery when he sees it. Slowly, deliberately, Megatron lowers his cannon.

Megatron: Hmm... Very well. I will consider your offer, Megatronus. But know this—should you think to deceive me, you will learn firsthand why I lead the Decepticons, and why even the name of Megatron is feared across the stars.

Megatronus: Good.

Megatron: But what of the boy?

Megatronus: The boy? Do not kill him... yet. He may be of use. The AllSpark's power lingers within him, and such power cannot simply be destroyed.

Megatron's optics narrow. The answer is vague, intentionally so. He doesn't trust it, but he remains silent as Megatronus steps through the doorway, disappearing into the dark void.

Fallen: We will meet again. Farewell, for now... Megatron.

Soon, the Fallen fades away as Megatron looks on.

Megatron: Fool... I will take what you offer, but make no mistake, Megatronus. I will tear you apart before you ever get the chance to betray me.

His optics glow brighter, his grip on his cannon tightening as he turns, prepared for the inevitable betrayal that he knows will come. Megatron shook his head as he walked off, before meeting Soundwave and Nightbird who saw everything.

Soundwave: Megatron, was that-

Megatron: Yes, Soundwave. That was Megatronus Prime.

Soundwave: Astonishing. How is he able to live for many cycles till now?

Megatron: I agree as well.

Nightbird gave him a look, wondering if he was going to trust Megatronus's word.

(What others but Soundwave didn't know is that Nightbird was around when Megatron was a gladiator in Kaon. She fought in the battles like him and alongside him, earning his respect. But in those matches, she was so damaged that it destroyed her. She has since been repaired and made a vow of silence, only communicating with her actions and expressions. When Soundwave isn't around, Megatron would confide in her and she gives her opinions silently.)

Megatron: No, Nightbird. While I look up to him in my days as a Gladiator, he still deceived the other Primes. I wouldn't trust him, either way.

Soundwave: Then, why did you make an agreement with him?

Megatron: Because, at the end of the day, he will still aid us in our mission. But, I am not going to be played a fool. I know what he promised me is a lie. So, when it is revealed, I will prove to him why a "Divine" being like him is no match for me.

Soundwave and Nightbird were astonished by that. Is he willing to kill a Prime like the Fallen? Seeing his determination, and the fact he survived an AllSpark explosion point blank, they can see he's serious. They soon nodded as Megatron nodded back.

Megatron: Good. Now, prepare the troops. We will begin the mission, shortly.

He walks off as they watch him leave before following him.

*back on Earth*

Optimus and Elita are seen riding on a plain field in their vehicle forms. Soon, they transform as they view the scenery in front of them.

Elita: This planet... it's so beautiful.

Optimus: Indeed. It reminds me of how Cybertron looked before the war... before everything was lost.

A silence fell between them as they both reflected on the devastation that had befallen their homeworld. Elita broke the silence, her voice gentle.

Elita: I know you regret sending the AllSpark away, Optimus. But you had no choice. Megatron would have used it to destroy everything. You did what you had to—to save us.

Optimus: Perhaps. But even now, the weight of that decision stays with me. We lost our home. We lost everything. I can't help but wonder if there could have been another way.

Elita: There wasn't. If the AllSpark had fallen into Megatron's hands, Cybertron would have been doomed even faster. Your choice brought us time, and hope.

Optimus looks at her, his massive frame still but filled with turmoil. The leadership burden is always on his shoulders, even more so with every passing battle.

Optimus: I also wonder if sending the Autobots across the stars was a mistake. We scattered, searching for hope, but what have we found? More wars, more loss. And now, Earth... Earth is paying the price for our conflict.

Elita: *placing her servo gently over his, her touch soft but strong* Don't do that, Optimus. Don't carry this alone. Earth would be lost without you, just as we would've been. You didn't fail us, you saved us. The Decepticons would have hunted us to extinction if we stayed on Cybertron. You gave us a fighting chance.

Optimus feels the warmth of her servo, the reassurance in her touch bringing a sense of calm over him.

Optimus: Yet, this planet... these humans... they didn't ask for our war. I fear we are bringing the same destruction here that we tried to escape.

Elita: *firm but gentle, lifting his chin slightly with her other servo* You can't carry that guilt. You are protecting Earth. Megatron, the Decepticons—they are the ones responsible for the devastation. You are a great leader, Optimus. We follow you because we believe in you. Don't let doubt cloud your spark.

Optimus looks into her optics, seeing the belief she has in him, the love and trust that anchors him in moments of uncertainty. He lets out another sigh, though this one is lighter, more accepting of the truth.

Optimus: Thank you, Elita. Your words always bring clarity when my mind feels... clouded.

They share a moment, their optics locked before gently pressing their foreheads together, a symbol of their bond and the love that has carried them through countless battles.

The world around them fades for just a moment, as they find solace in each other's presence, standing as more than soldiers, but as partners in both war and peace.

*with Mikaela and Arcee*

Mikaela and Arcee are seen outside of Michael's house as they wait for him. Arcee is in her Motorcycle form as they engage in conversation.

Arcee: So how long have you two known each other?

Mikaela: Since Middle School. But we rarely talk, though we're nice to each other. He even helped me with homework and carried me to the nurse's office after my sprained ankle.

Arcee: I see.

Mikaela: But we were just acquaintances. Nothing more. Then the other kids started teasing us and shit. It grew annoying that we decided to not talk to each other in school until me and my father moved.

Arcee: Geez.

Mikaela: But we remained friendly outside and we said goodbye before I left. Then my dad and I moved back, he got himself cleared, and I joined Michael's high school.

Arcee: So this Trent, why were you with him?

Mikaela: I don't know. I thought he was cool, though not as cool as Michael. Plus I was still reeling from the drama in Middle School and knew it would be worse in High School. Plus, Michael stayed away so that Trent wouldn't think I was some tramp looking for a better man.

Arcee: And you did, but because of his idiotic paranoia.

Mikaela: Yep. It helped that I wasn't going to deal with the fact he tried to attack Michael. I was taught by my dad to not take that kind of slag from guys. He didn't like Trent but wanted me to be happy.

Arcee: I bet he's happy now that you've got Michael.

Mikaela: Yep. *sighs* I always wonder this question about him.

Arcee: And I know which one you're thinking. I had the same feeling when we talked and during the battle.

Both: Why is he this great of a person?

They chuckled as Michael came out.

Michael: Hey, guys. How do I look?

Both look at him in stunned silence as he waits for their reply.

Michael: What? Is the attire too much? Mom thinks the gloves are too un the nose, but I like the look.

Mikaela: Uh, no, Mikey. We were just... taken aback.

Arcee: We rarely seen you like... fit and put together sort of speak.

Michael: Oh. Well, I figured since it's a date, I figured I dress my best. I also got my hair and eyebrows done.

Mikaela: Yeah. You look great, regardless of whatever look you have.

Arcee: Agreed. Also your jacket.  Why does it have some blue on it?

Michael: Oh, well... I was kinda inspired by your look, Cee.

Arcee: Me?

Michael: Yeah. While I like Black and Red, since they look cool, when I put Blue instead of red... it hits differently. Plus, you made loom cool, Cee.

Arcee: Oh... um...

Mikaela: I think you kinda broke her, Mike.

Michael: *chuckles sheepishly* Yeah.

Arcee: C-can we just go? Please?

They chuckled as they hopped on top of her.

Michael: Wanna go first?

Mikaela: Hmm... yeah.

So, Mikaela sat in front while Michael sat behind her. Soon, they pulled back and drove off for their day.

How's the chapter?

Trailer coming soon...

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